Implements the datastream client connector for the ws
package by implementing the connector interface.
interface Connection$Configuration {
log: boolean;
url: string;
interface Connection$Callback {
(event: 'open'): void;
(event: 'close', code: number, reason: string, clean: boolean): void;
(event: 'error', error: Error): void;
(event: 'pong', data: string): void;
(event: 'message', data: any): void;
interface Connection$Socket {
readonly OPEN: number;
readonly CONNECTING: number;
readonly CLOSING: number;
readonly CLOSED: number;
readonly readyState: number;
send(data: any, cb: (err?: Error) => void): void;
close(code?: number, reason?: string): void;
ping(sid: string): void;
terminate(): void;
type Connection$Connector = (
config: Connection$Configuration,
callback: Connection$Callback
) => Connection$Socket;