This node module is based on rubato, a Rust program that can re-sampler (change sample rate) quickly
We create a bindign via and published it.
Build (if needed)
yarn && yarn run build
Unit Tests
Cargo test && Yarn test
From buffer (expect f32 data)
import { reSampleBuffer } from "@avahq/resampler-native-rubato";
From int16 buffer
import { reSampleInt16Buffer } from "@avahq/resampler-native-rubato";
From file (just present for try purpose)
import { reSampleAudioFile } from "@avahq/resampler-native-rubato";
Ensure you have set your NPM_TOKEN in the GitHub project setting.
In Settings -> Secrets, add NPM_TOKEN into it.
When you want to release the package:
npm version [ | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease [--preid=] | from-git]
git push
GitHub actions will do the rest job for you.