A package for routing tokens from Chain A to Chain B, and unifying multiple bridge tools into one.
What is this?
The bridging ecosystem is complex. There are often multiple tools that can be used to bridge tokens from one chain to another, and sometimes to get a token from chain A to C you need to use multiple bridging tools and route through chain B first. This package simplifies that process by creating the Unified Bridge API, a standard interface for bridging tokens from one chain to another without having to worry about the underlying tools or the underlying intermediary chains.
These are the bridges we currently support:
- CCTP - preferred for bridging USDC between Ethereum and Avalanche C-Chain. See the
Future bridges we plan to support:
- Avalanche Bridge - is capable of transferring a fixed list of tokens between Ethereum and Avalanche C-Chain.
- Teleporter - for moving tokens between subnets.
- Cross-Chain Transfer - for moving tokens between the three Avalanche Primary Network chains (X-Chain, C-Chain, and P-Chain).
Getting Started
npm install @avalabs/bridge-unified
yarn add @avalabs/bridge-unified
pnpm add @avalabs/bridge-unified
import { createUnifiedBridgeService, getEnabledBridgeServices, Environment, BridgeTransfer } from '@avalabs/bridge-unified';
const environment = Environment.TEST;
const evmSigner: EvmSigner = {
sign: async ({ data, from, to, value }) => {
return await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'eth_sendTransaction,',
account: from,
data: data ?? undefined,
to: to ?? null,
chain: undefined,
const btcSigner: BtcSigner = {
sign: async ({ inputs, outputs }) => {
return await window.ethereum.request({
method: 'bitcoin_signTransaction',
params: { inputs, outputs },
const cctpInitializer: EvmBridgeInitializer = {
type: BridgeType.CCTP,
signer: evmSigner,
const icttErc20Initializer: EvmBridgeInitializer = {
type: BridgeType.ICTT_ERC20_ERC20,
signer: evmSigner,
const avalancheEvmInitializer: EvmBridgeInitializer = {
type: BridgeType.AVALANCHE_EVM,
signer: evmSigner,
const avalancheBtcInitializer: AvaToBtcBridgeInitializer = {
type: BridgeType.AVALANCHE_AVA_BTC,
signer: evmSigner,
bitcoinFunctions: bitcoinProvider as BitcoinFunctions,
const bitcoinAvaInitializer: BtcToAvaBridgeInitializer = {
type: BridgeType.AVALANCHE_BTC_AVA,
signer: btcSigner,
bitcoinFunctions: bitcoinProvider as BitcoinFunctions,
const enabledBridgeInitializers: BridgeInitializer[] = [
const enabledBridgeServices = await getEnabledBridgeServices(environment, disabledBridgeTypes);
const unifiedService = createUnifiedBridgeService({
const assets = await unifiedService.getAssets()
const fees = await unifiedService.getFees({...})
const bridgeTransfer = await unifiedService.transferAsset({...})
const updateListener = (transfer: BridgeTransfer) => {
const { cancel, result } = await unifiedService.trackTransfer({bridgeTransfer, updateListener, ...})
const finalizedBridgeTransfer = await result
getEnabledBridgeServices(environment, enabledBridgeInitializers);
Type: (environment: Environment, enabledBridgeInitializers: BridgeInitializer[]) => Promise<BridgeServicesMap>
Returns all available bridge services for a given environment (excluding disabledBridgeTypes). Any bridge service which fails to initialize will be absent from this returned value.
Type: Environment
Defines if the bridge service should use testnet
or mainnet
Type: BridgeInitializer[]
Enables the integration of the provided BridgeType
s based on each BridgeInitializer
Type: BridgeServicesMap
=> Map<BridgeType, BridgeService>
This includes all the bridge services which were initialized successfully, to pass to createUnifiedBridgeService
createUnifiedBridgeService({ environment, enabledBridgeServices })
Returns a new unifiedBridgeService
for the given environment
and enabledBridgeServices
Contains all the required properties and methods to prepare, initiate or track a bridge transfer.
Automatically picks the right (enabled) bridge integration to use based on the provided params.
Type: () => Promise<ChainAssetMap>
Returns the aggregated list of assets supported by the enabled bridges grouped by caip2 chain IDs.
Type: (params: FeeParams) => Promise<AssetFeeMap>
Calculates and returns the bridge fees in tokenAddress
- amount
pairs for a given bridge transfer.
Type: (params: TransferParams) => Promise<bigint>
Estimates the gas cost of a specific transfer.
Type: (params: FeeParams) => Promise<bigint>
Calculates and returns the minimum transfer amount for a given bridge transfer.
Type: (params: TransferParams) => Promise<BridgeTransfer>
Starts a new bridge transfer, executing every required step in a single call.
Transactions signing is done by a custom sign
callback. The custom sign
implementation may use their own solution or the default dispatch
callback to submit the transaction to the network.
Returns a BridgeTransfer
containing all the (known) initial values such as: environment, addresses, amount, fee, transaction hash, required and actual block confirmation counts, etc.
Notes about TransferParams:
fromAddress: The address where the bridge amount is from.
toAddress: The address where the bridge amount is going to end up.
For example, A user has an account with AddressC and AddressBtc.
The user wants to bridge some funds from Ethereum to Avalanche using the same address. FromAddress and toAddress will be both AddressC.
The user wants to bridge some funds from Bitcoin to Avalanche.
FromAddress is AddressBtc and toAddress is AddressC.
Some bridges allows you to bridge the tokens to a different address. (CCTP and ICTT ERC20).
In this case, fromAddress is the address of the token is getting bridged from. And toAddress is the address which is going to receive the bridged funds.
Type: (params: TrackingParams) => ({cancel, result})
Tracks the given BridgeTransfer
's progress and invokes the provided listener callback whenever a change happens.
Type: () => void
If it's still pending, rejects the tracker's promise (result
) immediately and breaks its loop under the hood.
Type: Promise<BridgeTransfer>
Resolves with the finalized BridgeTransfer
(if not canceled before).