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Detect and block malicious and high-risk dependencies


Comparing version 3.245.0 to 3.348.0


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CognitoIdentity = void 0;
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const CognitoIdentityClient_1 = require("./CognitoIdentityClient");

@@ -28,326 +29,30 @@ const CreateIdentityPoolCommand_1 = require("./commands/CreateIdentityPoolCommand");

const UpdateIdentityPoolCommand_1 = require("./commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand");
const commands = {
CreateIdentityPoolCommand: CreateIdentityPoolCommand_1.CreateIdentityPoolCommand,
DeleteIdentitiesCommand: DeleteIdentitiesCommand_1.DeleteIdentitiesCommand,
DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: DeleteIdentityPoolCommand_1.DeleteIdentityPoolCommand,
DescribeIdentityCommand: DescribeIdentityCommand_1.DescribeIdentityCommand,
DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: DescribeIdentityPoolCommand_1.DescribeIdentityPoolCommand,
GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand_1.GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand,
GetIdCommand: GetIdCommand_1.GetIdCommand,
GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand_1.GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand,
GetOpenIdTokenCommand: GetOpenIdTokenCommand_1.GetOpenIdTokenCommand,
GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand,
GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand_1.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand,
ListIdentitiesCommand: ListIdentitiesCommand_1.ListIdentitiesCommand,
ListIdentityPoolsCommand: ListIdentityPoolsCommand_1.ListIdentityPoolsCommand,
ListTagsForResourceCommand: ListTagsForResourceCommand_1.ListTagsForResourceCommand,
LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand,
MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand_1.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand,
SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand_1.SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand,
SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand_1.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand,
TagResourceCommand: TagResourceCommand_1.TagResourceCommand,
UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand,
UnlinkIdentityCommand: UnlinkIdentityCommand_1.UnlinkIdentityCommand,
UntagResourceCommand: UntagResourceCommand_1.UntagResourceCommand,
UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: UpdateIdentityPoolCommand_1.UpdateIdentityPoolCommand,
class CognitoIdentity extends CognitoIdentityClient_1.CognitoIdentityClient {
createIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new CreateIdentityPoolCommand_1.CreateIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
deleteIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DeleteIdentitiesCommand_1.DeleteIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
deleteIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DeleteIdentityPoolCommand_1.DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
describeIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DescribeIdentityCommand_1.DescribeIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
describeIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DescribeIdentityPoolCommand_1.DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getCredentialsForIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand_1.GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getId(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetIdCommand_1.GetIdCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getIdentityPoolRoles(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand_1.GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getOpenIdToken(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetOpenIdTokenCommand_1.GetOpenIdTokenCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand_1.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListIdentitiesCommand_1.ListIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listIdentityPools(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListIdentityPoolsCommand_1.ListIdentityPoolsCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listTagsForResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListTagsForResourceCommand_1.ListTagsForResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
lookupDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
mergeDeveloperIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand_1.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
setIdentityPoolRoles(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand_1.SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
setPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand_1.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
tagResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new TagResourceCommand_1.TagResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
unlinkDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand_1.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
unlinkIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UnlinkIdentityCommand_1.UnlinkIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
untagResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UntagResourceCommand_1.UntagResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
updateIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UpdateIdentityPoolCommand_1.UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
exports.CognitoIdentity = CognitoIdentity;
(0, smithy_client_1.createAggregatedClient)(commands, CognitoIdentity);


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CognitoIdentityClient = void 0;
exports.CognitoIdentityClient = exports.__Client = void 0;
const config_resolver_1 = require("@aws-sdk/config-resolver");

@@ -14,2 +14,3 @@ const middleware_content_length_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__Client", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Client; } });
const EndpointParameters_1 = require("./endpoint/EndpointParameters");

@@ -16,0 +17,0 @@ const runtimeConfig_1 = require("./runtimeConfig");

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CreateIdentityPoolCommand = void 0;
exports.CreateIdentityPoolCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class CreateIdentityPoolCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_CreateIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_CreateIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
exports.CreateIdentityPoolCommand = CreateIdentityPoolCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DeleteIdentitiesCommand = void 0;
exports.DeleteIdentitiesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class DeleteIdentitiesCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_DeleteIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_DeleteIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
exports.DeleteIdentitiesCommand = DeleteIdentitiesCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DeleteIdentityPoolCommand = void 0;
exports.DeleteIdentityPoolCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class DeleteIdentityPoolCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
exports.DeleteIdentityPoolCommand = DeleteIdentityPoolCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DescribeIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.DescribeIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class DescribeIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_DescribeIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_DescribeIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.DescribeIdentityCommand = DescribeIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.DescribeIdentityPoolCommand = void 0;
exports.DescribeIdentityPoolCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class DescribeIdentityPoolCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
exports.DescribeIdentityPoolCommand = DescribeIdentityPoolCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -22,2 +18,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand = GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetIdCommand = void 0;
exports.GetIdCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetIdCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -22,2 +18,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetIdCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetIdCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetIdCommand = GetIdCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = void 0;
exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetOpenIdTokenCommand = void 0;
exports.GetOpenIdTokenCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetOpenIdTokenCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -22,2 +18,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetOpenIdTokenCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetOpenIdTokenCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetOpenIdTokenCommand = GetOpenIdTokenCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand = GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = void 0;
exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(output, context);
exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ListIdentitiesCommand = void 0;
exports.ListIdentitiesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class ListIdentitiesCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_ListIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_ListIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
exports.ListIdentitiesCommand = ListIdentitiesCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ListIdentityPoolsCommand = void 0;
exports.ListIdentityPoolsCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class ListIdentityPoolsCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_ListIdentityPoolsCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_ListIdentityPoolsCommand)(output, context);
exports.ListIdentityPoolsCommand = ListIdentityPoolsCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ListTagsForResourceCommand = void 0;
exports.ListTagsForResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class ListTagsForResourceCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_ListTagsForResourceCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_ListTagsForResourceCommand)(output, context);
exports.ListTagsForResourceCommand = ListTagsForResourceCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand = LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand = void 0;
exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand)(output, context);
exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand = MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = void 0;
exports.SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand)(output, context);
exports.SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand = SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = void 0;
exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand)(output, context);
exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand = SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.TagResourceCommand = void 0;
exports.TagResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class TagResourceCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_TagResourceCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_TagResourceCommand)(output, context);
exports.TagResourceCommand = TagResourceCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand = UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UnlinkIdentityCommand = void 0;
exports.UnlinkIdentityCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");
const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class UnlinkIdentityCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -22,2 +18,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_UnlinkIdentityCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_UnlinkIdentityCommand)(output, context);
exports.UnlinkIdentityCommand = UnlinkIdentityCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UntagResourceCommand = void 0;
exports.UntagResourceCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class UntagResourceCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_UntagResourceCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_UntagResourceCommand)(output, context);
exports.UntagResourceCommand = UntagResourceCommand;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UpdateIdentityPoolCommand = void 0;
exports.UpdateIdentityPoolCommand = exports.$Command = void 0;
const middleware_endpoint_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint");

@@ -8,9 +8,5 @@ const middleware_serde_1 = require("@aws-sdk/middleware-serde");

const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
const models_0_1 = require("../models/models_0");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "$Command", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.Command; } });
const Aws_json1_1_1 = require("../protocols/Aws_json1_1");
class UpdateIdentityPoolCommand extends smithy_client_1.Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -24,2 +20,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -37,4 +37,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use((0, middleware_serde_1.getSerdePlugin)(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: models_0_1.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.se_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand)(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
return (0, Aws_json1_1_1.de_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand)(output, context);
exports.UpdateIdentityPoolCommand = UpdateIdentityPoolCommand;

@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ "use strict";

const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./CognitoIdentityClient"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./CognitoIdentity"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./CognitoIdentityClient"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./commands"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./pagination"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./models"), exports);
tslib_1.__exportStar(require("./pagination"), exports);
var CognitoIdentityServiceException_1 = require("./models/CognitoIdentityServiceException");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "CognitoIdentityServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return CognitoIdentityServiceException_1.CognitoIdentityServiceException; } });
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.CognitoIdentityServiceException = void 0;
exports.CognitoIdentityServiceException = exports.__ServiceException = void 0;
const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__ServiceException", { enumerable: true, get: function () { return smithy_client_1.ServiceException; } });
class CognitoIdentityServiceException extends smithy_client_1.ServiceException {

@@ -6,0 +7,0 @@ constructor(options) {

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog = exports.RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog = exports.MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog = exports.DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog = exports.CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog = exports.ConcurrentModificationException = exports.DeveloperUserAlreadyRegisteredException = exports.RoleMappingType = exports.MappingRuleMatchType = exports.InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException = exports.ExternalServiceException = exports.ResourceNotFoundException = exports.ErrorCode = exports.TooManyRequestsException = exports.ResourceConflictException = exports.NotAuthorizedException = exports.LimitExceededException = exports.InvalidParameterException = exports.InternalErrorException = exports.AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = void 0;
exports.UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = void 0;
exports.ConcurrentModificationException = exports.DeveloperUserAlreadyRegisteredException = exports.RoleMappingType = exports.MappingRuleMatchType = exports.InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException = exports.ExternalServiceException = exports.ResourceNotFoundException = exports.ErrorCode = exports.TooManyRequestsException = exports.ResourceConflictException = exports.NotAuthorizedException = exports.LimitExceededException = exports.InvalidParameterException = exports.InternalErrorException = exports.AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = void 0;
const CognitoIdentityServiceException_1 = require("./CognitoIdentityServiceException");
var AmbiguousRoleResolutionType;
(function (AmbiguousRoleResolutionType) {
AmbiguousRoleResolutionType["AUTHENTICATED_ROLE"] = "AuthenticatedRole";
AmbiguousRoleResolutionType["DENY"] = "Deny";
})(AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = exports.AmbiguousRoleResolutionType || (exports.AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = {}));
exports.AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = {
AUTHENTICATED_ROLE: "AuthenticatedRole",
DENY: "Deny",
class InternalErrorException extends CognitoIdentityServiceException_1.CognitoIdentityServiceException {

@@ -89,7 +87,6 @@ constructor(opts) {

exports.TooManyRequestsException = TooManyRequestsException;
var ErrorCode;
(function (ErrorCode) {
ErrorCode["ACCESS_DENIED"] = "AccessDenied";
ErrorCode["INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"] = "InternalServerError";
})(ErrorCode = exports.ErrorCode || (exports.ErrorCode = {}));
exports.ErrorCode = {
ACCESS_DENIED: "AccessDenied",
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "InternalServerError",
class ResourceNotFoundException extends CognitoIdentityServiceException_1.CognitoIdentityServiceException {

@@ -134,14 +131,12 @@ constructor(opts) {

exports.InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException = InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException;
var MappingRuleMatchType;
(function (MappingRuleMatchType) {
MappingRuleMatchType["CONTAINS"] = "Contains";
MappingRuleMatchType["EQUALS"] = "Equals";
MappingRuleMatchType["NOT_EQUAL"] = "NotEqual";
MappingRuleMatchType["STARTS_WITH"] = "StartsWith";
})(MappingRuleMatchType = exports.MappingRuleMatchType || (exports.MappingRuleMatchType = {}));
var RoleMappingType;
(function (RoleMappingType) {
RoleMappingType["RULES"] = "Rules";
RoleMappingType["TOKEN"] = "Token";
})(RoleMappingType = exports.RoleMappingType || (exports.RoleMappingType = {}));
exports.MappingRuleMatchType = {
CONTAINS: "Contains",
EQUALS: "Equals",
NOT_EQUAL: "NotEqual",
STARTS_WITH: "StartsWith",
exports.RoleMappingType = {
RULES: "Rules",
TOKEN: "Token",
class DeveloperUserAlreadyRegisteredException extends CognitoIdentityServiceException_1.CognitoIdentityServiceException {

@@ -173,185 +168,1 @@ constructor(opts) {

exports.ConcurrentModificationException = ConcurrentModificationException;
const CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog = CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog;
const CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog = IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog;
const DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog = UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog;
const DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog;
const DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog = MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog;
const RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog = RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog;
const RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog = RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog = ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
const UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog;
const UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
exports.UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.paginateListIdentityPools = void 0;
const CognitoIdentity_1 = require("../CognitoIdentity");
const CognitoIdentityClient_1 = require("../CognitoIdentityClient");

@@ -10,5 +9,2 @@ const ListIdentityPoolsCommand_1 = require("../commands/ListIdentityPoolsCommand");

const makePagedRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => {
return await client.listIdentityPools(input, ...args);
async function* paginateListIdentityPools(config, input, ...additionalArguments) {

@@ -21,6 +17,3 @@ let token = config.startingToken || undefined;

input["MaxResults"] = config.pageSize;
if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentity_1.CognitoIdentity) {
page = await makePagedRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments);
else if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentityClient_1.CognitoIdentityClient) {
if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentityClient_1.CognitoIdentityClient) {
page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments);

@@ -27,0 +20,0 @@ }

@@ -13,3 +13,2 @@ "use strict";

const util_user_agent_browser_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser");
const util_utf8_browser_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser");
const runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require("./runtimeConfig.shared");

@@ -39,6 +38,4 @@ const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");

useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? (() => Promise.resolve(config_resolver_1.DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT)),
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? util_utf8_browser_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? util_utf8_browser_1.toUtf8,
exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig;

@@ -16,3 +16,2 @@ "use strict";

const util_user_agent_node_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node");
const util_utf8_node_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-utf8-node");
const runtimeConfig_shared_1 = require("./runtimeConfig.shared");

@@ -48,6 +47,4 @@ const smithy_client_1 = require("@aws-sdk/smithy-client");

useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? (0, node_config_provider_1.loadConfig)(config_resolver_1.NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? util_utf8_node_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? util_utf8_node_1.toUtf8,
exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig;

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ "use strict";

const util_base64_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-base64");
const util_utf8_1 = require("@aws-sdk/util-utf8");
const endpointResolver_1 = require("./endpoint/endpointResolver");

@@ -18,3 +19,5 @@ const getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({

urlParser: config?.urlParser ?? url_parser_1.parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? util_utf8_1.fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? util_utf8_1.toUtf8,
exports.getRuntimeConfig = getRuntimeConfig;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { createAggregatedClient } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { CognitoIdentityClient } from "./CognitoIdentityClient";

@@ -25,325 +26,29 @@ import { CreateIdentityPoolCommand, } from "./commands/CreateIdentityPoolCommand";

import { UpdateIdentityPoolCommand, } from "./commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
const commands = {
export class CognitoIdentity extends CognitoIdentityClient {
createIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new CreateIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
deleteIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DeleteIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
deleteIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
describeIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DescribeIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
describeIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getCredentialsForIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getId(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetIdCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getIdentityPoolRoles(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getOpenIdToken(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetOpenIdTokenCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
getPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listIdentityPools(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListIdentityPoolsCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
listTagsForResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new ListTagsForResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
lookupDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
mergeDeveloperIdentities(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
setIdentityPoolRoles(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
setPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
tagResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new TagResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
unlinkDeveloperIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
unlinkIdentity(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UnlinkIdentityCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
untagResource(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UntagResourceCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
updateIdentityPool(args, optionsOrCb, cb) {
const command = new UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(args);
if (typeof optionsOrCb === "function") {
this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
else if (typeof cb === "function") {
if (typeof optionsOrCb !== "object")
throw new Error(`Expect http options but get ${typeof optionsOrCb}`);
this.send(command, optionsOrCb || {}, cb);
else {
return this.send(command, optionsOrCb);
createAggregatedClient(commands, CognitoIdentity);

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ import { resolveRegionConfig } from "@aws-sdk/config-resolver";

import { getRuntimeConfig as __getRuntimeConfig } from "./runtimeConfig";
export { __Client };
export class CognitoIdentityClient extends __Client {

@@ -15,0 +16,0 @@ constructor(configuration) {

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog, IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand, serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_CreateIdentityPoolCommand, se_CreateIdentityPoolCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class CreateIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
return se_CreateIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);
return de_CreateIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog, DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand, serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_DeleteIdentitiesCommand, se_DeleteIdentitiesCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class DeleteIdentitiesCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
return se_DeleteIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand(output, context);
return de_DeleteIdentitiesCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand, serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand, se_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class DeleteIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
return se_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);
return de_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog, IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_DescribeIdentityCommand, se_DescribeIdentityCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class DescribeIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_DescribeIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_DescribeIdentityCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog, IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand, serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand, se_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class DescribeIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
return se_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);
return de_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);
import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";
import { getSerdePlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde";
import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand, se_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -19,2 +15,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(output, context);
import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";
import { getSerdePlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde";
import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetIdCommand, se_GetIdCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetIdCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -19,2 +15,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand(input, context);
return se_GetIdCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand(output, context);
return de_GetIdCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, se_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input, context);
return se_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(output, context);
return de_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(output, context);
import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";
import { getSerdePlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde";
import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetOpenIdTokenCommand, se_GetOpenIdTokenCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetOpenIdTokenCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -19,2 +15,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand(input, context);
return se_GetOpenIdTokenCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand(output, context);
return de_GetOpenIdTokenCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand, se_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog, GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, se_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input, context);
return se_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(output, context);
return de_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog, ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand, serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_ListIdentitiesCommand, se_ListIdentitiesCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class ListIdentitiesCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
return se_ListIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand(output, context);
return de_ListIdentitiesCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog, ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand, serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_ListIdentityPoolsCommand, se_ListIdentityPoolsCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class ListIdentityPoolsCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand(input, context);
return se_ListIdentityPoolsCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand(output, context);
return de_ListIdentityPoolsCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog, ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand, serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_ListTagsForResourceCommand, se_ListTagsForResourceCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class ListTagsForResourceCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand(input, context);
return se_ListTagsForResourceCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand(output, context);
return de_ListTagsForResourceCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog, LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand, se_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog, MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand, serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand, se_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
return se_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(output, context);
return de_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand, se_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input, context);
return se_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(output, context);
return de_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog, SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand, se_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input, context);
return se_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(output, context);
return de_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog, TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand, serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_TagResourceCommand, se_TagResourceCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class TagResourceCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand(input, context);
return se_TagResourceCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand(output, context);
return de_TagResourceCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand, se_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(output, context);
import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";
import { getSerdePlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-serde";
import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand, serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_UnlinkIdentityCommand, se_UnlinkIdentityCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class UnlinkIdentityCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -19,2 +15,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (output) => output,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand(input, context);
return se_UnlinkIdentityCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand(output, context);
return de_UnlinkIdentityCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog, UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog, } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand, serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_UntagResourceCommand, se_UntagResourceCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class UntagResourceCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand(input, context);
return se_UntagResourceCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand(output, context);
return de_UntagResourceCommand(output, context);

@@ -5,9 +5,5 @@ import { getEndpointPlugin } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { Command as $Command } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog } from "../models/models_0";
import { deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand, serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand, } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
import { de_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand, se_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand } from "../protocols/Aws_json1_1";
export { $Command };
export class UpdateIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command {
constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
static getEndpointParameterInstructions() {

@@ -21,2 +17,6 @@ return {

constructor(input) {
this.input = input;
resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {

@@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ this.middlewareStack.use(getSerdePlugin(configuration, this.serialize, this.deserialize));

inputFilterSensitiveLog: IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog,
inputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,
outputFilterSensitiveLog: (_) => _,

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const { requestHandler } = configuration;

serialize(input, context) {
return serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
return se_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(input, context);
deserialize(output, context) {
return deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);
return de_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(output, context);

@@ -0,6 +1,6 @@

export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./CognitoIdentity";
export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./commands";
export * from "./pagination";
export * from "./models";
export * from "./pagination";
export { CognitoIdentityServiceException } from "./models/CognitoIdentityServiceException";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException, } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
export { __ServiceException };
export class CognitoIdentityServiceException extends __ServiceException {

@@ -3,0 +4,0 @@ constructor(options) {

import { CognitoIdentityServiceException as __BaseException } from "./CognitoIdentityServiceException";
export var AmbiguousRoleResolutionType;
(function (AmbiguousRoleResolutionType) {
AmbiguousRoleResolutionType["AUTHENTICATED_ROLE"] = "AuthenticatedRole";
AmbiguousRoleResolutionType["DENY"] = "Deny";
})(AmbiguousRoleResolutionType || (AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = {}));
export const AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = {
AUTHENTICATED_ROLE: "AuthenticatedRole",
DENY: "Deny",
export class InternalErrorException extends __BaseException {

@@ -79,7 +78,6 @@ constructor(opts) {

export var ErrorCode;
(function (ErrorCode) {
ErrorCode["ACCESS_DENIED"] = "AccessDenied";
ErrorCode["INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"] = "InternalServerError";
})(ErrorCode || (ErrorCode = {}));
export const ErrorCode = {
ACCESS_DENIED: "AccessDenied",
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "InternalServerError",
export class ResourceNotFoundException extends __BaseException {

@@ -121,14 +119,12 @@ constructor(opts) {

export var MappingRuleMatchType;
(function (MappingRuleMatchType) {
MappingRuleMatchType["CONTAINS"] = "Contains";
MappingRuleMatchType["EQUALS"] = "Equals";
MappingRuleMatchType["NOT_EQUAL"] = "NotEqual";
MappingRuleMatchType["STARTS_WITH"] = "StartsWith";
})(MappingRuleMatchType || (MappingRuleMatchType = {}));
export var RoleMappingType;
(function (RoleMappingType) {
RoleMappingType["RULES"] = "Rules";
RoleMappingType["TOKEN"] = "Token";
})(RoleMappingType || (RoleMappingType = {}));
export const MappingRuleMatchType = {
CONTAINS: "Contains",
EQUALS: "Equals",
NOT_EQUAL: "NotEqual",
STARTS_WITH: "StartsWith",
export const RoleMappingType = {
RULES: "Rules",
TOKEN: "Token",
export class DeveloperUserAlreadyRegisteredException extends __BaseException {

@@ -158,139 +154,1 @@ constructor(opts) {

export const CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({
export const UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog = (obj) => ({

@@ -1,2 +0,1 @@

import { CognitoIdentity } from "../CognitoIdentity";
import { CognitoIdentityClient } from "../CognitoIdentityClient";

@@ -7,5 +6,2 @@ import { ListIdentityPoolsCommand, } from "../commands/ListIdentityPoolsCommand";

const makePagedRequest = async (client, input, ...args) => {
return await client.listIdentityPools(input, ...args);
export async function* paginateListIdentityPools(config, input, ...additionalArguments) {

@@ -18,6 +14,3 @@ let token = config.startingToken || undefined;

input["MaxResults"] = config.pageSize;
if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentity) {
page = await makePagedRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments);
else if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentityClient) {
if (config.client instanceof CognitoIdentityClient) {
page = await makePagedClientRequest(config.client, input, ...additionalArguments);

@@ -24,0 +17,0 @@ }

@@ -9,3 +9,2 @@ import packageInfo from "../package.json";

import { defaultUserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser";
import { fromUtf8, toUtf8 } from "@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser";
import { getRuntimeConfig as getSharedRuntimeConfig } from "./runtimeConfig.shared";

@@ -35,5 +34,3 @@ import { loadConfigsForDefaultMode } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";

useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? (() => Promise.resolve(DEFAULT_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT)),
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8,

@@ -12,3 +12,2 @@ import packageInfo from "../package.json";

import { defaultUserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node";
import { fromUtf8, toUtf8 } from "@aws-sdk/util-utf8-node";
import { getRuntimeConfig as getSharedRuntimeConfig } from "./runtimeConfig.shared";

@@ -44,5 +43,3 @@ import { loadConfigsForDefaultMode } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";

useFipsEndpoint: config?.useFipsEndpoint ?? loadNodeConfig(NODE_USE_FIPS_ENDPOINT_CONFIG_OPTIONS),
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8,
import { NoOpLogger } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { parseUrl } from "@aws-sdk/url-parser";
import { fromBase64, toBase64 } from "@aws-sdk/util-base64";
import { fromUtf8, toUtf8 } from "@aws-sdk/util-utf8";
import { defaultEndpointResolver } from "./endpoint/endpointResolver";

@@ -14,2 +15,4 @@ export const getRuntimeConfig = (config) => ({

urlParser: config?.urlParser ?? parseUrl,
utf8Decoder: config?.utf8Decoder ?? fromUtf8,
utf8Encoder: config?.utf8Encoder ?? toUtf8,

@@ -26,47 +26,5 @@ import { HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions } from "@aws-sdk/types";

import { UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
* <fullname>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</fullname>
* <p>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities is a web service that delivers scoped temporary
* credentials to mobile devices and other untrusted environments. It uniquely identifies a
* device and supplies the user with a consistent identity over the lifetime of an
* application.</p>
* <p>Using Amazon Cognito Federated Identities, you can enable authentication with one or
* more third-party identity providers (Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon) or an Amazon
* Cognito user pool, and you can also choose to support unauthenticated access from your app.
* Cognito delivers a unique identifier for each user and acts as an OpenID token provider
* trusted by AWS Security Token Service (STS) to access temporary, limited-privilege AWS
* credentials.</p>
* <p>For a description of the authentication flow from the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide
* see <a href="">Authentication Flow</a>.</p>
* <p>For more information see <a href="">Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</a>.</p>
export declare class CognitoIdentity extends CognitoIdentityClient {
export interface CognitoIdentity {
* <p>Creates a new identity pool. The identity pool is a store of user identity
* information that is specific to your AWS account. The keys for <code>SupportedLoginProviders</code> are as follows:</p>
* <ul>
* <li>
* <p>Facebook: <code></code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Google: <code></code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Amazon: <code></code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Twitter: <code></code>
* </p>
* </li>
* <li>
* <p>Digits: <code></code>
* </p>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommand}

@@ -77,5 +35,3 @@ createIdentityPool(args: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

* <p>Deletes identities from an identity pool. You can specify a list of 1-60 identities
* that you want to delete.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommand}

@@ -86,5 +42,3 @@ deleteIdentities(args: DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput>;

* <p>Deletes an identity pool. Once a pool is deleted, users will not be able to
* authenticate with the pool.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommand}

@@ -95,5 +49,3 @@ deleteIdentityPool(args: DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

* <p>Returns metadata related to the given identity, including when the identity was
* created and any associated linked logins.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link DescribeIdentityCommand}

@@ -104,5 +56,3 @@ describeIdentity(args: DescribeIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<DescribeIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Gets details about a particular identity pool, including the pool name, ID
* description, creation date, and current number of users.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommand}

@@ -113,7 +63,3 @@ describeIdentityPool(args: DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

* <p>Returns credentials for the provided identity ID. Any provided logins will be
* validated against supported login providers. If the token is for
*, it will be passed through to AWS Security Token Service
* with the appropriate role for the token.</p>
* <p>This is a public API. You do not need any credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand}

@@ -124,5 +70,3 @@ getCredentialsForIdentity(args: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Generates (or retrieves) a Cognito ID. Supplying multiple logins will create an
* implicit linked account.</p>
* <p>This is a public API. You do not need any credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link GetIdCommand}

@@ -133,4 +77,3 @@ getId(args: GetIdCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetIdCommandOutput>;

* <p>Gets the roles for an identity pool.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}

@@ -141,7 +84,3 @@ getIdentityPoolRoles(args: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;

* <p>Gets an OpenID token, using a known Cognito ID. This known Cognito ID is returned by
* <a>GetId</a>. You can optionally add additional logins for the identity.
* Supplying multiple logins creates an implicit link.</p>
* <p>The OpenID token is valid for 10 minutes.</p>
* <p>This is a public API. You do not need any credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommand}

@@ -152,15 +91,3 @@ getOpenIdToken(args: GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput>;

* <p>Registers (or retrieves) a Cognito <code>IdentityId</code> and an OpenID Connect
* token for a user authenticated by your backend authentication process. Supplying multiple
* logins will create an implicit linked account. You can only specify one developer provider
* as part of the <code>Logins</code> map, which is linked to the identity pool. The developer
* provider is the "domain" by which Cognito will refer to your users.</p>
* <p>You can use <code>GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity</code> to create a new identity
* and to link new logins (that is, user credentials issued by a public provider or developer
* provider) to an existing identity. When you want to create a new identity, the
* <code>IdentityId</code> should be null. When you want to associate a new login with an
* existing authenticated/unauthenticated identity, you can do so by providing the existing
* <code>IdentityId</code>. This API will create the identity in the specified
* <code>IdentityPoolId</code>.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand}

@@ -171,3 +98,3 @@ getOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity(args: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Use <code>GetPrincipalTagAttributeMap</code> to list all mappings between <code>PrincipalTags</code> and user attributes.</p>
* @see {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}

@@ -178,4 +105,3 @@ getPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;

* <p>Lists the identities in an identity pool.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link ListIdentitiesCommand}

@@ -186,4 +112,3 @@ listIdentities(args: ListIdentitiesCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<ListIdentitiesCommandOutput>;

* <p>Lists all of the Cognito identity pools registered for your account.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommand}

@@ -194,6 +119,3 @@ listIdentityPools(args: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;

* <p>Lists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito identity pool.</p>
* <p>A tag is a label that you can apply to identity pools to categorize and manage them in
* different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.</p>
* <p>You can use this action up to 10 times per second, per account.</p>
* @see {@link ListTagsForResourceCommand}

@@ -204,19 +126,3 @@ listTagsForResource(args: ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput>;

* <p>Retrieves the <code>IdentityID</code> associated with a
* <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> or the list of <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code>
* values associated with an <code>IdentityId</code> for an existing identity. Either
* <code>IdentityID</code> or <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> must not be null. If you
* supply only one of these values, the other value will be searched in the database and
* returned as a part of the response. If you supply both,
* <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> will be matched against <code>IdentityID</code>. If
* the values are verified against the database, the response returns both values and is the
* same as the request. Otherwise a <code>ResourceConflictException</code> is
* thrown.</p>
* <p>
* <code>LookupDeveloperIdentity</code> is intended for low-throughput control plane
* operations: for example, to enable customer service to locate an identity ID by username.
* If you are using it for higher-volume operations such as user authentication, your requests
* are likely to be throttled. <a>GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity</a> is a
* better option for higher-volume operations for user authentication.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand}

@@ -227,15 +133,3 @@ lookupDeveloperIdentity(args: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Merges two users having different <code>IdentityId</code>s, existing in the same
* identity pool, and identified by the same developer provider. You can use this action to
* request that discrete users be merged and identified as a single user in the Cognito
* environment. Cognito associates the given source user (<code>SourceUserIdentifier</code>)
* with the <code>IdentityId</code> of the <code>DestinationUserIdentifier</code>. Only
* developer-authenticated users can be merged. If the users to be merged are associated with
* the same public provider, but as two different users, an exception will be
* thrown.</p>
* <p>The number of linked logins is limited to 20. So, the number of linked logins for the
* source user, <code>SourceUserIdentifier</code>, and the destination user,
* <code>DestinationUserIdentifier</code>, together should not be larger than 20.
* Otherwise, an exception will be thrown.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand}

@@ -246,4 +140,3 @@ mergeDeveloperIdentities(args: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput>;

* <p>Sets the roles for an identity pool. These roles are used when making calls to <a>GetCredentialsForIdentity</a> action.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}

@@ -254,3 +147,3 @@ setIdentityPoolRoles(args: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;

* <p>You can use this operation to use default (username and clientID) attribute or custom attribute mappings.</p>
* @see {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}

@@ -261,17 +154,3 @@ setPrincipalTagAttributeMap(args: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;

* <p>Assigns a set of tags to the specified Amazon Cognito identity pool. A tag is a label
* that you can use to categorize and manage identity pools in different ways, such as by
* purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.</p>
* <p>Each tag consists of a key and value, both of which you define. A key is a general
* category for more specific values. For example, if you have two versions of an identity
* pool, one for testing and another for production, you might assign an
* <code>Environment</code> tag key to both identity pools. The value of this key might be
* <code>Test</code> for one identity pool and <code>Production</code> for the
* other.</p>
* <p>Tags are useful for cost tracking and access control. You can activate your tags so that
* they appear on the Billing and Cost Management console, where you can track the costs
* associated with your identity pools. In an IAM policy, you can constrain permissions for
* identity pools based on specific tags or tag values.</p>
* <p>You can use this action up to 5 times per second, per account. An identity pool can have
* as many as 50 tags.</p>
* @see {@link TagResourceCommand}

@@ -282,7 +161,3 @@ tagResource(args: TagResourceCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<TagResourceCommandOutput>;

* <p>Unlinks a <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> from an existing identity. Unlinked
* developer users will be considered new identities next time they are seen. If, for a given
* Cognito identity, you remove all federated identities as well as the developer user
* identifier, the Cognito identity becomes inaccessible.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand}

@@ -293,6 +168,3 @@ unlinkDeveloperIdentity(args: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Unlinks a federated identity from an existing account. Unlinked logins will be
* considered new identities next time they are seen. Removing the last linked login will make
* this identity inaccessible.</p>
* <p>This is a public API. You do not need any credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link UnlinkIdentityCommand}

@@ -303,4 +175,3 @@ unlinkIdentity(args: UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput>;

* <p>Removes the specified tags from the specified Amazon Cognito identity pool. You can use
* this action up to 5 times per second, per account</p>
* @see {@link UntagResourceCommand}

@@ -311,4 +182,3 @@ untagResource(args: UntagResourceCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<UntagResourceCommandOutput>;

* <p>Updates an identity pool.</p>
* <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>
* @see {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommand}

@@ -319,1 +189,20 @@ updateIdentityPool(args: UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Promise<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

* @public
* <fullname>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</fullname>
* <p>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities is a web service that delivers scoped temporary
* credentials to mobile devices and other untrusted environments. It uniquely identifies a
* device and supplies the user with a consistent identity over the lifetime of an
* application.</p>
* <p>Using Amazon Cognito Federated Identities, you can enable authentication with one or
* more third-party identity providers (Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon) or an Amazon
* Cognito user pool, and you can also choose to support unauthenticated access from your app.
* Cognito delivers a unique identifier for each user and acts as an OpenID token provider
* trusted by AWS Security Token Service (STS) to access temporary, limited-privilege AWS
* credentials.</p>
* <p>For a description of the authentication flow from the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide
* see <a href="">Authentication Flow</a>.</p>
* <p>For more information see <a href="">Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</a>.</p>
export declare class CognitoIdentity extends CognitoIdentityClient implements CognitoIdentity {

@@ -7,5 +7,6 @@ import { RegionInputConfig, RegionResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/config-resolver";

import { UserAgentInputConfig, UserAgentResolvedConfig } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent";
import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http";
import { Client as __Client, DefaultsMode, SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration, SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { BodyLengthCalculator as __BodyLengthCalculator, Credentials as __Credentials, Decoder as __Decoder, Encoder as __Encoder, HashConstructor as __HashConstructor, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, Logger as __Logger, Provider as __Provider, Provider, StreamCollector as __StreamCollector, UrlParser as __UrlParser, UserAgent as __UserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { Client as __Client, DefaultsMode as __DefaultsMode, SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration, SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { BodyLengthCalculator as __BodyLengthCalculator, ChecksumConstructor as __ChecksumConstructor, Credentials as __Credentials, HashConstructor as __HashConstructor, HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions, Logger as __Logger, Provider, UrlParser as __UrlParser, UserAgent as __UserAgent } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { Decoder as __Decoder, Encoder as __Encoder, Provider as __Provider, StreamCollector as __StreamCollector } from "@smithy/types";
import { CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "./commands/CreateIdentityPoolCommand";

@@ -35,4 +36,14 @@ import { DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput } from "./commands/DeleteIdentitiesCommand";

import { ClientInputEndpointParameters, ClientResolvedEndpointParameters, EndpointParameters } from "./endpoint/EndpointParameters";
export declare type ServiceInputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput | DescribeIdentityCommandInput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput | GetIdCommandInput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | ListIdentitiesCommandInput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput | ListTagsForResourceCommandInput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | TagResourceCommandInput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | UnlinkIdentityCommandInput | UntagResourceCommandInput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput;
export declare type ServiceOutputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput | GetIdCommandOutput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | ListIdentitiesCommandOutput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput | ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | TagResourceCommandOutput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput | UntagResourceCommandOutput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput;
export { __Client };
* @public
export type ServiceInputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput | DescribeIdentityCommandInput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput | GetIdCommandInput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | ListIdentitiesCommandInput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput | ListTagsForResourceCommandInput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput | TagResourceCommandInput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput | UnlinkIdentityCommandInput | UntagResourceCommandInput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput;
* @public
export type ServiceOutputTypes = CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput | DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityCommandOutput | DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput | GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput | GetIdCommandOutput | GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput | GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | ListIdentitiesCommandOutput | ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput | ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput | LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput | SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput | SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput | TagResourceCommandOutput | UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput | UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput | UntagResourceCommandOutput | UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput;
* @public
export interface ClientDefaults extends Partial<__SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> {

@@ -44,7 +55,7 @@ /**

* A constructor for a class implementing the {@link __Hash} interface
* A constructor for a class implementing the {@link @aws-sdk/types#ChecksumConstructor} interface
* that computes the SHA-256 HMAC or checksum of a string or binary buffer.
* @internal
sha256?: __HashConstructor;
sha256?: __ChecksumConstructor | __HashConstructor;

@@ -96,14 +107,7 @@ * The function that will be used to convert strings into HTTP endpoints.

* Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry.
* Unique service identifier.
* @internal
maxAttempts?: number | __Provider<number>;
serviceId?: string;
* Specifies which retry algorithm to use.
retryMode?: string | __Provider<string>;
* Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error.
logger?: __Logger;
* Enables IPv6/IPv4 dualstack endpoint.

@@ -117,7 +121,2 @@ */

* Unique service identifier.
* @internal
serviceId?: string;
* The AWS region to which this client will send requests

@@ -137,19 +136,42 @@ */

* The {@link DefaultsMode} that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK.
* Value for how many times a request will be made at most in case of retry.
defaultsMode?: DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode>;
maxAttempts?: number | __Provider<number>;
* Specifies which retry algorithm to use.
retryMode?: string | __Provider<string>;
* Optional logger for logging debug/info/warn/error.
logger?: __Logger;
* The {@link @aws-sdk/smithy-client#DefaultsMode} that will be used to determine how certain default configuration options are resolved in the SDK.
defaultsMode?: __DefaultsMode | __Provider<__DefaultsMode>;
declare type CognitoIdentityClientConfigType = Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> & ClientDefaults & RegionInputConfig & EndpointInputConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryInputConfig & HostHeaderInputConfig & AwsAuthInputConfig & UserAgentInputConfig & ClientInputEndpointParameters;
* The configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class constructor that set the region, credentials and other options.
* @public
export type CognitoIdentityClientConfigType = Partial<__SmithyConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions>> & ClientDefaults & RegionInputConfig & EndpointInputConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryInputConfig & HostHeaderInputConfig & AwsAuthInputConfig & UserAgentInputConfig & ClientInputEndpointParameters;
* @public
* The configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class constructor that set the region, credentials and other options.
export interface CognitoIdentityClientConfig extends CognitoIdentityClientConfigType {
declare type CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType = __SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> & Required<ClientDefaults> & RegionResolvedConfig & EndpointResolvedConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryResolvedConfig & HostHeaderResolvedConfig & AwsAuthResolvedConfig & UserAgentResolvedConfig & ClientResolvedEndpointParameters;
* The resolved configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link CognitoIdentityClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}.
* @public
export type CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType = __SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> & Required<ClientDefaults> & RegionResolvedConfig & EndpointResolvedConfig<EndpointParameters> & RetryResolvedConfig & HostHeaderResolvedConfig & AwsAuthResolvedConfig & UserAgentResolvedConfig & ClientResolvedEndpointParameters;
* @public
* The resolved configuration interface of CognitoIdentityClient class. This is resolved and normalized from the {@link CognitoIdentityClientConfig | constructor configuration interface}.
export interface CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig extends CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType {
* @public
* <fullname>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</fullname>

@@ -183,2 +205,1 @@ * <p>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities is a web service that delivers scoped temporary

export {};

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { CreateIdentityPoolInput, IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput extends CreateIdentityPoolInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput extends IdentityPool, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Creates a new identity pool. The identity pool is a store of user identity

@@ -45,6 +60,60 @@ * information that is specific to your AWS account. The keys for <code>SupportedLoginProviders</code> are as follows:</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // CreateIdentityPoolInput
* IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: true || false, // required
* AllowClassicFlow: true || false,
* SupportedLoginProviders: { // IdentityProviders
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: [ // OIDCProviderList
* ],
* CognitoIdentityProviders: [ // CognitoIdentityProviderList
* { // CognitoIdentityProvider
* ProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* ClientId: "STRING_VALUE",
* ServerSideTokenCheck: true || false,
* },
* ],
* SamlProviderARNs: [ // SAMLProviderList
* ],
* IdentityPoolTags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new CreateIdentityPoolCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // IdentityPool
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: true || false, // required
* // AllowClassicFlow: true || false,
* // SupportedLoginProviders: { // IdentityProviders
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: [ // OIDCProviderList
* // ],
* // CognitoIdentityProviders: [ // CognitoIdentityProviderList
* // { // CognitoIdentityProvider
* // ProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ClientId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ServerSideTokenCheck: true || false,
* // },
* // ],
* // SamlProviderARNs: [ // SAMLProviderList
* // ],
* // IdentityPoolTags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput - {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput}
* @returns {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput}
* @see {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -54,2 +123,24 @@ * @see {@link CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link LimitExceededException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the total number of user pools has exceeded a preset limit.</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -59,2 +150,5 @@ export declare class CreateIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command<CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput);

@@ -65,4 +159,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DeleteIdentitiesInput, DeleteIdentitiesResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput extends DeleteIdentitiesInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput extends DeleteIdentitiesResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Deletes identities from an identity pool. You can specify a list of 1-60 identities

@@ -21,6 +36,22 @@ * that you want to delete.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // DeleteIdentitiesInput
* IdentityIdsToDelete: [ // IdentityIdList // required
* ],
* };
* const command = new DeleteIdentitiesCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // DeleteIdentitiesResponse
* // UnprocessedIdentityIds: [ // UnprocessedIdentityIdList
* // { // UnprocessedIdentityId
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ErrorCode: "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // ],
* // };
* ```
* @param DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput - {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput}
* @returns {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput}
* @see {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -30,2 +61,14 @@ * @see {@link DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -35,2 +78,5 @@ export declare class DeleteIdentitiesCommand extends $Command<DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput);

@@ -41,4 +87,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DeleteIdentityPoolInput } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput extends DeleteIdentityPoolInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput extends __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Deletes an identity pool. Once a pool is deleted, users will not be able to

@@ -21,6 +36,13 @@ * authenticate with the pool.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // DeleteIdentityPoolInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new DeleteIdentityPoolCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput - {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput}
* @returns {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput}
* @see {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -30,2 +52,21 @@ * @see {@link DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -35,2 +76,5 @@ export declare class DeleteIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput);

@@ -41,4 +85,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DescribeIdentityInput, IdentityDescription } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link DescribeIdentityCommand}.
export interface DescribeIdentityCommandInput extends DescribeIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link DescribeIdentityCommand}.
export interface DescribeIdentityCommandOutput extends IdentityDescription, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Returns metadata related to the given identity, including when the identity was

@@ -21,6 +36,20 @@ * created and any associated linked logins.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // DescribeIdentityInput
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new DescribeIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // IdentityDescription
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Logins: [ // LoginsList
* // ],
* // CreationDate: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
* // LastModifiedDate: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
* // };
* ```
* @param DescribeIdentityCommandInput - {@link DescribeIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link DescribeIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link DescribeIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -30,2 +59,21 @@ * @see {@link DescribeIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -35,2 +83,5 @@ export declare class DescribeIdentityCommand extends $Command<DescribeIdentityCommandInput, DescribeIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: DescribeIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -41,4 +92,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<DescribeIdentityCommandInput, DescribeIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DescribeIdentityPoolInput, IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput extends DescribeIdentityPoolInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput extends IdentityPool, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Gets details about a particular identity pool, including the pool name, ID

@@ -21,6 +36,38 @@ * description, creation date, and current number of users.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // DescribeIdentityPoolInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new DescribeIdentityPoolCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // IdentityPool
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: true || false, // required
* // AllowClassicFlow: true || false,
* // SupportedLoginProviders: { // IdentityProviders
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: [ // OIDCProviderList
* // ],
* // CognitoIdentityProviders: [ // CognitoIdentityProviderList
* // { // CognitoIdentityProvider
* // ProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ClientId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ServerSideTokenCheck: true || false,
* // },
* // ],
* // SamlProviderARNs: [ // SAMLProviderList
* // ],
* // IdentityPoolTags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput - {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput}
* @returns {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput}
* @see {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -30,2 +77,21 @@ * @see {@link DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -35,2 +101,5 @@ export declare class DescribeIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput);

@@ -41,4 +110,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetCredentialsForIdentityInput, GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand}.
export interface GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput extends GetCredentialsForIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand}.
export interface GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput extends GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Returns credentials for the provided identity ID. Any provided logins will be

@@ -23,6 +38,25 @@ * validated against supported login providers. If the token is for

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetCredentialsForIdentityInput
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Logins: { // LoginsMap
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* CustomRoleArn: "STRING_VALUE",
* };
* const command = new GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Credentials: { // Credentials
* // AccessKeyId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // SecretKey: "STRING_VALUE",
* // SessionToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Expiration: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput - {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -32,2 +66,33 @@ * @see {@link GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ExternalServiceException} (client fault)
* <p>An exception thrown when a dependent service such as Facebook or Twitter is not
* responding</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidIdentityPoolConfigurationException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown if the identity pool has no role associated for the given auth type
* (auth/unauth) or if the AssumeRole fails.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -37,2 +102,5 @@ export declare class GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand extends $Command<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -43,4 +111,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetIdInput, GetIdResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetIdCommand}.
export interface GetIdCommandInput extends GetIdInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetIdCommand}.
export interface GetIdCommandOutput extends GetIdResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Generates (or retrieves) a Cognito ID. Supplying multiple logins will create an

@@ -21,6 +36,19 @@ * implicit linked account.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetIdInput
* AccountId: "STRING_VALUE",
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Logins: { // LoginsMap
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new GetIdCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetIdResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param GetIdCommandInput - {@link GetIdCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetIdCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetIdCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -30,2 +58,32 @@ * @see {@link GetIdCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ExternalServiceException} (client fault)
* <p>An exception thrown when a dependent service such as Facebook or Twitter is not
* responding</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link LimitExceededException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the total number of user pools has exceeded a preset limit.</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -35,2 +93,5 @@ export declare class GetIdCommand extends $Command<GetIdCommandInput, GetIdCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetIdCommandInput);

@@ -41,4 +102,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetIdCommandInput, GetIdCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetIdentityPoolRolesInput, GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}.
export interface GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput extends GetIdentityPoolRolesInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}.
export interface GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput extends GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Gets the roles for an identity pool.</p>

@@ -20,6 +35,34 @@ * <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetIdentityPoolRolesInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Roles: { // RolesMap
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // RoleMappings: { // RoleMappingMap
* // "<keys>": { // RoleMapping
* // Type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // AmbiguousRoleResolution: "STRING_VALUE",
* // RulesConfiguration: { // RulesConfigurationType
* // Rules: [ // MappingRulesList // required
* // { // MappingRule
* // Claim: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // MatchType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // Value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // RoleARN: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // },
* // ],
* // },
* // },
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput - {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +72,25 @@ * @see {@link GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +100,5 @@ export declare class GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends $Command<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +109,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetOpenIdTokenInput, GetOpenIdTokenResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommand}.
export interface GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput extends GetOpenIdTokenInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommand}.
export interface GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput extends GetOpenIdTokenResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Gets an OpenID token, using a known Cognito ID. This known Cognito ID is returned by

@@ -23,6 +38,19 @@ * <a>GetId</a>. You can optionally add additional logins for the identity.

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetOpenIdTokenInput
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Logins: { // LoginsMap
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new GetOpenIdTokenCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetOpenIdTokenResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Token: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput - {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -32,2 +60,29 @@ * @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ExternalServiceException} (client fault)
* <p>An exception thrown when a dependent service such as Facebook or Twitter is not
* responding</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -37,2 +92,5 @@ export declare class GetOpenIdTokenCommand extends $Command<GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput);

@@ -43,4 +101,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput, GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput extends GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput extends GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Registers (or retrieves) a Cognito <code>IdentityId</code> and an OpenID Connect

@@ -31,6 +46,24 @@ * token for a user authenticated by your backend authentication process. Supplying multiple

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* Logins: { // LoginsMap // required
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* PrincipalTags: { // PrincipalTags
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* TokenDuration: Number("long"),
* };
* const command = new GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Token: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput - {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -40,2 +73,29 @@ * @see {@link GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link DeveloperUserAlreadyRegisteredException} (client fault)
* <p>The provided developer user identifier is already registered with Cognito under a
* different identity ID.</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -45,2 +105,5 @@ export declare class GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -51,4 +114,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput, GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}.
export interface GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput extends GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}.
export interface GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput extends GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Use <code>GetPrincipalTagAttributeMap</code> to list all mappings between <code>PrincipalTags</code> and user attributes.</p>

@@ -19,6 +34,21 @@ * @example

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityProviderName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // IdentityProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // UseDefaults: true || false,
* // PrincipalTags: { // PrincipalTags
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput - {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput}
* @returns {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput}
* @see {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -28,2 +58,21 @@ * @see {@link GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -33,2 +82,5 @@ export declare class GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends $Command<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput);

@@ -39,4 +91,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { ListIdentitiesInput, ListIdentitiesResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link ListIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface ListIdentitiesCommandInput extends ListIdentitiesInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link ListIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface ListIdentitiesCommandOutput extends ListIdentitiesResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Lists the identities in an identity pool.</p>

@@ -20,6 +35,29 @@ * <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // ListIdentitiesInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* MaxResults: Number("int"), // required
* NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* HideDisabled: true || false,
* };
* const command = new ListIdentitiesCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // ListIdentitiesResponse
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Identities: [ // IdentitiesList
* // { // IdentityDescription
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // Logins: [ // LoginsList
* // ],
* // CreationDate: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
* // LastModifiedDate: new Date("TIMESTAMP"),
* // },
* // ],
* // NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param ListIdentitiesCommandInput - {@link ListIdentitiesCommandInput}
* @returns {@link ListIdentitiesCommandOutput}
* @see {@link ListIdentitiesCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +67,21 @@ * @see {@link ListIdentitiesCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +91,5 @@ export declare class ListIdentitiesCommand extends $Command<ListIdentitiesCommandInput, ListIdentitiesCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: ListIdentitiesCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +100,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<ListIdentitiesCommandInput, ListIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { ListIdentityPoolsInput, ListIdentityPoolsResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommand}.
export interface ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput extends ListIdentityPoolsInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommand}.
export interface ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput extends ListIdentityPoolsResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Lists all of the Cognito identity pools registered for your account.</p>

@@ -20,6 +35,22 @@ * <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // ListIdentityPoolsInput
* MaxResults: Number("int"), // required
* NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* };
* const command = new ListIdentityPoolsCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // ListIdentityPoolsResponse
* // IdentityPools: [ // IdentityPoolsList
* // { // IdentityPoolShortDescription
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // ],
* // NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput - {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput}
* @returns {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput}
* @see {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +60,21 @@ * @see {@link ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +84,5 @@ export declare class ListIdentityPoolsCommand extends $Command<ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +93,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { ListTagsForResourceInput, ListTagsForResourceResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link ListTagsForResourceCommand}.
export interface ListTagsForResourceCommandInput extends ListTagsForResourceInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link ListTagsForResourceCommand}.
export interface ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput extends ListTagsForResourceResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Lists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito identity pool.</p>

@@ -22,6 +37,17 @@ * <p>A tag is a label that you can apply to identity pools to categorize and manage them in

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // ListTagsForResourceInput
* ResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new ListTagsForResourceCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // ListTagsForResourceResponse
* // Tags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param ListTagsForResourceCommandInput - {@link ListTagsForResourceCommandInput}
* @returns {@link ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput}
* @see {@link ListTagsForResourceCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -31,2 +57,21 @@ * @see {@link ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -36,2 +81,5 @@ export declare class ListTagsForResourceCommand extends $Command<ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: ListTagsForResourceCommandInput);

@@ -42,4 +90,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { LookupDeveloperIdentityInput, LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput extends LookupDeveloperIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput extends LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Retrieves the <code>IdentityID</code> associated with a

@@ -35,6 +50,23 @@ * <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> or the list of <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // LookupDeveloperIdentityInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* DeveloperUserIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE",
* MaxResults: Number("int"),
* NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* };
* const command = new LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // DeveloperUserIdentifierList: [ // DeveloperUserIdentifierList
* // ],
* // NextToken: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput - {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -44,2 +76,25 @@ * @see {@link LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -49,2 +104,5 @@ export declare class LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -55,4 +113,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput, MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput extends MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand}.
export interface MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput extends MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Merges two users having different <code>IdentityId</code>s, existing in the same

@@ -31,6 +46,18 @@ * identity pool, and identified by the same developer provider. You can use this action to

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput
* SourceUserIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* DestinationUserIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse
* // IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // };
* ```
* @param MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput - {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput}
* @returns {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput}
* @see {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -40,2 +67,25 @@ * @see {@link MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -45,2 +95,5 @@ export declare class MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand extends $Command<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput);

@@ -51,4 +104,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { SetIdentityPoolRolesInput } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}.
export interface SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput extends SetIdentityPoolRolesInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand}.
export interface SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput extends __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Sets the roles for an identity pool. These roles are used when making calls to <a>GetCredentialsForIdentity</a> action.</p>

@@ -20,6 +35,32 @@ * <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // SetIdentityPoolRolesInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Roles: { // RolesMap // required
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* RoleMappings: { // RoleMappingMap
* "<keys>": { // RoleMapping
* Type: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* AmbiguousRoleResolution: "STRING_VALUE",
* RulesConfiguration: { // RulesConfigurationType
* Rules: [ // MappingRulesList // required
* { // MappingRule
* Claim: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* MatchType: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Value: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* RoleARN: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* },
* ],
* },
* },
* },
* };
* const command = new SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput - {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput}
* @returns {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput}
* @see {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +70,28 @@ * @see {@link SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ConcurrentModificationException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown if there are parallel requests to modify a resource.</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +101,5 @@ export declare class SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand extends $Command<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +110,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput, SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}.
export interface SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput extends SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand}.
export interface SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput extends SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>You can use this operation to use default (username and clientID) attribute or custom attribute mappings.</p>

@@ -19,6 +34,25 @@ * @example

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityProviderName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* UseDefaults: true || false,
* PrincipalTags: { // PrincipalTags
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // IdentityProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // UseDefaults: true || false,
* // PrincipalTags: { // PrincipalTags
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput - {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput}
* @returns {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput}
* @see {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -28,2 +62,21 @@ * @see {@link SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -33,2 +86,5 @@ export declare class SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand extends $Command<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput);

@@ -39,4 +95,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { TagResourceInput, TagResourceResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link TagResourceCommand}.
export interface TagResourceCommandInput extends TagResourceInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link TagResourceCommand}.
export interface TagResourceCommandOutput extends TagResourceResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Assigns a set of tags to the specified Amazon Cognito identity pool. A tag is a label

@@ -33,6 +48,16 @@ * that you can use to categorize and manage identity pools in different ways, such as by

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // TagResourceInput
* ResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Tags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType // required
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new TagResourceCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param TagResourceCommandInput - {@link TagResourceCommandInput}
* @returns {@link TagResourceCommandOutput}
* @see {@link TagResourceCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -42,2 +67,21 @@ * @see {@link TagResourceCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -47,2 +91,5 @@ export declare class TagResourceCommand extends $Command<TagResourceCommandInput, TagResourceCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: TagResourceCommandInput);

@@ -53,4 +100,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<TagResourceCommandInput, TagResourceCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput extends UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand}.
export interface UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput extends __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Unlinks a <code>DeveloperUserIdentifier</code> from an existing identity. Unlinked

@@ -23,6 +38,16 @@ * developer users will be considered new identities next time they are seen. If, for a given

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* DeveloperUserIdentifier: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* };
* const command = new UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput - {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -32,2 +57,25 @@ * @see {@link UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -37,2 +85,5 @@ export declare class UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand extends $Command<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -43,4 +94,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UnlinkIdentityInput } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link UnlinkIdentityCommand}.
export interface UnlinkIdentityCommandInput extends UnlinkIdentityInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link UnlinkIdentityCommand}.
export interface UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput extends __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Unlinks a federated identity from an existing account. Unlinked logins will be

@@ -22,6 +37,19 @@ * considered new identities next time they are seen. Removing the last linked login will make

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // UnlinkIdentityInput
* IdentityId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* Logins: { // LoginsMap // required
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* LoginsToRemove: [ // LoginsList // required
* ],
* };
* const command = new UnlinkIdentityCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param UnlinkIdentityCommandInput - {@link UnlinkIdentityCommandInput}
* @returns {@link UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput}
* @see {@link UnlinkIdentityCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -31,2 +59,29 @@ * @see {@link UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ExternalServiceException} (client fault)
* <p>An exception thrown when a dependent service such as Facebook or Twitter is not
* responding</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -36,2 +91,5 @@ export declare class UnlinkIdentityCommand extends $Command<UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: UnlinkIdentityCommandInput);

@@ -42,4 +100,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UntagResourceInput, UntagResourceResponse } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link UntagResourceCommand}.
export interface UntagResourceCommandInput extends UntagResourceInput {
* @public
* The output of {@link UntagResourceCommand}.
export interface UntagResourceCommandOutput extends UntagResourceResponse, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Removes the specified tags from the specified Amazon Cognito identity pool. You can use

@@ -20,6 +35,16 @@ * this action up to 5 times per second, per account</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // UntagResourceInput
* ResourceArn: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* TagKeys: [ // IdentityPoolTagsListType // required
* ],
* };
* const command = new UntagResourceCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // {};
* ```
* @param UntagResourceCommandInput - {@link UntagResourceCommandInput}
* @returns {@link UntagResourceCommandOutput}
* @see {@link UntagResourceCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +54,21 @@ * @see {@link UntagResourceCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +78,5 @@ export declare class UntagResourceCommand extends $Command<UntagResourceCommandInput, UntagResourceCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: UntagResourceCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +87,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<UntagResourceCommandInput, UntagResourceCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -6,7 +6,22 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
* @public
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
* @public
* The input for {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput extends IdentityPool {
* @public
* The output of {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommand}.
export interface UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput extends IdentityPool, __MetadataBearer {
* @public
* <p>Updates an identity pool.</p>

@@ -20,6 +35,61 @@ * <p>You must use AWS Developer credentials to call this API.</p>

* const client = new CognitoIdentityClient(config);
* const input = { // IdentityPool
* IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: true || false, // required
* AllowClassicFlow: true || false,
* SupportedLoginProviders: { // IdentityProviders
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: [ // OIDCProviderList
* ],
* CognitoIdentityProviders: [ // CognitoIdentityProviderList
* { // CognitoIdentityProvider
* ProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* ClientId: "STRING_VALUE",
* ServerSideTokenCheck: true || false,
* },
* ],
* SamlProviderARNs: [ // SAMLProviderList
* ],
* IdentityPoolTags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* },
* };
* const command = new UpdateIdentityPoolCommand(input);
* const response = await client.send(command);
* // { // IdentityPool
* // IdentityPoolId: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // IdentityPoolName: "STRING_VALUE", // required
* // AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities: true || false, // required
* // AllowClassicFlow: true || false,
* // SupportedLoginProviders: { // IdentityProviders
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // DeveloperProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // OpenIdConnectProviderARNs: [ // OIDCProviderList
* // ],
* // CognitoIdentityProviders: [ // CognitoIdentityProviderList
* // { // CognitoIdentityProvider
* // ProviderName: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ClientId: "STRING_VALUE",
* // ServerSideTokenCheck: true || false,
* // },
* // ],
* // SamlProviderARNs: [ // SAMLProviderList
* // ],
* // IdentityPoolTags: { // IdentityPoolTagsType
* // "<keys>": "STRING_VALUE",
* // },
* // };
* ```
* @param UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput - {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput}
* @returns {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput}
* @see {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput} for command's `input` shape.

@@ -29,2 +99,31 @@ * @see {@link UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput} for command's `response` shape.

* @throws {@link ConcurrentModificationException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown if there are parallel requests to modify a resource.</p>
* @throws {@link InternalErrorException} (server fault)
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>
* @throws {@link InvalidParameterException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>
* @throws {@link LimitExceededException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the total number of user pools has exceeded a preset limit.</p>
* @throws {@link NotAuthorizedException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceConflictException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another
* account.</p>
* @throws {@link ResourceNotFoundException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not
* exist.</p>
* @throws {@link TooManyRequestsException} (client fault)
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>
* @throws {@link CognitoIdentityServiceException}
* <p>Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.</p>

@@ -34,2 +133,5 @@ export declare class UpdateIdentityPoolCommand extends $Command<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput, CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig> {

static getEndpointParameterInstructions(): EndpointParameterInstructions;
* @public
constructor(input: UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput);

@@ -40,4 +142,10 @@ /**

resolveMiddleware(clientStack: MiddlewareStack<ServiceInputTypes, ServiceOutputTypes>, configuration: CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfig, options?: __HttpHandlerOptions): Handler<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* @internal
private serialize;
* @internal
private deserialize;

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import { Endpoint, EndpointParameters as __EndpointParameters, EndpointV2, Provider } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { EndpointParameters as __EndpointParameters, EndpointV2 } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { Endpoint, Provider } from "@smithy/types";
export interface ClientInputEndpointParameters {

@@ -8,3 +9,3 @@ region?: string | Provider<string>;

export declare type ClientResolvedEndpointParameters = ClientInputEndpointParameters & {
export type ClientResolvedEndpointParameters = ClientInputEndpointParameters & {
defaultSigningName: string;

@@ -11,0 +12,0 @@ };

@@ -0,6 +1,24 @@

* <fullname>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</fullname>
* <p>Amazon Cognito Federated Identities is a web service that delivers scoped temporary
* credentials to mobile devices and other untrusted environments. It uniquely identifies a
* device and supplies the user with a consistent identity over the lifetime of an
* application.</p>
* <p>Using Amazon Cognito Federated Identities, you can enable authentication with one or
* more third-party identity providers (Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon) or an Amazon
* Cognito user pool, and you can also choose to support unauthenticated access from your app.
* Cognito delivers a unique identifier for each user and acts as an OpenID token provider
* trusted by AWS Security Token Service (STS) to access temporary, limited-privilege AWS
* credentials.</p>
* <p>For a description of the authentication flow from the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide
* see <a href="">Authentication Flow</a>.</p>
* <p>For more information see <a href="">Amazon Cognito Federated Identities</a>.</p>
* @packageDocumentation
export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./CognitoIdentity";
export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./commands";
export * from "./pagination";
export * from "./models";
export * from "./pagination";
export { CognitoIdentityServiceException } from "./models/CognitoIdentityServiceException";
import { ServiceException as __ServiceException, ServiceExceptionOptions as __ServiceExceptionOptions } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
export { __ServiceException, __ServiceExceptionOptions };
* @public
* Base exception class for all service exceptions from CognitoIdentity service.

@@ -4,0 +7,0 @@ */

import { ExceptionOptionType as __ExceptionOptionType } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { CognitoIdentityServiceException as __BaseException } from "./CognitoIdentityServiceException";
export declare enum AmbiguousRoleResolutionType {
AUTHENTICATED_ROLE = "AuthenticatedRole",
DENY = "Deny"
* @public
* @enum
export declare const AmbiguousRoleResolutionType: {
readonly AUTHENTICATED_ROLE: "AuthenticatedRole";
readonly DENY: "Deny";
* @public
export type AmbiguousRoleResolutionType = (typeof AmbiguousRoleResolutionType)[keyof typeof AmbiguousRoleResolutionType];
* @public
* <p>A provider representing an Amazon Cognito user pool and its client ID.</p>

@@ -33,2 +42,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the CreateIdentityPool action.</p>

@@ -85,2 +95,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>An object representing an Amazon Cognito identity pool.</p>

@@ -135,2 +146,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown when the service encounters an error during processing the request.</p>

@@ -147,2 +159,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown for missing or bad input parameter(s).</p>

@@ -159,2 +172,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown when the total number of user pools has exceeded a preset limit.</p>

@@ -171,2 +185,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown when a user is not authorized to access the requested resource.</p>

@@ -183,2 +198,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown when a user tries to use a login which is already linked to another

@@ -196,2 +212,3 @@ * account.</p>

* @public
* <p>Thrown when a request is throttled.</p>

@@ -208,2 +225,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>DeleteIdentities</code> action.</p>

@@ -217,7 +235,16 @@ */

export declare enum ErrorCode {
ACCESS_DENIED = "AccessDenied",
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = "InternalServerError"
* @public
* @enum
export declare const ErrorCode: {
readonly ACCESS_DENIED: "AccessDenied";
readonly INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "InternalServerError";
* @public
export type ErrorCode = (typeof ErrorCode)[keyof typeof ErrorCode];
* @public
* <p>An array of UnprocessedIdentityId objects, each of which contains an ErrorCode and

@@ -237,2 +264,3 @@ * IdentityId.</p>

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>DeleteIdentities</code>

@@ -249,2 +277,3 @@ * operation.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the DeleteIdentityPool action.</p>

@@ -259,2 +288,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Thrown when the requested resource (for example, a dataset or record) does not

@@ -272,2 +302,3 @@ * exist.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>DescribeIdentity</code> action.</p>

@@ -282,2 +313,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>A description of the identity.</p>

@@ -304,2 +336,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the DescribeIdentityPool action.</p>

@@ -314,2 +347,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>An exception thrown when a dependent service such as Facebook or Twitter is not

@@ -327,2 +361,3 @@ * responding</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>GetCredentialsForIdentity</code> action.</p>

@@ -356,2 +391,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Credentials for the provided identity ID.</p>

@@ -378,2 +414,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>GetCredentialsForIdentity</code>

@@ -393,2 +430,3 @@ * operation.</p>

* @public
* <p>Thrown if the identity pool has no role associated for the given auth type

@@ -406,2 +444,3 @@ * (auth/unauth) or if the AssumeRole fails.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the GetId action.</p>

@@ -453,2 +492,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a GetId request.</p>

@@ -463,2 +503,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>GetIdentityPoolRoles</code> action.</p>

@@ -472,9 +513,18 @@ */

export declare enum MappingRuleMatchType {
CONTAINS = "Contains",
EQUALS = "Equals",
NOT_EQUAL = "NotEqual",
STARTS_WITH = "StartsWith"
* @public
* @enum
export declare const MappingRuleMatchType: {
readonly CONTAINS: "Contains";
readonly EQUALS: "Equals";
readonly NOT_EQUAL: "NotEqual";
readonly STARTS_WITH: "StartsWith";
* @public
export type MappingRuleMatchType = (typeof MappingRuleMatchType)[keyof typeof MappingRuleMatchType];
* @public
* <p>A rule that maps a claim name, a claim value, and a match type to a role

@@ -504,2 +554,3 @@ * ARN.</p>

* @public
* <p>A container for rules.</p>

@@ -514,7 +565,16 @@ */

export declare enum RoleMappingType {
RULES = "Rules",
TOKEN = "Token"
* @public
* @enum
export declare const RoleMappingType: {
readonly RULES: "Rules";
readonly TOKEN: "Token";
* @public
export type RoleMappingType = (typeof RoleMappingType)[keyof typeof RoleMappingType];
* @public
* <p>A role mapping.</p>

@@ -547,2 +607,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>GetIdentityPoolRoles</code>

@@ -570,2 +631,3 @@ * operation.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the GetOpenIdToken action.</p>

@@ -587,2 +649,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful GetOpenIdToken request.</p>

@@ -602,2 +665,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>The provided developer user identifier is already registered with Cognito under a

@@ -615,2 +679,3 @@ * different identity ID.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity</code> action.</p>

@@ -657,2 +722,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity</code>

@@ -671,2 +737,5 @@ * request.</p>

* @public
export interface GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {

@@ -682,2 +751,5 @@ /**

* @public
export interface GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse {

@@ -702,2 +774,3 @@ /**

* @public
* <p>Input to the ListIdentities action.</p>

@@ -725,2 +798,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>The response to a ListIdentities request.</p>

@@ -743,2 +817,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the ListIdentityPools action.</p>

@@ -757,2 +832,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>A description of the identity pool.</p>

@@ -771,2 +847,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>The result of a successful ListIdentityPools action.</p>

@@ -784,2 +861,5 @@ */

* @public
export interface ListTagsForResourceInput {

@@ -792,2 +872,5 @@ /**

* @public
export interface ListTagsForResourceResponse {

@@ -800,2 +883,3 @@ /**

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>LookupDeveloperIdentityInput</code> action.</p>

@@ -833,2 +917,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>LookupDeveloperIdentity</code>

@@ -859,2 +944,3 @@ * action.</p>

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>MergeDeveloperIdentities</code> action.</p>

@@ -887,2 +973,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Returned in response to a successful <code>MergeDeveloperIdentities</code>

@@ -898,2 +985,3 @@ * action.</p>

* @public
* <p>Thrown if there are parallel requests to modify a resource.</p>

@@ -910,2 +998,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>SetIdentityPoolRoles</code> action.</p>

@@ -932,2 +1021,5 @@ */

* @public
export interface SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {

@@ -951,2 +1043,5 @@ /**

* @public
export interface SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse {

@@ -970,2 +1065,5 @@ /**

* @public
export interface TagResourceInput {

@@ -981,5 +1079,9 @@ /**

* @public
export interface TagResourceResponse {
* @public
* <p>Input to the <code>UnlinkDeveloperIdentity</code> action.</p>

@@ -1006,2 +1108,3 @@ */

* @public
* <p>Input to the UnlinkIdentity action.</p>

@@ -1024,2 +1127,5 @@ */

* @public
export interface UntagResourceInput {

@@ -1035,187 +1141,6 @@ /**

* @public
export interface UntagResourceResponse {
* @internal
export declare const CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: CognitoIdentityProvider) => any;
* @internal
export declare const CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: CreateIdentityPoolInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: IdentityPool) => any;
* @internal
export declare const DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: DeleteIdentitiesInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: UnprocessedIdentityId) => any;
* @internal
export declare const DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: DeleteIdentitiesResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: DeleteIdentityPoolInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: DescribeIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: IdentityDescription) => any;
* @internal
export declare const DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: DescribeIdentityPoolInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetCredentialsForIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: Credentials) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetIdInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetIdResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetIdentityPoolRolesInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: MappingRule) => any;
* @internal
export declare const RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: RulesConfigurationType) => any;
* @internal
export declare const RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: RoleMapping) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetOpenIdTokenInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetOpenIdTokenResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListIdentitiesInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListIdentitiesResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListIdentityPoolsInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: IdentityPoolShortDescription) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListIdentityPoolsResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListTagsForResourceInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: ListTagsForResourceResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: LookupDeveloperIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: SetIdentityPoolRolesInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: TagResourceInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: TagResourceResponse) => any;
* @internal
export declare const UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: UnlinkIdentityInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: UntagResourceInput) => any;
* @internal
export declare const UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: UntagResourceResponse) => any;
import { PaginationConfiguration } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { CognitoIdentity } from "../CognitoIdentity";
import { CognitoIdentityClient } from "../CognitoIdentityClient";
* @public
export interface CognitoIdentityPaginationConfiguration extends PaginationConfiguration {
client: CognitoIdentity | CognitoIdentityClient;
client: CognitoIdentityClient;
import { Paginator } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput } from "../commands/ListIdentityPoolsCommand";
import { CognitoIdentityPaginationConfiguration } from "./Interfaces";
* @public
export declare function paginateListIdentityPools(config: CognitoIdentityPaginationConfiguration, input: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, ...additionalArguments: any): Paginator<ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { HttpRequest as __HttpRequest, HttpResponse as __HttpResponse } from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http";
import { SerdeContext as __SerdeContext } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { HttpRequest as __HttpRequest, HttpResponse as __HttpResponse } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { SerdeContext as __SerdeContext } from "@smithy/types";
import { CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "../commands/CreateIdentityPoolCommand";

@@ -26,47 +26,185 @@ import { DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput } from "../commands/DeleteIdentitiesCommand";

import { UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput } from "../commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (input: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (input: DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (input: DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand: (input: DescribeIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (input: DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (input: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand: (input: GetIdCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (input: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (input: GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (input: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand: (input: ListIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (input: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand: (input: ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (input: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (input: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (input: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand: (input: TagResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand: (input: UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand: (input: UntagResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (input: UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DescribeIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetIdCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<TagResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UntagResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const se_CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (input: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand
export declare const se_DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (input: DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const se_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (input: DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand
export declare const se_DescribeIdentityCommand: (input: DescribeIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const se_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (input: DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand
export declare const se_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (input: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand
export declare const se_GetIdCommand: (input: GetIdCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand
export declare const se_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (input: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand
export declare const se_GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (input: GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const se_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand
export declare const se_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (input: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand
export declare const se_ListIdentitiesCommand: (input: ListIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand
export declare const se_ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (input: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand
export declare const se_ListTagsForResourceCommand: (input: ListTagsForResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const se_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand
export declare const se_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (input: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand
export declare const se_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (input: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand
export declare const se_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (input: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand
export declare const se_TagResourceCommand: (input: TagResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const se_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (input: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand
export declare const se_UnlinkIdentityCommand: (input: UnlinkIdentityCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand
export declare const se_UntagResourceCommand: (input: UntagResourceCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const se_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (input: UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const de_CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand
export declare const de_DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const de_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand
export declare const de_DescribeIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DescribeIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const de_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand
export declare const de_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand
export declare const de_GetIdCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetIdCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand
export declare const de_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand
export declare const de_GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const de_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand
export declare const de_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand
export declare const de_ListIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand
export declare const de_ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand
export declare const de_ListTagsForResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const de_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand
export declare const de_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand
export declare const de_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand
export declare const de_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand
export declare const de_TagResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<TagResourceCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand
export declare const de_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand
export declare const de_UnlinkIdentityCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand
export declare const de_UntagResourceCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UntagResourceCommandOutput>;
* deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand
export declare const de_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (output: __HttpResponse, context: __SerdeContext) => Promise<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ import { FetchHttpHandler as RequestHandler } from "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler";

bodyLengthChecker: import("@aws-sdk/types").BodyLengthCalculator;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").UserAgent>;
maxAttempts: number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>;
maxAttempts: (number | import("@smithy/types").Provider<number>) & (number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>);
region: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<any>;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@aws-sdk/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@smithy/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
sha256: import("@aws-sdk/types").HashConstructor;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) & (boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
useFipsEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) & (boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
apiVersion: string;
urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
serviceId: string;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
serviceId: string;
endpoint?: ((string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>) & (string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string> | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>)) | undefined;
endpoint?: ((string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>) & (string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string> | import("@smithy/types").Endpoint | import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@smithy/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>)) | undefined;
endpointProvider: (endpointParams: import("./endpoint/EndpointParameters").EndpointParameters, context?: {

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ logger?: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger | undefined;

@@ -10,22 +10,22 @@ import { NodeHttpHandler as RequestHandler } from "@aws-sdk/node-http-handler";

bodyLengthChecker: import("@aws-sdk/types").BodyLengthCalculator;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").UserAgent>;
maxAttempts: number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>;
region: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@aws-sdk/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@smithy/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
sha256: import("@aws-sdk/types").HashConstructor;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
apiVersion: string;
urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
serviceId: string;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
serviceId: string;
endpoint?: ((string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>) & (string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string> | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>)) | undefined;
endpoint?: ((string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>) & (string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string> | import("@smithy/types").Endpoint | import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@smithy/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>)) | undefined;
endpointProvider: (endpointParams: import("./endpoint/EndpointParameters").EndpointParameters, context?: {

@@ -32,0 +32,0 @@ logger?: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger | undefined;

@@ -8,23 +8,23 @@ import { CognitoIdentityClientConfig } from "./CognitoIdentityClient";

sha256: import("@aws-sdk/types").HashConstructor;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@aws-sdk/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | import("@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler").FetchHttpHandler;
requestHandler: (import("@aws-sdk/types").RequestHandler<any, any, import("@aws-sdk/types").HttpHandlerOptions> & import("@smithy/protocol-http").HttpHandler) | import("@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler").FetchHttpHandler;
apiVersion: string;
urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
bodyLengthChecker: import("@aws-sdk/types").BodyLengthCalculator;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
maxAttempts: number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
serviceId: string;
useDualstackEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) & (boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
useFipsEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) & (boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
region: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<any>;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
credentialDefaultProvider: (input: any) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").UserAgent>;
defaultsMode: import("@aws-sdk/smithy-client").DefaultsMode | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/smithy-client").DefaultsMode>;
endpoint?: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2> | undefined;
maxAttempts: (number | import("@smithy/types").Provider<number>) & (number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>);
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
defaultsMode: import("@aws-sdk/smithy-client").DefaultsMode | import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/smithy-client").DefaultsMode>;
endpoint?: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2 | (import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> & import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@smithy/types").Endpoint>) | (import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint & import("@smithy/types").Endpoint) | (import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2> & import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>) | undefined;
endpointProvider: (endpointParams: import("./endpoint/EndpointParameters").EndpointParameters, context?: {

@@ -31,0 +31,0 @@ logger?: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger | undefined;

@@ -7,4 +7,4 @@ import { CognitoIdentityClientConfig } from "./CognitoIdentityClient";

apiVersion: string;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;

@@ -17,2 +17,4 @@ endpointProvider: (endpointParams: import("./endpoint/EndpointParameters").EndpointParameters, context?: {

urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;

@@ -92,3 +92,3 @@ import { HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions } from "@aws-sdk/types";

} from "./commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
export declare class CognitoIdentity extends CognitoIdentityClient {
export interface CognitoIdentity {

@@ -400,1 +400,4 @@ args: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput,

export declare class CognitoIdentity
extends CognitoIdentityClient
implements CognitoIdentity {}

@@ -25,6 +25,5 @@ import {

} from "@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent";
import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http";
import {
Client as __Client,
DefaultsMode as __DefaultsMode,
SmithyConfiguration as __SmithyConfiguration,

@@ -35,15 +34,19 @@ SmithyResolvedConfiguration as __SmithyResolvedConfiguration,

BodyLengthCalculator as __BodyLengthCalculator,
ChecksumConstructor as __ChecksumConstructor,
Credentials as __Credentials,
Decoder as __Decoder,
Encoder as __Encoder,
HashConstructor as __HashConstructor,
HttpHandlerOptions as __HttpHandlerOptions,
Logger as __Logger,
Provider as __Provider,
StreamCollector as __StreamCollector,
UrlParser as __UrlParser,
UserAgent as __UserAgent,
} from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { HttpHandler as __HttpHandler } from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import {
Decoder as __Decoder,
Encoder as __Encoder,
Provider as __Provider,
StreamCollector as __StreamCollector,
} from "@smithy/types";
import {

@@ -142,3 +145,4 @@ CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput,

} from "./endpoint/EndpointParameters";
export declare type ServiceInputTypes =
export { __Client };
export type ServiceInputTypes =
| CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput

@@ -167,3 +171,3 @@ | DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput

| UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput;
export declare type ServiceOutputTypes =
export type ServiceOutputTypes =
| CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput

@@ -195,3 +199,3 @@ | DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput

requestHandler?: __HttpHandler;
sha256?: __HashConstructor;
sha256?: __ChecksumConstructor | __HashConstructor;
urlParser?: __UrlParser;

@@ -206,14 +210,14 @@ bodyLengthChecker?: __BodyLengthCalculator;

disableHostPrefix?: boolean;
maxAttempts?: number | __Provider<number>;
retryMode?: string | __Provider<string>;
logger?: __Logger;
serviceId?: string;
useDualstackEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint?: boolean | __Provider<boolean>;
serviceId?: string;
region?: string | __Provider<string>;
credentialDefaultProvider?: (input: any) => __Provider<__Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider?: Provider<__UserAgent>;
defaultsMode?: DefaultsMode | Provider<DefaultsMode>;
maxAttempts?: number | __Provider<number>;
retryMode?: string | __Provider<string>;
logger?: __Logger;
defaultsMode?: __DefaultsMode | __Provider<__DefaultsMode>;
declare type CognitoIdentityClientConfigType = Partial<
export type CognitoIdentityClientConfigType = Partial<

@@ -231,3 +235,3 @@ > &

extends CognitoIdentityClientConfigType {}
declare type CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType =
export type CognitoIdentityClientResolvedConfigType =
__SmithyResolvedConfiguration<__HttpHandlerOptions> &

@@ -254,2 +258,1 @@ Required<ClientDefaults> &

export {};

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { CreateIdentityPoolInput, IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ extends CreateIdentityPoolInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput extends DeleteIdentitiesInput {}

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ export interface DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DeleteIdentityPoolInput } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ extends DeleteIdentityPoolInput {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DescribeIdentityInput, IdentityDescription } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface DescribeIdentityCommandInput extends DescribeIdentityInput {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface DescribeIdentityCommandOutput

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { DescribeIdentityPoolInput, IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ extends DescribeIdentityPoolInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends GetCredentialsForIdentityInput {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { GetIdInput, GetIdResponse } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetIdCommandInput extends GetIdInput {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface GetIdCommandOutput extends GetIdResponse, __MetadataBearer {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends GetIdentityPoolRolesInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput extends GetOpenIdTokenInput {}

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ export interface GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface ListIdentitiesCommandInput extends ListIdentitiesInput {}

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ export interface ListIdentitiesCommandOutput

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput extends ListIdentityPoolsInput {}

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ export interface ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface ListTagsForResourceCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends ListTagsForResourceInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends LookupDeveloperIdentityInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { SetIdentityPoolRolesInput } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ extends SetIdentityPoolRolesInput {}

@@ -18,2 +18,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

} from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput

@@ -20,0 +21,0 @@ extends SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { TagResourceInput, TagResourceResponse } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface TagResourceCommandInput extends TagResourceInput {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface TagResourceCommandOutput

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ extends UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UnlinkIdentityInput } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface UnlinkIdentityCommandInput extends UnlinkIdentityInput {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput extends __MetadataBearer {}

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { UntagResourceInput, UntagResourceResponse } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface UntagResourceCommandInput extends UntagResourceInput {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface UntagResourceCommandOutput

@@ -15,2 +15,3 @@ import { EndpointParameterInstructions } from "@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint";

import { IdentityPool } from "../models/models_0";
export { __MetadataBearer, $Command };
export interface UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput extends IdentityPool {}

@@ -17,0 +18,0 @@ export interface UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput

import {
EndpointParameters as __EndpointParameters,
} from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { Endpoint, Provider } from "@smithy/types";
export interface ClientInputEndpointParameters {

@@ -19,6 +18,5 @@ region?: string | Provider<string>;

export declare type ClientResolvedEndpointParameters =
ClientInputEndpointParameters & {
defaultSigningName: string;
export type ClientResolvedEndpointParameters = ClientInputEndpointParameters & {
defaultSigningName: string;
export declare const resolveClientEndpointParameters: <T>(

@@ -25,0 +23,0 @@ options: T & ClientInputEndpointParameters

@@ -0,6 +1,6 @@

export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./CognitoIdentity";
export * from "./CognitoIdentityClient";
export * from "./commands";
export * from "./pagination";
export * from "./models";
export * from "./pagination";
export { CognitoIdentityServiceException } from "./models/CognitoIdentityServiceException";

@@ -5,4 +5,5 @@ import {

} from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
export { __ServiceException, __ServiceExceptionOptions };
export declare class CognitoIdentityServiceException extends __ServiceException {
constructor(options: __ServiceExceptionOptions);
import { ExceptionOptionType as __ExceptionOptionType } from "@aws-sdk/smithy-client";
import { CognitoIdentityServiceException as __BaseException } from "./CognitoIdentityServiceException";
export declare enum AmbiguousRoleResolutionType {
AUTHENTICATED_ROLE = "AuthenticatedRole",
DENY = "Deny",
export declare const AmbiguousRoleResolutionType: {
readonly AUTHENTICATED_ROLE: "AuthenticatedRole";
readonly DENY: "Deny";
export type AmbiguousRoleResolutionType =
(typeof AmbiguousRoleResolutionType)[keyof typeof AmbiguousRoleResolutionType];
export interface CognitoIdentityProvider {

@@ -80,6 +82,7 @@ ProviderName?: string;

export declare enum ErrorCode {
ACCESS_DENIED = "AccessDenied",
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = "InternalServerError",
export declare const ErrorCode: {
readonly ACCESS_DENIED: "AccessDenied";
readonly INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR: "InternalServerError";
export type ErrorCode = (typeof ErrorCode)[keyof typeof ErrorCode];
export interface UnprocessedIdentityId {

@@ -157,8 +160,10 @@ IdentityId?: string;

export declare enum MappingRuleMatchType {
CONTAINS = "Contains",
EQUALS = "Equals",
NOT_EQUAL = "NotEqual",
STARTS_WITH = "StartsWith",
export declare const MappingRuleMatchType: {
readonly CONTAINS: "Contains";
readonly EQUALS: "Equals";
readonly NOT_EQUAL: "NotEqual";
readonly STARTS_WITH: "StartsWith";
export type MappingRuleMatchType =
(typeof MappingRuleMatchType)[keyof typeof MappingRuleMatchType];
export interface MappingRule {

@@ -173,6 +178,8 @@ Claim: string | undefined;

export declare enum RoleMappingType {
RULES = "Rules",
TOKEN = "Token",
export declare const RoleMappingType: {
readonly RULES: "Rules";
readonly TOKEN: "Token";
export type RoleMappingType =
(typeof RoleMappingType)[keyof typeof RoleMappingType];
export interface RoleMapping {

@@ -325,129 +332,1 @@ Type: RoleMappingType | string | undefined;

export interface UntagResourceResponse {}
export declare const CognitoIdentityProviderFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: CognitoIdentityProvider
) => any;
export declare const CreateIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: CreateIdentityPoolInput
) => any;
export declare const IdentityPoolFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: IdentityPool) => any;
export declare const DeleteIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: DeleteIdentitiesInput
) => any;
export declare const UnprocessedIdentityIdFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: UnprocessedIdentityId
) => any;
export declare const DeleteIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: DeleteIdentitiesResponse
) => any;
export declare const DeleteIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: DeleteIdentityPoolInput
) => any;
export declare const DescribeIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: DescribeIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const IdentityDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: IdentityDescription
) => any;
export declare const DescribeIdentityPoolInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: DescribeIdentityPoolInput
) => any;
export declare const GetCredentialsForIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetCredentialsForIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const CredentialsFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: Credentials) => any;
export declare const GetCredentialsForIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetCredentialsForIdentityResponse
) => any;
export declare const GetIdInputFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: GetIdInput) => any;
export declare const GetIdResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetIdResponse
) => any;
export declare const GetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetIdentityPoolRolesInput
) => any;
export declare const MappingRuleFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: MappingRule) => any;
export declare const RulesConfigurationTypeFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: RulesConfigurationType
) => any;
export declare const RoleMappingFilterSensitiveLog: (obj: RoleMapping) => any;
export declare const GetIdentityPoolRolesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetIdentityPoolRolesResponse
) => any;
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetOpenIdTokenInput
) => any;
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetOpenIdTokenResponse
) => any;
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityResponse
) => any;
export declare const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput
) => any;
export declare const GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse
) => any;
export declare const ListIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListIdentitiesInput
) => any;
export declare const ListIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListIdentitiesResponse
) => any;
export declare const ListIdentityPoolsInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListIdentityPoolsInput
) => any;
export declare const IdentityPoolShortDescriptionFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: IdentityPoolShortDescription
) => any;
export declare const ListIdentityPoolsResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListIdentityPoolsResponse
) => any;
export declare const ListTagsForResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListTagsForResourceInput
) => any;
export declare const ListTagsForResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: ListTagsForResourceResponse
) => any;
export declare const LookupDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: LookupDeveloperIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const LookupDeveloperIdentityResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: LookupDeveloperIdentityResponse
) => any;
export declare const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesInput
) => any;
export declare const MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesResponse
) => any;
export declare const SetIdentityPoolRolesInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: SetIdentityPoolRolesInput
) => any;
export declare const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapInput
) => any;
export declare const SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapResponse
) => any;
export declare const TagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: TagResourceInput
) => any;
export declare const TagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: TagResourceResponse
) => any;
export declare const UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const UnlinkIdentityInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: UnlinkIdentityInput
) => any;
export declare const UntagResourceInputFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: UntagResourceInput
) => any;
export declare const UntagResourceResponseFilterSensitiveLog: (
obj: UntagResourceResponse
) => any;
import { PaginationConfiguration } from "@aws-sdk/types";
import { CognitoIdentity } from "../CognitoIdentity";
import { CognitoIdentityClient } from "../CognitoIdentityClient";
export interface CognitoIdentityPaginationConfiguration
extends PaginationConfiguration {
client: CognitoIdentity | CognitoIdentityClient;
client: CognitoIdentityClient;
import {
HttpRequest as __HttpRequest,
HttpResponse as __HttpResponse,
} from "@aws-sdk/protocol-http";
import { SerdeContext as __SerdeContext } from "@aws-sdk/types";
} from "@smithy/protocol-http";
import { SerdeContext as __SerdeContext } from "@smithy/types";
import {

@@ -98,185 +98,185 @@ CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput,

} from "../commands/UpdateIdentityPoolCommand";
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const se_CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (
input: CreateIdentityPoolCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const se_DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (
input: DeleteIdentitiesCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const se_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (
input: DeleteIdentityPoolCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_DescribeIdentityCommand: (
input: DescribeIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const se_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (
input: DescribeIdentityPoolCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (
input: GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand: (
export declare const se_GetIdCommand: (
input: GetIdCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
export declare const se_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
input: GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (
export declare const se_GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (
input: GetOpenIdTokenCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
input: GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
export declare const se_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
input: GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const se_ListIdentitiesCommand: (
input: ListIdentitiesCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (
export declare const se_ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (
input: ListIdentityPoolsCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand: (
export declare const se_ListTagsForResourceCommand: (
input: ListTagsForResourceCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
input: LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const se_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (
input: MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
export declare const se_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
input: SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
export declare const se_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
input: SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand: (
export declare const se_TagResourceCommand: (
input: TagResourceCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
input: UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand: (
export declare const se_UnlinkIdentityCommand: (
input: UnlinkIdentityCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand: (
export declare const se_UntagResourceCommand: (
input: UntagResourceCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const serializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const se_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (
input: UpdateIdentityPoolCommandInput,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<__HttpRequest>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const de_CreateIdentityPoolCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<CreateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const de_DeleteIdentitiesCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<DeleteIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const de_DeleteIdentityPoolCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<DeleteIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_DescribeIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<DescribeIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const de_DescribeIdentityPoolCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<DescribeIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_GetCredentialsForIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetCredentialsForIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdCommand: (
export declare const de_GetIdCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetIdCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
export declare const de_GetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (
export declare const de_GetOpenIdTokenCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
export declare const de_GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<GetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const de_ListIdentitiesCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<ListIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (
export declare const de_ListIdentityPoolsCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<ListIdentityPoolsCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1ListTagsForResourceCommand: (
export declare const de_ListTagsForResourceCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<ListTagsForResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_LookupDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<LookupDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (
export declare const de_MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<MergeDeveloperIdentitiesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
export declare const de_SetIdentityPoolRolesCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<SetIdentityPoolRolesCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
export declare const de_SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<SetPrincipalTagAttributeMapCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1TagResourceCommand: (
export declare const de_TagResourceCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<TagResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<UnlinkDeveloperIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UnlinkIdentityCommand: (
export declare const de_UnlinkIdentityCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<UnlinkIdentityCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UntagResourceCommand: (
export declare const de_UntagResourceCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<UntagResourceCommandOutput>;
export declare const deserializeAws_json1_1UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (
export declare const de_UpdateIdentityPoolCommand: (
output: __HttpResponse,
context: __SerdeContext
) => Promise<UpdateIdentityPoolCommandOutput>;

@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ import { FetchHttpHandler as RequestHandler } from "@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler";

input: any
) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<
maxAttempts: number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>;
maxAttempts: (number | import("@smithy/types").Provider<number>) &
(number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>);
region: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<any>;

@@ -26,18 +27,20 @@ requestHandler:

> &
| RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
sha256: import("@aws-sdk/types").HashConstructor;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) &
(boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
useFipsEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) &
(boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
apiVersion: string;
urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
serviceId: string;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
serviceId: string;

@@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ | ((

| string
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint>
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>
| import("@smithy/types").Endpoint
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@smithy/types").Endpoint>
| import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<

@@ -60,0 +63,0 @@ >

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import { NodeHttpHandler as RequestHandler } from "@aws-sdk/node-http-handler";

input: any
) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<

@@ -26,18 +26,18 @@ import("@aws-sdk/types").UserAgent

> &
| RequestHandler;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
sha256: import("@aws-sdk/types").HashConstructor;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
apiVersion: string;
urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
serviceId: string;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
serviceId: string;

@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ | ((

| string
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint>
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>
| import("@smithy/types").Endpoint
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@smithy/types").Endpoint>
| import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<

@@ -60,0 +60,0 @@ >

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ import { CognitoIdentityClientConfig } from "./CognitoIdentityClient";

> &
| import("@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler").FetchHttpHandler;

@@ -19,24 +19,27 @@ apiVersion: string;

bodyLengthChecker: import("@aws-sdk/types").BodyLengthCalculator;
streamCollector: import("@aws-sdk/types").StreamCollector;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
streamCollector: import("@smithy/types").StreamCollector;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;
maxAttempts: number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>;
retryMode: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<string>;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
useDualstackEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
useFipsEndpoint: boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>;
serviceId: string;
useDualstackEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) &
(boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
useFipsEndpoint: (boolean | import("@smithy/types").Provider<boolean>) &
(boolean | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<boolean>);
region: string | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<any>;
credentialDefaultProvider: (
input: any
) => import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
) => import("@smithy/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Credentials>;
defaultUserAgentProvider: import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<
maxAttempts: (number | import("@smithy/types").Provider<number>) &
(number | import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<number>);
retryMode: string | import("@smithy/types").Provider<string>;
logger: import("@aws-sdk/types").Logger;
| import("@aws-sdk/smithy-client").DefaultsMode
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<
| import("@smithy/types").Provider<

@@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ >;

| string
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint>
| import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2
| import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2>
| (import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint> &
| (import("@aws-sdk/types").Endpoint & import("@smithy/types").Endpoint)
| (import("@aws-sdk/types").Provider<import("@aws-sdk/types").EndpointV2> &
| undefined;

@@ -52,0 +57,0 @@ endpointProvider: (

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ import { CognitoIdentityClientConfig } from "./CognitoIdentityClient";

apiVersion: string;
base64Decoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@aws-sdk/types").Encoder;
base64Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
base64Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
disableHostPrefix: boolean;

@@ -19,2 +19,4 @@ endpointProvider: (

urlParser: import("@aws-sdk/types").UrlParser;
utf8Decoder: import("@smithy/types").Decoder;
utf8Encoder: import("@smithy/types").Encoder;
"name": "@aws-sdk/client-cognito-identity",
"description": "AWS SDK for JavaScript Cognito Identity Client for Node.js, Browser and React Native",
"version": "3.245.0",
"version": "3.348.0",
"scripts": {

@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ "build": "concurrently 'yarn:build:cjs' 'yarn:build:es' 'yarn:build:types'",

"clean": "rimraf ./dist-* && rimraf *.tsbuildinfo",
"test:e2e": "ts-mocha test/**/*.ispec.ts && karma start karma.conf.js",
"generate:client": "(cd ../../ && yarn generate-clients -g ./codegen/sdk-codegen/aws-models/cognito-identity.json --keepFiles)"
"extract:docs": "api-extractor run --local",
"generate:client": "node ../../scripts/generate-clients/single-service --solo cognito-identity",
"test:e2e": "ts-mocha test/**/*.ispec.ts && karma start karma.conf.js"

@@ -23,42 +24,42 @@ "main": "./dist-cjs/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@aws-crypto/sha256-browser": "2.0.0",
"@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "2.0.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-sts": "3.245.0",
"@aws-sdk/config-resolver": "3.234.0",
"@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node": "3.245.0",
"@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/hash-node": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/invalid-dependency": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-logger": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-retry": "3.235.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-serde": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-signing": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-stack": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/node-config-provider": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/node-http-handler": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/protocol-http": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/smithy-client": "3.234.0",
"@aws-sdk/types": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/url-parser": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-base64": "3.208.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-body-length-browser": "3.188.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node": "3.208.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-browser": "3.234.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node": "3.234.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-endpoints": "3.245.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-retry": "3.229.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.226.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-utf8-browser": "3.188.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-utf8-node": "3.208.0",
"tslib": "^2.3.1"
"@aws-crypto/sha256-browser": "3.0.0",
"@aws-crypto/sha256-js": "3.0.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-sts": "3.348.0",
"@aws-sdk/config-resolver": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/credential-provider-node": "3.348.0",
"@aws-sdk/fetch-http-handler": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/hash-node": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/invalid-dependency": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-content-length": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-endpoint": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-host-header": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-logger": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-recursion-detection": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-retry": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-serde": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-signing": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-stack": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/middleware-user-agent": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/node-config-provider": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/node-http-handler": "3.348.0",
"@aws-sdk/smithy-client": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/types": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/url-parser": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-base64": "3.310.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-body-length-browser": "3.310.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-body-length-node": "3.310.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-browser": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-defaults-mode-node": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-endpoints": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-retry": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-browser": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-user-agent-node": "3.347.0",
"@aws-sdk/util-utf8": "3.310.0",
"@smithy/protocol-http": "^1.0.1",
"@smithy/types": "^1.0.0",
"tslib": "^2.5.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@aws-sdk/client-iam": "3.245.0",
"@aws-sdk/service-client-documentation-generator": "3.208.0",
"@aws-sdk/client-iam": "3.348.0",
"@aws-sdk/service-client-documentation-generator": "3.310.0",
"@tsconfig/node14": "1.0.3",

@@ -71,10 +72,5 @@ "@types/chai": "^4.2.11",

"rimraf": "3.0.2",
"typedoc": "0.19.2",
"typescript": "~4.6.2"
"typedoc": "0.23.23",
"typescript": "~4.9.5"
"overrides": {
"typedoc": {
"typescript": "~4.6.2"
"engines": {

@@ -91,3 +87,3 @@ "node": ">=14.0.0"

"files": [

@@ -94,0 +90,0 @@ "author": {

@@ -5,5 +5,2 @@ <!-- generated file, do not edit directly -->

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## Description

@@ -221,1 +218,188 @@

see LICENSE for more information.
## Client Commands (Operations List)
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](
[Command API Reference]( / [Input]( / [Output](

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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