middleware-websocket: pass options to presign in WebsocketSignatureV4 sign (#5015) (3663a9b)
client-entityresolution: AWS Entity Resolution can effectively match a source record from a customer relationship management (CRM) system with a source record from a marketing system containing campaign information. (2928f54)
client-glue: Release Glue Studio Snowflake Connector Node for SDK/CLI (5f9af07)
client-managedblockchain-query: Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) Query provides serverless access to standardized, multi-blockchain datasets with developer-friendly APIs. (128ca01)
client-opensearchserverless: This release adds new collection type VectorSearch. (973689c)
client-polly: Amazon Polly adds 1 new voice - Lisa (nl-BE) (264045a)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2023-07-26 (a5a0096)