client-bedrock-runtime: Updating invoke regex to support imported models for converse API (eae7a3e)
client-imagebuilder: Add macOS platform and instance placement options (df4c455)
client-m2: Add AuthSecretsManagerArn optional parameter to batch job APIs, expand batch parameter limits, and introduce clientToken constraints. (e2fcaab)
client-rds: Global clusters now expose the Endpoint attribute as one of its fields. It is a Read/Write endpoint for the global cluster which resolves to the Global Cluster writer instance. (0341681)
client-repostspace: Adds the BatchAddRole and BatchRemoveRole APIs. (fa3d3d0)
client-timestream-query: This release adds support for Query Insights, a feature that provides details of query execution, enabling users to identify areas for improvement to optimize their queries, resulting in improved query performance and lower query costs. (2caa046)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2024-10-22 (0958ca6)
util-user-agent-browser: make native interface consistent with browser (#6575) (c03c9a6)
client-athena: Removing FEDERATED from Create/List/Delete/GetDataCatalog API (ca03f0c)
client-bedrock-runtime: Added converse support for custom imported models (ae2b967)
client-bedrock: Adding converse support to CMI API's (46406ae)
client-datazone: Adding the following project member designations: PROJECT_CATALOG_VIEWER, PROJECT_CATALOG_CONSUMER and PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD in the CreateProjectMembership API and PROJECT_CATALOG_STEWARD designation in the AddPolicyGrant API. (678f17d)
client-ec2: RequestSpotInstances and RequestSpotFleet feature release. (a4c0494)
client-bedrock-agent: Removing support for topK property in PromptModelInferenceConfiguration object, Making PromptTemplateConfiguration property as required, Limiting the maximum PromptVariant to 1 (d4d3af5)
client-dataexchange: This release adds Data Grant support, through which customers can programmatically create data grants to share with other AWS accounts and accept data grants from other AWS accounts. (5180c33)
client-pinpoint-sms-voice-v2: Added the registrations status of REQUIRES_AUTHENTICATION (ba96169)
client-pipes: This release adds validation to require specifying a SecurityGroup and Subnets in the Vpc object under PipesSourceSelfManagedKafkaParameters. It also adds support for iso-e, iso-f, and other non-commercial partitions in ARN parameters. (98a5282)
client-quicksight: Add StartDashboardSnapshotJobSchedule API. RestoreAnalysis now supports restoring analysis to folders. (0bfe6e2)
client-workspaces: Updated the DomainName pattern for Active Directory (f4c5267)
client-s3: Add support for the new optional bucket-region and prefix query parameters in the ListBuckets API. For ListBuckets requests that express pagination, Amazon S3 will now return both the bucket names and associated AWS regions in the response. (e7f10a2)
client-s3: correct shape type of two shapes from union to structure (#6561) (9d746f6)
lib-dynamodb: missing @aws-sdk/core dependency in lib-dynamodb (#6557) (e4f9d59)
client-elastic-load-balancing-v2: Add zonal_shift.config.enabled attribute. Add new AdministrativeOverride construct in the describe-target-health API response to include information about the override status applied to a target. (809828e)
client-emr: This release provides new parameter "Context" in instance fleet clusters. (bbad384)
client-guardduty: Added a new field for network connection details. (6f6d4ac)
client-ec2: This release adds support for assigning the billing of shared Amazon EC2 On-Demand Capacity Reservations. (88ca256)
client-iotfleetwise: Refine campaign related API validations (9695325)
client-neptune-graph: Support for 16 m-NCU graphs available through account allowlisting (60ba33d)
client-outposts: Adding new "DELIVERED" enum value for Outposts Order status (c9ca816)
client-route53resolver: Route 53 Resolver Forwarding Rules can now include a server name indication (SNI) in the target address for rules that use the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) protocol. When a DoH-enabled Outbound Resolver Endpoint forwards a request to a DoH server, it will provide the SNI in the TLS handshake. (278471b)
client-socialmessaging: This release for AWS End User Messaging includes a public SDK, providing a suite of APIs that enable sending WhatsApp messages to end users. (9e43f51)
client-timestream-influxdb: This release updates our regex based validation rules in regards to valid DbInstance and DbParameterGroup name. (a5a89e3)