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Package description

What is @aws-sdk/smithy-client?

@aws-sdk/smithy-client is a foundational package used in the AWS SDK for JavaScript. It provides the core client and command abstractions that are used to build service clients for AWS services. This package is part of the modular AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3), which allows developers to import only the specific AWS services they need.

What are @aws-sdk/smithy-client's main functionalities?

Client Creation

This feature allows you to create a custom client by extending the base Client class provided by the @aws-sdk/smithy-client package. This is useful for creating service-specific clients.

const { Client } = require('@aws-sdk/smithy-client');

class MyServiceClient extends Client {
  constructor(config) {

const client = new MyServiceClient({ region: 'us-west-2' });

Command Creation

This feature allows you to create custom commands by extending the base Command class. Commands encapsulate the input and middleware logic for making API calls.

const { Command } = require('@aws-sdk/smithy-client');

class MyCommand extends Command {
  constructor(input) {
    this.input = input;

  resolveMiddleware(clientStack, configuration, options) {
    // Middleware logic here

const command = new MyCommand({ key: 'value' });

Middleware Stack

This feature allows you to create and manage a stack of middleware functions that can be used to modify the behavior of commands and clients. Middleware can be added at various stages of the request lifecycle.

const { MiddlewareStack } = require('@aws-sdk/smithy-client');

const stack = new MiddlewareStack();
stack.add((next, context) => async (args) => {
  console.log('Before request');
  const result = await next(args);
  console.log('After request');
  return result;
}, {
  step: 'initialize',
  name: 'loggingMiddleware',

Other packages similar to @aws-sdk/smithy-client



3.374.0 (2023-07-20)

Bug Fixes

  • packages: fix migrated package imports (#4990) (d800f78)


  • client-codecatalyst: This release adds support for updating and deleting spaces and projects in Amazon CodeCatalyst. It also adds support for creating, getting, and deleting source repositories in CodeCatalyst projects. (05a9f89)
  • client-connectcases: This release adds the ability to assign a case to a queue or user. (f47d6f4)
  • client-lex-models-v2: This release updates type for Channel field in SessionSpecification and UtteranceSpecification (1f77d0a)
  • client-route53resolver: This release adds support for Route 53 On Outposts, a new feature that allows customers to run Route 53 Resolver and Resolver endpoints locally on their Outposts. (8acc64c)
  • client-s3: Improve performance of S3 clients by simplifying and optimizing endpoint resolution. (72eb598)
  • client-sagemaker-featurestore-runtime: Cross account support for SageMaker Feature Store (b0593ab)
  • client-sagemaker: Cross account support for SageMaker Feature Store (e4918c1)
  • client-securitylake: Adding support for Tags on Create and Resource Tagging API. (596636d)
  • client-transcribe: Added API argument --toxicity-detection to startTranscriptionJob API, which allows users to view toxicity scores of submitted audio. (9e7552a)
  • smithy-client: update client defaults provider (830cb06)




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An internal package


You probably shouldn't, at least directly.


Package last updated on 20 Jul 2023

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