e2e: fix "eventually" helper in e2e tests (#3917) (fac9c18)
client-cloudtrail: This release adds CloudTrail getChannel and listChannels APIs to allow customer to view the ServiceLinkedChannel configurations. (3c7cfa2)
client-lex-models-v2: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. (b45fc65)
client-lex-runtime-v2: This release is for supporting Composite Slot Type feature in AWS Lex V2. Composite Slot Type will help developer to logically group coherent slots and maintain their inter-relationships in runtime conversation. (e01fa5e)
client-pi: Increases the maximum values of two RDS Performance Insights APIs. The maximum value of the Limit parameter of DimensionGroup is 25. The MaxResult maximum is now 25 for the following APIs: DescribeDimensionKeys, GetResourceMetrics, ListAvailableResourceDimensions, and ListAvailableResourceMetrics. (2f5c346)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-09 (a5dc90b)
client-ec2: This release adds support to send VPC Flow Logs to kinesis-data-firehose as new destination type (aa03c47)
client-emr-containers: EMR on EKS now allows running Spark SQL using the newly introduced Spark SQL Job Driver in the Start Job Run API (3d46a39)
client-lookoutmetrics: Release dimension value filtering feature to allow customers to define dimension filters for including only a subset of their dataset to be used by LookoutMetrics. (495f023)
client-medialive: This change exposes API settings which allow Dolby Atmos and Dolby Vision to be used when running a channel using Elemental Media Live (c7ddd0d)
client-route-53: Amazon Route 53 now supports the Middle East (UAE) Region (me-central-1) for latency records, geoproximity records, and private DNS for Amazon VPCs in that region. (9676c8f)
client-sagemaker: This release adds Mode to AutoMLJobConfig. (2d197cb)
client-ssm: This release adds support for Systems Manager State Manager Association tagging. (7141bb4)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-09-08 (b1b31d7)
lib-dynamodb: declare File interface without requiring dom lib (#3890) (574507f)
types: declare ReadableStream type without requiring dom (#3889) (061b5f5)
client-identitystore: Expand IdentityStore API to support Create, Read, Update, Delete and Get operations for User, Group and GroupMembership resources. (4227bb3)
client-iotthingsgraph: This release deprecates all APIs of the ThingsGraph service (2584904)
client-ivs: IVS Merge Fragmented Streams. This release adds support for recordingReconnectWindow field in IVS recordingConfigurations. For more information see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/ivs/latest/APIReference/Welcome.html (2cec549)
client-sagemaker: SageMaker Inference Recommender now accepts Inference Recommender fields: Domain, Task, Framework, SamplePayloadUrl, SupportedContentTypes, SupportedInstanceTypes, directly in our CreateInferenceRecommendationsJob API through ContainerConfig (7ab95c9)
token-providers: move client-sso-oidc in dependencies (#3886) (6e1534b)
client-voice-id: Amazon Connect Voice ID now detects voice spoofing. When a prospective fraudster tries to spoof caller audio using audio playback or synthesized speech, Voice ID will return a risk score and outcome to indicate the how likely it is that the voice is spoofed. (bf82531)
clients: update client endpoints as of 2022-08-29 (824b4a3)