What is @babel/helper-hoist-variables?
The @babel/helper-hoist-variables package is a utility that is used within the Babel compiler to hoist variable declarations to the top of their respective scopes during the code transformation process. This is part of the Babel's internal mechanism to ensure that the transformed code adheres to the scoping rules of ECMAScript and to avoid issues with variable declarations in the transpiled output.
Variable Hoisting
This feature allows the package to traverse a given AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) path and find all variable declarations. It then hoists these declarations to the top of the function or program scope. The 'emitOnScope' parameter is a callback that is called with an identifier for each variable that needs to be hoisted.
function hoistVariables(path, emitOnScope) {
const names = Object.create(null);
VariableDeclarator({ node }) {
if (node.id.type === 'Identifier') {
names[node.id.name] = true;
Object.keys(names).forEach(name => {
emitOnScope.push({ id: t.identifier(name) });