What is @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread?
The @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread package allows developers to use the object rest and spread properties syntax in their JavaScript code. This syntax is part of the ECMAScript proposal and enables more concise and readable code when copying properties from one object to another or collecting the remaining properties of an object after certain properties have been extracted.
What are @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread's main functionalities?
Object Spread
Allows an object's own enumerable properties to be copied into a new object. This is useful for creating a new object with the same properties as an existing object or for combining multiple objects.
{ ...source }
Object Rest
Enables extracting properties from objects and binding the remaining properties to a new object. This is useful for omitting certain properties from an object and keeping the rest.
const { a, b, ...rest } = source;
Other packages similar to @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
A polyfill for Object.assign which is a method used to copy the values of all enumerable own properties from one or more source objects to a target object. It is similar to the spread operator but does not allow for rest properties and is not a Babel plugin.
A library for deep (recursive) merging of objects. It is similar to object spread in that it allows for combining objects, but it goes deeper, merging nested objects as well, which is not something object spread syntax does by default.
Part of the Lodash library, this function is used for a deep merge of own and inherited enumerable properties of source objects into the destination object. It's more powerful than the spread operator in terms of deep merging capabilities.
A port of the classic jQuery.extend() method to Node.js. It can be used to copy properties from one or more source objects to a target object, similar to the spread operator, but it is not specifically a Babel plugin and does not handle the rest properties syntax.
This plugin allows Babel to transform rest properties for object destructuring assignment and spread properties for object literals.
Rest Properties
let { x, y, ...z } = { x: 1, y: 2, a: 3, b: 4 };
Spread Properties
let n = { x, y, ...z };
npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread
Via .babelrc
"plugins": ["@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread"]
babel --plugins @babel/proposal-object-rest-spread script.js
Via Node API
require("@babel/core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread"]
, defaults to false
By default, this plugin uses Babel's extends
helper which polyfills Object.assign
. Enabling this option will use Object.assign
"plugins": [
["@babel/proposal-object-rest-spread", { "useBuiltIns": true }]
z = { x, ...y };
z = Object.assign({ x }, y);