What is @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties?
The @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties package is a Babel plugin that transforms object literal shorthand syntax into regular object syntax. This is useful for ensuring compatibility with environments that do not support ES6 shorthand properties.
What are @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties's main functionalities?
Transform shorthand properties
Converts shorthand object properties into regular object properties. For example, `{ foo }` becomes `{"foo": foo}`.
{"foo": foo}
Transform shorthand methods
Converts shorthand method definitions into regular function properties. For example, `{ foo() { return 'bar'; } }` becomes `{"foo": function() { return 'bar'; }}`.
{"foo": function() { return 'bar'; }}
Other packages similar to @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties
This plugin transforms the ES6 spread syntax for arrays and objects, which is somewhat related to shorthand properties in that it's part of the object literal syntax enhancements introduced in ES6. However, it serves a different purpose by allowing an iterable to be expanded in places where zero or more arguments or elements are expected.
This plugin transforms destructuring assignments and rest properties, which are closely related to shorthand properties as they are part of the enhanced object literals in ES6. While @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties focuses on the syntax within object literals, @babel/plugin-transform-destructuring focuses on the syntax used to extract data from arrays or objects.
This plugin adds support for the rest and spread properties for object literals to Babel. It is similar to @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties in that it deals with object literals, but it focuses on the spread and rest properties rather than shorthand syntax.
Compile ES2015 shorthand properties to ES5
var o = { a, b, c };
var o = { a: a, b: b, c: c };
var cat = {
getName() {
return name;
var cat = {
getName: function () {
return name;
npm install --save-dev @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties
Via .babelrc
"plugins": ["@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties"]
babel --plugins @babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties script.js
Via Node API
require("@babel/core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["@babel/plugin-transform-shorthand-properties"]