Importing this package pulls in data for all Material Symbol icons. You're probably better off using something like marella/material-symbols.
A library to resolve a Material Symbol icons name to an SVG path.
The icons are the outlined variant with the 20px optical size. Both the filled and outlined versions are available.
npm i @badrap/material-symbols-omnibus
import { resolveMaterialSymbol } from "@badrap/material-symbols-omnibus";
export function MaterialSymbol(props: { name: string }) {
const data = resolveMaterialSymbol(props.name);
if (!data) {
return null;
return (
<svg width={data.width} height={data.height} viewBox={data.viewBox}>
<path d={data.path} />
Material Symbols are available under the Apache License Version 2.0. Therefore this package is also available under the same license.