Jellyfish Action Library
The action library consists of a set of actions with which the system provisions workers.
Below is an example how to use this library:
import { cardMixins } from '@balena/jellyfish-core';
import ActionLibraryPlugin from '@balena/jellyfish-action-library';
const plugin = new ActionLibraryPlugin();
const cards = plugin.getCards(context, cardMixins);
const action = plugin.getActions(context);
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Visit the website for complete documentation:
Unit tests can be easily run with the command npm test
The integration tests require Postgres and Redis instances. The simplest way to run the tests locally is with docker-compose
$ git secret reveal
$ npm run test:compose
You can also run tests locally against Postgres and Redis instances running in docker-compose
$ git secret reveal
$ npm run compose
$ export INTEGRATION_GOOGLE_MEET_CREDENTIALS=$(cat .balena/secrets/integration_google_meet_credentials)
$ export MAILGUN_TOKEN=$(cat .balena/secrets/mailgun_token)
$ REDIS_HOST=localhost POSTGRES_HOST=localhost npx jest test/integration/actions/action-ping.spec.ts
You can also access these Postgres and Redis instances:
$ PGPASSWORD=docker psql -hlocalhost -Udocker
$ redis-cli -h localhost