Common JavaScript classes, utilities, and functions
Utilities that can be used in a browser or Node.js environment.
Features include:
- Simple utilities (type checking, assertions, bit masking, etc)
- Data structures (decimals, days, enumerations, etc)
- Simple collections (queues, stacks, trees, etc)
- Specialized collections (priority queues, evicting lists, evicting maps, etc)
- Timing utilities (wrappers for setTimeout and setInterval)
- More
The code is documented with JSDoc. While the output hasn't been committed to source control, you can generate the documentation by using the following commands:
> npm install
> gulp document
Gulp is used to check "linting" and run unit tests, as follows:
> npm install
> gulp lint
> gulp test
Polyfills for ES6 are required:
This software is provided under the MIT license.