Install package
npm install @belvo/belvo-configcat-client
import FeatureFlagClient from '@belvo/belvo-configcat-client'
How to use it
Auto Poll (120s)
FLAG_LIST = [{ name: 'flagKeyName', user: {}}]
const config = { featureFlags: FLAG_LIST, emittedEventName: 'onFeatureFlagValueChanged', configCatApiKey }
const featureFlag = FeatureFlagClient(config)
featureFlag.client.handler.on('onFeatureFlagValueChanged', onValueChanged)
Manual Poll
const config = {
mode: 'manual_poll'
const featureFlagClient = new FeatureFlagClient(config)
await featureFlagClient.client.forceRefreshAsync()
this.featureFlagClient = featureFlagClient
Then when you want to fetch the value:
const featureFlagValue = await this.featureFlagClient.client.getValueAsync(featureFlag, false, userProps)
## :busts_in_silhouette: Contributing
If you wish to submit a pull request, please be sure check the items on this list:
- [ ] Tests related to the changed code were executed
- [ ] The source code has been coded following the OWASP security best practices (
- [ ] Commit message properly labeled
- [ ] There is a ticket associated to each PR.