📋 Requirements
- access to belvo-finance repository and ssh key configured
- node v15.5.0 & npm v7.3.0
Get started
npm install
npm run storybook
Run your unit tests
npm run test:unit
Lints and fixes files
npm run lint
How to create/modify components
- each component has a folder with js, token (not mandatory), stories and unit testing under the path src/components
- each component could have a scss file under the path src/assets/scss/components
Dashboard components
Widget components
- Prefix wg (only on stories for now)
Common components and utility classes
🚀 Build and Publish to npm
- have access to npm belvo organization
- make sure to increase the package version
- execute the following
npm run build-and-publish-lib
How to create new icon fonts
- Download all the fonts existing inside S3
- Import them into Icomoon Website
- Select all the icons (exclude the ones with colors like the flags)
- Select Generate Fonts
- Set the preferences using the :tools: icon you can find on the right of the Download button
- Font Name -> icon-fonts
- Class Prefix -> blank
- Check Generate preprocessor variable for Sass
- CSS Selector -> Use the class '.icon-normal'
- Generate
- Download
- Extract the zip, rename the generated fonts [.eot|.woff|.ttf] files using this notation:
icon-fonts-v[Current version + 1]
- Upload them to S3
- Copy the content of the variable.scss file into src/assets/scss/icon-fonts/variables.scss
- Copy the new font class from style.scss file to the _icon.scss and the _db-con.scss file (just the new one),
following the format .icon-normal-new-class
- Replace the font name inside _typography.scss with the new one (icon-fonts-v[Current version + 1])
:busts_in_silhouette: Contributing
If you wish to submit a pull request, please be sure check the items on this list:
🐳 Deployment
To deploy to production, follow these steps:
git checkout master
git pull
export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your github personal access token>
npm run release --allow-same-version