3.1.0 (2023-09-20)
Modular Account Abstraction is here. Contains BiconomySmartAccountV2 - an API for modular smart account.
Bug Fixes
- add 10sec timeout limit for a test (5d12fe7)
- avoid sending populated values of gas prices when estimating from bundler (c58c9fc)
- BiconomySmartAccountV2 API Specs (69a580e)
- build errors (9fb0475)
- comments #296 (55b7376)
- estimation without bundler (5e49473)
- gitInitCode cache issue (4df3502)
- lint warning and errors (2135498)
- unshift error for batch (4d090e8)
- get fee quote or data method in biconomy paymaster (47748a6)
- update responses to support calculateGasLimits flag + update interfaces (55bbd38)
- using hybrid paymaster interface (5fc56a7)