Bitbond Vue Components
Install the npm package:
npm install @bitbond/components
yarn add @bitbond/components
Add it as a plugin in your Vue project, e.g. create a file like bitbond/components.js
in your plugins folder and add the following to it's contents:
import Vue from 'vue'
import bbComponents from '@bitbond/components'
Import this plugin in your app's build step/file.
Tailwindcss - It is expected that your project has Tailwind installed. The components then use the Tailwind classes provided by your Tailwind configuration.
For example, using the bb-btn
<bb-btn color="primary">Hello World</bb-btn>
This will use your Tailwind colour class for bg-primary-500
as the background colour for the button, and variant classes for hover/active states.
There is one optional dependency, Fontawesome.
The bb-icon
component takes a name
prop and applies that as a class to an underlying <i :class="'icon ${name}" />
element. The purpose is such that if you have Fontawesome installed in your app you can use the component like this:
<bb-icon name="fas fa-user-circle" />
Please see bbIcon.vue for more information.
yarn install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development
yarn dev
Compiles and minifies for production
yarn run build