CKEditor 5 full free build
Custom build of CKEditor 5 classic build. Forked from the official repository. It includes all free available plugins (except CKFinder upload adapter, because there is implemented Simple upload adapter)
Quick start
npm install --save @blowstack/ckeditor5-full-free-build
![CKEditor 5 full free build](
Plugins included
- Alignment,
- AutoImage,
- Autoformat,
- Autolink,
- BlockQuote,
- Bold,
- CloudServices,
- Code,
- CodeBlock,
- Essentials,
- FontBackgroundColor,
- FontColor,
- FontFamily,
- FontSize,
- Heading,
- Highlight,
- HorizontalLine,
- Image,
- ImageCaption,
- ImageInsert,
- ImageResize,
- ImageStyle,
- ImageToolbar,
- ImageUpload,
- Indent,
- IndentBlock,
- Italic,
- Link,
- LinkImage,
- List,
- ListStyle,
- MathType,
- MediaEmbed,
- MediaEmbedToolbar,
- PageBreak,
- Paragraph,
- PasteFromOffice,
- RemoveFormat,
- SimpleUploadAdapter,
- SpecialCharacters,
- SpecialCharactersArrows,
- SpecialCharactersCurrency,
- SpecialCharactersEssentials,
- SpecialCharactersLatin,
- SpecialCharactersMathematical,
- SpecialCharactersText,
- Strikethrough,
- Subscript,
- Superscript,
- Table,
- TableCellProperties,
- TableProperties,
- TableToolbar,
- TextTransformation,
- Title,
- TodoList,
- Underline,
- WordCount
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