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@blueprintjs/select - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 4.3.1 to 4.4.0




@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import * as Classes from "./classes";

export * from "./predicate";
export type { SelectPopoverProps } from "./selectPopoverProps";


import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, TagInputProps } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -13,2 +19,7 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill` and `tagInputProps.fill`.

* If provided, this component will render a "clear" button inside its TagInput.
* Clicking that button will invoke this callback to clear all items from the current selection.
onClear?: () => void;
* Callback invoked when an item is removed from the selection by

@@ -42,15 +53,18 @@ * removing its tag in the TagInput. This is generally more useful than

* Props to spread to `Popover2`.
* Note that `content` cannot be changed, but we do support attaching a ref to the Popover2 component
* instance (sometimes useful to reposition the popover after updating `selectedItems` in reaction to
* a change external to this component).
* Props to add to the `div` that wraps the TagInput
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content"> & {
ref: React.RefObject<Popover2<React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>>>;
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
/** Controlled selected values. */
selectedItems?: T[];
/** Props to spread to `TagInput`. Use `query` and `onQueryChange` to control the input. */
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps> & object;
* Props to spread to `TagInput`.
* If you wish to control the value of the input, use `query` and `onQueryChange` instead.
* Notes for `tagInputProps.rightElement`:
* - you are responsible for disabling any elements you may render here when the overall
* `MultiSelect2` is disabled.
* - if the `onClear` prop is defined, this element will override/replace the default rightElement,
* which is a "clear" button that removes all items from the current selection.
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps>;
/** Custom renderer to transform an item into tag content. */

@@ -64,3 +78,5 @@ tagRenderer: (item: T) => React.ReactNode;

static displayName: string;
private listboxId;
static defaultProps: {
disabled: boolean;
fill: boolean;

@@ -78,2 +94,3 @@ placeholder: string;

private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private handleItemSelect;

@@ -84,4 +101,6 @@ private handleQueryChange;

private handleTagRemove;
private getTagInputAddHandler;
private getTagInputKeyDownHandler;
private getTagInputKeyUpHandler;
private handleClearButtonClick;

@@ -31,2 +31,3 @@ "use strict";

_this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.listboxId = core_1.Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.state = {

@@ -44,23 +45,43 @@ isOpen: (_this.props.popoverProps && _this.props.popoverProps.isOpen) || false,

_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
var _a;
var _b = _this.props, fill = _b.fill, _c = _b.tagInputProps, tagInputProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, _d = _b.popoverProps, popoverProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _b.selectedItems, selectedItems = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e, placeholder = _b.placeholder;
var handlePaste = listProps.handlePaste, handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
tagInputProps.fill = true;
// add our own inputProps.className so that we can reference it in event handlers
var inputProps = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, tagInputProps.inputProps), { className: (0, classnames_1.default)((_a = tagInputProps.inputProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.className, common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT_TAG_INPUT_INPUT) });
var handleTagInputAdd = function (values, method) {
if (method === "paste") {
var _a = _this.props, disabled = _a.disabled, _b = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var popoverRef = _this.props.popoverRef === undefined
? _this.refHandlers.popover
: (0, core_1.mergeRefs)(_this.refHandlers.popover, _this.props.popoverRef);
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, disabled: disabled, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, placement: popoverProps.position || popoverProps.placement ? undefined : "bottom-start" }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", tslib_1.__assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }), listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: popover2_1.PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, _this.state.isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
var _b;
var _c;
var _isOpen = _a.isOpen, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["isOpen", "ref"]);
var _d = _this.props, disabled = _d.disabled, fill = _d.fill, onClear = _d.onClear, placeholder = _d.placeholder, _e = _d.popoverTargetProps, popoverTargetProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e, _f = _d.selectedItems, selectedItems = _f === void 0 ? [] : _f, _g = _d.tagInputProps, tagInputProps = _g === void 0 ? {} : _g;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
if (disabled) {
tagInputProps.disabled = true;
if (fill) {
tagInputProps.fill = true;
// add our own inputProps.className so that we can reference it in event handlers
var inputProps = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, tagInputProps.inputProps), { className: (0, classnames_1.default)((_c = tagInputProps.inputProps) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.className, common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT_TAG_INPUT_INPUT) });
var maybeClearButton = onClear !== undefined && selectedItems.length > 0 ? (React.createElement(core_1.Button, { disabled: disabled, icon: "cross", minimal: true, onClick: _this.handleClearButtonClick })) : undefined;
return (React.createElement("div", tslib_1.__assign({ "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, popoverTargetProps, targetProps, { "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to TagInput to get the wrapper element to full width
className: (0, classnames_1.default)(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps.className, (_b = {},
_b[core_1.Classes.FILL] = fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: _this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), ref: ref, role: "combobox" }),
React.createElement(core_1.TagInput, tslib_1.__assign({ placeholder: placeholder, rightElement: maybeClearButton }, tagInputProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: _this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query, onAdd: _this.getTagInputAddHandler(listProps), onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: _this.handleTagRemove, values: }))));
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, placement: "bottom-start" }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), ref: popoverProps.ref === undefined
? _this.refHandlers.popover
: (0, core_1.mergeRefs)(_this.refHandlers.popover, popoverProps.ref) }),
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: _this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp) },
React.createElement(core_1.TagInput, tslib_1.__assign({ placeholder: placeholder }, tagInputProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: _this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query,
/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */
onAdd: handleTagInputAdd, onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: _this.handleTagRemove, values: })))));

@@ -112,2 +133,7 @@ _this.handleItemSelect = function (item, evt) {

_this.getTagInputAddHandler = function (listProps) { return function (values, method) {
if (method === "paste") {
}; };
_this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler = function (handleQueryListKeyDown) {

@@ -145,2 +171,7 @@ return function (e) {

_this.handleClearButtonClick = function () {
var _a, _b, _c;
(_b = (_a = _this.props).onClear) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
(_c = _this.refHandlers.popover.current) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.reposition(); // reposition when size of input changes
return _this;

@@ -158,2 +189,6 @@ }

if ((prevProps.onClear === undefined && this.props.onClear !== undefined) ||
(prevProps.onClear !== undefined && this.props.onClear === undefined)) {

@@ -163,6 +198,7 @@ MultiSelect2.prototype.render = function () {

var _a = this.props, openOnKeyDown = _a.openOnKeyDown, popoverProps = _a.popoverProps, tagInputProps = _a.tagInputProps, restProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["openOnKeyDown", "popoverProps", "tagInputProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { "aria-multiselectable": true, id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
MultiSelect2.displayName = "".concat(core_1.DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, ".MultiSelect2");
MultiSelect2.defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
fill: false,

@@ -169,0 +205,0 @@ placeholder: "Search...",

@@ -13,2 +13,6 @@ import * as React from "react";

* Additional props to apply to the `Menu` that is created within the `QueryList`
menuProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>;
* Callback invoked when user presses a key, after processing `QueryList`'s own key events

@@ -15,0 +19,0 @@ * (up/down to navigate active item). This callback is passed to `renderer` and (along with

@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ "use strict";

_this.renderItemList = function (listProps) {
var _a = _this.props, initialContent = _a.initialContent, noResults = _a.noResults;
var _a = _this.props, initialContent = _a.initialContent, noResults = _a.noResults, menuProps = _a.menuProps;
// omit noResults if createNewItemFromQuery and createNewItemRenderer are both supplied, and query is not empty

@@ -70,3 +70,3 @@ var createItemView = listProps.renderCreateItem();

var createFirst = _this.isCreateItemFirst();
return (React.createElement(core_1.Menu, { ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef },
return (React.createElement(core_1.Menu, tslib_1.__assign({ role: "listbox" }, menuProps, { ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef }),
createFirst && createItemView,

@@ -73,0 +73,0 @@ menuContent,

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Element which triggers the select popover. In most cases, you should display
* the name or label of the curently selected item here.
children?: React.ReactNode;
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -21,10 +32,2 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill`. You also have to ensure that the child

* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Props to spread to the query `InputGroup`. Use `query` and

@@ -35,5 +38,7 @@ * `onQueryChange` instead of `inputProps.value` and `inputProps.onChange`

inputProps?: InputGroupProps2;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;
* Props to add to the popover target wrapper element.
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
* Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

@@ -53,4 +58,4 @@ * the popover closes_. The query will also be reset to the empty string.

state: Select2State;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private TypedQueryList;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private queryList;

@@ -60,6 +65,11 @@ private previousFocusedElement;

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Select2Props<T>, prevState: Select2State): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private maybeRenderClearButton;
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
private handleTargetKeyDown;

@@ -66,0 +76,0 @@ private handleItemSelect;

@@ -34,24 +34,50 @@ "use strict";

_this.state = { isOpen: false };
_this.inputElement = null;
_this.TypedQueryList = queryList_1.QueryList.ofType();
_this.inputElement = null;
_this.queryList = null;
_this.handleInputRef = (0, core_1.refHandler)(_this, "inputElement", (_a = _this.props.inputProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.inputRef);
_this.handleQueryListRef = function (ref) { return (_this.queryList = ref); };
_this.listboxId = core_1.Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
// not using defaultProps cuz they're hard to type with generics (can't use <T> on static members)
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.filterable, filterable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.disabled, disabled = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.filterable, filterable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.disabled, disabled = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e, _f = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _f === void 0 ? {} : _f, popoverRef = _a.popoverRef;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
var input = (React.createElement(core_1.InputGroup, tslib_1.__assign({ leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: _this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query) }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query })));
var input = (React.createElement(core_1.InputGroup, tslib_1.__assign({ "aria-autocomplete": "list", leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: _this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query) }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query })));
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: core_1.Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp },
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: core_1.Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", tslib_1.__assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }),
filterable ? input : undefined,
listProps.itemList), onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onClosing: _this.handlePopoverClosing }),
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: _this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyDown : _this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: _this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined }, _this.props.children)));
listProps.itemList), onClosing: _this.handlePopoverClosing, onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: popover2_1.PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, _this.state.isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
var _b;
var _isOpen = _a.isOpen, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["isOpen", "ref"]);
var popoverTargetProps = _this.props.popoverTargetProps;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
return (React.createElement("div", tslib_1.__assign({ "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, popoverTargetProps, targetProps, { "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to children to get the wrapper element to full width
className: (0, classnames_1.default)(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps === null || popoverTargetProps === void 0 ? void 0 : popoverTargetProps.className, (_b = {},
_b[core_1.Classes.FILL] = _this.props.fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: isOpen ? handleKeyDown : _this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined, ref: ref, role: "combobox" }), _this.props.children));
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
_this.handleTargetKeyDown = function (event) {
// open popover when arrow key pressed on target while closed
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */
if (event.which === core_1.Keys.ARROW_UP || event.which === core_1.Keys.ARROW_DOWN) {

@@ -61,2 +87,6 @@ event.preventDefault();

else if (core_1.Keys.isKeyboardClick(event.keyCode)) {
_this.setState({ isOpen: true });
/* eslint-enable deprecation/deprecation */

@@ -120,3 +150,3 @@ _this.handleItemSelect = function (item, event) {

var _a = this.props, filterable = _a.filterable, inputProps = _a.inputProps, popoverProps = _a.popoverProps, restProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["filterable", "inputProps", "popoverProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));

@@ -123,0 +153,0 @@ Select2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {

/// <reference types="react" />
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {

@@ -48,4 +47,2 @@ * Whether the popover should close after selecting an item.

openOnKeyDown?: boolean;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;

@@ -73,5 +70,7 @@ * Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Suggest2Props<T>, prevState: Suggest2State<T>): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private selectText;

@@ -78,0 +77,0 @@ private handleInputFocus;

@@ -42,22 +42,34 @@ "use strict";

_this.handleQueryListRef = function (ref) { return (_this.queryList = ref); };
_this.listboxId = core_1.Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c;
var _d = _this.state, isOpen = _d.isOpen, selectedItem = _d.selectedItem;
var _a = _this.props, _b = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, popoverRef = _a.popoverRef;
var isOpen = _this.state.isOpen;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var _e = inputProps.autoComplete, autoComplete = _e === void 0 ? "off" : _e, _f = inputProps.placeholder, placeholder = _f === void 0 ? "Search..." : _f;
var selectedItemText = selectedItem ? _this.props.inputValueRenderer(selectedItem) : "";
// placeholder shows selected item while open.
var inputPlaceholder = isOpen && selectedItemText ? selectedItemText : placeholder;
// value shows query when open, and query remains when closed if nothing is selected.
// if resetOnClose is enabled, then hide query when not open. (see handlePopoverOpening)
var inputValue = isOpen
? listProps.query
: selectedItemText || (_this.props.resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
inputProps.fill = true;
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: core_1.Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened }),
React.createElement(core_1.InputGroup, tslib_1.__assign({ autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: _this.props.disabled }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: _this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: _this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, value: inputValue }))));
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(popover2_1.Popover2, tslib_1.__assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: core_1.Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: (0, classnames_1.default)(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", tslib_1.__assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }), listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: (0, classnames_1.default)(common_1.Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: popover2_1.PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
// pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM
_isOpen = _a.isOpen,
// pull out `defaultValue` due to type incompatibility with InputGroup.
defaultValue = _a.defaultValue, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = tslib_1.__rest(_a, ["isOpen", "defaultValue", "ref"]);
var _b = _this.props, disabled = _b.disabled, fill = _b.fill, _c = _b.inputProps, inputProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, inputValueRenderer = _b.inputValueRenderer, resetOnClose = _b.resetOnClose;
var selectedItem = _this.state.selectedItem;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var selectedItemText = selectedItem == null ? "" : inputValueRenderer(selectedItem);
var _d = inputProps.autoComplete, autoComplete = _d === void 0 ? "off" : _d, _e = inputProps.placeholder, placeholder = _e === void 0 ? "Search..." : _e;
// placeholder shows selected item while open.
var inputPlaceholder = isOpen && selectedItemText ? selectedItemText : placeholder;
// value shows query when open, and query remains when closed if nothing is selected.
// if resetOnClose is enabled, then hide query when not open. (see handlePopoverOpening)
var inputValue = isOpen ? listProps.query : selectedItemText !== null && selectedItemText !== void 0 ? selectedItemText : (resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
return (React.createElement(core_1.InputGroup, tslib_1.__assign({ autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: disabled, "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, targetProps, inputProps, { "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-expanded": isOpen, fill: fill, inputRef: (0, core_1.mergeRefs)(_this.handleInputRef, ref), onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: _this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: _this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, role: "combobox", value: inputValue })));
_this.selectText = function () {

@@ -174,3 +186,3 @@ // wait until the input is properly focused to select the text inside of it

var _b = this.props, disabled = _b.disabled, inputProps = _b.inputProps, popoverProps = _b.popoverProps, restProps = tslib_1.__rest(_b, ["disabled", "inputProps", "popoverProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { initialActiveItem: (_a = this.props.selectedItem) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, tslib_1.__assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, initialActiveItem: (_a = this.props.selectedItem) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));

@@ -177,0 +189,0 @@ Suggest2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {

@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import * as Classes from "./classes";

export * from "./predicate";
export type { SelectPopoverProps } from "./selectPopoverProps";
import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, TagInputProps } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -13,2 +19,7 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill` and `tagInputProps.fill`.

* If provided, this component will render a "clear" button inside its TagInput.
* Clicking that button will invoke this callback to clear all items from the current selection.
onClear?: () => void;
* Callback invoked when an item is removed from the selection by

@@ -42,15 +53,18 @@ * removing its tag in the TagInput. This is generally more useful than

* Props to spread to `Popover2`.
* Note that `content` cannot be changed, but we do support attaching a ref to the Popover2 component
* instance (sometimes useful to reposition the popover after updating `selectedItems` in reaction to
* a change external to this component).
* Props to add to the `div` that wraps the TagInput
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content"> & {
ref: React.RefObject<Popover2<React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>>>;
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
/** Controlled selected values. */
selectedItems?: T[];
/** Props to spread to `TagInput`. Use `query` and `onQueryChange` to control the input. */
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps> & object;
* Props to spread to `TagInput`.
* If you wish to control the value of the input, use `query` and `onQueryChange` instead.
* Notes for `tagInputProps.rightElement`:
* - you are responsible for disabling any elements you may render here when the overall
* `MultiSelect2` is disabled.
* - if the `onClear` prop is defined, this element will override/replace the default rightElement,
* which is a "clear" button that removes all items from the current selection.
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps>;
/** Custom renderer to transform an item into tag content. */

@@ -64,3 +78,5 @@ tagRenderer: (item: T) => React.ReactNode;

static displayName: string;
private listboxId;
static defaultProps: {
disabled: boolean;
fill: boolean;

@@ -78,2 +94,3 @@ placeholder: string;

private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private handleItemSelect;

@@ -84,4 +101,6 @@ private handleQueryChange;

private handleTagRemove;
private getTagInputAddHandler;
private getTagInputKeyDownHandler;
private getTagInputKeyUpHandler;
private handleClearButtonClick;

@@ -18,4 +18,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, Keys, mergeRefs, refHandler, setRef, TagInput, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, Keys, mergeRefs, refHandler, setRef, TagInput, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -29,2 +29,3 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

_this = _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
_this.listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.state = {

@@ -42,23 +43,43 @@ isOpen: (_this.props.popoverProps && _this.props.popoverProps.isOpen) || false,

_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
var _a;
var _b = _this.props, fill = _b.fill, _c = _b.tagInputProps, tagInputProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, _d = _b.popoverProps, popoverProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _b.selectedItems, selectedItems = _e === void 0 ? [] : _e, placeholder = _b.placeholder;
var handlePaste = listProps.handlePaste, handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
tagInputProps.fill = true;
// add our own inputProps.className so that we can reference it in event handlers
var inputProps = __assign(__assign({}, tagInputProps.inputProps), { className: classNames((_a = tagInputProps.inputProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.className, Classes.MULTISELECT_TAG_INPUT_INPUT) });
var handleTagInputAdd = function (values, method) {
if (method === "paste") {
var _a = _this.props, disabled = _a.disabled, _b = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var popoverRef = _this.props.popoverRef === undefined
? _this.refHandlers.popover
: mergeRefs(_this.refHandlers.popover, _this.props.popoverRef);
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, disabled: disabled, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, placement: popoverProps.position || popoverProps.placement ? undefined : "bottom-start" }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", __assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }), listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, _this.state.isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
var _b;
var _c;
var _isOpen = _a.isOpen, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = __rest(_a, ["isOpen", "ref"]);
var _d = _this.props, disabled = _d.disabled, fill = _d.fill, onClear = _d.onClear, placeholder = _d.placeholder, _e = _d.popoverTargetProps, popoverTargetProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e, _f = _d.selectedItems, selectedItems = _f === void 0 ? [] : _f, _g = _d.tagInputProps, tagInputProps = _g === void 0 ? {} : _g;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
if (disabled) {
tagInputProps.disabled = true;
if (fill) {
tagInputProps.fill = true;
// add our own inputProps.className so that we can reference it in event handlers
var inputProps = __assign(__assign({}, tagInputProps.inputProps), { className: classNames((_c = tagInputProps.inputProps) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.className, Classes.MULTISELECT_TAG_INPUT_INPUT) });
var maybeClearButton = onClear !== undefined && selectedItems.length > 0 ? (React.createElement(Button, { disabled: disabled, icon: "cross", minimal: true, onClick: _this.handleClearButtonClick })) : undefined;
return (React.createElement("div", __assign({ "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, popoverTargetProps, targetProps, { "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to TagInput to get the wrapper element to full width
className: classNames(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps.className, (_b = {},
_b[CoreClasses.FILL] = fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: _this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), ref: ref, role: "combobox" }),
React.createElement(TagInput, __assign({ placeholder: placeholder, rightElement: maybeClearButton }, tagInputProps, { className: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: _this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query, onAdd: _this.getTagInputAddHandler(listProps), onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: _this.handleTagRemove, values: }))));
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, placement: "bottom-start" }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), ref: popoverProps.ref === undefined
? _this.refHandlers.popover
: mergeRefs(_this.refHandlers.popover, popoverProps.ref) }),
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: _this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp) },
React.createElement(TagInput, __assign({ placeholder: placeholder }, tagInputProps, { className: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: _this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query,
/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */
onAdd: handleTagInputAdd, onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: _this.handleTagRemove, values: })))));

@@ -110,2 +131,7 @@ _this.handleItemSelect = function (item, evt) {

_this.getTagInputAddHandler = function (listProps) { return function (values, method) {
if (method === "paste") {
}; };
_this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler = function (handleQueryListKeyDown) {

@@ -143,2 +169,7 @@ return function (e) {

_this.handleClearButtonClick = function () {
var _a, _b, _c;
(_b = (_a = _this.props).onClear) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
(_c = _this.refHandlers.popover.current) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.reposition(); // reposition when size of input changes
return _this;

@@ -156,2 +187,6 @@ }

if ((prevProps.onClear === undefined && this.props.onClear !== undefined) ||
(prevProps.onClear !== undefined && this.props.onClear === undefined)) {

@@ -161,6 +196,7 @@ MultiSelect2.prototype.render = function () {

var _a = this.props, openOnKeyDown = _a.openOnKeyDown, popoverProps = _a.popoverProps, tagInputProps = _a.tagInputProps, restProps = __rest(_a, ["openOnKeyDown", "popoverProps", "tagInputProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { "aria-multiselectable": true, id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
MultiSelect2.displayName = "".concat(DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, ".MultiSelect2");
MultiSelect2.defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
fill: false,

@@ -167,0 +203,0 @@ placeholder: "Search...",

@@ -13,2 +13,6 @@ import * as React from "react";

* Additional props to apply to the `Menu` that is created within the `QueryList`
menuProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>;
* Callback invoked when user presses a key, after processing `QueryList`'s own key events

@@ -15,0 +19,0 @@ * (up/down to navigate active item). This callback is passed to `renderer` and (along with

@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@ /*

_this.renderItemList = function (listProps) {
var _a = _this.props, initialContent = _a.initialContent, noResults = _a.noResults;
var _a = _this.props, initialContent = _a.initialContent, noResults = _a.noResults, menuProps = _a.menuProps;
// omit noResults if createNewItemFromQuery and createNewItemRenderer are both supplied, and query is not empty

@@ -67,3 +67,3 @@ var createItemView = listProps.renderCreateItem();

var createFirst = _this.isCreateItemFirst();
return (React.createElement(Menu, { ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef },
return (React.createElement(Menu, __assign({ role: "listbox" }, menuProps, { ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef }),
createFirst && createItemView,

@@ -70,0 +70,0 @@ menuContent,

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Element which triggers the select popover. In most cases, you should display
* the name or label of the curently selected item here.
children?: React.ReactNode;
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -21,10 +32,2 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill`. You also have to ensure that the child

* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Props to spread to the query `InputGroup`. Use `query` and

@@ -35,5 +38,7 @@ * `onQueryChange` instead of `inputProps.value` and `inputProps.onChange`

inputProps?: InputGroupProps2;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;
* Props to add to the popover target wrapper element.
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
* Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

@@ -53,4 +58,4 @@ * the popover closes_. The query will also be reset to the empty string.

state: Select2State;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private TypedQueryList;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private queryList;

@@ -60,6 +65,11 @@ private previousFocusedElement;

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Select2Props<T>, prevState: Select2State): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private maybeRenderClearButton;
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
private handleTargetKeyDown;

@@ -66,0 +76,0 @@ private handleItemSelect;

@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -32,24 +32,50 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

_this.state = { isOpen: false };
_this.inputElement = null;
_this.TypedQueryList = QueryList.ofType();
_this.inputElement = null;
_this.queryList = null;
_this.handleInputRef = refHandler(_this, "inputElement", (_a = _this.props.inputProps) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.inputRef);
_this.handleQueryListRef = function (ref) { return (_this.queryList = ref); };
_this.listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
// not using defaultProps cuz they're hard to type with generics (can't use <T> on static members)
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.filterable, filterable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.disabled, disabled = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.filterable, filterable = _b === void 0 ? true : _b, _c = _a.disabled, disabled = _c === void 0 ? false : _c, _d = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e, _f = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _f === void 0 ? {} : _f, popoverRef = _a.popoverRef;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
var input = (React.createElement(InputGroup, __assign({ leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: _this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query) }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query })));
var input = (React.createElement(InputGroup, __assign({ "aria-autocomplete": "list", leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: _this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query) }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query })));
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp },
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: _this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", __assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }),
filterable ? input : undefined,
listProps.itemList), onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onClosing: _this.handlePopoverClosing }),
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: _this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyDown : _this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: _this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined }, _this.props.children)));
listProps.itemList), onClosing: _this.handlePopoverClosing, onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, _this.state.isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
var _b;
var _isOpen = _a.isOpen, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = __rest(_a, ["isOpen", "ref"]);
var popoverTargetProps = _this.props.popoverTargetProps;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
return (React.createElement("div", __assign({ "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, popoverTargetProps, targetProps, { "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to children to get the wrapper element to full width
className: classNames(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps === null || popoverTargetProps === void 0 ? void 0 : popoverTargetProps.className, (_b = {},
_b[CoreClasses.FILL] = _this.props.fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: isOpen ? handleKeyDown : _this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined, ref: ref, role: "combobox" }), _this.props.children));
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
_this.handleTargetKeyDown = function (event) {
// open popover when arrow key pressed on target while closed
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */
if (event.which === Keys.ARROW_UP || event.which === Keys.ARROW_DOWN) {

@@ -59,2 +85,6 @@ event.preventDefault();

else if (Keys.isKeyboardClick(event.keyCode)) {
_this.setState({ isOpen: true });
/* eslint-enable deprecation/deprecation */

@@ -118,3 +148,3 @@ _this.handleItemSelect = function (item, event) {

var _a = this.props, filterable = _a.filterable, inputProps = _a.inputProps, popoverProps = _a.popoverProps, restProps = __rest(_a, ["filterable", "inputProps", "popoverProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));

@@ -121,0 +151,0 @@ Select2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {

/// <reference types="react" />
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {

@@ -48,4 +47,2 @@ * Whether the popover should close after selecting an item.

openOnKeyDown?: boolean;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;

@@ -73,5 +70,7 @@ * Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Suggest2Props<T>, prevState: Suggest2State<T>): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private selectText;

@@ -78,0 +77,0 @@ private handleInputFocus;

@@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, mergeRefs, Position, refHandler, setRef, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -40,22 +40,34 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

_this.handleQueryListRef = function (ref) { return (_this.queryList = ref); };
_this.listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
_this.renderQueryList = function (listProps) {
var _a = _this.props, fill = _a.fill, _b = _a.inputProps, inputProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c;
var _d = _this.state, isOpen = _d.isOpen, selectedItem = _d.selectedItem;
var _a = _this.props, _b = _a.popoverContentProps, popoverContentProps = _b === void 0 ? {} : _b, _c = _a.popoverProps, popoverProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, popoverRef = _a.popoverRef;
var isOpen = _this.state.isOpen;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var _e = inputProps.autoComplete, autoComplete = _e === void 0 ? "off" : _e, _f = inputProps.placeholder, placeholder = _f === void 0 ? "Search..." : _f;
var selectedItemText = selectedItem ? _this.props.inputValueRenderer(selectedItem) : "";
// placeholder shows selected item while open.
var inputPlaceholder = isOpen && selectedItemText ? selectedItemText : placeholder;
// value shows query when open, and query remains when closed if nothing is selected.
// if resetOnClose is enabled, then hide query when not open. (see handlePopoverOpening)
var inputValue = isOpen
? listProps.query
: selectedItemText || (_this.props.resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
inputProps.fill = true;
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened }),
React.createElement(InputGroup, __assign({ autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: _this.props.disabled }, inputProps, { inputRef: _this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: _this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: _this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, value: inputValue }))));
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(Popover2, __assign({ autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT }, popoverProps, { className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", __assign({}, popoverContentProps, { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }), listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: _this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: _this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: _this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: _this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, isOpen) })));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
_this.getPopoverTargetRenderer = function (listProps, isOpen) {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
return function (_a) {
// pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM
_isOpen = _a.isOpen,
// pull out `defaultValue` due to type incompatibility with InputGroup.
defaultValue = _a.defaultValue, ref = _a.ref, targetProps = __rest(_a, ["isOpen", "defaultValue", "ref"]);
var _b = _this.props, disabled = _b.disabled, fill = _b.fill, _c = _b.inputProps, inputProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, inputValueRenderer = _b.inputValueRenderer, resetOnClose = _b.resetOnClose;
var selectedItem = _this.state.selectedItem;
var handleKeyDown = listProps.handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp = listProps.handleKeyUp;
var selectedItemText = selectedItem == null ? "" : inputValueRenderer(selectedItem);
var _d = inputProps.autoComplete, autoComplete = _d === void 0 ? "off" : _d, _e = inputProps.placeholder, placeholder = _e === void 0 ? "Search..." : _e;
// placeholder shows selected item while open.
var inputPlaceholder = isOpen && selectedItemText ? selectedItemText : placeholder;
// value shows query when open, and query remains when closed if nothing is selected.
// if resetOnClose is enabled, then hide query when not open. (see handlePopoverOpening)
var inputValue = isOpen ? listProps.query : selectedItemText !== null && selectedItemText !== void 0 ? selectedItemText : (resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
return (React.createElement(InputGroup, __assign({ autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: disabled, "aria-controls": _this.listboxId }, targetProps, inputProps, { "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-expanded": isOpen, fill: fill, inputRef: mergeRefs(_this.handleInputRef, ref), onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: _this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: _this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: _this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, role: "combobox", value: inputValue })));
_this.selectText = function () {

@@ -172,3 +184,3 @@ // wait until the input is properly focused to select the text inside of it

var _b = this.props, disabled = _b.disabled, inputProps = _b.inputProps, popoverProps = _b.popoverProps, restProps = __rest(_b, ["disabled", "inputProps", "popoverProps"]);
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { initialActiveItem: (_a = this.props.selectedItem) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, __assign({}, restProps, { menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, initialActiveItem: (_a = this.props.selectedItem) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList })));

@@ -175,0 +187,0 @@ Suggest2.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps, prevState) {

@@ -8,1 +8,2 @@ import * as Classes from "./classes";

export * from "./predicate";
export type { SelectPopoverProps } from "./selectPopoverProps";
import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, TagInputProps } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
export interface MultiSelect2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -13,2 +19,7 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill` and `tagInputProps.fill`.

* If provided, this component will render a "clear" button inside its TagInput.
* Clicking that button will invoke this callback to clear all items from the current selection.
onClear?: () => void;
* Callback invoked when an item is removed from the selection by

@@ -42,15 +53,18 @@ * removing its tag in the TagInput. This is generally more useful than

* Props to spread to `Popover2`.
* Note that `content` cannot be changed, but we do support attaching a ref to the Popover2 component
* instance (sometimes useful to reposition the popover after updating `selectedItems` in reaction to
* a change external to this component).
* Props to add to the `div` that wraps the TagInput
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content"> & {
ref: React.RefObject<Popover2<React.HTMLProps<HTMLDivElement>>>;
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
/** Controlled selected values. */
selectedItems?: T[];
/** Props to spread to `TagInput`. Use `query` and `onQueryChange` to control the input. */
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps> & object;
* Props to spread to `TagInput`.
* If you wish to control the value of the input, use `query` and `onQueryChange` instead.
* Notes for `tagInputProps.rightElement`:
* - you are responsible for disabling any elements you may render here when the overall
* `MultiSelect2` is disabled.
* - if the `onClear` prop is defined, this element will override/replace the default rightElement,
* which is a "clear" button that removes all items from the current selection.
tagInputProps?: Partial<TagInputProps>;
/** Custom renderer to transform an item into tag content. */

@@ -64,3 +78,5 @@ tagRenderer: (item: T) => React.ReactNode;

static displayName: string;
private listboxId;
static defaultProps: {
disabled: boolean;
fill: boolean;

@@ -78,2 +94,3 @@ placeholder: string;

private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private handleItemSelect;

@@ -84,4 +101,6 @@ private handleQueryChange;

private handleTagRemove;
private getTagInputAddHandler;
private getTagInputKeyDownHandler;
private getTagInputKeyUpHandler;
private handleClearButtonClick;

@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, Keys, mergeRefs, refHandler, setRef, TagInput, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, Keys, mergeRefs, refHandler, setRef, TagInput, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -24,3 +24,5 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

static displayName = `${DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX}.MultiSelect2`;
listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
static defaultProps = {
disabled: false,
fill: false,

@@ -49,2 +51,6 @@ placeholder: "Search...",

if ((prevProps.onClear === undefined && this.props.onClear !== undefined) ||
(prevProps.onClear !== undefined && this.props.onClear === undefined)) {

@@ -54,9 +60,27 @@ render() {

const { openOnKeyDown, popoverProps, tagInputProps, ...restProps } = this.props;
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, menuProps: { "aria-multiselectable": true, id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, onQueryChange: this.handleQueryChange, ref: this.refHandlers.queryList, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));
renderQueryList = (listProps) => {
const { fill, tagInputProps = {}, popoverProps = {}, selectedItems = [], placeholder } = this.props;
const { handlePaste, handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
const { disabled, popoverContentProps = {}, popoverProps = {} } = this.props;
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
const popoverRef = this.props.popoverRef === undefined
? this.refHandlers.popover
: mergeRefs(this.refHandlers.popover, this.props.popoverRef);
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, disabled: disabled, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: this.state.isOpen, placement: popoverProps.position || popoverProps.placement ? undefined : "bottom-start", ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { ...popoverContentProps, onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, this.state.isOpen) }));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
getPopoverTargetRenderer = (listProps, isOpen) =>
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
({ isOpen: _isOpen, ref, ...targetProps }) => {
const { disabled, fill, onClear, placeholder, popoverTargetProps = {}, selectedItems = [], tagInputProps = {}, } = this.props;
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
if (disabled) {
tagInputProps.disabled = true;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
tagInputProps.fill = true;

@@ -69,14 +93,13 @@ }

const handleTagInputAdd = (values, method) => {
if (method === "paste") {
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, canEscapeKeyClose: true, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: this.state.isOpen, placement: "bottom-start", ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), ref: popoverProps.ref === undefined
? this.refHandlers.popover
: mergeRefs(this.refHandlers.popover, popoverProps.ref) },
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp) },
React.createElement(TagInput, { placeholder: placeholder, ...tagInputProps, className: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query,
/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-no-bind */
onAdd: handleTagInputAdd, onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: this.handleTagRemove, values: }))));
const maybeClearButton = onClear !== undefined && selectedItems.length > 0 ? (React.createElement(Button, { disabled: disabled, icon: "cross", minimal: true, onClick: this.handleClearButtonClick })) : undefined;
return (React.createElement("div", { "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-controls": this.listboxId, ...popoverTargetProps, ...targetProps, "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to TagInput to get the wrapper element to full width
className: classNames(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps.className, {
[CoreClasses.FILL]: fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: this.getTagInputKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: this.getTagInputKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), ref: ref, role: "combobox" },
React.createElement(TagInput, { placeholder: placeholder, rightElement: maybeClearButton, ...tagInputProps, className: classNames(Classes.MULTISELECT, tagInputProps.className), inputRef: this.refHandlers.input, inputProps: inputProps, inputValue: listProps.query, onAdd: this.getTagInputAddHandler(listProps), onInputChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onRemove: this.handleTagRemove, values: })));

@@ -121,2 +144,7 @@ handleItemSelect = (item, evt) => {

getTagInputAddHandler = (listProps) => (values, method) => {
if (method === "paste") {
getTagInputKeyDownHandler = (handleQueryListKeyDown) => {

@@ -154,3 +182,7 @@ return (e) => {

handleClearButtonClick = () => {
this.refHandlers.popover.current?.reposition(); // reposition when size of input changes

@@ -13,2 +13,6 @@ import * as React from "react";

* Additional props to apply to the `Menu` that is created within the `QueryList`
menuProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLUListElement>;
* Callback invoked when user presses a key, after processing `QueryList`'s own key events

@@ -15,0 +19,0 @@ * (up/down to navigate active item). This callback is passed to `renderer` and (along with

@@ -187,3 +187,3 @@ /*

renderItemList = (listProps) => {
const { initialContent, noResults } = this.props;
const { initialContent, noResults, menuProps } = this.props;
// omit noResults if createNewItemFromQuery and createNewItemRenderer are both supplied, and query is not empty

@@ -197,3 +197,3 @@ const createItemView = listProps.renderCreateItem();

const createFirst = this.isCreateItemFirst();
return (React.createElement(Menu, { ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef },
return (React.createElement(Menu, { role: "listbox", ...menuProps, ulRef: listProps.itemsParentRef },
createFirst && createItemView,

@@ -200,0 +200,0 @@ menuContent,

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Select2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {
* Element which triggers the select popover. In most cases, you should display
* the name or label of the curently selected item here.
children?: React.ReactNode;
* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Whether the component should take up the full width of its container.

@@ -21,10 +32,2 @@ * This overrides `popoverProps.fill`. You also have to ensure that the child

* Whether the component is non-interactive.
* If true, the list's item renderer will not be called.
* Note that you'll also need to disable the component's children, if appropriate.
* @default false
disabled?: boolean;
* Props to spread to the query `InputGroup`. Use `query` and

@@ -35,5 +38,7 @@ * `onQueryChange` instead of `inputProps.value` and `inputProps.onChange`

inputProps?: InputGroupProps2;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;
* Props to add to the popover target wrapper element.
popoverTargetProps?: React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>;
* Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

@@ -53,4 +58,4 @@ * the popover closes_. The query will also be reset to the empty string.

state: Select2State;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private TypedQueryList;
inputElement: HTMLInputElement | null;
private queryList;

@@ -60,6 +65,11 @@ private previousFocusedElement;

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Select2Props<T>, prevState: Select2State): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private maybeRenderClearButton;
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
private handleTargetKeyDown;

@@ -66,0 +76,0 @@ private handleItemSelect;

@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, Button, Classes as CoreClasses, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

state = { isOpen: false };
inputElement = null;
TypedQueryList = QueryList.ofType();
inputElement = null;
queryList = null;

@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ previousFocusedElement;

handleQueryListRef = (ref) => (this.queryList = ref);
listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
render() {
// omit props specific to this component, spread the rest.
const { filterable, inputProps, popoverProps, ...restProps } = this.props;
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));

@@ -55,20 +56,42 @@ componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {

// not using defaultProps cuz they're hard to type with generics (can't use <T> on static members)
const { fill, filterable = true, disabled = false, inputProps = {}, popoverProps = {} } = this.props;
const { fill, filterable = true, disabled = false, inputProps = {}, popoverContentProps = {}, popoverProps = {}, popoverRef, } = this.props;
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
const input = (React.createElement(InputGroup, { leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query), ...inputProps, inputRef: this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query }));
const input = (React.createElement(InputGroup, { "aria-autocomplete": "list", leftIcon: "search", placeholder: "Filter...", rightElement: this.maybeRenderClearButton(listProps.query), ...inputProps, inputRef: this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, value: listProps.query }));
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT, ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp },
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: this.state.isOpen, disabled: disabled, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT, ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { ...popoverContentProps, onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp },
filterable ? input : undefined,
listProps.itemList), onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened, onClosing: this.handlePopoverClosing },
React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyDown : this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.state.isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined }, this.props.children)));
listProps.itemList), onClosing: this.handlePopoverClosing, onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, this.state.isOpen) }));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
getPopoverTargetRenderer = (listProps, isOpen) =>
// N.B. pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM, but remember not to use it directly
// since it may be stale (`renderTarget` is not re-invoked on this.state changes).
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
({ isOpen: _isOpen, ref, ...targetProps }) => {
const { popoverTargetProps } = this.props;
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
return (React.createElement("div", { "aria-controls": this.listboxId, ...popoverTargetProps, ...targetProps, "aria-expanded": isOpen,
// Note that we must set FILL here in addition to children to get the wrapper element to full width
className: classNames(targetProps.className, popoverTargetProps?.className, {
[CoreClasses.FILL]: this.props.fill,
// Normally, Popover2 would also need to attach its own `onKeyDown` handler via `targetProps`,
// but in our case we fully manage that interaction and listen for key events to open/close
// the popover, so we elide it from the DOM.
onKeyDown: isOpen ? handleKeyDown : this.handleTargetKeyDown, onKeyUp: isOpen ? handleKeyUp : undefined, ref: ref, role: "combobox" }, this.props.children));
maybeRenderClearButton(query) {
return query.length > 0 ? React.createElement(Button, { icon: "cross", minimal: true, onClick: this.resetQuery }) : undefined;
* Target wrapper element "keydown" handler while the popover is closed.
handleTargetKeyDown = (event) => {
// open popover when arrow key pressed on target while closed
// eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
/* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */
if (event.which === Keys.ARROW_UP || event.which === Keys.ARROW_DOWN) {

@@ -78,2 +101,6 @@ event.preventDefault();

else if (Keys.isKeyboardClick(event.keyCode)) {
this.setState({ isOpen: true });
/* eslint-enable deprecation/deprecation */

@@ -80,0 +107,0 @@ handleItemSelect = (item, event) => {

/// <reference types="react" />
import { AbstractPureComponent2, InputGroupProps2 } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2Props } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { IListItemsProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T> {
import { IListItemsProps, SelectPopoverProps } from "../../common";
export interface Suggest2Props<T> extends IListItemsProps<T>, SelectPopoverProps {

@@ -48,4 +47,2 @@ * Whether the popover should close after selecting an item.

openOnKeyDown?: boolean;
/** Props to spread to `Popover2`. Note that `content` cannot be changed. */
popoverProps?: Partial<Omit<Popover2Props, "content">>;

@@ -73,5 +70,7 @@ * Whether the active item should be reset to the first matching item _when

private handleQueryListRef;
private listboxId;
render(): JSX.Element;
componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Suggest2Props<T>, prevState: Suggest2State<T>): void;
private renderQueryList;
private getPopoverTargetRenderer;
private selectText;

@@ -78,0 +77,0 @@ private handleInputFocus;

@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ /*

import * as React from "react";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, Position, refHandler, setRef, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2 } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { AbstractPureComponent2, DISPLAYNAME_PREFIX, InputGroup, Keys, mergeRefs, Position, refHandler, setRef, Utils, } from "@blueprintjs/core";
import { Popover2, PopupKind } from "@blueprintjs/popover2";
import { Classes } from "../../common";

@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ import { QueryList } from "../query-list/queryList";

handleQueryListRef = (ref) => (this.queryList = ref);
listboxId = Utils.uniqueId("listbox");
render() {
// omit props specific to this component, spread the rest.
const { disabled, inputProps, popoverProps, ...restProps } = this.props;
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, initialActiveItem: this.props.selectedItem ?? undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));
return (React.createElement(this.TypedQueryList, { ...restProps, menuProps: { id: this.listboxId }, initialActiveItem: this.props.selectedItem ?? undefined, onItemSelect: this.handleItemSelect, ref: this.handleQueryListRef, renderer: this.renderQueryList }));

@@ -72,7 +73,23 @@ componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) {

renderQueryList = (listProps) => {
const { fill, inputProps = {}, popoverProps = {} } = this.props;
const { isOpen, selectedItem } = this.state;
const { popoverContentProps = {}, popoverProps = {}, popoverRef } = this.props;
const { isOpen } = this.state;
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
// N.B. no need to set `popoverProps.fill` since that is unused with the `renderTarget` API
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT, ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { ...popoverContentProps, onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened, onOpening: this.handlePopoverOpening, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), popupKind: PopupKind.LISTBOX, ref: popoverRef, renderTarget: this.getPopoverTargetRenderer(listProps, isOpen) }));
// We use the renderTarget API to flatten the rendered DOM and make it easier to implement features like
// the "fill" prop. Note that we must take `isOpen` as an argument to force this render function to be called
// again after that state changes.
getPopoverTargetRenderer = (listProps, isOpen) =>
// eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name
// pull out `isOpen` so that it's not forwarded to the DOM
isOpen: _isOpen,
// pull out `defaultValue` due to type incompatibility with InputGroup.
defaultValue, ref, ...targetProps }) => {
const { disabled, fill, inputProps = {}, inputValueRenderer, resetOnClose } = this.props;
const { selectedItem } = this.state;
const { handleKeyDown, handleKeyUp } = listProps;
const selectedItemText = selectedItem == null ? "" : inputValueRenderer(selectedItem);
const { autoComplete = "off", placeholder = "Search..." } = inputProps;
const selectedItemText = selectedItem ? this.props.inputValueRenderer(selectedItem) : "";
// placeholder shows selected item while open.

@@ -82,11 +99,4 @@ const inputPlaceholder = isOpen && selectedItemText ? selectedItemText : placeholder;

// if resetOnClose is enabled, then hide query when not open. (see handlePopoverOpening)
const inputValue = isOpen
? listProps.query
: selectedItemText || (this.props.resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
if (fill) {
popoverProps.fill = true;
inputProps.fill = true;
return (React.createElement(Popover2, { autoFocus: false, enforceFocus: false, isOpen: isOpen, position: Position.BOTTOM_LEFT, ...popoverProps, className: classNames(listProps.className, popoverProps.className), content: React.createElement("div", { onKeyDown: handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: handleKeyUp }, listProps.itemList), interactionKind: "click", onInteraction: this.handlePopoverInteraction, popoverClassName: classNames(Classes.SELECT_POPOVER, popoverProps.popoverClassName), onOpening: this.handlePopoverOpening, onOpened: this.handlePopoverOpened },
React.createElement(InputGroup, { autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: this.props.disabled, ...inputProps, inputRef: this.handleInputRef, onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, value: inputValue })));
const inputValue = isOpen ? listProps.query : selectedItemText ?? (resetOnClose ? "" : listProps.query);
return (React.createElement(InputGroup, { autoComplete: autoComplete, disabled: disabled, "aria-controls": this.listboxId, ...targetProps, ...inputProps, "aria-autocomplete": "list", "aria-expanded": isOpen, fill: fill, inputRef: mergeRefs(this.handleInputRef, ref), onChange: listProps.handleQueryChange, onFocus: this.handleInputFocus, onKeyDown: this.getTargetKeyDownHandler(handleKeyDown), onKeyUp: this.getTargetKeyUpHandler(handleKeyUp), placeholder: inputPlaceholder, role: "combobox", value: inputValue }));

@@ -93,0 +103,0 @@ selectText = () => {

"name": "@blueprintjs/select",
"version": "4.3.1",
"version": "4.4.0",
"description": "Components related to selecting items from a list",

@@ -38,4 +38,4 @@ "main": "lib/cjs/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@blueprintjs/core": "^4.4.1",
"@blueprintjs/popover2": "^1.3.1",
"@blueprintjs/core": "^4.5.0",
"@blueprintjs/popover2": "^1.4.0",
"classnames": "^2.2",

@@ -42,0 +42,0 @@ "tslib": "~2.3.1"

@@ -25,1 +25,2 @@ /*

export * from "./predicate";
export type { SelectPopoverProps } from "./selectPopoverProps";

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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