apollo_server_starting | The last timestamp when Apollo Server was starting. | Gauge |
apollo_server_closing | The last timestamp when Apollo Server was closing. | Gauge |
apollo_query_started | The amount of received queries. | Counter |
apollo_query_failed | The amount of queries that failed. | Counter |
apollo_query_parse_started | The amount of queries for which parsing has started. | Counter |
apollo_query_parse_failed | The amount of queries for which parsing has failed. | Counter |
apollo_query_validation_started | The amount of queries for which validation has started. | Counter |
apollo_query_validation_failed | The amount of queries for which validation has failed. | Counter |
apollo_query_resolved | The amount of queries which could be resolved. | Counter |
apollo_query_execution_started | The amount of queries for which execution has started. | Counter |
apollo_query_execution_failed | The amount of queries for which execution has failed. | Counter |
apollo_query_duration | The total duration of a query. | Histogram |
apollo_query_field_resolution_duration | The total duration for resolving fields. | Histogram |