Small wrapper above express that uses zod to add the following features:
- it can auto generate your documentation and openapi specification.
- it validates input requests.
- it adds a bunch of typings so TypeScript can help your detect dumb errors.
1. Create Zod Schemas
import { z } from 'zod'
export const zError = z.object({ type: z.string(), code: z.number(), message: z.string() })
export const zSuccessResponse = z.object({ status: z.literal('success') })
export const zErrorResponse = z.object({ status: z.literal('error'), error: zError })
export const zCompileBody = z.object({ book: z.object({...}) })
export const zCompileSuccessResponse = zSuccessResponse.extend({ artifact_id: z.string() })
export const zCompileResponse = z.union([zCompileSuccessResponse, zErrorResponse])
export const userHeader = { ["x-user-id"]: z.string() }
2. Create an register a router
import * as io from './io'
import express from 'express'
import swaggerExpress from 'swagger-ui-express'
import * as xo from '@bpinternal/expresso'
const expressApp = express()
const router = new xo.JsonRouter({ info: { title: 'My XO Server', version: '0.1.0' }, bodySize: options.bodySize })
path: '/compile',
input: io.zCompileBody,
output: io.zCompileResponse,
headers: io.userHeader,
operationId: 'compileBook'
async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { ['x-user-id']: x_user_id } = req.headers
const { book } = req.body
const artifactId = await app.compile(x_user_id, book)
res.send({ status: 'success', artifact_id: artifactId })
return next()
} catch (thrown) {
return next(thrown)
router.inner.get('/openapi.json', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
const { openapi } = router
const specs = openapi.getSpec()
return next()
} catch (thrown) {
return next(thrown)
const { openapi } = router
router.inner.use('/', swaggerExpress.serve)
router.inner.get('/', swaggerExpress.setup(openapi.getSpec()))
expressApp.use('/', router.inner)
3. Document with Redoc
const redocHtml = (specUrl: string) => `<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- needed for adaptive design -->
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
Redoc doesn't change outer page styles
body {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
<script src=""></script>
router.inner.get('/redoc', async (req, res, next) => {
try {
return next()
} catch (thrown) {
return next(thrown)
Disclaimer ⚠️
This package is published under the @bpinternal
organization. All packages of this organization are meant to be used by the Botpress team internally and are not meant for our community. Since the packages are catered to our own use-cases, they might have less stable APIs, receive breaking changes without much warning, have minimal documentation and lack community-focused support. However, these packages were still left intentionally public for an important reason : We Love Open-Source. Therefore, if you wish to install or fork this package feel absolutly free to do it. We strongly recommend that you tag your versions properly.
The Botpress Engineering team.