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@braintrust/core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.54 to 0.0.55



@@ -14,2 +14,4 @@ import { z } from 'zod';

declare const PARENT_ID_FIELD = "_parent_id";
declare const ASYNC_SCORING_CONTROL_FIELD = "_async_scoring_control";
declare const SKIP_ASYNC_SCORING_FIELD = "_skip_async_scoring";
type TransactionId = string;

@@ -32,2 +34,274 @@

declare const asyncScoringControlSchema: z.ZodDiscriminatedUnion<"kind", [z.ZodObject<{
kind: z.ZodLiteral<"score_update">;
token: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
token: string;
kind: "score_update";
}, {
token: string;
kind: "score_update";
}>, z.ZodObject<{
kind: z.ZodLiteral<"state_override">;
state: z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{
status: z.ZodLiteral<"enabled">;
token: z.ZodString;
function_ids: z.ZodArray<z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{
function_id: z.ZodString;
version: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}, {
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
project_name: z.ZodString;
slug: z.ZodString;
version: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}, {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
global_function: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
global_function: string;
}, {
global_function: string;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
prompt_session_id: z.ZodString;
prompt_session_function_id: z.ZodString;
version: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodString>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}, {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
inline_context: z.ZodObject<{
runtime: z.ZodEnum<["node", "python"]>;
version: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
code: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}>]>, "atleastone">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "enabled";
token: string;
function_ids: [{
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, ...({
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, {
status: "enabled";
token: string;
function_ids: [{
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, ...({
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
status: z.ZodLiteral<"disabled">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
status: "disabled";
}, {
status: "disabled";
}>, z.ZodNull]>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
kind: "state_override";
state: {
status: "enabled";
token: string;
function_ids: [{
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, ...({
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
} | {
status: "disabled";
} | null;
}, {
kind: "state_override";
state: {
status: "enabled";
token: string;
function_ids: [{
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
}, ...({
function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
project_name: string;
slug: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
global_function: string;
} | {
prompt_session_id: string;
prompt_session_function_id: string;
version?: string | undefined;
} | {
code: string;
inline_context: {
runtime: "node" | "python";
version: string;
} | {
status: "disabled";
} | null;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
kind: z.ZodLiteral<"state_force_reselect">;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
kind: "state_force_reselect";
}, {
kind: "state_force_reselect";
type AsyncScoringControl = z.infer<typeof asyncScoringControlSchema>;
type IdField = {

@@ -51,2 +325,5 @@ id: string;

datasetRecordId: string;
[MERGE_PATHS_FIELD]: string[][];

@@ -97,5 +374,5 @@ type ExperimentLogPartialArgs = Partial<OtherExperimentLogFields> & Partial<InputField | InputsField>;

metadata?: unknown;
created?: string;
id: string;
dataset_id: string;
created: string;
} & ({

@@ -210,3 +487,3 @@ expected?: unknown;

declare function isEmpty(a: any): a is null | undefined;
declare function isNumber(a: any): boolean;
declare function isNumber(a: any): a is number | bigint;

@@ -300,2 +577,69 @@ declare enum SpanObjectTypeV1 {

declare enum SpanObjectTypeV3 {
declare const spanObjectTypeV3EnumSchema: z.ZodNativeEnum<typeof SpanObjectTypeV3>;
declare const spanComponentsV3Schema: z.ZodIntersection<z.ZodIntersection<z.ZodObject<{
object_type: z.ZodNativeEnum<typeof SpanObjectTypeV3>;
propagated_event: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodUnknown>>>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
object_type: SpanObjectTypeV3;
propagated_event?: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined;
}, {
object_type: SpanObjectTypeV3;
propagated_event?: Record<string, unknown> | null | undefined;
}>, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{
object_id: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<z.ZodString>>;
compute_object_metadata_args: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNull>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
object_id?: string | null | undefined;
compute_object_metadata_args?: null | undefined;
}, {
object_id?: string | null | undefined;
compute_object_metadata_args?: null | undefined;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
object_id: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNull>;
compute_object_metadata_args: z.ZodRecord<z.ZodString, z.ZodUnknown>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
compute_object_metadata_args: Record<string, unknown>;
object_id?: null | undefined;
}, {
compute_object_metadata_args: Record<string, unknown>;
object_id?: null | undefined;
}>]>>, z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodObject<{
row_id: z.ZodString;
span_id: z.ZodString;
root_span_id: z.ZodString;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
span_id: string;
root_span_id: string;
row_id: string;
}, {
span_id: string;
root_span_id: string;
row_id: string;
}>, z.ZodObject<{
row_id: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNull>;
span_id: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNull>;
root_span_id: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNull>;
}, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, {
row_id?: null | undefined;
span_id?: null | undefined;
root_span_id?: null | undefined;
}, {
row_id?: null | undefined;
span_id?: null | undefined;
root_span_id?: null | undefined;
type SpanComponentsV3Data = z.infer<typeof spanComponentsV3Schema>;
declare class SpanComponentsV3 {
data: SpanComponentsV3Data;
constructor(data: SpanComponentsV3Data);
toStr(): string;
static fromStr(s: string): SpanComponentsV3;
objectIdFields(): ParentExperimentIds | ParentProjectLogIds;
private static fromJsonObj;
declare const spanTypeAttributeValues: readonly ["llm", "score", "function", "eval", "task", "tool"];

@@ -368,4 +712,4 @@ declare enum SpanTypeAttribute {

declare function parseNoStrip<T extends z.ZodType>(schema: T, input: unknown): z.TypeOf<T>;
declare function objectNullish<T extends z.ZodRawShape, UnknownKeys extends z.UnknownKeysParam, Catchall extends z.ZodTypeAny>(object: z.ZodObject<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>): z.ZodObject<{ [k in keyof T]: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<T[k]>>; }, UnknownKeys, Catchall, z.objectOutputType<{ [k in keyof T]: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<T[k]>>; }, Catchall, UnknownKeys>, z.objectInputType<{ [k in keyof T]: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<T[k]>>; }, Catchall, UnknownKeys>>;
declare function objectNullish<T extends z.ZodRawShape, UnknownKeys extends z.UnknownKeysParam, Catchall extends z.ZodTypeAny>(object: z.ZodObject<T, UnknownKeys, Catchall>): z.ZodObject<{ [k in keyof T]: z.ZodOptional<z.ZodNullable<T[k]>>; }, UnknownKeys, Catchall>;
export { AUDIT_METADATA_FIELD, AUDIT_SOURCE_FIELD, type AnyDatasetRecord, BT_CURSOR_HEADER, BT_FOUND_EXISTING_HEADER, BT_IMPERSONATE_USER, type BackgroundLogEvent, CREATED_FIELD, type CollectMetadata, type CommentEvent, DEFAULT_IS_LEGACY_DATASET, type DatasetEvent, type DatasetRecord, type ExperimentEvent, type ExperimentLogFullArgs, type ExperimentLogPartialArgs, type GitFields, type GitMetadataSettings, ID_FIELD, IS_MERGE_FIELD, type IdField, type InputField, type InputsField, type LogCommentFullArgs, type LogFeedbackFullArgs, type LoggingEvent, MERGE_PATHS_FIELD, OBJECT_DELETE_FIELD, type OtherExperimentLogFields, PARENT_ID_FIELD, type ParentExperimentIds, type ParentProjectLogIds, type RepoInfo, type SanitizedExperimentLogPartialArgs, type Score, type Scorer, type ScorerArgs, type Source, SpanComponentsV1, SpanComponentsV2, SpanObjectTypeV1, SpanObjectTypeV2, type SpanPurpose, SpanRowIdsV1, SpanRowIdsV2, type SpanType, SpanTypeAttribute, TRANSACTION_ID_FIELD, type TransactionId, VALID_SOURCES, _urljoin, batchItems, camelToSnakeCase, capitalize, constructJsonArray, deterministicReplacer, ensureDatasetRecord, ensureLegacyDatasetRecord, ensureNewDatasetRecord, forEachMissingKey, getRecordKeys, gitFieldsSchema, gitMetadataSettingsSchema, isArray, isEmpty, isNumber, isObject, loadPrettyXact, lowercase, makeLegacyEvent, mapAt, mapSetDefault, mapSetNotPresent, mergeDicts, mergeDictsWithPaths, mergeGitMetadataSettings, mergeRowBatch, objectNullish, parseNoStrip, prettifyXact, recordAt, recordFind, recordSetDefault, snakeToCamelCase, snakeToTitleCase, spanPurposeAttributeValues, spanTypeAttributeValues };
export { ASYNC_SCORING_CONTROL_FIELD, AUDIT_METADATA_FIELD, AUDIT_SOURCE_FIELD, type AnyDatasetRecord, BT_CURSOR_HEADER, BT_FOUND_EXISTING_HEADER, BT_IMPERSONATE_USER, type BackgroundLogEvent, CREATED_FIELD, type CollectMetadata, type CommentEvent, DEFAULT_IS_LEGACY_DATASET, type DatasetEvent, type DatasetRecord, type ExperimentEvent, type ExperimentLogFullArgs, type ExperimentLogPartialArgs, type GitFields, type GitMetadataSettings, ID_FIELD, IS_MERGE_FIELD, type IdField, type InputField, type InputsField, type LogCommentFullArgs, type LogFeedbackFullArgs, type LoggingEvent, MERGE_PATHS_FIELD, OBJECT_DELETE_FIELD, type OtherExperimentLogFields, PARENT_ID_FIELD, type ParentExperimentIds, type ParentProjectLogIds, type RepoInfo, SKIP_ASYNC_SCORING_FIELD, type SanitizedExperimentLogPartialArgs, type Score, type Scorer, type ScorerArgs, type Source, SpanComponentsV1, SpanComponentsV2, SpanComponentsV3, type SpanComponentsV3Data, SpanObjectTypeV1, SpanObjectTypeV2, SpanObjectTypeV3, type SpanPurpose, SpanRowIdsV1, SpanRowIdsV2, type SpanType, SpanTypeAttribute, TRANSACTION_ID_FIELD, type TransactionId, VALID_SOURCES, _urljoin, batchItems, camelToSnakeCase, capitalize, constructJsonArray, deterministicReplacer, ensureDatasetRecord, ensureLegacyDatasetRecord, ensureNewDatasetRecord, forEachMissingKey, getRecordKeys, gitFieldsSchema, gitMetadataSettingsSchema, isArray, isEmpty, isNumber, isObject, loadPrettyXact, lowercase, makeLegacyEvent, mapAt, mapSetDefault, mapSetNotPresent, mergeDicts, mergeDictsWithPaths, mergeGitMetadataSettings, mergeRowBatch, objectNullish, parseNoStrip, prettifyXact, recordAt, recordFind, recordSetDefault, snakeToCamelCase, snakeToTitleCase, spanComponentsV3Schema, spanObjectTypeV3EnumSchema, spanPurposeAttributeValues, spanTypeAttributeValues };


"name": "@braintrust/core",
"version": "0.0.54",
"version": "0.0.55",
"description": "Shared core dependencies for Braintrust packages",

@@ -13,3 +13,2 @@ "main": "./dist/index.js",

"prepublishOnly": "../../../scripts/",
"postpublish": "../../../scripts/",
"test": "vitest run"

@@ -72,2 +71,2 @@ },


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