Visualize is a library that uses the Web Audio API to create audio visualizations in the browser.
You can add Visualize as a package using npm
npm install @breakfast-dlc/visualize
or you can add it to a page using a script tag.
<script src=""></script>
To import the library
import * as Visualize from "@breakfast-dlc/visualize";
or you can import specific visualizer classes.
import { Oscillope } from "@breakfast-dlc/visualize";
Getting Started
Creating a Visualizer
Visualizers require an AnalyserNode and a canvas element. Visualize will automatically create these for you.
let visual = new Visualize.FrequencyGraph();
let container = document.getElementById("container");
let audio = document.getElementById("audio");
let mediaSource = visual.audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audio);
You can also assign your own AnalyserNode and canvas element
let audioContext = new window.AudioContext();
let analyser = audioContext.createAnalyser();
let audio = document.getElementById("audio");
let mediaSource = audioContext.createMediaElementSource(audio);
let canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
let visual = new Visualize.FrequencyGraphBlocks({ analyser, canvas });
Visualizer Properties
All visualizers have the following properties:
- analyser {AnalyserNode}: The AnalyserNode the visualizer will use to get data about the audio.
- canvas {HTMLCanvasElement}: The canvas element the visual will use to render the visual.
- fps {number}: The frames per second that the visualition should run at. Defaults to the highest possible fps in the browser, which
is typically around 60 fps.
- aspectRatio { {height: number , width: number } }: The aspect ratio to use when sizing the canvas. Defaults to 16:9.
- backgroundColor {string | string[]}: The background color to use for the visualization.
- color {string | string[]}: The foreground color to use for the visualization.
All properties can be set directly
let visual = Visualize.Oscillope();
visual.analyser = customAnalyser;
visual.canvas = customCanvas;
visual.lineWidth = 5;
visual.backgroundColor = ["#333333", "#DDDDDD"];
visual.color = "aqua";
as well as set when the object is created.
let visual = Visualize.Oscillope({
analyser: customAnalyser,
canvas: customCanvas,
lineWidth: 5,
backgroundColor: ["#333333", "#DDDDDD"],
color: "aqua",
Available Visualizers
Here is a list of all available visualizers as well as any additional properties they may have:
- lineWidth {number}: The width of the Oscillope's line in pixels.
- lineWidth {number}: The width of the Frequency Curve's line in pixels.
- fillColor {string | string[]}: The color / array of color to fill the space under the curve.
- columnCount {number}: The number of columns or bars to use in the visualization.
- gap {number}: The amount of space (in pixels) between each column.
- columnCount {number}: The number of columns or bars to use in the visualization.
- rowCount {number}: The number of blocks each column will be split into.
- gap {number}: The amount of space (in pixels) between each column and each row.
Visualizer Callbacks
You can add a callback to a visualizer that will run at a specific point each time a frame of the visualization is rendered.
let visual = new Visualize.FrequencyCurve({ analyser, canvas });
visual.on("setUpForeground", (canvasContext) => {
canvasContext.shadowColor = "#CCCCCC";
canvasContext.shadowBlur = 15;
Available Callback Events
- setUpForeground: Runs right before the foreground element is rendered.
Live Examples
View a live example here.
Code Snippets
Connect a visualizer to an HTML audio element:
let audio = document.getElementById("audio");
let visual = new Visualize.FrequencyGraphBlocks.fromMediaElement(audio);
visual.backgroundColor = ["#333333", "#CCCCCC"];
visual.color = ["orange", "gold", "yellow"];
Make a visualizer fill an html element:
let container = document.getElementById("container");
let visual = new Visualize.Oscillope();
visual.aspectRatio = {
width: container.clientWidth,
height: container.clientHeight,
Resize a visualizer when the window resizes:
let visual = new Visualize.FrequencyGraph({ analyser, canvas });
window.addEventListener("resize", () => {