Add new importsNotUsedAsValues field to tsconfig to make it easy to catch imports that should be type-imports, and fix all discovered errors. (84f07d6)
Add Tag management methods to the Client and improve related methods on Cards. BREAKING (4f364e5)
The Custom Fields cache is not being cleared during full-cache clear. (16eed35)
Add general 'findCollection' method to Client (01b1537)
Add method to Card instances for fetching associated Custom Field definitions. (24a3087)
Add methods to Cards for getting and setting their Column/Status. (4821578)
Change method names for finding organization users, and create aliases in Organization classes. BREAKING (c84ba50)
Remove member-finding aliases from Org instances and simplify the names of said methods in the Client. BREAKING (b3e8a0f)
Rename card methods to refer to Card 'Instances' to be more explicit about what's happening. (a5aa22e)
Require including organizationId when instancing a BravoClient. Allowing setting it later by name makes many things confusing and weird. BREAKING (e566707)
Update all dependencies and ensure tests pass. (06a9e78)