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@buggyorg/graphtools - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.5 to 0.2.6




@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

exports.rewrite = exports.walk = undefined;
exports.utils = exports.rewrite = exports.walk = undefined;

@@ -17,5 +17,10 @@ var _walk = require('./walk');

var _utils = require('./utils');
var utils = _interopRequireWildcard(_utils);
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } else { var newObj = {}; if (obj != null) { for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } newObj.default = obj; return newObj; } }
exports.walk = walk;
exports.rewrite = rewrite;
exports.rewrite = rewrite;
exports.utils = utils;

@@ -6,2 +6,5 @@ 'use strict';

var _slicedToArray = function () { function sliceIterator(arr, i) { var _arr = []; var _n = true; var _d = false; var _e = undefined; try { for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s =; _n = true) { _arr.push(_s.value); if (i && _arr.length === i) break; } } catch (err) { _d = true; _e = err; } finally { try { if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"](); } finally { if (_d) throw _e; } } return _arr; } return function (arr, i) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { return arr; } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) { return sliceIterator(arr, i); } else { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); } }; }();
exports.prefixMapping = prefixMapping;

@@ -11,2 +14,5 @@ exports.prefixingFunction = prefixingFunction;

exports.edgeConnectors = edgeConnectors;
exports.linkToEdges = linkToEdges;
exports.linkToPorts = linkToPorts;
exports.rewriteNonConformEdges = rewriteNonConformEdges;
exports.apply = apply;

@@ -60,4 +66,131 @@

function connectHierarchyEdges (graph, edgeHierarchy) {
var eh = edgeHierarchy
var name = eh[1][0].node
var last = eh[1].length - 1
var linkId = `[${eh[0].v}@${eh[2].outPort}→${eh[0].w}@${eh[2].inPort}`
var start = {v: eh[0].v, w: name, value: {outPort: graph.edge(eh[0]).outPort, inPort: linkId, inType: 'out'}}
var lastEh = eh[1][last]
var end = {v: lastEh.node, w: eh[0].w, value: {outPort: linkId, outType: 'in', inPort: graph.edge(eh[0]).inPort}}
var pairs =[1], _.tail(eh[1])).slice(0, -1)
return _.concat([start],, (p) => ({v: p[0].node, w: p[1].node, value: {outPort: linkId, outType: p[0].type, inPort: linkId, inType: p[1].type}})),
function linkEdge(_ref) {
var _ref2 = _slicedToArray(_ref, 2);
var h1 = _ref2[0];
var h2 = _ref2[1];
return { v: h1.node, w: h2.node, value: { outPort: h1.port, outType: h1.type, inPort: h2.port, inType: h2.type } };
function convertLinkViaHierarchy(graph, link, hierarchy, name) {
if (hierarchy.length === 0) {
return { edges: [link], ports: [] };
} else {
var extraPorts =, function (e) {
return _lodash2.default.assign(e, { port: name });
var edgeHierarchy = _lodash2.default.concat([{ node: link.v, port: link.value.outPort }], extraPorts, [{ node: link.w, port: link.value.inPort }]);
var edges =, _lodash2.default.tail(edgeHierarchy)).slice(0, -1).map(linkEdge);
return { edges: edges, ports: extraPorts };
function linkEdgePortConvert(graph, link) {
var hierarchy = (0, _utils.rawHierarchyConnection)(graph, link);
var name = (0, _utils.linkName)(link);
return convertLinkViaHierarchy(graph, link, hierarchy, name);
* A link is a connection between two nodes that do not necessarily have the same parent
* A edge is a connection between two nodes that share a common parent
* This function returns a list of edges for a link (length >= 1)
function linkToEdges(graph, link) {
return linkEdgePortConvert(graph, link).edges;
function linkToPorts(graph, link) {
return linkEdgePortConvert(graph, link).ports;
function convertNonConformEdgeList(graph, links) {
var edgePortLinks =, function (e) {
return linkEdgePortConvert(graph, e);
return edgePortLinks;
function addConformityLink (graph, node, port) {
var nodeVal = graph.node(node)
if (!isConformityPort(port)) return
return {
v: node,
value: _.merge({}, nodeVal, {links: _.concat(nodeVal.links || [], [port])}),
parent: graph.parent(node)
* Add links to nodes that are on the edges to allow calling
*/ /*
function addConformityLinks (graph, edges) {
var nonConfEdges = _.filter(edges, (e) => isConformityEdge)
var nodes = _(nonConfEdges)
.map((e) => {
return _([[e.v, e.value.outPort], [e.w, e.value.inPort]])
.map((v) => {
var node = addConformityLink(graph, v[0], v[1])
return (node) ? [v[1], node] : null
.uniqBy((n) => {
return n[0] + n[1].v
.map((n) => n[1])
return nodes
function linksCPorts(linkList) {
var links = (0, _lodash2.default)(linkList).map('ports').flatten().groupBy('node').map(function (g) {
return _lodash2.default.merge({}, _lodash2.default.omit(g[0], 'port'), { links: _lodash2.default.uniqBy(g, function (e) {
return g.port;
}) });
return links;
function rewriteNonConformEdges(graph, edges) {
var editGraph = (0, _utils.edit)(graph);
var linkEdges = convertNonConformEdgeList(graph, edges);
/* var newNodes = addConformityLinks(graph, linkEdges)
console.log(JSON.stringify(linkEdges, null, 2))
var newEdges = (0, _lodash2.default)(linkEdges).map('edges').flatten().value();
var nodes = linksCPorts(linkEdges);
editGraph.edges = _lodash2.default.concat(editGraph.edges, newEdges);
editGraph.nodes =, function (n) {
if (_lodash2.default.has(nodes, n.v)) {
return _lodash2.default.assign(n, { value: { links: nodes[n.v].links } });
} else {
return n;
return (0, _utils.finalize)(editGraph);
* applys a lambda function with one input stream and one output stream

@@ -64,0 +197,0 @@ * on an input stream

@@ -10,4 +10,12 @@ 'use strict';

exports.prefixName = prefixName;
exports.isNPG = isNPG;
exports.isNG = isNG;
exports.prefixNode = prefixNode;
exports.addParent = addParent;
exports.hierarchy = hierarchy;
exports.rawHierarchyConnection = rawHierarchyConnection;
exports.linkName = linkName;
exports.hierarchyConnection = hierarchyConnection;
exports.isConformityPort = isConformityPort;
exports.isConformityEdge = isConformityEdge;

@@ -44,2 +52,13 @@ var _graphlib = require('graphlib');

function isNPG(graph) {
return !isNG(graph);
function isNG(graph) {
// TODO: improve!
return !_lodash2.default.find(graph.nodes(), function (n) {
return n.indexOf('_PORT_') !== -1;
function prefixNode(prefix, node) {

@@ -51,2 +70,45 @@ return _lodash2.default.merge({}, node, { v: prefixName(prefix, node.v) });

return _lodash2.default.merge({}, node, { parent: parent });
function hierarchy(graph, node) {
var h = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? [] : arguments[2];
return node ? hierarchy(graph, graph.parent(node), _lodash2.default.concat([node], h)) : h;
function rawHierarchyConnection(graph, edge) {
var hFrom = hierarchy(graph, edge.v).slice(0, -1).map(function (f) {
return { node: f, type: 'out' };
var hTo = hierarchy(graph, edge.w).slice(0, -1).map(function (t) {
return { node: t, type: 'in' };
var hCon = _lodash2.default.dropWhile(, hTo), function (z) {
return z[0] && z[1] && z[0].node === z[1].node;
var unzipH = _lodash2.default.unzip(hCon);
return _lodash2.default.concat(_lodash2.default.compact(_lodash2.default.flatten([_lodash2.default.reverse(unzipH[0]), unzipH[1]])));
function linkName(link) {
var value = link.value;
return '[' + link.v + '@' + value.outPort + '→' + link.w + '@' + value.inPort + ']';
function hierarchyConnection(graph, edge) {
var hFrom = hierarchy(graph, edge.v).slice(0, -1);
var hTo = hierarchy(graph, edge.w).slice(0, -1);
var hCon = _lodash2.default.dropWhile(, hTo), function (f) {
return f[0] === f[1];
var unzipH = _lodash2.default.unzip(hCon);
return _lodash2.default.concat(_lodash2.default.compact(_lodash2.default.flatten([_lodash2.default.reverse(unzipH[0]), unzipH[1]])));
function isConformityPort(p) {
return p.indexOf('[') === 0 && p.indexOf(']') === p.length - 1;
function isConformityEdge(e) {
return isConformityPort(e.value.inPort) || isConformityPort(e.value.outPort);

@@ -6,3 +6,3 @@ 'use strict';

exports.predecessor = exports.successor = undefined;
exports.predecessorOutPort = exports.predecessor = exports.successorInPort = exports.successor = undefined;
exports.walk = walk;

@@ -29,2 +29,12 @@ exports.walkBack = walkBack;

var successorInPort = exports.successorInPort = function successorInPort(graph, node, port) {
return (0, _lodash2.default)(graph.nodeEdges(node)).filter(function (e) {
return e.v === node;
}).filter(function (e) {
return graph.edge(e).outPort === port;
}).map(function (e) {
return { node: e.w, port: graph.edge(e).inPort };
var predecessor = exports.predecessor = function predecessor(graph, node, port) {

@@ -40,2 +50,12 @@ return (0, _lodash2.default)(graph.nodeEdges(node)).filter(function (e) {

var predecessorOutPort = exports.predecessorOutPort = function predecessorOutPort(graph, node, port) {
return (0, _lodash2.default)(graph.nodeEdges(node)).filter(function (e) {
return e.w === node;
}).filter(function (e) {
return graph.edge(e).inPort === port;
}).map(function (e) {
return { node: e.v, port: graph.edge(e).outPort };
function walk(graph, node, path) {

@@ -42,0 +62,0 @@ return generalWalk(graph, node, path, successor);

"name": "@buggyorg/graphtools",
"version": "0.2.5",
"version": "0.2.6",
"description": "Tools for processing buggy graphs.",
"main": "lib/api.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "node node_modules/standard/bin/cmd.js src/**/*.js && babel src -d lib && node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --compilers js:babel-register"
"test": "node node_modules/standard/bin/cmd.js src/**/*.js && babel src -d lib && node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --compilers js:babel-register",
"build": "babel src -d lib",
"prepublish": "babel src -d lib"

@@ -9,0 +11,0 @@ "keywords": [

import * as walk from './walk'
import * as rewrite from './rewrites'
import * as utils from './utils'
export {walk as walk, rewrite as rewrite}
export {walk as walk, rewrite as rewrite, utils as utils}
import {edit, finalize, prefixNode, addParent} from './utils'
import {edit, finalize, prefixNode, addParent, rawHierarchyConnection, linkName} from './utils'
import _ from 'lodash'

@@ -43,4 +43,128 @@

function connectHierarchyEdges (graph, edgeHierarchy) {
var eh = edgeHierarchy
var name = eh[1][0].node
var last = eh[1].length - 1
var linkId = `[${eh[0].v}@${eh[2].outPort}→${eh[0].w}@${eh[2].inPort}`
var start = {v: eh[0].v, w: name, value: {outPort: graph.edge(eh[0]).outPort, inPort: linkId, inType: 'out'}}
var lastEh = eh[1][last]
var end = {v: lastEh.node, w: eh[0].w, value: {outPort: linkId, outType: 'in', inPort: graph.edge(eh[0]).inPort}}
var pairs =[1], _.tail(eh[1])).slice(0, -1)
return _.concat([start],, (p) => ({v: p[0].node, w: p[1].node, value: {outPort: linkId, outType: p[0].type, inPort: linkId, inType: p[1].type}})),
function linkEdge ([h1, h2]) {
return {v: h1.node, w: h2.node, value: {outPort: h1.port, outType: h1.type, inPort: h2.port, inType: h2.type}}
function convertLinkViaHierarchy (graph, link, hierarchy, name) {
if (hierarchy.length === 0) {
return {edges: [link], ports: []}
} else {
var extraPorts =, (e) => _.assign(e, {port: name}))
var edgeHierarchy = _.concat([{node: link.v, port: link.value.outPort}],
[{node: link.w, port: link.value.inPort}])
var edges =, _.tail(edgeHierarchy))
.slice(0, -1)
return {edges: edges, ports: extraPorts}
function linkEdgePortConvert (graph, link) {
var hierarchy = rawHierarchyConnection(graph, link)
var name = linkName(link)
return convertLinkViaHierarchy(graph, link, hierarchy, name)
* A link is a connection between two nodes that do not necessarily have the same parent
* A edge is a connection between two nodes that share a common parent
* This function returns a list of edges for a link (length >= 1)
export function linkToEdges (graph, link) {
return linkEdgePortConvert(graph, link).edges
export function linkToPorts (graph, link) {
return linkEdgePortConvert(graph, link).ports
function convertNonConformEdgeList (graph, links) {
var edgePortLinks =, (e) => linkEdgePortConvert(graph, e))
return edgePortLinks
function addConformityLink (graph, node, port) {
var nodeVal = graph.node(node)
if (!isConformityPort(port)) return
return {
v: node,
value: _.merge({}, nodeVal, {links: _.concat(nodeVal.links || [], [port])}),
parent: graph.parent(node)
* Add links to nodes that are on the edges to allow calling
function addConformityLinks (graph, edges) {
var nonConfEdges = _.filter(edges, (e) => isConformityEdge)
var nodes = _(nonConfEdges)
.map((e) => {
return _([[e.v, e.value.outPort], [e.w, e.value.inPort]])
.map((v) => {
var node = addConformityLink(graph, v[0], v[1])
return (node) ? [v[1], node] : null
.uniqBy((n) => {
return n[0] + n[1].v
.map((n) => n[1])
return nodes
function linksCPorts (linkList) {
var links = _(linkList)
.map((g) => _.merge({}, _.omit(g[0], 'port'), {links: _.uniqBy(g, (e) => g.port)}))
return links
export function rewriteNonConformEdges (graph, edges) {
var editGraph = edit(graph)
var linkEdges = convertNonConformEdgeList(graph, edges)
/* var newNodes = addConformityLinks(graph, linkEdges)
console.log(JSON.stringify(linkEdges, null, 2))
var newEdges = _(linkEdges).map('edges').flatten().value()
var nodes = linksCPorts(linkEdges)
editGraph.edges = _.concat(editGraph.edges, newEdges)
editGraph.nodes =, (n) => {
if (_.has(nodes, n.v)) {
return _.assign(n, {value: {links: nodes[n.v].links}})
} else {
return n
return finalize(editGraph)
* applys a lambda function with one input stream and one output stream

@@ -47,0 +171,0 @@ * on an input stream

@@ -25,2 +25,11 @@

export function isNPG (graph) {
return !isNG(graph)
export function isNG (graph) {
// TODO: improve!
return !_.find(graph.nodes(), (n) => n.indexOf('_PORT_') !== -1)
export function prefixNode (prefix, node) {

@@ -33,1 +42,36 @@ return _.merge({}, node, {v: prefixName(prefix, node.v)})

export function hierarchy (graph, node, h = []) {
return (node) ? hierarchy(graph, graph.parent(node), _.concat([node], h)) : h
export function rawHierarchyConnection (graph, edge) {
var hFrom = hierarchy(graph, edge.v).slice(0, -1).map((f) => ({node: f, type: 'out'}))
var hTo = hierarchy(graph, edge.w).slice(0, -1).map((t) => ({node: t, type: 'in'}))
var hCon = _.dropWhile(, hTo), (z) => {
return z[0] && z[1] && z[0].node === z[1].node
var unzipH = _.unzip(hCon)
return _.concat(_.compact(_.flatten([_.reverse(unzipH[0]), unzipH[1]])))
export function linkName (link) {
var value = link.value
return `[${link.v}@${value.outPort}→${link.w}@${value.inPort}]`
export function hierarchyConnection (graph, edge) {
var hFrom = hierarchy(graph, edge.v).slice(0, -1)
var hTo = hierarchy(graph, edge.w).slice(0, -1)
var hCon = _.dropWhile(, hTo), (f) => f[0] === f[1])
var unzipH = _.unzip(hCon)
return _.concat(_.compact(_.flatten([_.reverse(unzipH[0]), unzipH[1]])))
export function isConformityPort (p) {
return p.indexOf('[') === 0 && p.indexOf(']') === p.length - 1
export function isConformityEdge (e) {
return isConformityPort(e.value.inPort) || isConformityPort(e.value.outPort)

@@ -11,2 +11,9 @@

export var successorInPort = (graph, node, port) =>
.filter((e) => e.v === node)
.filter((e) => graph.edge(e).outPort === port)
.map((e) => ({node: e.w, port: graph.edge(e).inPort}))
export var predecessor = (graph, node, port) =>

@@ -19,2 +26,9 @@ _(graph.nodeEdges(node))

export var predecessorOutPort = (graph, node, port) =>
.filter((e) => e.w === node)
.filter((e) => graph.edge(e).inPort === port)
.map((e) => ({node: e.v, port: graph.edge(e).outPort}))
export function walk (graph, node, path) {

@@ -21,0 +35,0 @@ return generalWalk(graph, node, path, successor)

@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ /* global describe, it */

import fs from 'fs'
import {nonConformEdges} from '../src/normalization.js'
// import _ from 'lodash'

@@ -94,2 +95,48 @@

it('can rewrite non-conform edges over one compound-layer', () => {
var aGraph ='./test/fixtures/partial_apply.json')))
var newGraph = rewrite.rewriteNonConformEdges(aGraph, [{v: 'c', w: 'a:add', value: {outPort: 'const1/output', inPort: 's2'}}])
expect(newGraph.edge({v: 'c', w: 'a'}).inPort).to.equal('[c@const1/output→a:add@s2]')
expect(newGraph.edge({v: 'c', w: 'a'}).inType).to.equal('in')
expect(newGraph.edge({v: 'a', w: 'a:add'}).outPort).to.equal('[c@const1/output→a:add@s2]')
expect(newGraph.edge({v: 'a', w: 'a:add'}).outType).to.equal('in')
/* it('can rewrite non-conform edges over many compound-layer', () => {
var hGraph ='./test/fixtures/hierarchy.json')))
var newGraph = rewrite.rewriteNonConformEdges(hGraph, hGraph.edges().map((e) => ({v: e.v, w: e.w, value: hGraph.edge(e)})))
console.log(newGraph.edges().map((e) => ({v: e.v, w: e.w, value: newGraph.edge(e)})))
it('`linkToEdges` does not change normal edges', () => {
var pGraph ='./test/fixtures/partial.json')))
var edges = rewrite.linkToEdges(pGraph, {v: 'c', w: 'a', value: {outPort: 'const1/output', inPort: 'value'}})
it('`linkToEdges` does check the validity of the input link', () => {
var pGraph ='./test/fixtures/partial.json')))
expect(() => rewrite.linkToEdges(pGraph, {v: 'c', w: 'a', value: {outPort: '', inPort: ''}}))
it('`linkToEdges` does add edges for every hierarchy level', () => {
var hGraph ='./test/fixtures/hierarchy.json')))
var edges = rewrite.linkToEdges(hGraph, {v: 'a:b:c', w: 'd:e:f', value: {outPort: 'out', inPort: 'in'}})
it('`linkToPorts` does add ports for every node in the hierarchy levels', () => {
var hGraph ='./test/fixtures/hierarchy.json')))
var edges = rewrite.linkToPorts(hGraph, {v: 'a:b:c', w: 'd:e:f', value: {outPort: 'out', inPort: 'in'}})
it('`linkToPorts` does add no ports for an edge', () => {
var pGraph ='./test/fixtures/partial.json')))
var edges = rewrite.linkToPorts(pGraph, {v: 'c', w: 'a', value: {outPort: 'const1/output', inPort: 'value'}})
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