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@@ -57,2 +57,6 @@ /**

* Log calls to main access, which also shows how many tasks were sent per message (debug mode required)
logMainAccess?: boolean;
* Log script executions (debug mode required)

@@ -59,0 +63,0 @@ */



@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ {

"types": "index.d.ts",
"version": "0.0.11",
"version": "0.0.12",
"private": true

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

const noop = () => {};
const noop = () => !0;

@@ -20,3 +20,3 @@ const logMain = msg => {

const isValidMemberName = memberName => !startsWith(memberName, "webkit") && !startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") && (!startsWith(memberName, "on") || (str => str.toLowerCase())(memberName) !== memberName);
const isValidMemberName = memberName => !(startsWith(memberName, "webkit") || startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") || startsWith(memberName, "constructor") || startsWith(memberName, "toString"));

@@ -65,6 +65,6 @@ const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];

if ("string" === (type = typeof value) || "number" === type || "boolean" === type || null == value) {
return [ 5, value ];
return [ 9, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 2 ];
return [ 5 ];

@@ -80,16 +80,10 @@ added = added || new Set;

if ("object" === type) {
return value.nodeType ? [ 3, {
return "Window" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: value.nodeType,
$instanceId$: 0
} ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 7, Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1])) ] : "Event" === cstrName ? [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSRuleList" === cstrName ? [ 3, Array.from(value).map(serializeCssRuleForWorker) ] : cstrName.startsWith("CSS") && cstrName.endsWith("Rule") ? [ 2, serializeCssRuleForWorker(value) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 8, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "Attr" === cstrName ? [ 1, [, value.value ] ] : value.nodeType ? [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: getAndSetInstanceId(value),
$nodeName$: value.nodeName
} ] : "Window" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 3, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: 0,
$instanceId$: 0
} ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 3, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: 21,
$data$: Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1]))
} ] : "Event" === cstrName ? [ 1, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, !0, !0) ];
} ] : [ 8, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, !0, !0) ];

@@ -104,4 +98,6 @@ }

for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
isValidMemberName(propName) && (includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));
if (isValidMemberName(propName)) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));

@@ -112,2 +108,13 @@ }

const serializeCssRuleForWorker = cssRule => {
let obj = {};
let key;
for (key in cssRule) {
validCssRuleProps.includes(key) && (obj[key] = cssRule[key]);
return obj;
const validCssRuleProps = "cssText,selectorText,href,media,namespaceURI,prefix,name,conditionText".split(",");
const readNextScript = (worker, winCtx) => {

@@ -157,3 +164,89 @@ let $winId$ = winCtx.$winId$;

const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$, $isTop$) => {
const readMainPlatform = win => {
const doc = win.document;
const $config$ = win.partytown || {};
const $libPath$ = ($config$.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
return {
$config$: $config$,
$libPath$: new URL($libPath$, win.location) + "",
$interfaces$: readMainInterfaces(win, doc)
const readMainInterfaces = (win, doc) => {
const startTime =;
const docImpl = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const textNode = docImpl.createTextNode("");
const comment = docImpl.createComment("");
const frag = docImpl.createDocumentFragment();
const elm = docImpl.createElement("i");
const svg = docImpl.createElementNS("", "svg");
const canvasRenderingContext2D = docImpl.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(noop);
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(noop);
const elms = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).filter((c => /^HTML.+Element$/.test(c))).map((htmlCstrName => {
const htmlTagName = getHtmlTagNameFromConstructor(htmlCstrName);
return [ docImpl.createElement(htmlTagName) ];
const impls = [ [ win.localStorage ], [ win.history ], [ win.screen ], [ win.screen.orientation ], [ mutationObserver, 12 ], [ resizeObserver, 12 ], [ textNode ], [ comment ], [ frag ], [ elm ], [ elm.attributes ], [ elm.classList ], [ elm.dataset ], [ ], [ svg ], [ docImpl ], [ docImpl.doctype ], [ canvasRenderingContext2D ], ...elms ].filter((implData => implData[0])).map((implData => {
const impl = implData[0];
const interfaceType = implData[1];
const cstrName =;
return [ cstrName, win[cstrName].prototype, impl, interfaceType ];
const interfaces = [ readImplentation("Window", win), readImplentation("Node", textNode) ];[cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType]) => readOwnImplentation(interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType)));
logMain(`Read ${interfaces.length} interfaces in ${( - startTime).toFixed(1)}ms`);
return interfaces;
const readImplentation = (cstrName, impl) => {
const interfaceMembers = [];
const interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, "Object", interfaceMembers ];
for (const memberName in impl) {
readImplentationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
return interfaceInfo;
const readOwnImplentation = (interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType) => {
if ("Object" !== cstrName && !interfaces.some((i => i[0] === cstrName))) {
const SuperCstr = Object.getPrototypeOf(CstrPrototype);
const superCstrName =;
const interfaceMembers = [];
readOwnImplentation(interfaces, superCstrName, SuperCstr, impl, interfaceType);
Object.keys(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(CstrPrototype)).map((memberName => readImplentationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName)));
const interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, superCstrName, interfaceMembers, interfaceType, impl.nodeName ];
const readImplentationMember = (interfaceMembers, implementation, memberName, cstrName) => {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName)) {
const value = implementation[memberName];
const memberType = typeof value;
"function" === memberType ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 5 ]) : "object" === memberType && null != value && "Object" !== (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? value.nodeType ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, value.nodeType ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, cstrName ]) : "symbol" !== memberType && (memberName.toUpperCase() === memberName ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6, value ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6 ]));
const htmlConstructorToTagMap = {
Anchor: "A",
DList: "DL",
Image: "IMG",
OList: "OL",
Paragraph: "P",
TableCaption: "CAPTION",
TableCell: "TD",
TableCol: "COLGROUP",
TableRow: "TR",
TableSection: "TBODY",
UList: "UL"
const getHtmlTagNameFromConstructor = t => {
t = t.substr(4).replace("Element", "");
return htmlConstructorToTagMap[t] || t;
const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$) => {
if (!windowIds.has($window$)) {

@@ -166,3 +259,2 @@ windowIds.set($window$, $winId$);

$parentWinId$: windowIds.get($window$.parent),
$isTop$: $isTop$,
$url$: $url$

@@ -178,3 +270,3 @@ };

const winType = envData.$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe";
const winType = envData.$winId$ === envData.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Registered ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`);

@@ -189,44 +281,5 @@ }

if (0 === msgType) {
const initWebWorkerData = (win => {
const doc = win.document;
const $config$ = win.partytown || {};
const $libPath$ = ($config$.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
const $url$ = win.location + "";
const docImpl = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const inputElm = docImpl.createElement("input");
const canvasRenderingContext2D = docImpl.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
const implementations = [ [ 0, win ], [ 15, ], [ 9, docImpl ], [ 11, docImpl.createDocumentFragment() ], [ 16, inputElm.dataset ], [ 17, inputElm.classList ], [ 1, inputElm ], [ 14, canvasRenderingContext2D ], [ 18, win.history ], [ 19, win.location ], [ 20, new MutationObserver(noop) ], [ 22, inputElm.attributes ], [ 21, inputElm.childNodes ], [ 23, new ResizeObserver(noop) ], [ 24, win.screen ], [ 25, win.localStorage ], [ 3, docImpl.createTextNode("") ] ].map((i => [ ...i, getConstructorName(i[1]) ]));
const initWebWorkerData = {
$config$: $config$,
$libPath$: new URL($libPath$, $url$) + "",
$htmlConstructors$: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).filter((c => /^H.*t$/i.test(c))),
$interfaces$:[interfaceType, impl, cstrName]) => {
let memberName;
let value;
let type;
let objCstrName;
let objImpl;
let interfaceInfo = [ interfaceType, cstrName, {} ];
for (memberName in impl) {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName)) {
value = impl[memberName];
type = typeof value;
if ("function" === type) {
interfaceInfo[2][memberName] = 13;
} else if ("object" === type) {
objCstrName = getConstructorName(value);
objImpl = implementations.find((i => i[2] === objCstrName));
objImpl && (interfaceInfo[2][memberName] = objImpl[0]);
return interfaceInfo;
logMain(`Read main window, interfaces: ${initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$.length}, HTML Constructors: ${initWebWorkerData.$htmlConstructors$.length}`);
return initWebWorkerData;
worker.postMessage([ 1, initWebWorkerData ]);
worker.postMessage([ 1, readMainPlatform(mainWindow) ]);
} else if (2 === msgType) {
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow, 1);
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow);
} else {

@@ -244,6 +297,7 @@ const winCtx = winCtxs[msg[1]];

const mainWindow = sandboxWindow.parent;
if (await (async (sandboxWindow, _receiveMessage) => {
const success = await (async (sandboxWindow, _receiveMessage) => {
console.log("ATOMICS ⚛️", sandboxWindow.location.href);
return !0;
})(sandboxWindow)) {
if (success) {
worker = new Worker("./partytown-ww-atomics.js", {

@@ -250,0 +304,0 @@ name: "Partytown 🎉"

(window => {
const isPromise = v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then;
const noop = () => {};
const noop = () => !0;
const logMain = msg => {

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ console.debug.apply(console, [ "%cMain 🌎", "background: #717171; color: white; padding: 2px 3px; border-radius: 2px; font-size: 0.8em;", msg ]);

const startsWith = (str, val) => str.startsWith(val);
const isValidMemberName = memberName => !startsWith(memberName, "webkit") && !startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") && (!startsWith(memberName, "on") || (str => str.toLowerCase())(memberName) !== memberName);
const isValidMemberName = memberName => !(startsWith(memberName, "webkit") || startsWith(memberName, "toJSON") || startsWith(memberName, "constructor") || startsWith(memberName, "toString"));
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];

@@ -61,6 +61,6 @@ Object.freeze(EMPTY_ARRAY);

if ("string" === (type = typeof value) || "number" === type || "boolean" === type || null == value) {
return [ 5, value ];
return [ 9, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 2 ];
return [ 5 ];

@@ -76,16 +76,10 @@ added = added || new Set;

if ("object" === type) {
return value.nodeType ? [ 3, {
return "Window" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: value.nodeType,
$instanceId$: 0
} ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 7, Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1])) ] : "Event" === cstrName ? [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSRuleList" === cstrName ? [ 3, Array.from(value).map(serializeCssRuleForWorker) ] : cstrName.startsWith("CSS") && cstrName.endsWith("Rule") ? [ 2, serializeCssRuleForWorker(value) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 8, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "Attr" === cstrName ? [ 1, [, value.value ] ] : value.nodeType ? [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: getAndSetInstanceId(value),
$nodeName$: value.nodeName
} ] : "Window" === (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? [ 3, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: 0,
$instanceId$: 0
} ] : "HTMLCollection" === cstrName || "NodeList" === cstrName ? [ 3, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$interfaceType$: 21,
$data$: Array.from(value).map((v => serializeForWorker($winId$, v, added)[1]))
} ] : "Event" === cstrName ? [ 1, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : "CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName ? [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added) ] : [ 4, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, !0, !0) ];
} ] : [ 8, serializeObjectForWorker($winId$, value, added, !0, !0) ];

@@ -99,4 +93,6 @@ }

for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
isValidMemberName(propName) && (includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));
if (isValidMemberName(propName)) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (includeEmptyStrings || "" !== propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForWorker(winId, propValue, added));

@@ -106,2 +102,10 @@ }

const serializeCssRuleForWorker = cssRule => {
let obj = {};
let key;
for (key in cssRule) {
validCssRuleProps.includes(key) && (obj[key] = cssRule[key]);
return obj;
const deserializeFromWorker = (worker, serializedTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {

@@ -111,6 +115,6 @@ if (serializedTransfer) {

serializedValue = serializedTransfer[1];
if (5 === serializedType) {
if (9 === serializedType) {
return serializedValue;
if (6 === serializedType) {
if (10 === serializedType) {
return deserializeRefFromWorker(worker, serializedValue);

@@ -121,9 +125,9 @@ }

if (3 === serializedType) {
if (6 === serializedType) {
return getInstance(serializedValue.$winId$, serializedValue.$instanceId$);
if (1 === serializedType) {
if (4 === serializedType) {
return constructEvent(deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue));
if (4 === serializedType) {
if (8 === serializedType) {
return deserializeObjectFromWorker(worker, serializedValue);

@@ -157,3 +161,4 @@ }

const applyToInstance = (worker, instance, applyPath) => {
const validCssRuleProps = "cssText,selectorText,href,media,namespaceURI,prefix,name,conditionText".split(",");
const applyToInstance = (worker, instance, applyPath, groupedGetters) => {
let i = 0;

@@ -164,2 +169,3 @@ let l = len(applyPath);

let previous;
let args;
for (;i < l; i++) {

@@ -169,3 +175,22 @@ current = applyPath[i];

previous = applyPath[i - 1];
Array.isArray(next) || ("string" == typeof current ? instance = instance[current] : 0 === next ? instance[previous] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current) : "function" == typeof instance[previous] && (instance = instance[previous].apply(instance, deserializeFromWorker(worker, current))));
if (!Array.isArray(next)) {
if ("string" == typeof current || "number" == typeof current) {
if (i + 1 === l && groupedGetters) {
const groupedRtnValues = {}; => groupedRtnValues[propName] = instance[propName]));
return groupedRtnValues;
instance = instance[current];
} else {
if (0 === next) {
instance[previous] = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
if ("function" == typeof instance[previous]) {
args = deserializeFromWorker(worker, current);
"insertRule" === previous && args[1] > len(instance.cssRules) && (args[1] = len(instance.cssRules));
instance = instance[previous].apply(instance, args);

@@ -217,3 +242,82 @@ return instance;

const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$, $isTop$) => {
const readMainPlatform = win => {
const doc = win.document;
const $config$ = win.partytown || {};
const $libPath$ = ($config$.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
return {
$config$: $config$,
$libPath$: new URL($libPath$, win.location) + "",
$interfaces$: readMainInterfaces(win, doc)
const readMainInterfaces = (win, doc) => {
const startTime =;
const docImpl = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const textNode = docImpl.createTextNode("");
const comment = docImpl.createComment("");
const frag = docImpl.createDocumentFragment();
const elm = docImpl.createElement("i");
const svg = docImpl.createElementNS("", "svg");
const canvasRenderingContext2D = docImpl.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
const mutationObserver = new MutationObserver(noop);
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(noop);
const elms = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).filter((c => /^HTML.+Element$/.test(c))).map((htmlCstrName => {
const htmlTagName = getHtmlTagNameFromConstructor(htmlCstrName);
return [ docImpl.createElement(htmlTagName) ];
const impls = [ [ win.localStorage ], [ win.history ], [ win.screen ], [ win.screen.orientation ], [ mutationObserver, 12 ], [ resizeObserver, 12 ], [ textNode ], [ comment ], [ frag ], [ elm ], [ elm.attributes ], [ elm.classList ], [ elm.dataset ], [ ], [ svg ], [ docImpl ], [ docImpl.doctype ], [ canvasRenderingContext2D ], ...elms ].filter((implData => implData[0])).map((implData => {
const impl = implData[0];
const interfaceType = implData[1];
const cstrName =;
return [ cstrName, win[cstrName].prototype, impl, interfaceType ];
const interfaces = [ readImplentation("Window", win), readImplentation("Node", textNode) ];[cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType]) => readOwnImplentation(interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, intefaceType)));
logMain(`Read ${interfaces.length} interfaces in ${( - startTime).toFixed(1)}ms`);
return interfaces;
const readImplentation = (cstrName, impl) => {
const interfaceMembers = [];
const interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, "Object", interfaceMembers ];
for (const memberName in impl) {
readImplentationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName);
return interfaceInfo;
const readOwnImplentation = (interfaces, cstrName, CstrPrototype, impl, interfaceType) => {
if ("Object" !== cstrName && !interfaces.some((i => i[0] === cstrName))) {
const SuperCstr = Object.getPrototypeOf(CstrPrototype);
const superCstrName =;
const interfaceMembers = [];
readOwnImplentation(interfaces, superCstrName, SuperCstr, impl, interfaceType);
Object.keys(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(CstrPrototype)).map((memberName => readImplentationMember(interfaceMembers, impl, memberName)));
const interfaceInfo = [ cstrName, superCstrName, interfaceMembers, interfaceType, impl.nodeName ];
const readImplentationMember = (interfaceMembers, implementation, memberName, cstrName) => {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName)) {
const value = implementation[memberName];
const memberType = typeof value;
"function" === memberType ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 5 ]) : "object" === memberType && null != value && "Object" !== (cstrName = getConstructorName(value)) ? value.nodeType ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, value.nodeType ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, cstrName ]) : "symbol" !== memberType && (memberName.toUpperCase() === memberName ? interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6, value ]) : interfaceMembers.push([ memberName, 6 ]));
const htmlConstructorToTagMap = {
Anchor: "A",
DList: "DL",
Image: "IMG",
OList: "OL",
Paragraph: "P",
TableCaption: "CAPTION",
TableCell: "TD",
TableCol: "COLGROUP",
TableRow: "TR",
TableSection: "TBODY",
UList: "UL"
const getHtmlTagNameFromConstructor = t => {
t = t.substr(4).replace("Element", "");
return htmlConstructorToTagMap[t] || t;
const registerWindow = (worker, $winId$, $window$) => {
if (!windowIds.has($window$)) {

@@ -226,3 +330,2 @@ windowIds.set($window$, $winId$);

$parentWinId$: windowIds.get($window$.parent),
$isTop$: $isTop$,
$url$: $url$

@@ -238,3 +341,3 @@ };

const winType = envData.$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe";
const winType = envData.$winId$ === envData.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logMain(`Registered ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`);

@@ -248,44 +351,5 @@ }

if (0 === msgType) {
const initWebWorkerData = (win => {
const doc = win.document;
const $config$ = win.partytown || {};
const $libPath$ = ($config$.lib || "/~partytown/") + "debug/";
const $url$ = win.location + "";
const docImpl = doc.implementation.createHTMLDocument();
const inputElm = docImpl.createElement("input");
const canvasRenderingContext2D = docImpl.createElement("canvas").getContext("2d");
const implementations = [ [ 0, win ], [ 15, ], [ 9, docImpl ], [ 11, docImpl.createDocumentFragment() ], [ 16, inputElm.dataset ], [ 17, inputElm.classList ], [ 1, inputElm ], [ 14, canvasRenderingContext2D ], [ 18, win.history ], [ 19, win.location ], [ 20, new MutationObserver(noop) ], [ 22, inputElm.attributes ], [ 21, inputElm.childNodes ], [ 23, new ResizeObserver(noop) ], [ 24, win.screen ], [ 25, win.localStorage ], [ 3, docImpl.createTextNode("") ] ].map((i => [ ...i, getConstructorName(i[1]) ]));
const initWebWorkerData = {
$config$: $config$,
$libPath$: new URL($libPath$, $url$) + "",
$htmlConstructors$: Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win).filter((c => /^H.*t$/i.test(c))),
$interfaces$:[interfaceType, impl, cstrName]) => {
let memberName;
let value;
let type;
let objCstrName;
let objImpl;
let interfaceInfo = [ interfaceType, cstrName, {} ];
for (memberName in impl) {
if (isValidMemberName(memberName)) {
value = impl[memberName];
type = typeof value;
if ("function" === type) {
interfaceInfo[2][memberName] = 13;
} else if ("object" === type) {
objCstrName = getConstructorName(value);
objImpl = implementations.find((i => i[2] === objCstrName));
objImpl && (interfaceInfo[2][memberName] = objImpl[0]);
return interfaceInfo;
logMain(`Read main window, interfaces: ${initWebWorkerData.$interfaces$.length}, HTML Constructors: ${initWebWorkerData.$htmlConstructors$.length}`);
return initWebWorkerData;
worker.postMessage([ 1, initWebWorkerData ]);
worker.postMessage([ 1, readMainPlatform(mainWindow) ]);
} else if (2 === msgType) {
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow, 1);
registerWindow(worker, randomId(), mainWindow);
} else {

@@ -302,9 +366,6 @@ const winCtx = winCtxs[msg[1]];

const mainWindow = sandboxWindow.parent;
if (await (async (sandboxWindow, receiveMessage) => {
const success = await (async (sandboxWindow, receiveMessage) => {
const swContainer = sandboxWindow.navigator.serviceWorker;
const swRegistration = await swContainer.getRegistration();
const sendMessageToWorker = accessRsp => {
swRegistration && &&;
swContainer.addEventListener("message", (ev => receiveMessage(, sendMessageToWorker)));
swContainer.addEventListener("message", (ev => receiveMessage(, (accessRsp => &&;
return !!swRegistration;

@@ -315,5 +376,6 @@ })(sandboxWindow, ((accessReq, responseCallback) => (async (worker, accessReq) => {

const errors = [];
for (const task of accessReq.$tasks$) {
const totalTasks = len(accessReq.$tasks$);
for (let i = 0; i < totalTasks; i++) {
try {
let task = accessReq.$tasks$[i];
let winId = task.$winId$;

@@ -331,3 +393,3 @@ let instanceId = task.$instanceId$;

if (1 === applyPath[0]) {
if (1 === applyPath[0] && applyPath[1] in winCtxs[winId].$window$) {
const constructedInstance = new winCtxs[winId].$window$[applyPath[1]](...deserializeFromWorker(worker, applyPath[2]));

@@ -338,3 +400,3 @@ setInstanceId(constructedInstance, instanceId);

if (instance) {
rtnValue = applyToInstance(worker, instance, applyPath);
rtnValue = applyToInstance(worker, instance, applyPath, task.$groupedGetters$);
task.$assignInstanceId$ && setInstanceId(rtnValue, task.$assignInstanceId$);

@@ -351,8 +413,8 @@ if (isPromise(rtnValue)) {

} catch (e) {
errors.push(String(e.stack || e));
i === totalTasks - 1 ? accessRsp.$error$ = String(e.stack || e) : console.error(e);
len(errors) && (accessRsp.$error$ = errors.join("\n"));
return accessRsp;
})(worker, accessReq).then(responseCallback)))) {
})(worker, accessReq).then(responseCallback)));
if (success) {
worker = new Worker("./partytown-ww-sw.js", {

@@ -359,0 +421,0 @@ name: "Partytown 🎉"

(self => {
const WinIdKey = Symbol();
const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
const InterfaceTypeKey = Symbol();
const NodeNameKey = Symbol();
const ApplyPathKey = Symbol();
const PropInstancesKey = Symbol();
const webWorkerInstances = new Map;
const webWorkerRefsByRefId = {};
const webWorkerRefIdsByRef = new WeakMap;
const nodeConstructors = {};
const envGlobalConstructors = {};
const webWorkerState = {};
const webWorkerCtx = {};
const environments = {};
const toLower = str => str.toLowerCase();
const toUpper = str => str.toUpperCase();
const cachedDimensions = new Map;
const cachedTree = new Map;
const dimensionMethodNames = "getClientRects,getBoundingClientRect".split(",");
const dimensionPropNames = "innerHeight,innerWidth,outerHeight,outerWidth,clientHeight,clientWidth,clientTop,clientLeft,scrollHeight,scrollWidth,scrollTop,scrollLeft,offsetHeight,offsetWidth,offsetTop,offsetLeft".split(",");
const elementTreePropNames = "childElementCount,children,firstElementChild,lastElementChild,nextElementSibling,previousElementSibling";
const noop = () => !0;
const logWorker = (msg, winId = -1) => {

@@ -44,21 +52,6 @@ try {

const logWorkerGetter = (target, applyPath, rtnValue, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
try {
const msg = `Get ${logTargetProp(target, "Get", applyPath)}, returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`;
msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
const logWorkerSetter = (target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
try {
logWorker(`Set ${logTargetProp(target, "Set", applyPath)}, value: ${logValue(applyPath, value)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
const logWorkerCall = (target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
const logWorkerGlobalConstructor = (winId, cstrName, args) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
logWorker(`Call ${logTargetProp(target, "Call", applyPath)}(${ => logValue(applyPath, v))).join(", ")}), returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`, target[WinIdKey]);
logWorker(`Construct new ${cstrName}(${ => logValue([], v))).join(", ")})`, winId);
} catch (e) {}

@@ -71,2 +64,3 @@ }

const instanceId = target[InstanceIdKey];
const cstrName = getConstructorName(target);
if (0 === instanceId) {

@@ -82,20 +76,17 @@ n = "";

n = "document.body.";
} else if (1 === target.nodeType) {
n = toLower(target.nodeName) + ".";
} else if (1 === target[InterfaceTypeKey] && target[NodeNameKey]) {
n = `<${toLower(target[NodeNameKey])}>`;
} else if (8 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "comment.";
} else if (2 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if (target[NodeNameKey]) {
let nodeName = target[NodeNameKey];
n = "#text" === nodeName ? "textNode." : "#comment" === nodeName ? "commentNode." : "#document" === nodeName ? "document." : "html" === nodeName ? "doctype." : target.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "Element.";
} else if (2 === target.nodeType) {
n = "attributes.";
} else if (11 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "fragment.";
} else if (10 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "documentTypeNode.";
} else if (20 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if ("CanvasRenderingContext2D" === cstrName) {
n = "context2D.";
} else if ("CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName) {
n = "value.";
} else if ("MutationObserver" === cstrName) {
n = "mutationObserver.";
} else if (23 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if ("NamedNodeMap" === cstrName) {
n = "namedNodeMap.";
} else if ("ResizeObserver" === cstrName) {
n = "resizeObserver.";
} else if (target[InterfaceTypeKey] <= 11) {
n = "node.";
} else {

@@ -105,4 +96,5 @@ n = "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ TARGET.";

target[ApplyPathKey] && target[ApplyPathKey].length && (n += [[ApplyPathKey] ].join(".") + ".");
if ("Get" === accessType && applyPath.length > 1) {
if (applyPath.length > 1) {
const first = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);

@@ -125,3 +117,3 @@ const last = applyPath[applyPath.length - 1];

if ("string" === type) {
return applyPath.includes("cookie") ? JSON.stringify(v.substr(0, 10) + "...") : JSON.stringify(v);
return applyPath.includes("cookie") ? JSON.stringify(v.substr(0, 10) + "...") : JSON.stringify(v.length > 50 ? v.substr(0, 40) + "..." : v);

@@ -133,3 +125,32 @@ if (Array.isArray(v)) {

const instanceId = v[InstanceIdKey];
return "number" == typeof instanceId ? 4 === instanceId ? "<body>" : 1 === instanceId ? "#document" : 2 === instanceId ? "<html>" : 3 === instanceId ? "<head>" : 0 === instanceId ? "window" : 1 === v[InterfaceTypeKey] && v[NodeNameKey] ? `<${toLower(v[NodeNameKey])}>` : 10 === v[InterfaceTypeKey] ? `<!DOCTYPE ${v[NodeNameKey]}>` : v[InterfaceTypeKey] <= 11 ? v[NodeNameKey] : "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj" : v[Symbol.iterator] ? `[${Array.from(v).map((i => logValue(applyPath, i))).join(", ")}]` : objToString("value" in v ? v.value : v);
if ("number" == typeof instanceId) {
if (4 === instanceId) {
return "<body>";
if (1 === instanceId) {
return "#document";
if (2 === instanceId) {
return "<html>";
if (3 === instanceId) {
return "<head>";
if (0 === instanceId) {
return "window";
if (v[NodeNameKey]) {
if (1 === v.nodeType) {
return `<${v[NodeNameKey].toLowerCase()}>`;
if (10 === v.nodeType) {
return `<!DOCTYPE ${v[NodeNameKey]}>`;
if (v.nodeType <= 11) {
return v[NodeNameKey];
return "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj";
return v[Symbol.iterator] ? `[${Array.from(v).map((i => logValue(applyPath, i))).join(", ")}]` : "value" in v ? "string" == typeof v.value ? `"${v.value}"` : objToString(v.value) : objToString(v);

@@ -150,33 +171,20 @@ return (v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then)(v) ? "Promise" : "function" === type ? `ƒ() ${ || ""}`.trim() : `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ${String(v)}`.trim();

const len = obj => obj.length;
const getConstructorName = obj => obj && obj.constructor && || "";
const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) => Object.defineProperty(Cstr, "name", {
value: value
const nextTick = (cb, ms) => setTimeout(cb, ms);
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
const randomId = () => Math.round(9999999999 * Math.random() + 4);
const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => getStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey);
const getStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateRecord) => (stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId]) ? stateRecord[stateKey] : void 0;
const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) => setStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey, stateValue);
const setStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateValue, stateRecord) => {
(stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId] || {})[stateKey] = stateValue;
webWorkerState[instanceId] = stateRecord;
const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, refId = randomId());
webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
return refId;
class WorkerProxy {
constructor(interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName) {
this[WinIdKey] = winId;
this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
this[NodeNameKey] = nodeName;
return proxy(this[InterfaceTypeKey] = interfaceType, this, []);
const definePrototypeProperty = (Cstr, memberName, descriptor) => Object.defineProperty(Cstr.prototype, memberName, {
configurable: !0
const definePrototypePropertyDescriptor = (Cstr, propertyDescriptorMap) => Object.defineProperties(Cstr.prototype, propertyDescriptorMap);
const definePrototypeValue = (Cstr, memberName, value) => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
value: value,
writable: !0
const taskQueue = [];
const queue = (instance, $applyPath$, isSetter, $assignInstanceId$) => {
const queue = (instance, $applyPath$, isSetter, $assignInstanceId$, $groupedGetters$) => {
const $instanceId$ = instance[InstanceIdKey];

@@ -186,14 +194,15 @@ taskQueue.push({

$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$interfaceType$: instance[InterfaceTypeKey],
$nodeName$: instance[NodeNameKey],
$applyPath$: $applyPath$,
$assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$
$applyPath$: [ ...instance[ApplyPathKey], ...$applyPath$ ],
$assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$,
$groupedGetters$: $groupedGetters$
if (!isSetter) {
return sync($instanceId$, $applyPath$);
return sync();
setTimeout((() => sync($instanceId$, $applyPath$)), 50);
setTimeout(sync, 40);
const sync = (instanceId, applyPath) => {
const sync = () => {
if (len(taskQueue)) {
webWorkerCtx.$config$.logMainAccess && logWorker(`Main access, tasks sent: ${taskQueue.length}`);
const endTask = taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1];
const accessReq = {

@@ -208,204 +217,61 @@ $msgId$: randomId(),

}))(0, accessReq);
deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, accessRsp.$rtnValue$);
deserializeFromMain(endTask.$instanceId$, endTask.$applyPath$, accessRsp.$rtnValue$);
throw new Error(accessRsp.$error$);
const getter = (instance, applyPath) => {
const rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath);
logWorkerGetter(instance, applyPath, rtnValue);
const getter = (instance, applyPath, groupedGetters) => {
const rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath, !1, void 0, groupedGetters);
((target, applyPath, rtnValue, restrictedToWorker = !1, groupedGetters = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
try {
const msg = `Get ${logTargetProp(target, "Get", applyPath)}, returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}${groupedGetters ? " (grouped getter)" : ""}`;
msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, applyPath, rtnValue, !1, !!groupedGetters);
return rtnValue;
const setter = (instance, applyPath, value) => {
const serializedValue = serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value);
logWorkerSetter(instance, applyPath, value);
queue(instance, [ ...applyPath, serializedValue, 0 ], !0);
const setterApplyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value), 0 ];
((target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
try {
applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 2);
logWorker(`Set ${logTargetProp(target, "Set", applyPath)}, value: ${logValue(applyPath, value)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, setterApplyPath, value);
queue(instance, setterApplyPath, !0);
const callMethod = (instance, applyPath, args, assignInstanceId) => {
const isSetter = setterMethods.some((m => applyPath.includes(m)));
const rtnValue = queue(instance, [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ], isSetter, assignInstanceId);
logWorkerCall(instance, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
const methodName = applyPath[len(applyPath) - 1];
const isSetter = setterMethods.includes(methodName);
const callApplyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ];
const rtnValue = queue(instance, callApplyPath, isSetter, assignInstanceId);
((target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
logWorker(`Call ${logTargetProp(target, "Call", applyPath)}(${ => logValue(applyPath, v))).join(", ")}), returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, callApplyPath, args, rtnValue);
isSetter || dimensionMethodNames.includes(methodName) || cachedDimensions.clear();
return rtnValue;
const createGlobalConstructorProxy = (winId, interfaceType, cstrName) => defineConstructorName(class {
constructor(...args) {
const instanceId = randomId();
const workerProxy = new WorkerProxy(interfaceType, instanceId, winId);
queue(workerProxy, [ 1, cstrName, serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, args) ]);
((winId, cstrName, args) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
logWorker(`Construct new ${cstrName}(${ => logValue([], v))).join(", ")})`, winId);
} catch (e) {}
})(winId, cstrName, args);
return workerProxy;
}, cstrName);
const proxy = (interfaceType, target, initApplyPath) => !target || "object" != typeof target && "function" != typeof target || String(target).includes("[native") ? target : new Proxy(target, {
get(target, propKey, receiver) {
if ("symbol" == typeof propKey || Reflect.has(target, propKey)) {
return Reflect.get(target, propKey, receiver);
if (shouldRestrictToWorker(interfaceType, propKey)) {
if (Reflect.has(self, propKey)) {
return Reflect.get(self, propKey, receiver);
const globalRtnValue = target[propKey];
logWorkerGetter(target, [ propKey ], globalRtnValue, !0);
return globalRtnValue;
8 !== interfaceType && 10 !== interfaceType || (interfaceType = 3);
const applyPath = [ ...initApplyPath, String(propKey) ];
const interfaceInfo = webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.find((i => i[0] === interfaceType));
if (interfaceInfo) {
const memberInfo = interfaceInfo[2][((applyPath, i) => {
for (i = len(applyPath) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ("string" == typeof applyPath[i]) {
return applyPath[i];
return applyPath[0];
if (13 === memberInfo) {
return (...args) => callMethod(target, applyPath, args);
if (memberInfo > 0) {
return proxy(memberInfo, target, [ ...applyPath ]);
const stateValue = getInstanceStateValue(target, applyPath[0]);
return "function" == typeof stateValue ? (...args) => {
const rtnValue = stateValue.apply(target, args);
logWorkerCall(target, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
return rtnValue;
} : getter(target, applyPath);
set(target, propKey, value, receiver) {
if ("symbol" == typeof propKey || Reflect.has(target, propKey)) {
Reflect.set(target, propKey, value, receiver);
} else if (shouldRestrictToWorker(interfaceType, propKey)) {
target[propKey] = value;
logWorkerSetter(target, [ propKey ], value, !0);
} else {
setter(target, [ ...initApplyPath, propKey ], value);
return !0;
has: (target, propKey) => 0 === interfaceType || Reflect.has(target, propKey)
const shouldRestrictToWorker = (interfaceType, propKey) => 0 === interfaceType && (!webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$.includes(propKey) || webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$.includes(propKey));
const setterMethods = [ "addEventListener", "createElement", "setAttribute", "setItem" ];
const constructInstance = (interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName) => new (getConstructor(interfaceType, nodeName = 3 === interfaceType ? "#text" : 8 === interfaceType ? "#comment" : 11 === interfaceType ? "#document-fragment" : 10 === interfaceType ? "html" : nodeName))(interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName);
const getConstructor = (interfaceType, nodeName) => 1 === interfaceType ? getElementConstructor(nodeName) : interfaceType <= 11 ? self.Node : WorkerProxy;
const getElementConstructor = nodeName => elementConstructors[nodeName] || elementConstructors.UNKNOWN;
const elementConstructors = {};
class NodeList {
constructor(nodes) {
(this._ = nodes).map(((node, index) => this[index] = node));
entries() {
return this._.entries();
forEach(cb, thisArg) {, thisArg);
item(index) {
return this[index];
keys() {
return this._.keys();
get length() {
return len(this._);
values() {
return this._.values();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added) => {
if (void 0 !== value) {
let type = typeof value;
if ("string" === type || "boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == value) {
return [ 5, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: setWorkerRef(value)
} ];
added = added || new Set;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return added.has(value) ? [ 0, [] ] : [ 0, => serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added))) ];
if ("object" === type) {
return "number" == typeof value[InstanceIdKey] ? [ 3, {
$winId$: value[WinIdKey],
$interfaceType$: value[InterfaceTypeKey],
$instanceId$: value[InstanceIdKey],
$nodeName$: value[NodeNameKey]
} ] : value instanceof Event ? [ 1, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !1, added) ] : [ 4, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !0, added) ];
const setterMethods = "addEventListener,removeEventListener,createElement,createTextNode,insertBefore,insertRule,deleteRule,setAttribute,setItem,removeItem,classList.add,classList.remove,classList.toggle".split(",");
const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => getStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey);
const getStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateRecord) => (stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId]) ? stateRecord[stateKey] : void 0;
const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) => setStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey, stateValue);
const setStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateValue, stateRecord) => {
(stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId] || {})[stateKey] = stateValue;
webWorkerState[instanceId] = stateRecord;
const serializeObjectForMain = (winId, instanceId, obj, includeFunctions, added, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, propValue, added));
const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, refId = randomId());
webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
return serializedObj;
return refId;
const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) => instance ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value) : [ 5, value ];
const deserializeFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValueTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedValueTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
if (5 === serializedType) {
return serializedValue;
if (6 === serializedType) {
return deserializeRefFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
if (3 === serializedType) {
return constructSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
if (0 === serializedType) {
return => deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, v)));
if (1 === serializedType) {
return (eventProps => new Proxy(new Event(eventProps.type, eventProps), {
get: (target, propName) => propName in eventProps ? eventProps[propName] : target[String(propName)]
}))(deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue));
if (4 === serializedType) {
return deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
const deserializeObjectFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(instanceId, [ ...applyPath, key ], serializedValue[key]);
return obj;
const constructSerializedInstance = ({$interfaceType$: $interfaceType$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $winId$: $winId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$, $data$: $data$}) => {
const env = environments[$winId$];
return 0 === $instanceId$ ? env.$window$ : 1 === $instanceId$ ? env.$document$ : 2 === $instanceId$ ? env.$documentElement$ : 3 === $instanceId$ ? env.$head$ : 4 === $instanceId$ ? env.$body$ : 21 === $interfaceType$ ? new NodeList($data$.map(constructSerializedInstance)) : constructInstance($interfaceType$, $instanceId$, $winId$, $nodeName$);
const deserializeRefFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, {$winId$: $winId$, $refId$: $refId$}) => {
webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] || webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function(...args) {
const instance = constructInstance(0, instanceId, $winId$);
return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
}, $refId$);
return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
const runScriptContent = (env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId) => {

@@ -417,3 +283,3 @@ let errorMsg = "";

env.$currentScriptUrl$ = "";
run(env, scriptContent);
} catch (contentError) {

@@ -427,4 +293,9 @@ console.error(scriptContent, contentError);

const run = (env, script) => {
new Function(`with(this){${script}}`).apply(env.$window$);
const runStateLoadHandlers = (instanceId, type, handlers) => {
(handlers = getStateValue(instanceId, type)) && nextTick((() => => cb({
(handlers = getStateValue(instanceId, type)) && ((cb, ms) => {
setTimeout(cb, ms);
})((() => => cb({
type: type

@@ -437,3 +308,3 @@ })))));

baseLocation = (env = environments[env.$parentWinId$]).$location$;
if (env.$isTop$) {
if (env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$) {

@@ -445,174 +316,4 @@ }

const resolveUrl = (env, url) => resolveToUrl(env, url) + "";
const getUrl = elm => resolveToUrl(getEnv(elm), getInstanceStateValue(elm, 3));
const getUrl = elm => resolveToUrl(getEnv(elm), getInstanceStateValue(elm, 4));
const getPartytownScript = () => `<script src=${JSON.stringify(webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ + "partytown.js")} async defer><\/script>`;
class Node extends WorkerProxy {
appendChild(node) {
return this.insertBefore(node, null);
get ownerDocument() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get href() {}
set href(_) {}
insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
const winId = newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
const nodeName = newNode[NodeNameKey];
const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
const isIFrame = "IFRAME" === nodeName;
if (isScript) {
const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 2);
if (scriptContent) {
const errorMsg = runScriptContent(getEnv(newNode), instanceId, scriptContent, winId);
const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/partytown-x");
setter(newNode, [ "dataset", datasetType ], datasetValue);
setter(newNode, [ "innerHTML" ], scriptContent);
newNode = callMethod(this, [ "insertBefore" ], [ newNode, referenceNode ]);
isIFrame && (iframe => {
let i = 0;
const winId = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
const callback = () => {
if (environments[winId] && environments[winId].$isInitialized$) {
let type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
let handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
handlers && => handler({
type: type
} else if (i++ > 2e3) {
let errorHandlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
errorHandlers && => handler({
type: "error"
} else {
setTimeout(callback, 9);
isScript && webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, winId ]);
return newNode;
get nodeName() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
get nodeType() {
return this[InterfaceTypeKey];
class HTMLElement extends Node {
get localName() {
return toLower(this.nodeName);
get namespaceURI() {
return "";
get tagName() {
return this.nodeName;
class HTMLSrcElement extends HTMLElement {
addEventListener(...args) {
let eventName = args[0];
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
get async() {
return !0;
set async(_) {}
get defer() {
return !0;
set defer(_) {}
get onload() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set onload(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
get onerror() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set onerror(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
class HTMLDocument extends HTMLElement {
get body() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
createElement(tagName) {
tagName = toUpper(tagName);
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const elm = new (getElementConstructor(tagName))(1, instanceId, winId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElement" ], [ tagName ], instanceId);
if ("IFRAME" === tagName) {
$winId$: instanceId,
$parentWinId$: winId,
$url$: "about:blank"
setter(elm, [ "srcdoc" ], getPartytownScript());
} else {
"SCRIPT" === tagName && setter(elm, [ "type" ], "text/partytown");
return elm;
createEvent(type) {
return new Event(type);
get currentScript() {
const currentScriptId = getEnv(this).$currentScriptId$;
return currentScriptId > 0 ? constructInstance(1, currentScriptId, this[WinIdKey], "SCRIPT") : null;
get defaultView() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get documentElement() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
getElementsByTagName(tagName) {
return "BODY" === (tagName = toUpper(tagName)) ? [ this.body ] : "HEAD" === tagName ? [ this.head ] : callMethod(this, [ "getElementsByTagName" ], [ tagName ]);
get head() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
get implementation() {
return {
hasFeature: () => !0
get location() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set location(url) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = url + "";
get parentNode() {
return null;
get parentElement() {
return null;
get readyState() {
return "complete";
const constructDocumentElementChild = (winId, instanceId, titleCaseNodeName, documentElement) => new (defineConstructorName(class extends HTMLElement {
get parentElement() {
return documentElement;
get parentNode() {
return documentElement;
}, `HTML${titleCaseNodeName}Element`))(1, instanceId, winId, toUpper(titleCaseNodeName));
const createImageConstructor = winId => class HTMLImageElement {

@@ -660,2 +361,11 @@ constructor() {

const getOrCreateNodeInstance = (winId, instanceId, nodeName) => {
let instance = webWorkerInstances.get(instanceId);
if (!instance) {
instance = createNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, nodeName);
webWorkerInstances.set(instanceId, instance);
return instance;
const createNodeInstance = (winId, instanceId, nodeName) => new (nodeConstructors[nodeName] ? nodeConstructors[nodeName] : nodeName.includes("-") ? nodeConstructors.UNKNOWN : self.HTMLElement)(winId, instanceId, [], nodeName);
class Location extends URL {

@@ -672,281 +382,784 @@ assign() {

const createEnvironment = ({$winId$: $winId$, $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$, $isTop$: $isTop$, $url$: $url$}) => {
if (environments[$winId$]) {
environments[$winId$].$location$.href = $url$;
} else {
class Window {
constructor() {
return proxy(0, this, []);
class WorkerProxy {
constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
this[WinIdKey] = winId;
this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
this[ApplyPathKey] = applyPath || [];
this[NodeNameKey] = nodeName;
this[PropInstancesKey] = {};
class WorkerTrapProxy extends WorkerProxy {
constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
return new Proxy(this, {
get: (instance, propName) => getter(instance, [ propName ]),
set(instance, propName, propValue) {
setter(instance, [ propName ], propValue);
return !0;
get document() {
return $document$;
get frameElement() {
if ($isTop$) {
return null;
class Window extends WorkerProxy {
constructor($winId$, $parentWinId$, url) {
super($winId$, 0);
for (const globalName in self) {
if (!(globalName in this) && "onmessage" !== globalName) {
const value = self[globalName];
if (null != value) {
const isFunction = "function" == typeof value && !value.toString().startsWith("class");
this[globalName] = isFunction ? value.bind(self) : value;
const env = getEnv(this);
const iframeElementInstanceId = this[WinIdKey];
const iframeElementWinId = env.$parentWinId$;
return constructInstance(1, iframeElementInstanceId, iframeElementWinId, "IFRAME");
get globalThis() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get location() {
return $location$;
set location(loc) {
$location$.href = loc + "";
get parent() {
return environments[$parentWinId$].$window$;
get self() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get top() {
for (const envWinId in environments) {
if (environments[envWinId].$isTop$) {
return environments[envWinId].$window$;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName => {
globalName in this || (this[globalName] = self[globalName]);
for (const envCstrName in envGlobalConstructors) {
this[envCstrName] = defineConstructorName(class {
constructor(...cstrArgs) {
const instance = new (0, envGlobalConstructors[envCstrName])($winId$, randomId());
const serializedCstrArgs = serializeInstanceForMain(instance, cstrArgs);
queue(instance, [ 1, envCstrName, serializedCstrArgs ]);
logWorkerGlobalConstructor($winId$, envCstrName, cstrArgs);
return instance;
get window() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
}, envCstrName);
const $document$ = new HTMLDocument(9, 1, $winId$, "#document");
const $documentElement$ = new elementConstructors.HTML(1, 2, $winId$, "HTML");
const $head$ = constructDocumentElementChild($winId$, 3, "Head", $documentElement$);
const $body$ = constructDocumentElementChild($winId$, 4, "Body", $documentElement$);
const $location$ = new Location($url$);
const windowFunctionWhiteList = "addEventListener,removeEventListener,dispatchEvent,postMessage".split(",");
const windowPropertyWhiteList = "devicePixelRatio,innerHeight,innerWidth,onmessage,onload,onerror".split(",");
const initWindowInstance = win => {
win[WinIdKey] = $winId$;
win[InstanceIdKey] = win[InterfaceTypeKey] = 0;
for (const globalName in self) {
"function" != typeof self[globalName] || globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName].bind(self));
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName => {
globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName]);
Object.keys(elementConstructors).map((tagName => win[elementConstructors[tagName].name] = elementConstructors[tagName]));
webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$.map((memberName => {
const $interfaceType$ = webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$[memberName];
const isFunctionInterface = 13 === $interfaceType$;
!(isFunctionInterface || $interfaceType$ > 11) || memberName in win && !windowFunctionWhiteList.includes(memberName) || (win[memberName] = isFunctionInterface ? (...args) => callMethod(win, [ memberName ], args) : proxy($interfaceType$, win, [ "window", memberName ]));
webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.map((i => {
const interfaceType = i[0];
const memberName = i[1];
win[memberName] = createGlobalConstructorProxy($winId$, interfaceType, memberName);
win.Image = createImageConstructor($winId$);
win.Window = Window;
win.performance = self.performance; = name + `${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`;
win.navigator = (winId => {
const navigator = self.navigator;
navigator.sendBeacon = (url, body) => {
const env = environments[winId];
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
try {
logWorker(`sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url)}${body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""}`);
} catch (e) {
const win = new Proxy(this, {
has: () => !0
environments[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$window$: win,
$document$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 1, "#document"),
$documentElement$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 2, "HTML"),
$head$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 3, "HEAD"),
$body$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 4, "BODY"),
$location$: new Location(url)
this.requestAnimationFrame = cb => setTimeout((() => cb(, 9);
this.cancelAnimationFrame = id => clearTimeout(id);
return win;
get body() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
get document() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get documentElement() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
get frameElement() {
const env = getEnv(this);
const parentWinId = env.$parentWinId$;
const winId = env.$winId$;
return winId === parentWinId ? null : getOrCreateNodeInstance(parentWinId, winId, "IFRAME");
get globalThis() {
return this;
get head() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
get location() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set location(loc) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = loc + "";
get Image() {
return createImageConstructor(this[WinIdKey]);
get name() {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
return name + `${normalizedWinId(winId)} (${winId})`;
get navigator() {
return (winId => {
const navigator = self.navigator;
navigator.sendBeacon = (url, body) => {
const env = environments[winId];
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
try {
fetch(resolveUrl(env, url), {
method: "POST",
body: body,
mode: "no-cors",
keepalive: !0
return !0;
logWorker(`sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url)}${body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""}`);
} catch (e) {
return !1;
return navigator;
})($winId$); => Object.defineProperty(win, propName, {
get: () => getter($window$, [ propName ]),
set: value => setter($window$, [ propName ], value)
const $window$ = new Window;
environments[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$window$: $window$,
$document$: $document$,
$documentElement$: $documentElement$,
$head$: $head$,
$body$: $body$,
$location$: $location$,
$isTop$: $isTop$,
$run$: script => {
new Function(`with(this){${script}}`).apply($window$);
try {
fetch(resolveUrl(env, url), {
method: "POST",
body: body,
mode: "no-cors",
keepalive: !0
return !0;
} catch (e) {
return !1;
return navigator;
get origin() {
return getEnv(this).$location$.origin;
get parent() {
return environments[getEnv(this).$parentWinId$].$window$;
get self() {
return this;
get top() {
for (const envWinId in environments) {
if (environments[envWinId].$winId$ === environments[envWinId].$parentWinId$) {
return environments[envWinId].$window$;
logWorker(`Created ${$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe"} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment (${$winId$})`, $winId$);
get window() {
return this;
const createEnvironment = ({$winId$: $winId$, $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$, $url$: $url$}) => {
if (environments[$winId$]) {
environments[$winId$].$location$.href = $url$;
} else {
new Window($winId$, $parentWinId$, $url$);
logWorker(`Created ${$winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe"} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment (${$winId$})`, $winId$);
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, $winId$ ]);
const getEnv = instance => environments[instance[WinIdKey]];
const getEnvWindow = instance => getEnv(instance).$window$;
class HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement {
get hash() {
return getUrl(this).hash;
class Node extends WorkerProxy {
appendChild(node) {
return this.insertBefore(node, null);
get host() {
return getUrl(this).host;
get href() {}
set href(_) {}
insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
const winId = newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
const nodeName = newNode[NodeNameKey];
const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
const isIFrame = "IFRAME" === nodeName;
if (isScript) {
const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 3);
if (scriptContent) {
const errorMsg = runScriptContent(getEnv(newNode), instanceId, scriptContent, winId);
const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/partytown-x");
setter(newNode, [ "dataset", datasetType ], datasetValue);
setter(newNode, [ "innerHTML" ], scriptContent);
callMethod(this, [ "insertBefore" ], [ newNode, referenceNode ]);
isIFrame && (iframe => {
let i = 0;
const winId = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
const callback = () => {
if (environments[winId] && environments[winId].$isInitialized$) {
let type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
let handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
handlers && => handler({
type: type
} else if (i++ > 2e3) {
let errorHandlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
errorHandlers && => handler({
type: "error"
} else {
setTimeout(callback, 9);
if (isScript) {
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, winId ]);
return newNode;
get hostname() {
return getUrl(this).hostname;
get nodeName() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
get href() {
return getUrl(this) + "";
get nodeType() {
return 3;
set href(href) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, href += "");
setter(this, [ "href" ], href);
get ownerDocument() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get origin() {
return getUrl(this).origin;
class Attr {
constructor(serializedAttr) { = serializedAttr[0];
this.value = serializedAttr[1];
get pathname() {
return getUrl(this).pathname;
get nodeName() {
get port() {
return getUrl(this).port;
get nodeType() {
return 2;
get protocol() {
return getUrl(this).protocol;
class NodeList {
constructor(nodes) {
(this._ = nodes).map(((node, index) => this[index] = node));
get search() {
return getUrl(this).search;
entries() {
return this._.entries();
class HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
getContext(...args) {
return proxy(14, this, [ "getContext", serializeInstanceForMain(this, args) ]);
forEach(cb, thisArg) {, thisArg);
class HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLSrcElement {
get contentDocument() {
return this.contentWindow.document;
item(index) {
return this[index];
get contentWindow() {
const iframeContentWinId = this[InstanceIdKey];
return environments[iframeContentWinId].$window$;
keys() {
return this._.keys();
get src() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
get length() {
return len(this._);
set src(url) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
let xhrStatus;
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, url);"GET", url, !1);
xhrStatus = xhr.status;
xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300 ? setter(this, [ "srcdoc" ], ((url, html) => `<base href="${url}">` + html.replace(/<script>/g, '<script type="text/partytown">').replace(/<script /g, '<script type="text/partytown" ').replace(/text\/javascript/g, "text/partytown") + getPartytownScript())(url, xhr.responseText)) : setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
values() {
return this._.values();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
class HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLSrcElement {
get innerHTML() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 2) || "";
const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added) => {
if (void 0 !== value) {
let type = typeof value;
if ("string" === type || "boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == value) {
return [ 9, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 10, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: setWorkerRef(value)
} ];
added = added || new Set;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return added.has(value) ? [ 0, [] ] : [ 0, => serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added))) ];
if ("object" === type) {
return "number" == typeof value[InstanceIdKey] ? [ 6, {
$winId$: value[WinIdKey],
$instanceId$: value[InstanceIdKey]
} ] : value instanceof Event ? [ 4, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !1, added) ] : [ 8, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !0, added) ];
set innerHTML(scriptContent) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 2, scriptContent);
const serializeObjectForMain = (winId, instanceId, obj, includeFunctions, added, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, propValue, added));
get innerText() {
return this.innerHTML;
return serializedObj;
const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) => instance ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value) : [ 9, value ];
const deserializeFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValueTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedValueTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
if (9 === serializedType || 2 === serializedType || 3 === serializedType) {
return serializedValue;
if (10 === serializedType) {
return deserializeRefFromMain(applyPath, serializedValue);
if (6 === serializedType) {
return getOrCreateSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
if (7 === serializedType) {
return new NodeList(;
if (1 === serializedType) {
return new Attr(serializedValue);
if (0 === serializedType) {
return => deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, v)));
if (4 === serializedType) {
return (eventProps => new Proxy(new Event(eventProps.type, eventProps), {
get: (target, propName) => propName in eventProps ? eventProps[propName] : target[String(propName)]
}))(deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue));
if (8 === serializedType) {
return deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
set innerText(content) {
this.innerHTML = content;
const deserializeObjectFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(instanceId, [ ...applyPath, key ], serializedValue[key]);
get src() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
return obj;
const getOrCreateSerializedInstance = ({$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$}) => getPlatformInstance($winId$, $instanceId$) || getOrCreateNodeInstance($winId$, $instanceId$, $nodeName$);
const getPlatformInstance = (winId, instanceId) => {
const env = environments[winId];
return 0 === instanceId ? env.$window$ : 1 === instanceId ? env.$document$ : 2 === instanceId ? env.$documentElement$ : 3 === instanceId ? env.$head$ : 4 === instanceId ? env.$body$ : void 0;
const deserializeRefFromMain = (applyPath, {$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$, $refId$: $refId$}) => {
webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] || webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function(...args) {
const instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance($winId$, $instanceId$, $nodeName$);
return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
}, $refId$);
return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
const HTMLStyleDescriptorMap = {
sheet: {
get() {
return new CSSStyleSheet(this);
set src(url) {
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, url);
setter(this, [ "src" ], url);
class CSSStyleSheet {
constructor(ownerNode) {
this.ownerNode = ownerNode;
get textContent() {
return this.innerHTML;
get cssRules() {
const ownerNode = this.ownerNode;
return new Proxy({}, {
get(target, propKey) {
const propName = String(propKey);
return "item" === propName ? index => getCssRule(ownerNode, index) : "length" === propName ? getCssRules(ownerNode).length : isNaN(propName) ? target[propKey] : getCssRule(ownerNode, propName);
set textContent(content) {
this.innerHTML = content;
insertRule(ruleText, index) {
const cssRules = getCssRules(this.ownerNode);
if ((index = void 0 === index ? 0 : index) >= 0 && index <= cssRules.length) {
callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "insertRule" ], [ ruleText, index ]);
cssRules.splice(index, 0, 0);
return index;
get type() {
return getter(this, [ "type" ]);
deleteRule(index) {
callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "deleteRule" ], [ index ]);
getCssRules(this.ownerNode).splice(index, 1);
set type(type) {
"text/javascript" !== type && setter(this, [ "type" ], type);
const getCssRules = ownerNode => {
let cssRules = getInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2);
if (!cssRules) {
cssRules = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules" ]);
setInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2, cssRules);
const SheetKey = Symbol();
class HTMLStyleElement extends HTMLElement {
get sheet() {
const ownerElement = this;
if (void 0 === ownerElement[SheetKey]) {
const sheetInfo = getter(ownerElement, [ "sheet" ]);
if (null === sheetInfo) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = sheetInfo;
return cssRules;
const getCssRule = (ownerNode, index) => {
let cssRules = getCssRules(ownerNode);
0 === cssRules[index] && (cssRules[index] = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules", parseInt(index, 10) ]));
return cssRules[index];
const DocumentDescriptorMap = {
body: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
createElement: {
value(tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElement" ], [ tagName ], instanceId);
if ("IFRAME" === tagName) {
$winId$: instanceId,
$parentWinId$: winId,
$url$: "about:blank"
setter(elm, [ "srcdoc" ], getPartytownScript());
} else {
class CSSStyleSheet {
get cssRules() {
return sheetInfo.cssRules;
deleteRule(index) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = void 0;
callMethod(ownerElement, [ "sheet", "deleteRule" ], [ index ]);
insertRule(rule, index) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = void 0;
return callMethod(ownerElement, [ "sheet", "insertRule" ], [ rule, index ]);
"SCRIPT" === tagName && setter(elm, [ "type" ], "text/partytown");
return elm;
createElementNS: {
value(ns, tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const nsElm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElementNS" ], [ ns, tagName ], instanceId);
return nsElm;
createTextNode: {
value(text) {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const textNode = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "#text");
callMethod(this, [ "createTextNode" ], [ text ], instanceId);
return textNode;
createEvent: {
value: type => new Event(type)
currentScript: {
get() {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const currentScriptId = getEnv(this).$currentScriptId$;
return currentScriptId > 0 ? getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, currentScriptId, "SCRIPT") : null;
defaultView: {
get() {
return (instance => getEnv(instance).$window$)(this);
documentElement: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
getElementsByTagName: {
value(tagName) {
return "BODY" === (tagName = tagName.toUpperCase()) ? [ getEnv(this).$body$ ] : "HEAD" === tagName ? [ getEnv(this).$head$ ] : callMethod(this, [ "getElementsByTagName" ], [ tagName ]);
head: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
implementation: {
value: {
hasFeature: noop
location: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set(url) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = url + "";
nodeType: {
value: 9
parentNode: {
value: null
parentElement: {
value: null
readyState: {
value: "complete"
const ElementDescriptorMap = {
localName: {
get() {
return this[NodeNameKey].toLowerCase();
namespaceURI: {
get() {
return "" + ("SVG" === this[NodeNameKey] ? "2000/svg" : "1999/xhtml");
nodeType: {
value: 1
tagName: {
get() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
const HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap = {
hash: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).hash;
host: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).host;
hostname: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).hostname;
href: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).href;
set(href) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, href += "");
setter(this, [ "href" ], href);
origin: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).origin;
pathname: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).pathname;
port: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).port;
protocol: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).protocol;
search: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).search;
const HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap = {
getContext: {
value(...args) {
const applyPath = [ "getContext", serializeInstanceForMain(this, args) ];
return new self.CanvasRenderingContext2D(this[WinIdKey], this[InstanceIdKey], applyPath);
const HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap = {
addEventListener: {
value(...args) {
const eventName = args[0];
const callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
async: {
get: noop,
set: noop
defer: {
get: noop,
set: noop
onload: {
get() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
onerror: {
get() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
const HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap = {
contentDocument: {
get() {
return this.contentWindow.document;
contentWindow: {
get() {
const iframeContentWinId = this[InstanceIdKey];
return environments[iframeContentWinId].$window$;
src: {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
set(url) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
let xhrStatus;
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);"GET", url, !1);
xhrStatus = xhr.status;
xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300 ? setter(this, [ "srcdoc" ], ((url, html) => `<base href="${url}">` + html.replace(/<script>/g, '<script type="text/partytown">').replace(/<script /g, '<script type="text/partytown" ').replace(/text\/javascript/g, "text/partytown") + getPartytownScript())(url, xhr.responseText)) : setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
const innerHTMLDescriptor = {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
set(scriptContent) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, scriptContent);
const HTMLScriptDescriptorMap = {
innerHTML: innerHTMLDescriptor,
innerText: innerHTMLDescriptor,
src: {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
set(url) {
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);
setter(this, [ "src" ], url);
getAttribute: {
value(attrName) {
return "src" === attrName ? this.src : callMethod(this, [ "getAttribute" ], [ attrName ]);
setAttribute: {
value(attrName, attrValue) {
"src" === attrName ? this.src = attrValue : callMethod(this, [ "setAttribute" ], [ attrName, attrValue ]);
textContent: innerHTMLDescriptor,
type: {
get() {
return getter(this, [ "type" ]);
set(type) {
"text/javascript" !== type && setter(this, [ "type" ], type);
const defineWorkerInterface = ([cstrName, superCstrName, members, interfaceType, nodeName]) => {
const SuperCstr = TrapConstructors[cstrName] ? WorkerTrapProxy : "Object" === superCstrName || "EventTarget" === superCstrName ? WorkerProxy : self[superCstrName];
const Cstr = self[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(self[cstrName] || class extends SuperCstr {}, cstrName);
12 === interfaceType && (envGlobalConstructors[cstrName] = Cstr);
nodeName && (nodeConstructors[nodeName] = Cstr);[memberName, memberType, staticValue]) => {
memberName in Cstr.prototype || memberName in SuperCstr.prototype || ("string" == typeof memberType ? definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
get() {
if (!this[PropInstancesKey][memberName]) {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = this[InstanceIdKey];
const applyPath = [ ...this[ApplyPathKey], memberName ];
const nodeName = this[NodeNameKey];
const PropCstr = self[memberType];
this[PropInstancesKey][memberName] = new PropCstr(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
ownerElement[SheetKey] = new CSSStyleSheet;
return this[PropInstancesKey][memberName];
set(value) {
this[PropInstancesKey][memberName] = value;
}) : 5 === memberType ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, (function(...args) {
return callMethod(this, [ memberName ], args);
})) : memberType > 0 && (void 0 !== staticValue ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, staticValue) : definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
get() {
return getter(this, [ memberName ]);
set(value) {
return setter(this, [ memberName ], value);
const TrapConstructors = {
CSSStyleDeclaration: 1,
DOMStringMap: 1,
NamedNodeMap: 1
const patchPrototypes = () => {
const Element = self.Element;
const DocumentFragment = self.DocumentFragment;
(() => {
"atob,btoa,crypto,indexedDB,performance,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval".split(",").map((memberName => delete Window.prototype[memberName]));
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(Element, ElementDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.Document, DocumentDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLScriptElement, HTMLScriptDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLStyleElement, HTMLStyleDescriptorMap);
constantProps(CSSStyleSheet, {
type: "text/css"
definePrototypeNodeType(self.Comment, 8);
definePrototypeNodeType(self.DocumentType, 10);
definePrototypeNodeType(DocumentFragment, 11);
cachedTreeProps(Node, "childNodes,firstChild,isConnected,lastChild,nextSibling,parentElement,parentNode,previousSibling");
cachedTreeProps(Element, elementTreePropNames);
cachedTreeProps(DocumentFragment, elementTreePropNames);
const definePrototypeNodeType = (Cstr, nodeType) => definePrototypeValue(Cstr, "nodeType", nodeType);
const cachedTreeProps = (Cstr, treeProps) => treeProps.split(",").map((propName => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
let cacheKey = getDimensionCacheKey(this, propName);
let result = cachedTree.get(cacheKey);
if (!result) {
result = getter(this, [ propName ]);
cachedTree.set(cacheKey, result);
return ownerElement[SheetKey];
return result;
const initWebWorker = initWebWorkerData => {
Object.assign(webWorkerCtx, initWebWorkerData);
webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$ = (webWorkerCtx.$config$.forward || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((f => f[0]));
webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$ = webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$[0][2];
webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$ = Object.keys(webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$).filter((m => !webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$.includes(m)));
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
self.postMessage = self.importScripts = void 0;
self.Node = Node;
self.Element = self.HTMLElement = HTMLSrcElement;
self.Document = HTMLDocument;
webWorkerCtx.$htmlConstructors$.map((htmlCstrName => elementConstructors[(t => ({
}[t = toUpper(t.substr(4).replace("Element", ""))] || t))(htmlCstrName)] = defineConstructorName(class extends HTMLElement {}, htmlCstrName)));
elementConstructors.A = HTMLAnchorElement;
elementConstructors.CANVAS = HTMLCanvasElement;
elementConstructors.IFRAME = HTMLIFrameElement;
elementConstructors.SCRIPT = HTMLScriptElement;
elementConstructors.STYLE = HTMLStyleElement;
webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
logWorker("Initialized web worker");
const getDimensionCacheKey = (instance, memberName) => instance[WinIdKey] + "." + instance[InstanceIdKey] + "." + memberName;
const constantProps = (Cstr, props) => Object.keys(props).map((propName => definePrototypeValue(Cstr, propName, props[propName])));
const cachedDimensionProps = Cstr => => {
definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
const dimension = cachedDimensions.get(getDimensionCacheKey(this, propName));
if ("number" == typeof dimension) {
return dimension;
const groupedDimensions = getter(this, [ propName ], dimensionPropNames);
Object.entries(groupedDimensions).map((([dimensionPropName, value]) => {
cachedDimensions.set(getDimensionCacheKey(this, dimensionPropName), value);
return groupedDimensions[propName];
const cachedDimensionMethods = Cstr => => {
Cstr.prototype[methodName] = function() {
let cacheKey = getDimensionCacheKey(this, methodName);
let dimensions = cachedDimensions.get(cacheKey);
if (!dimensions) {
dimensions = callMethod(this, [ methodName ], EMPTY_ARRAY);
cachedDimensions.set(cacheKey, dimensions);
return dimensions;
const queuedEvents = [];

@@ -971,13 +1184,12 @@ const receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker = ev => {

scriptSrc = scriptUrl + "";
setStateValue(instanceId, 3, scriptSrc);
setStateValue(instanceId, 4, scriptSrc);
webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution && logWorker(`Execute script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);
if (scriptUrl.origin !== origin) {
try {
await self.fetch(scriptSrc, {
method: "OPTIONS"
} catch (e) {
scriptSrc = "" + scriptSrc;
logWorker(`Proxied script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);
try {
rsp = await self.fetch(scriptSrc);
} catch (e) {
if (scriptUrl.origin === origin) {
throw e;
scriptSrc = "" + scriptSrc;
logWorker(`Proxied script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);

@@ -989,3 +1201,3 @@ rsp = await self.fetch(scriptSrc);

env.$currentScriptUrl$ = scriptSrc;
run(env, scriptContent);
runStateLoadHandlers(instanceId, "load");

@@ -1039,3 +1251,4 @@ } else {

const winId = msg[1];
const winType = environments[winId].$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe";
const env = environments[winId];
const winType = env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logWorker(`Initialized ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId(winId)} environment (${winId}) 🎉`, winId);

@@ -1045,9 +1258,19 @@ }

} else if (1 === msgType) {
(initWebWorkerData => {
Object.assign(webWorkerCtx, initWebWorkerData);
webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$ = (webWorkerCtx.$config$.forward || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((f => f[0]));
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
self.postMessage = self.importScripts = void 0;
self.Node = Node;
self.Window = Window;
self.CSSStyleSheet = CSSStyleSheet;
webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
logWorker("Initialized web worker");
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 2 ]);
nextTick((() => {
queuedEvents.length && logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
queuedEvents.length = 0;
queuedEvents.length && logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
queuedEvents.length = 0;
} else {

@@ -1054,0 +1277,0 @@ queuedEvents.push(ev);

(self => {
const WinIdKey = Symbol();
const InstanceIdKey = Symbol();
const InterfaceTypeKey = Symbol();
const NodeNameKey = Symbol();
const ApplyPathKey = Symbol();
const PropInstancesKey = Symbol();
const webWorkerInstances = new Map;
const webWorkerRefsByRefId = {};
const webWorkerRefIdsByRef = new WeakMap;
const nodeConstructors = {};
const envGlobalConstructors = {};
const webWorkerState = {};
const webWorkerCtx = {};
const environments = {};
const toLower = str => str.toLowerCase();
const toUpper = str => str.toUpperCase();
const cachedDimensions = new Map;
const cachedTree = new Map;
const dimensionMethodNames = "getClientRects,getBoundingClientRect".split(",");
const dimensionPropNames = "innerHeight,innerWidth,outerHeight,outerWidth,clientHeight,clientWidth,clientTop,clientLeft,scrollHeight,scrollWidth,scrollTop,scrollLeft,offsetHeight,offsetWidth,offsetTop,offsetLeft".split(",");
const elementTreePropNames = "childElementCount,children,firstElementChild,lastElementChild,nextElementSibling,previousElementSibling";
const noop = () => !0;
const logWorker = (msg, winId = -1) => {

@@ -44,21 +52,6 @@ try {

const logWorkerGetter = (target, applyPath, rtnValue, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
try {
const msg = `Get ${logTargetProp(target, "Get", applyPath)}, returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`;
msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
const logWorkerSetter = (target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
try {
logWorker(`Set ${logTargetProp(target, "Set", applyPath)}, value: ${logValue(applyPath, value)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
const logWorkerCall = (target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
const logWorkerGlobalConstructor = (winId, cstrName, args) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
logWorker(`Call ${logTargetProp(target, "Call", applyPath)}(${ => logValue(applyPath, v))).join(", ")}), returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`, target[WinIdKey]);
logWorker(`Construct new ${cstrName}(${ => logValue([], v))).join(", ")})`, winId);
} catch (e) {}

@@ -71,2 +64,3 @@ }

const instanceId = target[InstanceIdKey];
const cstrName = getConstructorName(target);
if (0 === instanceId) {

@@ -82,20 +76,17 @@ n = "";

n = "document.body.";
} else if (1 === target.nodeType) {
n = toLower(target.nodeName) + ".";
} else if (1 === target[InterfaceTypeKey] && target[NodeNameKey]) {
n = `<${toLower(target[NodeNameKey])}>`;
} else if (8 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "comment.";
} else if (2 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if (target[NodeNameKey]) {
let nodeName = target[NodeNameKey];
n = "#text" === nodeName ? "textNode." : "#comment" === nodeName ? "commentNode." : "#document" === nodeName ? "document." : "html" === nodeName ? "doctype." : target.nodeName.toLowerCase() + "Element.";
} else if (2 === target.nodeType) {
n = "attributes.";
} else if (11 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "fragment.";
} else if (10 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
n = "documentTypeNode.";
} else if (20 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if ("CanvasRenderingContext2D" === cstrName) {
n = "context2D.";
} else if ("CSSStyleDeclaration" === cstrName) {
n = "value.";
} else if ("MutationObserver" === cstrName) {
n = "mutationObserver.";
} else if (23 === target[InterfaceTypeKey]) {
} else if ("NamedNodeMap" === cstrName) {
n = "namedNodeMap.";
} else if ("ResizeObserver" === cstrName) {
n = "resizeObserver.";
} else if (target[InterfaceTypeKey] <= 11) {
n = "node.";
} else {

@@ -105,4 +96,5 @@ n = "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ TARGET.";

target[ApplyPathKey] && target[ApplyPathKey].length && (n += [[ApplyPathKey] ].join(".") + ".");
if ("Get" === accessType && applyPath.length > 1) {
if (applyPath.length > 1) {
const first = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);

@@ -125,3 +117,3 @@ const last = applyPath[applyPath.length - 1];

if ("string" === type) {
return applyPath.includes("cookie") ? JSON.stringify(v.substr(0, 10) + "...") : JSON.stringify(v);
return applyPath.includes("cookie") ? JSON.stringify(v.substr(0, 10) + "...") : JSON.stringify(v.length > 50 ? v.substr(0, 40) + "..." : v);

@@ -133,3 +125,32 @@ if (Array.isArray(v)) {

const instanceId = v[InstanceIdKey];
return "number" == typeof instanceId ? 4 === instanceId ? "<body>" : 1 === instanceId ? "#document" : 2 === instanceId ? "<html>" : 3 === instanceId ? "<head>" : 0 === instanceId ? "window" : 1 === v[InterfaceTypeKey] && v[NodeNameKey] ? `<${toLower(v[NodeNameKey])}>` : 10 === v[InterfaceTypeKey] ? `<!DOCTYPE ${v[NodeNameKey]}>` : v[InterfaceTypeKey] <= 11 ? v[NodeNameKey] : "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj" : v[Symbol.iterator] ? `[${Array.from(v).map((i => logValue(applyPath, i))).join(", ")}]` : objToString("value" in v ? v.value : v);
if ("number" == typeof instanceId) {
if (4 === instanceId) {
return "<body>";
if (1 === instanceId) {
return "#document";
if (2 === instanceId) {
return "<html>";
if (3 === instanceId) {
return "<head>";
if (0 === instanceId) {
return "window";
if (v[NodeNameKey]) {
if (1 === v.nodeType) {
return `<${v[NodeNameKey].toLowerCase()}>`;
if (10 === v.nodeType) {
return `<!DOCTYPE ${v[NodeNameKey]}>`;
if (v.nodeType <= 11) {
return v[NodeNameKey];
return "¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ instance obj";
return v[Symbol.iterator] ? `[${Array.from(v).map((i => logValue(applyPath, i))).join(", ")}]` : "value" in v ? "string" == typeof v.value ? `"${v.value}"` : objToString(v.value) : objToString(v);

@@ -150,33 +171,20 @@ return (v => "object" == typeof v && v && v.then)(v) ? "Promise" : "function" === type ? `ƒ() ${ || ""}`.trim() : `¯\\_(ツ)_/¯ ${String(v)}`.trim();

const len = obj => obj.length;
const getConstructorName = obj => obj && obj.constructor && || "";
const defineConstructorName = (Cstr, value) => Object.defineProperty(Cstr, "name", {
value: value
const nextTick = (cb, ms) => setTimeout(cb, ms);
const EMPTY_ARRAY = [];
const randomId = () => Math.round(9999999999 * Math.random() + 4);
const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => getStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey);
const getStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateRecord) => (stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId]) ? stateRecord[stateKey] : void 0;
const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) => setStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey, stateValue);
const setStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateValue, stateRecord) => {
(stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId] || {})[stateKey] = stateValue;
webWorkerState[instanceId] = stateRecord;
const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, refId = randomId());
webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
return refId;
class WorkerProxy {
constructor(interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName) {
this[WinIdKey] = winId;
this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
this[NodeNameKey] = nodeName;
return proxy(this[InterfaceTypeKey] = interfaceType, this, []);
const definePrototypeProperty = (Cstr, memberName, descriptor) => Object.defineProperty(Cstr.prototype, memberName, {
configurable: !0
const definePrototypePropertyDescriptor = (Cstr, propertyDescriptorMap) => Object.defineProperties(Cstr.prototype, propertyDescriptorMap);
const definePrototypeValue = (Cstr, memberName, value) => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
value: value,
writable: !0
const taskQueue = [];
const queue = (instance, $applyPath$, isSetter, $assignInstanceId$) => {
const queue = (instance, $applyPath$, isSetter, $assignInstanceId$, $groupedGetters$) => {
const $instanceId$ = instance[InstanceIdKey];

@@ -186,14 +194,15 @@ taskQueue.push({

$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$interfaceType$: instance[InterfaceTypeKey],
$nodeName$: instance[NodeNameKey],
$applyPath$: $applyPath$,
$assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$
$applyPath$: [ ...instance[ApplyPathKey], ...$applyPath$ ],
$assignInstanceId$: $assignInstanceId$,
$groupedGetters$: $groupedGetters$
if (!isSetter) {
return sync($instanceId$, $applyPath$);
return sync();
setTimeout((() => sync($instanceId$, $applyPath$)), 50);
setTimeout(sync, 40);
const sync = (instanceId, applyPath) => {
const sync = () => {
if (len(taskQueue)) {
webWorkerCtx.$config$.logMainAccess && logWorker(`Main access, tasks sent: ${taskQueue.length}`);
const endTask = taskQueue[len(taskQueue) - 1];
const accessReq = {

@@ -212,3 +221,3 @@ $msgId$: randomId(),

const isPromise = accessRsp.$isPromise$;
const rtnValue = deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, accessRsp.$rtnValue$);
const rtnValue = deserializeFromMain(endTask.$instanceId$, endTask.$applyPath$, accessRsp.$rtnValue$);
if (accessRsp.$error$) {

@@ -223,200 +232,57 @@ if (isPromise) {

const getter = (instance, applyPath) => {
const rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath);
logWorkerGetter(instance, applyPath, rtnValue);
const getter = (instance, applyPath, groupedGetters) => {
const rtnValue = queue(instance, applyPath, !1, void 0, groupedGetters);
((target, applyPath, rtnValue, restrictedToWorker = !1, groupedGetters = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logGetters) {
try {
const msg = `Get ${logTargetProp(target, "Get", applyPath)}, returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}${groupedGetters ? " (grouped getter)" : ""}`;
msg.includes("Symbol(") || logWorker(msg, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, applyPath, rtnValue, !1, !!groupedGetters);
return rtnValue;
const setter = (instance, applyPath, value) => {
const serializedValue = serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value);
logWorkerSetter(instance, applyPath, value);
queue(instance, [ ...applyPath, serializedValue, 0 ], !0);
const setterApplyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, value), 0 ];
((target, applyPath, value, restrictedToWorker = !1) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSetters) {
try {
applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 2);
logWorker(`Set ${logTargetProp(target, "Set", applyPath)}, value: ${logValue(applyPath, value)}${restrictedToWorker ? " (restricted to worker)" : ""}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, setterApplyPath, value);
queue(instance, setterApplyPath, !0);
const callMethod = (instance, applyPath, args, assignInstanceId) => {
const isSetter = setterMethods.some((m => applyPath.includes(m)));
const rtnValue = queue(instance, [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ], isSetter, assignInstanceId);
logWorkerCall(instance, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
const methodName = applyPath[len(applyPath) - 1];
const isSetter = setterMethods.includes(methodName);
const callApplyPath = [ ...applyPath, serializeInstanceForMain(instance, args) ];
const rtnValue = queue(instance, callApplyPath, isSetter, assignInstanceId);
((target, applyPath, args, rtnValue) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
applyPath = applyPath.slice(0, applyPath.length - 1);
logWorker(`Call ${logTargetProp(target, "Call", applyPath)}(${ => logValue(applyPath, v))).join(", ")}), returned: ${logValue(applyPath, rtnValue)}`, target[WinIdKey]);
} catch (e) {}
})(instance, callApplyPath, args, rtnValue);
isSetter || dimensionMethodNames.includes(methodName) || cachedDimensions.clear();
return rtnValue;
const createGlobalConstructorProxy = (winId, interfaceType, cstrName) => defineConstructorName(class {
constructor(...args) {
const instanceId = randomId();
const workerProxy = new WorkerProxy(interfaceType, instanceId, winId);
queue(workerProxy, [ 1, cstrName, serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, args) ]);
((winId, cstrName, args) => {
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logCalls) {
try {
logWorker(`Construct new ${cstrName}(${ => logValue([], v))).join(", ")})`, winId);
} catch (e) {}
})(winId, cstrName, args);
return workerProxy;
}, cstrName);
const proxy = (interfaceType, target, initApplyPath) => !target || "object" != typeof target && "function" != typeof target || String(target).includes("[native") ? target : new Proxy(target, {
get(target, propKey, receiver) {
if ("symbol" == typeof propKey || Reflect.has(target, propKey)) {
return Reflect.get(target, propKey, receiver);
if (shouldRestrictToWorker(interfaceType, propKey)) {
if (Reflect.has(self, propKey)) {
return Reflect.get(self, propKey, receiver);
const globalRtnValue = target[propKey];
logWorkerGetter(target, [ propKey ], globalRtnValue, !0);
return globalRtnValue;
8 !== interfaceType && 10 !== interfaceType || (interfaceType = 3);
const applyPath = [ ...initApplyPath, String(propKey) ];
const interfaceInfo = webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.find((i => i[0] === interfaceType));
if (interfaceInfo) {
const memberInfo = interfaceInfo[2][((applyPath, i) => {
for (i = len(applyPath) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if ("string" == typeof applyPath[i]) {
return applyPath[i];
return applyPath[0];
if (13 === memberInfo) {
return (...args) => callMethod(target, applyPath, args);
if (memberInfo > 0) {
return proxy(memberInfo, target, [ ...applyPath ]);
const stateValue = getInstanceStateValue(target, applyPath[0]);
return "function" == typeof stateValue ? (...args) => {
const rtnValue = stateValue.apply(target, args);
logWorkerCall(target, applyPath, args, rtnValue);
return rtnValue;
} : getter(target, applyPath);
set(target, propKey, value, receiver) {
if ("symbol" == typeof propKey || Reflect.has(target, propKey)) {
Reflect.set(target, propKey, value, receiver);
} else if (shouldRestrictToWorker(interfaceType, propKey)) {
target[propKey] = value;
logWorkerSetter(target, [ propKey ], value, !0);
} else {
setter(target, [ ...initApplyPath, propKey ], value);
return !0;
has: (target, propKey) => 0 === interfaceType || Reflect.has(target, propKey)
const shouldRestrictToWorker = (interfaceType, propKey) => 0 === interfaceType && (!webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$.includes(propKey) || webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$.includes(propKey));
const setterMethods = [ "addEventListener", "createElement", "setAttribute", "setItem" ];
const constructInstance = (interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName) => new (getConstructor(interfaceType, nodeName = 3 === interfaceType ? "#text" : 8 === interfaceType ? "#comment" : 11 === interfaceType ? "#document-fragment" : 10 === interfaceType ? "html" : nodeName))(interfaceType, instanceId, winId, nodeName);
const getConstructor = (interfaceType, nodeName) => 1 === interfaceType ? getElementConstructor(nodeName) : interfaceType <= 11 ? self.Node : WorkerProxy;
const getElementConstructor = nodeName => elementConstructors[nodeName] || elementConstructors.UNKNOWN;
const elementConstructors = {};
class NodeList {
constructor(nodes) {
(this._ = nodes).map(((node, index) => this[index] = node));
entries() {
return this._.entries();
forEach(cb, thisArg) {, thisArg);
item(index) {
return this[index];
keys() {
return this._.keys();
get length() {
return len(this._);
values() {
return this._.values();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added) => {
if (void 0 !== value) {
let type = typeof value;
if ("string" === type || "boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == value) {
return [ 5, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 6, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: setWorkerRef(value)
} ];
added = added || new Set;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return added.has(value) ? [ 0, [] ] : [ 0, => serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added))) ];
if ("object" === type) {
return "number" == typeof value[InstanceIdKey] ? [ 3, {
$winId$: value[WinIdKey],
$interfaceType$: value[InterfaceTypeKey],
$instanceId$: value[InstanceIdKey],
$nodeName$: value[NodeNameKey]
} ] : value instanceof Event ? [ 1, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !1, added) ] : [ 4, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !0, added) ];
const setterMethods = "addEventListener,removeEventListener,createElement,createTextNode,insertBefore,insertRule,deleteRule,setAttribute,setItem,removeItem,classList.add,classList.remove,classList.toggle".split(",");
const getInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey) => getStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey);
const getStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateRecord) => (stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId]) ? stateRecord[stateKey] : void 0;
const setInstanceStateValue = (instance, stateKey, stateValue) => setStateValue(instance[InstanceIdKey], stateKey, stateValue);
const setStateValue = (instanceId, stateKey, stateValue, stateRecord) => {
(stateRecord = webWorkerState[instanceId] || {})[stateKey] = stateValue;
webWorkerState[instanceId] = stateRecord;
const serializeObjectForMain = (winId, instanceId, obj, includeFunctions, added, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, propValue, added));
const setWorkerRef = (ref, refId) => {
if (!(refId = webWorkerRefIdsByRef.get(ref))) {
webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(ref, refId = randomId());
webWorkerRefsByRefId[refId] = ref;
return serializedObj;
return refId;
const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) => instance ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value) : [ 5, value ];
const deserializeFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValueTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedValueTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
if (5 === serializedType) {
return serializedValue;
if (6 === serializedType) {
return deserializeRefFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
if (3 === serializedType) {
return constructSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
if (0 === serializedType) {
return => deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, v)));
if (1 === serializedType) {
return (eventProps => new Proxy(new Event(eventProps.type, eventProps), {
get: (target, propName) => propName in eventProps ? eventProps[propName] : target[String(propName)]
}))(deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue));
if (4 === serializedType) {
return deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
const deserializeObjectFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(instanceId, [ ...applyPath, key ], serializedValue[key]);
return obj;
const constructSerializedInstance = ({$interfaceType$: $interfaceType$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $winId$: $winId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$, $data$: $data$}) => {
const env = environments[$winId$];
return 0 === $instanceId$ ? env.$window$ : 1 === $instanceId$ ? env.$document$ : 2 === $instanceId$ ? env.$documentElement$ : 3 === $instanceId$ ? env.$head$ : 4 === $instanceId$ ? env.$body$ : 21 === $interfaceType$ ? new NodeList($data$.map(constructSerializedInstance)) : constructInstance($interfaceType$, $instanceId$, $winId$, $nodeName$);
const deserializeRefFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, {$winId$: $winId$, $refId$: $refId$}) => {
webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] || webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function(...args) {
const instance = constructInstance(0, instanceId, $winId$);
return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
}, $refId$);
return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
const runScriptContent = (env, instanceId, scriptContent, winId) => {

@@ -428,3 +294,3 @@ let errorMsg = "";

env.$currentScriptUrl$ = "";
run(env, scriptContent);
} catch (contentError) {

@@ -438,4 +304,9 @@ console.error(scriptContent, contentError);

const run = (env, script) => {
new Function(`with(this){${script}}`).apply(env.$window$);
const runStateLoadHandlers = (instanceId, type, handlers) => {
(handlers = getStateValue(instanceId, type)) && nextTick((() => => cb({
(handlers = getStateValue(instanceId, type)) && ((cb, ms) => {
setTimeout(cb, ms);
})((() => => cb({
type: type

@@ -448,3 +319,3 @@ })))));

baseLocation = (env = environments[env.$parentWinId$]).$location$;
if (env.$isTop$) {
if (env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$) {

@@ -456,174 +327,4 @@ }

const resolveUrl = (env, url) => resolveToUrl(env, url) + "";
const getUrl = elm => resolveToUrl(getEnv(elm), getInstanceStateValue(elm, 3));
const getUrl = elm => resolveToUrl(getEnv(elm), getInstanceStateValue(elm, 4));
const getPartytownScript = () => `<script src=${JSON.stringify(webWorkerCtx.$libPath$ + "partytown.js")} async defer><\/script>`;
class Node extends WorkerProxy {
appendChild(node) {
return this.insertBefore(node, null);
get ownerDocument() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get href() {}
set href(_) {}
insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
const winId = newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
const nodeName = newNode[NodeNameKey];
const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
const isIFrame = "IFRAME" === nodeName;
if (isScript) {
const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 2);
if (scriptContent) {
const errorMsg = runScriptContent(getEnv(newNode), instanceId, scriptContent, winId);
const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/partytown-x");
setter(newNode, [ "dataset", datasetType ], datasetValue);
setter(newNode, [ "innerHTML" ], scriptContent);
newNode = callMethod(this, [ "insertBefore" ], [ newNode, referenceNode ]);
isIFrame && (iframe => {
let i = 0;
const winId = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
const callback = () => {
if (environments[winId] && environments[winId].$isInitialized$) {
let type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
let handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
handlers && => handler({
type: type
} else if (i++ > 2e3) {
let errorHandlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
errorHandlers && => handler({
type: "error"
} else {
setTimeout(callback, 9);
isScript && webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, winId ]);
return newNode;
get nodeName() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
get nodeType() {
return this[InterfaceTypeKey];
class HTMLElement extends Node {
get localName() {
return toLower(this.nodeName);
get namespaceURI() {
return "";
get tagName() {
return this.nodeName;
class HTMLSrcElement extends HTMLElement {
addEventListener(...args) {
let eventName = args[0];
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
get async() {
return !0;
set async(_) {}
get defer() {
return !0;
set defer(_) {}
get onload() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set onload(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
get onerror() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set onerror(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
class HTMLDocument extends HTMLElement {
get body() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
createElement(tagName) {
tagName = toUpper(tagName);
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const elm = new (getElementConstructor(tagName))(1, instanceId, winId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElement" ], [ tagName ], instanceId);
if ("IFRAME" === tagName) {
$winId$: instanceId,
$parentWinId$: winId,
$url$: "about:blank"
setter(elm, [ "srcdoc" ], getPartytownScript());
} else {
"SCRIPT" === tagName && setter(elm, [ "type" ], "text/partytown");
return elm;
createEvent(type) {
return new Event(type);
get currentScript() {
const currentScriptId = getEnv(this).$currentScriptId$;
return currentScriptId > 0 ? constructInstance(1, currentScriptId, this[WinIdKey], "SCRIPT") : null;
get defaultView() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get documentElement() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
getElementsByTagName(tagName) {
return "BODY" === (tagName = toUpper(tagName)) ? [ this.body ] : "HEAD" === tagName ? [ this.head ] : callMethod(this, [ "getElementsByTagName" ], [ tagName ]);
get head() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
get implementation() {
return {
hasFeature: () => !0
get location() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set location(url) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = url + "";
get parentNode() {
return null;
get parentElement() {
return null;
get readyState() {
return "complete";
const constructDocumentElementChild = (winId, instanceId, titleCaseNodeName, documentElement) => new (defineConstructorName(class extends HTMLElement {
get parentElement() {
return documentElement;
get parentNode() {
return documentElement;
}, `HTML${titleCaseNodeName}Element`))(1, instanceId, winId, toUpper(titleCaseNodeName));
const createImageConstructor = winId => class HTMLImageElement {

@@ -671,2 +372,11 @@ constructor() {

const getOrCreateNodeInstance = (winId, instanceId, nodeName) => {
let instance = webWorkerInstances.get(instanceId);
if (!instance) {
instance = createNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, nodeName);
webWorkerInstances.set(instanceId, instance);
return instance;
const createNodeInstance = (winId, instanceId, nodeName) => new (nodeConstructors[nodeName] ? nodeConstructors[nodeName] : nodeName.includes("-") ? nodeConstructors.UNKNOWN : self.HTMLElement)(winId, instanceId, [], nodeName);
class Location extends URL {

@@ -683,281 +393,784 @@ assign() {

const createEnvironment = ({$winId$: $winId$, $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$, $isTop$: $isTop$, $url$: $url$}) => {
if (environments[$winId$]) {
environments[$winId$].$location$.href = $url$;
} else {
class Window {
constructor() {
return proxy(0, this, []);
class WorkerProxy {
constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
this[WinIdKey] = winId;
this[InstanceIdKey] = instanceId;
this[ApplyPathKey] = applyPath || [];
this[NodeNameKey] = nodeName;
this[PropInstancesKey] = {};
class WorkerTrapProxy extends WorkerProxy {
constructor(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName) {
super(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
return new Proxy(this, {
get: (instance, propName) => getter(instance, [ propName ]),
set(instance, propName, propValue) {
setter(instance, [ propName ], propValue);
return !0;
get document() {
return $document$;
get frameElement() {
if ($isTop$) {
return null;
class Window extends WorkerProxy {
constructor($winId$, $parentWinId$, url) {
super($winId$, 0);
for (const globalName in self) {
if (!(globalName in this) && "onmessage" !== globalName) {
const value = self[globalName];
if (null != value) {
const isFunction = "function" == typeof value && !value.toString().startsWith("class");
this[globalName] = isFunction ? value.bind(self) : value;
const env = getEnv(this);
const iframeElementInstanceId = this[WinIdKey];
const iframeElementWinId = env.$parentWinId$;
return constructInstance(1, iframeElementInstanceId, iframeElementWinId, "IFRAME");
get globalThis() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get location() {
return $location$;
set location(loc) {
$location$.href = loc + "";
get parent() {
return environments[$parentWinId$].$window$;
get self() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
get top() {
for (const envWinId in environments) {
if (environments[envWinId].$isTop$) {
return environments[envWinId].$window$;
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName => {
globalName in this || (this[globalName] = self[globalName]);
for (const envCstrName in envGlobalConstructors) {
this[envCstrName] = defineConstructorName(class {
constructor(...cstrArgs) {
const instance = new (0, envGlobalConstructors[envCstrName])($winId$, randomId());
const serializedCstrArgs = serializeInstanceForMain(instance, cstrArgs);
queue(instance, [ 1, envCstrName, serializedCstrArgs ]);
logWorkerGlobalConstructor($winId$, envCstrName, cstrArgs);
return instance;
get window() {
return getEnvWindow(this);
}, envCstrName);
const $document$ = new HTMLDocument(9, 1, $winId$, "#document");
const $documentElement$ = new elementConstructors.HTML(1, 2, $winId$, "HTML");
const $head$ = constructDocumentElementChild($winId$, 3, "Head", $documentElement$);
const $body$ = constructDocumentElementChild($winId$, 4, "Body", $documentElement$);
const $location$ = new Location($url$);
const windowFunctionWhiteList = "addEventListener,removeEventListener,dispatchEvent,postMessage".split(",");
const windowPropertyWhiteList = "devicePixelRatio,innerHeight,innerWidth,onmessage,onload,onerror".split(",");
const initWindowInstance = win => {
win[WinIdKey] = $winId$;
win[InstanceIdKey] = win[InterfaceTypeKey] = 0;
for (const globalName in self) {
"function" != typeof self[globalName] || globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName].bind(self));
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self).map((globalName => {
globalName in win || (win[globalName] = self[globalName]);
Object.keys(elementConstructors).map((tagName => win[elementConstructors[tagName].name] = elementConstructors[tagName]));
webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$.map((memberName => {
const $interfaceType$ = webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$[memberName];
const isFunctionInterface = 13 === $interfaceType$;
!(isFunctionInterface || $interfaceType$ > 11) || memberName in win && !windowFunctionWhiteList.includes(memberName) || (win[memberName] = isFunctionInterface ? (...args) => callMethod(win, [ memberName ], args) : proxy($interfaceType$, win, [ "window", memberName ]));
webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$.map((i => {
const interfaceType = i[0];
const memberName = i[1];
win[memberName] = createGlobalConstructorProxy($winId$, interfaceType, memberName);
win.Image = createImageConstructor($winId$);
win.Window = Window;
win.performance = self.performance; = name + `${normalizedWinId($winId$)} (${$winId$})`;
win.navigator = (winId => {
const navigator = self.navigator;
navigator.sendBeacon = (url, body) => {
const env = environments[winId];
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
try {
logWorker(`sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url)}${body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""}`);
} catch (e) {
const win = new Proxy(this, {
has: () => !0
environments[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$window$: win,
$document$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 1, "#document"),
$documentElement$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 2, "HTML"),
$head$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 3, "HEAD"),
$body$: createNodeInstance($winId$, 4, "BODY"),
$location$: new Location(url)
this.requestAnimationFrame = cb => setTimeout((() => cb(, 9);
this.cancelAnimationFrame = id => clearTimeout(id);
return win;
get body() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
get document() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get documentElement() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
get frameElement() {
const env = getEnv(this);
const parentWinId = env.$parentWinId$;
const winId = env.$winId$;
return winId === parentWinId ? null : getOrCreateNodeInstance(parentWinId, winId, "IFRAME");
get globalThis() {
return this;
get head() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
get location() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set location(loc) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = loc + "";
get Image() {
return createImageConstructor(this[WinIdKey]);
get name() {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
return name + `${normalizedWinId(winId)} (${winId})`;
get navigator() {
return (winId => {
const navigator = self.navigator;
navigator.sendBeacon = (url, body) => {
const env = environments[winId];
if (webWorkerCtx.$config$.logSendBeaconRequests) {
try {
fetch(resolveUrl(env, url), {
method: "POST",
body: body,
mode: "no-cors",
keepalive: !0
return !0;
logWorker(`sendBeacon: ${resolveUrl(env, url)}${body ? ", data: " + JSON.stringify(body) : ""}`);
} catch (e) {
return !1;
return navigator;
})($winId$); => Object.defineProperty(win, propName, {
get: () => getter($window$, [ propName ]),
set: value => setter($window$, [ propName ], value)
const $window$ = new Window;
environments[$winId$] = {
$winId$: $winId$,
$parentWinId$: $parentWinId$,
$window$: $window$,
$document$: $document$,
$documentElement$: $documentElement$,
$head$: $head$,
$body$: $body$,
$location$: $location$,
$isTop$: $isTop$,
$run$: script => {
new Function(`with(this){${script}}`).apply($window$);
try {
fetch(resolveUrl(env, url), {
method: "POST",
body: body,
mode: "no-cors",
keepalive: !0
return !0;
} catch (e) {
return !1;
return navigator;
get origin() {
return getEnv(this).$location$.origin;
get parent() {
return environments[getEnv(this).$parentWinId$].$window$;
get self() {
return this;
get top() {
for (const envWinId in environments) {
if (environments[envWinId].$winId$ === environments[envWinId].$parentWinId$) {
return environments[envWinId].$window$;
logWorker(`Created ${$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe"} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment (${$winId$})`, $winId$);
get window() {
return this;
const createEnvironment = ({$winId$: $winId$, $parentWinId$: $parentWinId$, $url$: $url$}) => {
if (environments[$winId$]) {
environments[$winId$].$location$.href = $url$;
} else {
new Window($winId$, $parentWinId$, $url$);
logWorker(`Created ${$winId$ === $parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe"} window ${normalizedWinId($winId$)} environment (${$winId$})`, $winId$);
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, $winId$ ]);
const getEnv = instance => environments[instance[WinIdKey]];
const getEnvWindow = instance => getEnv(instance).$window$;
class HTMLAnchorElement extends HTMLElement {
get hash() {
return getUrl(this).hash;
class Node extends WorkerProxy {
appendChild(node) {
return this.insertBefore(node, null);
get host() {
return getUrl(this).host;
get href() {}
set href(_) {}
insertBefore(newNode, referenceNode) {
const winId = newNode[WinIdKey] = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = newNode[InstanceIdKey];
const nodeName = newNode[NodeNameKey];
const isScript = "SCRIPT" === nodeName;
const isIFrame = "IFRAME" === nodeName;
if (isScript) {
const scriptContent = getInstanceStateValue(newNode, 3);
if (scriptContent) {
const errorMsg = runScriptContent(getEnv(newNode), instanceId, scriptContent, winId);
const datasetType = errorMsg ? "pterror" : "ptid";
const datasetValue = errorMsg || instanceId;
setter(newNode, [ "type" ], "text/partytown-x");
setter(newNode, [ "dataset", datasetType ], datasetValue);
setter(newNode, [ "innerHTML" ], scriptContent);
callMethod(this, [ "insertBefore" ], [ newNode, referenceNode ]);
isIFrame && (iframe => {
let i = 0;
const winId = iframe[InstanceIdKey];
const callback = () => {
if (environments[winId] && environments[winId].$isInitialized$) {
let type = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, 1) ? "error" : "load";
let handlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, type);
handlers && => handler({
type: type
} else if (i++ > 2e3) {
let errorHandlers = getInstanceStateValue(iframe, "error");
errorHandlers && => handler({
type: "error"
} else {
setTimeout(callback, 9);
if (isScript) {
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 6, winId ]);
return newNode;
get hostname() {
return getUrl(this).hostname;
get nodeName() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
get href() {
return getUrl(this) + "";
get nodeType() {
return 3;
set href(href) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, href += "");
setter(this, [ "href" ], href);
get ownerDocument() {
return getEnv(this).$document$;
get origin() {
return getUrl(this).origin;
class Attr {
constructor(serializedAttr) { = serializedAttr[0];
this.value = serializedAttr[1];
get pathname() {
return getUrl(this).pathname;
get nodeName() {
get port() {
return getUrl(this).port;
get nodeType() {
return 2;
get protocol() {
return getUrl(this).protocol;
class NodeList {
constructor(nodes) {
(this._ = nodes).map(((node, index) => this[index] = node));
get search() {
return getUrl(this).search;
entries() {
return this._.entries();
class HTMLCanvasElement extends HTMLElement {
getContext(...args) {
return proxy(14, this, [ "getContext", serializeInstanceForMain(this, args) ]);
forEach(cb, thisArg) {, thisArg);
class HTMLIFrameElement extends HTMLSrcElement {
get contentDocument() {
return this.contentWindow.document;
item(index) {
return this[index];
get contentWindow() {
const iframeContentWinId = this[InstanceIdKey];
return environments[iframeContentWinId].$window$;
keys() {
return this._.keys();
get src() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
get length() {
return len(this._);
set src(url) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
let xhrStatus;
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, url);"GET", url, !1);
xhrStatus = xhr.status;
xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300 ? setter(this, [ "srcdoc" ], ((url, html) => `<base href="${url}">` + html.replace(/<script>/g, '<script type="text/partytown">').replace(/<script /g, '<script type="text/partytown" ').replace(/text\/javascript/g, "text/partytown") + getPartytownScript())(url, xhr.responseText)) : setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
values() {
return this._.values();
[Symbol.iterator]() {
return this._[Symbol.iterator]();
class HTMLScriptElement extends HTMLSrcElement {
get innerHTML() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 2) || "";
const serializeForMain = ($winId$, $instanceId$, value, added) => {
if (void 0 !== value) {
let type = typeof value;
if ("string" === type || "boolean" === type || "number" === type || null == value) {
return [ 9, value ];
if ("function" === type) {
return [ 10, {
$winId$: $winId$,
$instanceId$: $instanceId$,
$refId$: setWorkerRef(value)
} ];
added = added || new Set;
if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return added.has(value) ? [ 0, [] ] : [ 0, => serializeForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, v, added))) ];
if ("object" === type) {
return "number" == typeof value[InstanceIdKey] ? [ 6, {
$winId$: value[WinIdKey],
$instanceId$: value[InstanceIdKey]
} ] : value instanceof Event ? [ 4, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !1, added) ] : [ 8, serializeObjectForMain($winId$, $instanceId$, value, !0, added) ];
set innerHTML(scriptContent) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 2, scriptContent);
const serializeObjectForMain = (winId, instanceId, obj, includeFunctions, added, serializedObj, propName, propValue) => {
serializedObj = {};
if (!added.has(obj)) {
for (propName in obj) {
propValue = obj[propName];
(includeFunctions || "function" != typeof propValue) && (serializedObj[propName] = serializeForMain(winId, instanceId, propValue, added));
get innerText() {
return this.innerHTML;
return serializedObj;
const serializeInstanceForMain = (instance, value) => instance ? serializeForMain(instance[WinIdKey], instance[InstanceIdKey], value) : [ 9, value ];
const deserializeFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValueTransfer, serializedType, serializedValue) => {
if (serializedValueTransfer) {
serializedType = serializedValueTransfer[0];
serializedValue = serializedValueTransfer[1];
if (9 === serializedType || 2 === serializedType || 3 === serializedType) {
return serializedValue;
if (10 === serializedType) {
return deserializeRefFromMain(applyPath, serializedValue);
if (6 === serializedType) {
return getOrCreateSerializedInstance(serializedValue);
if (7 === serializedType) {
return new NodeList(;
if (1 === serializedType) {
return new Attr(serializedValue);
if (0 === serializedType) {
return => deserializeFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, v)));
if (4 === serializedType) {
return (eventProps => new Proxy(new Event(eventProps.type, eventProps), {
get: (target, propName) => propName in eventProps ? eventProps[propName] : target[String(propName)]
}))(deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue));
if (8 === serializedType) {
return deserializeObjectFromMain(instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue);
set innerText(content) {
this.innerHTML = content;
const deserializeObjectFromMain = (instanceId, applyPath, serializedValue, obj, key) => {
obj = {};
for (key in serializedValue) {
obj[key] = deserializeFromMain(instanceId, [ ...applyPath, key ], serializedValue[key]);
get src() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
return obj;
const getOrCreateSerializedInstance = ({$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$}) => getPlatformInstance($winId$, $instanceId$) || getOrCreateNodeInstance($winId$, $instanceId$, $nodeName$);
const getPlatformInstance = (winId, instanceId) => {
const env = environments[winId];
return 0 === instanceId ? env.$window$ : 1 === instanceId ? env.$document$ : 2 === instanceId ? env.$documentElement$ : 3 === instanceId ? env.$head$ : 4 === instanceId ? env.$body$ : void 0;
const deserializeRefFromMain = (applyPath, {$winId$: $winId$, $instanceId$: $instanceId$, $nodeName$: $nodeName$, $refId$: $refId$}) => {
webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] || webWorkerRefIdsByRef.set(webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$] = function(...args) {
const instance = getOrCreateNodeInstance($winId$, $instanceId$, $nodeName$);
return callMethod(instance, applyPath, args);
}, $refId$);
return webWorkerRefsByRefId[$refId$];
const HTMLStyleDescriptorMap = {
sheet: {
get() {
return new CSSStyleSheet(this);
set src(url) {
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, url);
setter(this, [ "src" ], url);
class CSSStyleSheet {
constructor(ownerNode) {
this.ownerNode = ownerNode;
get textContent() {
return this.innerHTML;
get cssRules() {
const ownerNode = this.ownerNode;
return new Proxy({}, {
get(target, propKey) {
const propName = String(propKey);
return "item" === propName ? index => getCssRule(ownerNode, index) : "length" === propName ? getCssRules(ownerNode).length : isNaN(propName) ? target[propKey] : getCssRule(ownerNode, propName);
set textContent(content) {
this.innerHTML = content;
insertRule(ruleText, index) {
const cssRules = getCssRules(this.ownerNode);
if ((index = void 0 === index ? 0 : index) >= 0 && index <= cssRules.length) {
callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "insertRule" ], [ ruleText, index ]);
cssRules.splice(index, 0, 0);
return index;
get type() {
return getter(this, [ "type" ]);
deleteRule(index) {
callMethod(this.ownerNode, [ "sheet", "deleteRule" ], [ index ]);
getCssRules(this.ownerNode).splice(index, 1);
set type(type) {
"text/javascript" !== type && setter(this, [ "type" ], type);
const getCssRules = ownerNode => {
let cssRules = getInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2);
if (!cssRules) {
cssRules = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules" ]);
setInstanceStateValue(ownerNode, 2, cssRules);
const SheetKey = Symbol();
class HTMLStyleElement extends HTMLElement {
get sheet() {
const ownerElement = this;
if (void 0 === ownerElement[SheetKey]) {
const sheetInfo = getter(ownerElement, [ "sheet" ]);
if (null === sheetInfo) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = sheetInfo;
return cssRules;
const getCssRule = (ownerNode, index) => {
let cssRules = getCssRules(ownerNode);
0 === cssRules[index] && (cssRules[index] = getter(ownerNode, [ "sheet", "cssRules", parseInt(index, 10) ]));
return cssRules[index];
const DocumentDescriptorMap = {
body: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$body$;
createElement: {
value(tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const elm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElement" ], [ tagName ], instanceId);
if ("IFRAME" === tagName) {
$winId$: instanceId,
$parentWinId$: winId,
$url$: "about:blank"
setter(elm, [ "srcdoc" ], getPartytownScript());
} else {
class CSSStyleSheet {
get cssRules() {
return sheetInfo.cssRules;
deleteRule(index) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = void 0;
callMethod(ownerElement, [ "sheet", "deleteRule" ], [ index ]);
insertRule(rule, index) {
ownerElement[SheetKey] = void 0;
return callMethod(ownerElement, [ "sheet", "insertRule" ], [ rule, index ]);
"SCRIPT" === tagName && setter(elm, [ "type" ], "text/partytown");
return elm;
createElementNS: {
value(ns, tagName) {
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const nsElm = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, tagName);
callMethod(this, [ "createElementNS" ], [ ns, tagName ], instanceId);
return nsElm;
createTextNode: {
value(text) {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = randomId();
const textNode = getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, instanceId, "#text");
callMethod(this, [ "createTextNode" ], [ text ], instanceId);
return textNode;
createEvent: {
value: type => new Event(type)
currentScript: {
get() {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const currentScriptId = getEnv(this).$currentScriptId$;
return currentScriptId > 0 ? getOrCreateNodeInstance(winId, currentScriptId, "SCRIPT") : null;
defaultView: {
get() {
return (instance => getEnv(instance).$window$)(this);
documentElement: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$documentElement$;
getElementsByTagName: {
value(tagName) {
return "BODY" === (tagName = tagName.toUpperCase()) ? [ getEnv(this).$body$ ] : "HEAD" === tagName ? [ getEnv(this).$head$ ] : callMethod(this, [ "getElementsByTagName" ], [ tagName ]);
head: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$head$;
implementation: {
value: {
hasFeature: noop
location: {
get() {
return getEnv(this).$location$;
set(url) {
getEnv(this).$location$.href = url + "";
nodeType: {
value: 9
parentNode: {
value: null
parentElement: {
value: null
readyState: {
value: "complete"
const ElementDescriptorMap = {
localName: {
get() {
return this[NodeNameKey].toLowerCase();
namespaceURI: {
get() {
return "" + ("SVG" === this[NodeNameKey] ? "2000/svg" : "1999/xhtml");
nodeType: {
value: 1
tagName: {
get() {
return this[NodeNameKey];
const HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap = {
hash: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).hash;
host: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).host;
hostname: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).hostname;
href: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).href;
set(href) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, href += "");
setter(this, [ "href" ], href);
origin: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).origin;
pathname: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).pathname;
port: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).port;
protocol: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).protocol;
search: {
get() {
return getUrl(this).search;
const HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap = {
getContext: {
value(...args) {
const applyPath = [ "getContext", serializeInstanceForMain(this, args) ];
return new self.CanvasRenderingContext2D(this[WinIdKey], this[InstanceIdKey], applyPath);
const HTMLSrcElementDescriptorMap = {
addEventListener: {
value(...args) {
const eventName = args[0];
const callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, eventName) || [];
setInstanceStateValue(this, eventName, callbacks);
async: {
get: noop,
set: noop
defer: {
get: noop,
set: noop
onload: {
get() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "load");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "load", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
onerror: {
get() {
let callbacks = getInstanceStateValue(this, "error");
return callbacks && callbacks[0] || null;
set(cb) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, "error", cb ? [ cb ] : null);
const HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap = {
contentDocument: {
get() {
return this.contentWindow.document;
contentWindow: {
get() {
const iframeContentWinId = this[InstanceIdKey];
return environments[iframeContentWinId].$window$;
src: {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
set(url) {
let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;
let xhrStatus;
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, void 0);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);"GET", url, !1);
xhrStatus = xhr.status;
xhrStatus > 199 && xhrStatus < 300 ? setter(this, [ "srcdoc" ], ((url, html) => `<base href="${url}">` + html.replace(/<script>/g, '<script type="text/partytown">').replace(/<script /g, '<script type="text/partytown" ').replace(/text\/javascript/g, "text/partytown") + getPartytownScript())(url, xhr.responseText)) : setInstanceStateValue(this, 1, xhrStatus);
const innerHTMLDescriptor = {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 3) || "";
set(scriptContent) {
setInstanceStateValue(this, 3, scriptContent);
const HTMLScriptDescriptorMap = {
innerHTML: innerHTMLDescriptor,
innerText: innerHTMLDescriptor,
src: {
get() {
return getInstanceStateValue(this, 4) || "";
set(url) {
url = resolveUrl(getEnv(this), url);
setInstanceStateValue(this, 4, url);
setter(this, [ "src" ], url);
getAttribute: {
value(attrName) {
return "src" === attrName ? this.src : callMethod(this, [ "getAttribute" ], [ attrName ]);
setAttribute: {
value(attrName, attrValue) {
"src" === attrName ? this.src = attrValue : callMethod(this, [ "setAttribute" ], [ attrName, attrValue ]);
textContent: innerHTMLDescriptor,
type: {
get() {
return getter(this, [ "type" ]);
set(type) {
"text/javascript" !== type && setter(this, [ "type" ], type);
const defineWorkerInterface = ([cstrName, superCstrName, members, interfaceType, nodeName]) => {
const SuperCstr = TrapConstructors[cstrName] ? WorkerTrapProxy : "Object" === superCstrName || "EventTarget" === superCstrName ? WorkerProxy : self[superCstrName];
const Cstr = self[cstrName] = defineConstructorName(self[cstrName] || class extends SuperCstr {}, cstrName);
12 === interfaceType && (envGlobalConstructors[cstrName] = Cstr);
nodeName && (nodeConstructors[nodeName] = Cstr);[memberName, memberType, staticValue]) => {
memberName in Cstr.prototype || memberName in SuperCstr.prototype || ("string" == typeof memberType ? definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
get() {
if (!this[PropInstancesKey][memberName]) {
const winId = this[WinIdKey];
const instanceId = this[InstanceIdKey];
const applyPath = [ ...this[ApplyPathKey], memberName ];
const nodeName = this[NodeNameKey];
const PropCstr = self[memberType];
this[PropInstancesKey][memberName] = new PropCstr(winId, instanceId, applyPath, nodeName);
ownerElement[SheetKey] = new CSSStyleSheet;
return this[PropInstancesKey][memberName];
set(value) {
this[PropInstancesKey][memberName] = value;
}) : 5 === memberType ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, (function(...args) {
return callMethod(this, [ memberName ], args);
})) : memberType > 0 && (void 0 !== staticValue ? definePrototypeValue(Cstr, memberName, staticValue) : definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, memberName, {
get() {
return getter(this, [ memberName ]);
set(value) {
return setter(this, [ memberName ], value);
const TrapConstructors = {
CSSStyleDeclaration: 1,
DOMStringMap: 1,
NamedNodeMap: 1
const patchPrototypes = () => {
const Element = self.Element;
const DocumentFragment = self.DocumentFragment;
(() => {
"atob,btoa,crypto,indexedDB,performance,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval".split(",").map((memberName => delete Window.prototype[memberName]));
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(Element, ElementDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.Document, DocumentDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLAnchorElement, HTMLAnchorDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLCanvasElement, HTMLCanvasDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLIFrameElement, HTMLIFrameDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLScriptElement, HTMLScriptDescriptorMap);
definePrototypePropertyDescriptor(self.HTMLStyleElement, HTMLStyleDescriptorMap);
constantProps(CSSStyleSheet, {
type: "text/css"
definePrototypeNodeType(self.Comment, 8);
definePrototypeNodeType(self.DocumentType, 10);
definePrototypeNodeType(DocumentFragment, 11);
cachedTreeProps(Node, "childNodes,firstChild,isConnected,lastChild,nextSibling,parentElement,parentNode,previousSibling");
cachedTreeProps(Element, elementTreePropNames);
cachedTreeProps(DocumentFragment, elementTreePropNames);
const definePrototypeNodeType = (Cstr, nodeType) => definePrototypeValue(Cstr, "nodeType", nodeType);
const cachedTreeProps = (Cstr, treeProps) => treeProps.split(",").map((propName => definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
let cacheKey = getDimensionCacheKey(this, propName);
let result = cachedTree.get(cacheKey);
if (!result) {
result = getter(this, [ propName ]);
cachedTree.set(cacheKey, result);
return ownerElement[SheetKey];
return result;
const initWebWorker = initWebWorkerData => {
Object.assign(webWorkerCtx, initWebWorkerData);
webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$ = (webWorkerCtx.$config$.forward || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((f => f[0]));
webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$ = webWorkerCtx.$interfaces$[0][2];
webWorkerCtx.$windowMemberNames$ = Object.keys(webWorkerCtx.$windowMembers$).filter((m => !webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$.includes(m)));
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
self.postMessage = self.importScripts = void 0;
self.Node = Node;
self.Element = self.HTMLElement = HTMLSrcElement;
self.Document = HTMLDocument;
webWorkerCtx.$htmlConstructors$.map((htmlCstrName => elementConstructors[(t => ({
}[t = toUpper(t.substr(4).replace("Element", ""))] || t))(htmlCstrName)] = defineConstructorName(class extends HTMLElement {}, htmlCstrName)));
elementConstructors.A = HTMLAnchorElement;
elementConstructors.CANVAS = HTMLCanvasElement;
elementConstructors.IFRAME = HTMLIFrameElement;
elementConstructors.SCRIPT = HTMLScriptElement;
elementConstructors.STYLE = HTMLStyleElement;
webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
logWorker("Initialized web worker");
const getDimensionCacheKey = (instance, memberName) => instance[WinIdKey] + "." + instance[InstanceIdKey] + "." + memberName;
const constantProps = (Cstr, props) => Object.keys(props).map((propName => definePrototypeValue(Cstr, propName, props[propName])));
const cachedDimensionProps = Cstr => => {
definePrototypeProperty(Cstr, propName, {
get() {
const dimension = cachedDimensions.get(getDimensionCacheKey(this, propName));
if ("number" == typeof dimension) {
return dimension;
const groupedDimensions = getter(this, [ propName ], dimensionPropNames);
Object.entries(groupedDimensions).map((([dimensionPropName, value]) => {
cachedDimensions.set(getDimensionCacheKey(this, dimensionPropName), value);
return groupedDimensions[propName];
const cachedDimensionMethods = Cstr => => {
Cstr.prototype[methodName] = function() {
let cacheKey = getDimensionCacheKey(this, methodName);
let dimensions = cachedDimensions.get(cacheKey);
if (!dimensions) {
dimensions = callMethod(this, [ methodName ], EMPTY_ARRAY);
cachedDimensions.set(cacheKey, dimensions);
return dimensions;
const queuedEvents = [];

@@ -982,13 +1195,12 @@ const receiveMessageFromSandboxToWorker = ev => {

scriptSrc = scriptUrl + "";
setStateValue(instanceId, 3, scriptSrc);
setStateValue(instanceId, 4, scriptSrc);
webWorkerCtx.$config$.logScriptExecution && logWorker(`Execute script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);
if (scriptUrl.origin !== origin) {
try {
await self.fetch(scriptSrc, {
method: "OPTIONS"
} catch (e) {
scriptSrc = "" + scriptSrc;
logWorker(`Proxied script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);
try {
rsp = await self.fetch(scriptSrc);
} catch (e) {
if (scriptUrl.origin === origin) {
throw e;
scriptSrc = "" + scriptSrc;
logWorker(`Proxied script (${instanceId}) src: ${scriptSrc}`, winId);

@@ -1000,3 +1212,3 @@ rsp = await self.fetch(scriptSrc);

env.$currentScriptUrl$ = scriptSrc;
run(env, scriptContent);
runStateLoadHandlers(instanceId, "load");

@@ -1050,3 +1262,4 @@ } else {

const winId = msg[1];
const winType = environments[winId].$isTop$ ? "top" : "iframe";
const env = environments[winId];
const winType = env.$winId$ === env.$parentWinId$ ? "top" : "iframe";
logWorker(`Initialized ${winType} window ${normalizedWinId(winId)} environment (${winId}) 🎉`, winId);

@@ -1056,9 +1269,19 @@ }

} else if (1 === msgType) {
(initWebWorkerData => {
Object.assign(webWorkerCtx, initWebWorkerData);
webWorkerCtx.$forwardedTriggers$ = (webWorkerCtx.$config$.forward || EMPTY_ARRAY).map((f => f[0]));
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$ = postMessage.bind(self);
self.postMessage = self.importScripts = void 0;
self.Node = Node;
self.Window = Window;
self.CSSStyleSheet = CSSStyleSheet;
webWorkerCtx.$isInitialized$ = 1;
logWorker("Initialized web worker");
webWorkerCtx.$postMessage$([ 2 ]);
nextTick((() => {
queuedEvents.length && logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
queuedEvents.length = 0;
queuedEvents.length && logWorker(`Queued ready messages: ${queuedEvents.length}`);
queuedEvents.length = 0;
} else {

@@ -1065,0 +1288,0 @@ queuedEvents.push(ev);

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

const e=new Map,t=(e,t)=>({B:e.B,l:t}),r=(e,t)=>new Response(e,{headers:{"content-type":t||"text/html","Cache-Control":"no-store"}});self.oninstall=()=>self.skipWaiting(),self.onactivate=()=>self.clients.claim(),self.onmessage=t=>{const,n=e.get(r.B);n&&(e.delete(r.B),clearTimeout(n[1]),n[0](r))},self.onfetch=n=>{const s=n.request,o=new URL(s.url).pathname;o.endsWith("partytown-sandbox-sw.html")?n.respondWith(r('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"><script type="module">(e=>{const t=()=>{},r=e=>e.length,n=e=>e&&e.constructor&&||"",s=(e,t)=>e.startsWith(t),i=e=>!(s(e,"webkit")||s(e,"toJSON")||s(e,"on")&&e.toLowerCase()===e),o=()=>Math.round(9999999999*Math.random()+4),a=new WeakMap,c=[],u=new Map,l={},d=new WeakMap,h=(e,t,r)=>e?e===e.window?0:"#document"===(r=e.nodeName)?1:"HTML"===r?2:"HEAD"===r?3:"BODY"===r?4:("number"!=typeof(t=a.get(e))&&f(e,t=o()),t):-1,p=(e,t,r)=>{const n=l[e].K,s=n.document;return 0===t?n:1===t?s:2===t?s.documentElement:3===t?s.head:4===t?s.body:(r=c.find((e=>e[0]===t)))?r[1]:void 0},f=(e,t)=>{e&&(c.push([t,e]),a.set(e,t))},m=(e,t,r,s,i)=>{if(void 0!==t){if("string"==(s=typeof t)||"number"===s||"boolean"===s||null==t)return[5,t];if("function"===s)return[2];if(r=r||new Set,Array.isArray(t))return r.has(t)?[0,[]]:(r.add(t),[0,>m(e,t,r)))]);if("object"===s)return t.nodeType?[3,{N:e,t:t.nodeType,s:h(t),C:t.nodeName}]:"Window"===(i=n(t))?[3,{N:e,t:0,s:0}]:"HTMLCollection"===i||"NodeList"===i?[3,{N:e,t:21,i:Array.from(t).map((t=>m(e,t,r)[1]))}]:"Event"===i?[1,$(e,t,r)]:"CSSStyleDeclaration"===i?[4,$(e,t,r)]:[4,$(e,t,r,!0,!0)]}},$=(e,t,r,n,s,o,a,c)=>{if(o={},!r.has(t))for(a in r.add(t),t)c=t[a],i(a)&&(n||"function"!=typeof c)&&(s||""!==c)&&(o[a]=m(e,c,r));return o},g=(e,t,r,n)=>{if(t){if(r=t[0],n=t[1],5===r)return n;if(6===r)return y(e,n);if(0===r)return>g(e,t)));if(3===r)return p(n.N,n.s);if(1===r)return w(T(e,n));if(4===r)return T(e,n)}},y=(e,{N:t,s:r,F:n})=>{let s=u.get(n);return s||(s=function(...s){const i={s:r,F:n,I:m(t,this),b:m(t,s)};e.postMessage([7,i])},u.set(n,s)),s},w=e=>new("detail"in e?CustomEvent:Event)(e.type,e),T=(e,t,r,n)=>{for(n in r={},t)r[n]=g(e,t[n]);return r},E=(e,t,n)=>{let s,i,o,a=0,c=r(n);for(;a<c;a++)i=n[a],s=n[a+1],o=n[a-1],Array.isArray(s)||("string"==typeof i?t=t[i]:0===s?t[o]=g(e,i):"function"==typeof t[o]&&(t=t[o].apply(t,g(e,i))));return t},L=(e,t)=>{let n,s,i=t.N,o=t.K,a=o.document,c=a.querySelector(\'script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror]):not([async]):not([defer])\');c||(c=a.querySelector(\'script[type="text/partytown"]:not([data-ptid]):not([data-pterror])\')),c?(c.dataset.ptid=n=h(c,i),s={N:i,s:n},c.src?s.J=c.src:s.f=c.innerHTML,e.postMessage([6,s])):t.u||(t.u=1,((e,t,n)=>{let s=n._ptf,i=n._ptf=[],o=0;if(i.push=(r,n)=>e.postMessage([8,{N:t,s:0,m:r,b:m(t,Array.from(n))}]),s)for(;o<r(s);o+=2)i.push(s[o],s[o+1])})(e,i,o),a.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("pt0")),e.postMessage([4,i]))},M=(e,t,r,n)=>{if(!d.has(r)){d.set(r,t);const s=r.document,i=s.baseURI,o={N:t,D:d.get(r.parent),w:n,J:i},a=()=>e.postMessage([3,o]);l[t]={N:t,K:r,J:i},"complete"===s.readyState?a():r.addEventListener("load",a)}};(async e=>{let s;const a=e.parent;await(async(e,t)=>{const n=e.navigator.serviceWorker,i=await n.getRegistration(),o=e=>{i&&};return n.addEventListener("message",(e=>{return,n=o,(async(e,t)=>{const n={B:t.B},s=[];for(const r of t.$tasks$)try{let t,s,o=r.N,a=r.s,c=r.a;if(l[o]||await new Promise((e=>{let t=0,r=()=>{l[o]||t++>999?e():setTimeout(r,9)};r()})),1===c[0]){const t=new l[o].K[c[1]](...g(e,c[2]));f(t,a)}else t=p(o,a),t?(s=E(e,t,c),r.c&&f(s,r.c),"object"==typeof(i=s)&&i&&i.then&&(s=await s,n.v=!0),n.G=m(o,s)):n.l=a+" not found"}catch(e){s.push(String(e.stack||e))}var i;return r(s)&&(n.l=s.join("\\n")),n})(s,t).then(n);var t,n})),!!i})(e)&&(s=new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([\'(e=>{const t=Symbol(),r=Symbol(),n=Symbol(),s=Symbol(),i={},o=new WeakMap,a={},c={},$={},l=e=>e.toUpperCase(),u=e=>e.length,d=(e,t)=>Object.defineProperty(e,"name",{value:t}),h=(e,t)=>setTimeout(e,t),p=[],m=()=>Math.round(9999999999*Math.random()+4),g="text/partytown",f=(e,t)=>w(e[r],t),w=(e,t,r)=>(r=a[e])?r[t]:void 0,y=(e,t,n)=>T(e[r],t,n),T=(e,t,r,n)=>{(n=a[e]||{})[t]=r,a[e]=n};class E{constructor(e,i,o,a){return this[t]=o,this[r]=i,this[s]=a,v(this[n]=e,this,[])}}const I=[],M=(e,i,o,a)=>{const c=e[r];if(I.push({N:e[t],s:c,t:e[n],C:e[s],a:i,c:a}),!o)return L(c,i);setTimeout((()=>L(c,i)),50)},L=(e,t)=>{if(u(I)){const r={B:m(),$tasks$:I.slice()};I.length=0;const n=((e,t)=>{const r=new XMLHttpRequest,n=e.y+"proxytown";return"POST",n,!1),r.send(JSON.stringify(t)),JSON.parse(r.responseText)})(c,r),s=n.v,i=j(e,t,n.G);if(n.l){if(s)return Promise.reject(n.l);throw new Error(n.l)}return s?Promise.resolve(i):i}},b=(e,t)=>M(e,t),S=(e,t,r)=>{const n=k(e,r);M(e,[...t,n,0],!0)},x=(e,t,r,n)=>{const s=N.some((e=>t.includes(e)));return M(e,[...t,k(e,r)],s,n)},v=(t,r,n)=>!r||"object"!=typeof r&&"function"!=typeof r||String(r).includes("[native")?r:new Proxy(r,{get(r,s,i){if("symbol"==typeof s||Reflect.has(r,s))return Reflect.get(r,s,i);if(H(t,s)){if(Reflect.has(e,s))return Reflect.get(e,s,i);return r[s]}8!==t&&10!==t||(t=3);const o=[...n,String(s)],a=c.r.find((e=>e[0]===t));if(a){const e=a[2][((e,t)=>{for(t=u(e)-1;t>=0;t--)if("string"==typeof e[t])return e[t];return e[0]})(o)];if(13===e)return(...e)=>x(r,o,e);if(e>0)return v(e,r,[...o])}const $=f(r,o[0]);return"function"==typeof $?(...e)=>$.apply(r,e):b(r,o)},set:(e,r,s,i)=>("symbol"==typeof 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c[r]?[3,{N:c[t],t:c[n],s:c[r],C:c[s]}]:c instanceof Event?[1,C(e,a,c,!1,$)]:[4,C(e,a,c,!0,$)]}var l,u},C=(e,t,r,n,s,i,o,a)=>{if(i={},!s.has(r))for(o in s.add(r),r)a=r[o],(n||"function"!=typeof a)&&(i[o]=W(e,t,a,s));return i},k=(e,n)=>e?W(e[t],e[r],n):[5,n],j=(e,t,r,n,s)=>{if(r){if(n=r[0],s=r[1],5===n)return s;if(6===n)return D(e,t,s);if(3===n)return B(s);if(0===n)return>j(e,t,r)));if(1===n)return i=U(e,t,s),new Proxy(new Event(i.type,i),{get:(e,t)=>t in i?i[t]:e[String(t)]});if(4===n)return U(e,t,s)}var i},U=(e,t,r,n,s)=>{for(s in n={},r)n[s]=j(e,[...t,s],r[s]);return n},B=({t:e,s:t,N:r,C:n,i:s})=>{const i=$[r];return 0===t?i.K:1===t?i.j:2===t?i.k:3===t?i.o:4===t?i.d:21===e?new NodeList(,t,r,n)},D=(e,t,{N:r,F:n})=>(i[n]||o.set(i[n]=function(...n){const s=R(0,e,r);return x(s,t,n)},n),i[n]),F=(e,t,r,n)=>{let s="";try{e.g=t,e.h="",e.H(r)}catch(e){console.error(r,e),s=String(e.stack||e)+""}return 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Object.entries(r).map((([t,e])=>{p.set(Tt(this,t),e)})),r[e]}})})),Mt=t=>>{t.prototype[e]=function(){let t=Tt(this,e),r=p.get(t);return r||(r=P(this,[e],b),p.set(t,r)),r}})),Lt=[],Ct=e=>{const,n=r[0];var s;$.v?6===n?(async e=>{let r,n,s=e.O,i=e.t,o=e.f,a=e.K,c="",l=d[s];if(a)try{n=F(l,a),a=n+"",D(i,4,a);try{r=await t.fetch(a)}catch(t){if(n.origin===origin)throw t;a=""+a}r=await t.fetch(a),r.ok?(o=await r.text(),l.g=i,l.h=a,B(l,o),U(i,"load")):(console.error(r.status,"url:",a),c=r.statusText,U(i,"error"))}catch(t){console.error("url:",a,t),c=String(t.stack||t)+"",U(i,"error")}else o&&(c=k(l,i,o));l.g=-1,l.h="",$.F([5,s,i,c])})(r[1]):7===n?(({t:t,G:e,J:r,b:n})=>{if(a[e])try{const s=st(t,[],r),i=st(t,[],n);a[e].apply(s,i)}catch(t){console.error(t)}})(r[1]):8===n?(({O:e,t:r,n:n,b:s})=>{try{const i=d[e].L,o=n[0]in i?i:n[0]in t?t:{},a=st(r,[],s),c=o[n[0]];Array.isArray(c)?c.push(...a):"function"==typeof c&&c.apply(o,a)}catch(t){console.error(t)}})(r[1]):3===n?Q(r[1]):4===n&&(d[r[1]].v=1):1===n?(s=r[1],Object.assign($,s),$.o=($.e.forward||b).map((t=>t[0])),$.F=postMessage.bind(t),t.postMessage=t.importScripts=void 0,t.Node=Node,t.Window=Window,t.CSSStyleSheet=ht,$,(()=>{const e=t.Element,r=t.DocumentFragment;"atob,btoa,crypto,indexedDB,performance,setTimeout,setInterval,clearTimeout,clearInterval".split(",").map((t=>delete Window.prototype[t])),N(e,pt),N(t.Document,dt),N(t.HTMLAnchorElement,gt),N(t.HTMLCanvasElement,mt),N(t.HTMLIFrameElement,wt),N(t.HTMLScriptElement,It),N(t.HTMLStyleElement,lt),Nt(ht,{type:"text/css"}),St(t.Comment,8),St(t.DocumentType,10),St(r,11),Et(Node,"childNodes,firstChild,isConnected,lastChild,nextSibling,parentElement,parentNode,previousSibling"),Et(e,w),Et(r,w),xt(e),xt(Window),Mt(e)})(),$.v=1,$.F([2]),Lt.slice().forEach(Ct),Lt.length=0):Lt.push(e)};t.onmessage=Ct,postMessage([0])})(self);\\n\'],{type:"text/javascript"})),{name:"Partytown 🎉"}),e.onmessage=t=>((t,e,r)=>{const n=r[0];if(0===n)t.postMessage([1,L(e)]);else if(2===n)C(t,i(),e);else{const e=u[r[1]];e&&(6===n?S(t,e):5===n&&((t,e,r,n,s)=>{(s=e.L.document.querySelector(`[data-ptid="${r}"]`))&&(n?s.dataset.pterror=n:s.type+="-x"),S(t,e)})(t,e,r[2],r[3]))}})(e,n,,n.addEventListener("pt1",(t=>{const r=t.detail,n=p(r.frameElement);C(e,n,r)})))})(t)})(window);\n<\/script></head></html>')):o.endsWith("proxytown")&&n.respondWith((n=>new Promise((async s=>{const o=await n.clone().json(),i=await(r=>new Promise((async n=>{const s=[...await self.clients.matchAll()].sort(((t,e)=>t.url>e.url?-1:t.url<e.url?1:0))[0];if(s){const o=[n,setTimeout((()=>{t.delete(r.C),n(e(r,"Timeout"))}),1e4)];t.set(r.C,o),s.postMessage(r)}else n(e(r,"No Party"))})))(o);s(r(JSON.stringify(i),"application/json"))})))(s))};
"name": "",
"version": "0.0.11",
"version": "0.0.12",
"description": "Relocate resource intensive 3rd-party scripts off of the main thread and into a web worker.",

@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ "license": "MIT",

"dev": "tsc && concurrently \"\" \"\" -n build,tsc -c magenta,yellow",
"playwright": "playwright test tests --browser=chromium",
"playwright.webkit": "playwright test --browser=webkit",
"release": "npm run build && npm test && np --no-2fa --no-tests",
"release": "npm run build && npm test && np --no-tests",
"serve": "sirv tests --port 4000 --dev",
"serve.test": "sirv tests --port 5000 --dev --quiet",
"test": "start-server-and-test serve.test http://localhost:5000/ playwright",
"test.webkit": "start-server-and-test serve.test http://localhost:5000/ playwright.webkit",
"serve.test": "sirv tests --port 4001 --dev --quiet",
"test": "playwright test tests/platform --browser=chromium",
"test.webkit": "playwright test tests/platform --browser=webkit",
"": "tsc -w",

@@ -42,18 +40,17 @@ "version": "npm run"

"devDependencies": {
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.18.16",
"@playwright/test": "^1.15.2",
"@microsoft/api-extractor": "^7.18.19",
"@playwright/test": "^1.17.0-rc1",
"@types/fs-extra": "^9.0.13",
"@types/react": "^17.0.30",
"concurrently": "^6.3.0",
"@types/react": "^17.0.35",
"concurrently": "^6.4.0",
"fs-extra": "^10.0.0",
"gzip-size": "^6.0.0",
"node-fetch": "^3.0.0",
"np": "^7.5.0",
"node-fetch": "^3.1.0",
"np": "^7.6.0",
"prettier": "^2.4.1",
"rollup": "^2.58.0",
"rollup": "^2.60.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^7.0.2",
"sirv-cli": "^1.0.14",
"start-server-and-test": "^1.14.0",
"tslib": "^2.3.1",
"typescript": "^4.4.4"
"typescript": "^4.5.2"

@@ -60,0 +57,0 @@ "prettier": {

@@ -90,2 +90,6 @@ /**

* Log calls to main access, which also shows how many tasks were sent per message (debug mode required)
logMainAccess?: boolean;
* Log script executions (debug mode required)

@@ -92,0 +96,0 @@ */

@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ {

"types": "index.d.ts",
"version": "0.0.11",
"version": "0.0.12",
"private": true

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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