:rocket: Web Project Starter
Under Development :warning:
About :books:
This package is a simple node cli tool based on yeoman generator
which when run will simply ask you some simple question and then will generate a simple starter project to kickstart you development
This is currently having starter project based on
- MERN stack : MongoDB + ExpressJS + ReactJS + NodeJS
- MERNG stack : MongoDB + ExpressJS + ReactJS + NodeJS + GraphQL
- TMEN :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (Sorry for this wierd word) stack : Typescript + MongoDB + ExpressJS + NodeJS
And Many More Coming Soon ...
This project is focused on helping developers increasing their starting speed. These Boilerplates are light weight and proven ones.
More boilerplates are required for this project with different stacks.
Do Contribute with this boilerplates and new ones.
Status :newspaper:
This project is at very early stage and requires lots of testing, feedbacks, suggestion, refactors ,Features, and improvement.
Feel free to Raise an issue and PR
Contribution Guide :wrench:
- Fork it
- Create a seperate branch
- Work on that, Work can be
- New Features
- BugFix
- Better Docs
- Adding of Tests
- Code Cleaning + Refactors
- If any other kind of Contribution, Raise a issue for that and it can be discus there
- Raise a PR
How to Install and Use Locally
- Clone It
$ npm install
$ npm run type:build
$ npm run type:watch
$ npm run build
$ npm run watch
$ node dist/cli
TODOs :page_facing_up:
npm test