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@caridy/sjs - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.9 to 0.2.10



@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { apply, assign, construct, ReflectSetPrototypeOf, freeze, isFunction, ObjectCreate, isUndefined, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ReflectDefineProperty, ErrorCreate, ReflectGetPrototypeOf, ReflectGet, ReflectSet, map, isNullOrUndefined, unconstruct, ownKeys, ReflectIsExtensible, ReflectPreventExtensions, deleteProperty, } from "./shared.js";
import { apply, assign, construct, ReflectSetPrototypeOf, freeze, isFunction, ObjectCreate, isUndefined, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ReflectDefineProperty, ErrorCreate, ReflectGetPrototypeOf, ReflectGet, ReflectSet, ReflectHas, map, isNull, isNullOrUndefined, unconstruct, ownKeys, ReflectIsExtensible, ReflectPreventExtensions, deleteProperty, hasOwnProperty, emptyArray, } from "./shared.js";
function renameFunction(provider, receiver) {

@@ -106,17 +106,2 @@ try {

get(shadowTarget, key, receiver) {
* If the target has a non-configurable own data descriptor that was observed by the red side,
* and therefore installed in the shadowTarget, we might get into a situation where a writable,
* non-configurable value in the target is out of sync with the shadowTarget's value for the same
* key. This is fine because this does not violate the object invariants, and even though they
* are out of sync, the original descriptor can only change to something that is compatible with
* what was installed in shadowTarget, and in order to observe that, the getOwnPropertyDescriptor
* trap must be used, which will take care of synchronizing them again.
return env.getBlueValue(ReflectGet(, key, env.getRedValue(receiver)));
set(shadowTarget, key, value, receiver) {
return ReflectSet(, key, env.getRedValue(value), env.getRedValue(receiver));
deleteProperty(shadowTarget, key) {

@@ -188,4 +173,83 @@ return deleteProperty(, key);

* This trap cannot just use `Reflect.get` directly on the `target` because
* the red object graph might have mutations that are only visible on the red side,
* which means looking into `target` directly is not viable. Instead, we need to
* implement a more crafty solution that looks into target's own properties, or
* in the red proto chain when needed.
get(shadowTarget, key, receiver) {
* If the target has a non-configurable own data descriptor that was observed by the red side,
* and therefore installed in the shadowTarget, we might get into a situation where a writable,
* non-configurable value in the target is out of sync with the shadowTarget's value for the same
* key. This is fine because this does not violate the object invariants, and even though they
* are out of sync, the original descriptor can only change to something that is compatible with
* what was installed in shadowTarget, and in order to observe that, the getOwnPropertyDescriptor
* trap must be used, which will take care of synchronizing them again.
const { target } = this;
const redDescriptor = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
if (isUndefined(redDescriptor)) {
// looking in the blue proto chain to avoid switching sides
const blueProto = getBlueValue(ReflectGetPrototypeOf(target));
if (isNull(blueProto)) {
return ReflectGet(blueProto, key, receiver);
if (hasOwnProperty(redDescriptor, 'get')) {
// Knowing that it is an own getter, we can't still not use Reflect.get
// because there might be a distortion for such getter, and from the blue
// side, we should not be subject to those distortions.
return apply(getBlueValue(redDescriptor.get), receiver, emptyArray);
// if it is not an accessor property, is either a setter only accessor
// or a data property, in which case we could return undefined or the blue value
return getBlueValue(redDescriptor.value);
* This trap cannot just use `Reflect.set` directly on the `target` on the
* red side because the red object graph might have mutations that are only visible
* on the red side, which means looking into `target` directly is not viable.
* Instead, we need to implement a more crafty solution that looks into target's
* own properties, or in the blue proto chain when needed.
set(shadowTarget, key, value, receiver) {
const { target } = this;
const redDescriptor = ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key);
if (isUndefined(redDescriptor)) {
// looking in the blue proto chain to avoid switching sides
const blueProto = getBlueValue(ReflectGetPrototypeOf(target));
if (!isNull(blueProto)) {
return ReflectSet(blueProto, key, value, receiver);
else if (hasOwnProperty(redDescriptor, 'set')) {
// even though the setter function exists, we can't use Reflect.set because there might be
// a distortion for that setter function, and from the blue side, we should not be subject
// to those distortions.
apply(getBlueValue(redDescriptor.set), receiver, [value]);
return true; // if there is a callable setter, it either throw or we can assume the value was set
// if it is not an accessor property, is either a getter only accessor
// or a data property, in which case we use Reflect.set to set the value,
// and no receiver is needed since it will simply set the data property or nothing
return ReflectSet(target, key, env.getRedValue(value));
* This trap cannot just use `Reflect.has` or the `in` operator directly on the
* red side because the red object graph might have mutations that are only visible
* on the red side, which means looking into `target` directly is not viable.
* Instead, we need to implement a more crafty solution that looks into target's
* own properties, or in the blue proto chain when needed.
has(shadowTarget, key) {
return key in;
const { target } = this;
if (hasOwnProperty(target, key)) {
return true;
// looking in the blue proto chain to avoid switching sides
const blueProto = getBlueValue(ReflectGetPrototypeOf(target));
return !isNull(blueProto) && ReflectHas(blueProto, key);

@@ -192,0 +256,0 @@ ownKeys(shadowTarget) {


import { SecureEnvironment } from "./environment.js";
import { ReflectGetPrototypeOf, ReflectSetPrototypeOf, getOwnPropertyDescriptors, construct, ErrorCreate, WeakMapCreate, isUndefined, ObjectCreate, WeakMapGet, assign, ownKeys, } from "./shared.js";
import { ReflectGetPrototypeOf, ReflectSetPrototypeOf, getOwnPropertyDescriptors, construct, ErrorCreate, WeakMapCreate, isUndefined, ObjectCreate, WeakMapGet, assign, ownKeys, unapply, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, } from "./shared.js";

@@ -121,10 +121,28 @@ const cachedGlobalMap = WeakMapCreate();

const IFRAME_SANDBOX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 'allow-same-origin allow-scripts';
export default function createSecureEnvironment(distortionMap, endowments) {
const appendChildCall = unapply(Node.prototype.appendChild);
const removeCall = unapply(Element.prototype.remove);
const isConnectedGetterCall = unapply(ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'isConnected').get);
const nodeLastChildGetterCall = unapply(ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Node.prototype, 'lastChild').get);
const documentBodyGetterCall = unapply(ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(Document.prototype, 'body').get);
const createElementCall = unapply(document.createElement);
function createDetachableIframe() {
// @ts-ignore document global ref - in browsers
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
const iframe = createElementCall(document, 'iframe');
iframe.setAttribute('allow', IFRAME_ALLOW_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
iframe.setAttribute('sandbox', IFRAME_SANDBOX_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE); = 'none';
// @ts-ignore document global ref - in browsers
const parent = documentBodyGetterCall(document) || nodeLastChildGetterCall(document);
appendChildCall(parent, iframe);
return iframe;
function removeIframe(iframe) {
// In Chrome debugger statements will be ignored when the iframe is removed
// from the document. Other browsers like Firefox and Safari work as expected.
if (isConnectedGetterCall(iframe)) {
export default function createSecureEnvironment(distortionMap, endowments) {
const iframe = createDetachableIframe();
// For Chrome we evaluate the `window` object to kickstart the realm so that

@@ -136,6 +154,3 @@ // `window` persists when the iframe is removed from the document.

const blueGlobalThis = globalThis;
// In Chrome debugger statements will be ignored when the iframe is removed
// from the document. Other browsers like Firefox and Safari work as expected.
const blueRefs = getCachedReferences(blueGlobalThis);

@@ -142,0 +157,0 @@ const redRefs = getCachedReferences(redGlobalThis);

@@ -11,2 +11,3 @@ export const serializedRedEnvSourceText = (function redEnvFactory(blueEnv, hooks) {

const noop = () => undefined;
const emptyArray = [];
const map = unapply(;

@@ -57,2 +58,3 @@ const WeakMapGet = unapply(WeakMap.prototype.get);

if (typeof blue === 'undefined') {
// @ts-ignore blue at this point is type T because of the previous condition
return undefined;

@@ -292,7 +294,12 @@ }

const redProto = getRedValue(getPrototypeOf(target));
if (isNull(redProto)) {
return undefined;
return ReflectGet(redProto, key, receiver);
if (hasOwnPropertyCall(blueDescriptor, 'get')) {
// TODO: add a note here
return apply(getRedValue(blueDescriptor.get), receiver, []);
// Knowing that it is an own getter, we can't still not use Reflect.get
// because there might be a distortion for such getter, in which case we
// must get the red getter, and call it.
return apply(getRedValue(blueDescriptor.get), receiver, emptyArray);

@@ -317,3 +324,3 @@ // if it is not an accessor property, is either a setter only accessor

const redProto = getRedValue(getPrototypeOf(target));
return ReflectHas(redProto, key);
return !isNull(redProto) && ReflectHas(redProto, key);

@@ -370,5 +377,7 @@ function redProxyDynamicOwnKeysTrap(shadowTarget) {

if (hasOwnPropertyCall(blueDescriptor, 'set')) {
// TODO: add the note about the set being a proxy that returns false on the set trap
// even though the setter function exists, we can't use Reflect.set because there might be
// a distortion for that setter function, in which case we must resolve the red setter
// and call it instead.
apply(getRedValue(blueDescriptor.set), receiver, [value]);
return true; // because we don't know if the setter actually sets the value, we assume it does it
return true; // if there is a callable setter, it either throw or we can assume the value was set

@@ -530,3 +539,4 @@ // if it is not an accessor property, is either a getter only accessor

catch (_a) {
// TODO: target is a revoked proxy. This could be optimized if Meta becomes available here.
// target is either a revoked proxy, or a proxy that throws on the has trap,
// in which case going with the arrow function seems appropriate.
shadowTarget = () => { };

@@ -533,0 +543,0 @@ }

export const { isArray: ArrayIsArray } = Array;
export const { assign, create: ObjectCreate, defineProperty: ObjectDefineProperty, getOwnPropertyDescriptors, freeze, seal, isSealed, isFrozen, } = Object;
export const { apply, construct, getPrototypeOf: ReflectGetPrototypeOf, setPrototypeOf: ReflectSetPrototypeOf, defineProperty: ReflectDefineProperty, isExtensible: ReflectIsExtensible, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ownKeys, preventExtensions: ReflectPreventExtensions, deleteProperty, get: ReflectGet, set: ReflectSet, } = Reflect;
export const { apply, construct, getPrototypeOf: ReflectGetPrototypeOf, setPrototypeOf: ReflectSetPrototypeOf, defineProperty: ReflectDefineProperty, isExtensible: ReflectIsExtensible, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, ownKeys, preventExtensions: ReflectPreventExtensions, deleteProperty, has: ReflectHas, get: ReflectGet, set: ReflectSet, } = Reflect;
const ErrorCreate = unconstruct(Error);

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ const SetCreate = unconstruct(Set);

"name": "@caridy/sjs",
"version": "0.2.9",
"version": "0.2.10",
"description": "Experimental JS Library to create a sandboxed JavaScript environment in browsers and node",

@@ -13,3 +13,3 @@ "module": "lib/index.js",

"debug": "karma start karma.config.js --browsers Chrome",
"karma": "karma start karma.config.js --single-run --browsers Chrome"
"karma": "karma start karma.config.js --single-run --browsers ChromeHeadless,FirefoxHeadless"

@@ -37,2 +37,3 @@ "files": [

"karma-safari-launcher": "^1.0.0",
"puppeteer": "^3.1.0",
"rollup": "^1.21.3",

@@ -39,0 +40,0 @@ "ts-jest": "^24.2.0",

import { MembraneBroker } from './types';
export declare function blueProxyFactory(env: MembraneBroker): (red: any) => any;
export declare function blueProxyFactory(env: MembraneBroker): <T>(red: T) => T;

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ export declare const ArrayIsArray: (arg: any) => arg is any[];

}, seal: <T>(o: T) => T, isSealed: (o: any) => boolean, isFrozen: (o: any) => boolean;
export declare const apply: typeof Reflect.apply, construct: typeof Reflect.construct, ReflectGetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf, ReflectSetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.setPrototypeOf, ReflectDefineProperty: typeof Reflect.defineProperty, ReflectIsExtensible: typeof Reflect.isExtensible, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: typeof Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, ownKeys: typeof Reflect.ownKeys, ReflectPreventExtensions: typeof Reflect.preventExtensions, deleteProperty: typeof Reflect.deleteProperty, ReflectGet: typeof Reflect.get, ReflectSet: typeof Reflect.set;
export declare const apply: typeof Reflect.apply, construct: typeof Reflect.construct, ReflectGetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.getPrototypeOf, ReflectSetPrototypeOf: typeof Reflect.setPrototypeOf, ReflectDefineProperty: typeof Reflect.defineProperty, ReflectIsExtensible: typeof Reflect.isExtensible, ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor: typeof Reflect.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, ownKeys: typeof Reflect.ownKeys, ReflectPreventExtensions: typeof Reflect.preventExtensions, deleteProperty: typeof Reflect.deleteProperty, ReflectHas: typeof Reflect.has, ReflectGet: typeof Reflect.get, ReflectSet: typeof Reflect.set;
declare const ErrorCreate: Function;

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ declare const SetCreate: Function;

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