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@casual-simulation/aux-vm - npm Package Versions







Date: 10/28/2019


  • Improvements
    • Improved the vendor JavaScript bundle size by removing unused code.
      • Refactored three-vrcontroller-module to use the three package instead of three-full so we don't duplicate Three.js.
      • Removed unused shims (PEP.js, webrtc-adapter).
      • Refactored lodash imports to directly import the modules that are used.
        • This helps with dead code eliminiation.
    • Added the ability to save and load files.
      • New functions:
        • server.saveFile(filename, data, options)
          • filename is a string and should start with /drives/.
          • data is a string of the data to store.
          • options is an object with the following properties:
            • callbackShout A shout that should happen on the server when the file is done saving.
            • overwriteExistingFile A boolean that indicates if existing files should be overwritten. (defaults to false)
        • server.loadFile(filename, options)
          • filename is a string and should start with /drives/.
          • options is an object with the following properties:
            • callbackShout A shout that should happen on the server when the file is done loading.
      • Note that the save file and load file tasks must be enabled via the onAnyAction() listener.
        • You can enable it via using this code:
        if (that.action.type === 'device') {
            if (
                ['save_file', 'load_file'].indexOf(
                ) >= 0
            ) {
      • All files from USB drives are stored under the /drives directory and the USB drives themselves are numbered starting with 0.
        • To load a file from USB drive #1, use server.loadFile("/drives/0/myFile").
        • To save a file to USB drive #2, use server.saveFile("/drives/1/myFile", data).
    • Removed several options from the side menu:
      • Removed the channel name from the top of the menu.
      • Removed the login status from the top of the menu.
      • Removed the login/logout options from the menu.
        • The "Logout" option will still be available if you are logged in as a non-guest.
        • Once you are logged out, then the option will dissapear.
      • Removed the "Add Channel" option from the menu in AUXPlayer.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue that prevented the removeTags() function from working when given an array of bots.
published 0.11.2 •




Date: 2/6/2020


:rocket: Features
  • Added an initial version of Builder.
    • Builder is a bot that helps you build things in aux.
    • Builder lives in the auxBuilder dimension and can be woken up by clicking it.
    • Builder currently has the following chat commands:
      • .. [name] - Wakes Builder with the given name. If the name is omitted, then the b001 Builder will be woken.
      • .sleep - Puts Builder to sleep.
      • .sheet [dimension] - Opens the sheet to the given dimension. If the dimension is omitted, then the sheet will be opened for the current dimension.
      • .new bot - Creates a new bot in the current dimension.
      • .download - Downloads the entire universe.
      • .upload - Shows the upload dialog.
      • .goto {dimension} - Redirects the page portal to the given dimension.
      • .new universe {universeName} - Creates a new universe with the given name and opens it in a new tab.
      • .show history - Loads the history and goes to the auxHistory dimension.
      • .mark history - Creates a new history mark for the current state.
      • .show docs - Opens the documentation website in a new tab.
      • .summon - Summons the Builder helper into the current dimension.
      • .new builder {name} - Creates a clone of the current builder with the given name.
    • Builder has a helper bot which will follow you around the universe.
      • If you enter an empty dimension, the helper bot will automatically appear.
      • If you enter a dimension that has a bot, you need to summon it using the .summon command.
      • You can click on helper to show a menu of possible options.
      • Dragging helper will give you a cursor that lets you teleport helper around or select other bots.
      • Dragging another bot onto helper will turn helper into a pallete so when you drag helper it will make a clone of the other bot.
        • Clicking helper will return it to normal.
  • Added hotkeys to show/hide the chat bar.
    • Use the ~ key to show the char bar.
    • Use the 3342 finger tap code on mobile to show the chat bar.
    • Use a 5 finger tap on mobile to hide the chat bar.
:bug: Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where creating a bot inside a shout would prevent the new bot from being modified by future shouts.
  • Fixed an issue where creating and then updating a bot that was not in the shared space would cause all the updates to be incorrectly routed to the shared space and dropped.
published 0.11.1 •




Date: 12/31/2019


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where the "Create Empty Bot" button in the bot table was hidden when a mod was selected.
published 0.11.0 •




Date: 10/18/2019


  • Improvements

    • Made the menu item count badge a lighter gray.
    • Removed the item count badge from the menu.
    • Removed the dropdown aspect of the menu.
  • Changes

    • Made the menu item count badge a lighter gray.
    • Removed the admin channel and admin-channel specific functionality.
      • This means that there are no more user account bots or channel bots.
        • You can login as anyone from any device without requiring additional authentication.
        • You can access any channel. No need to create a channel first. (because there are no channel bots anymore)
        • The connection counts are now stored in the config bot of the channel.
        • Connection limits no longer work since they were set on the channel bot in the admin channel.
        • Username whitelists and blacklists still work, but they rely on client-side script execution instead of server-side execution.
      • It also means there is no admin role. For now, everyone has admin permissions.
      • action.perform() now needs to be used to run actions on the server.
        • You can send an action to the server using the remote() function.
        • The server will receive the action in its onAnyAction() as that.action.type === "device"
        • onAnyAction() has to detect remove events and execute the inner action via action.perform(that.action.event).
      • The following functions have been removed:
        • server.grantRole()
        • server.revokeRole()
      • The following functions are not executed by default and require a custom onAnyAction() to handle them.
        • server.backupAsDownload()
        • server.backupToGithub()
      • server.backupAsDownload() has been updated to accept a "session selector" which determines which session the ZIP file should be sent to.
        • ex. server.backupAsDownload({ username: getTag(player.getBot(), "#aux._user") })
      • Removed the aux._lastEditedBy tag.
        • This tag was automatically set to the ID of the user whenever a bot was edited.
        • Currently, it is extra cruft that is not needed and could be easily implemented via onAnyAction().
    • Centered the menu above the player inventory.
    • Increased menu text size.
    • Added in new camera range tags: aux.context.zoomable.min, aux.context.zoomable.max aux.context.pannable.min.x, aux.context.pannable.max.x, aux.context.pannable.min.y, aux.context.pannable.max.y.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Removed hidden inventory dragging hitboxes when inventory is set to non-visible.
published 0.10.10 •




Date: 10/11/2019


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes DependencyManager would be given a bot that was undefined which would crash the simulation.
published 0.10.5 •




Date: 10/08/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added the player.showHtml(html) function that shows a modal with the given HTML.
      • Optimized for embedding YouTube videos but works with any arbitrary HTML.
      • Embedding JavaScript is not supported.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue that prevented tabs with the same URL from seeing each other's changes to the local bot.
published 0.10.4 •




Date: 10/08/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added onAnyAction() action tag to intercept and change actions before they are executed.
      • onAnyAction() runs for every action, including when a bot is created, changed, or deleted.
      • Every action is an object with a type property.
        • The type property is a string that indicates what the action does.
        • Here is a partial list of types:
          • add_bot: A bot should be added (i.e. created).
          • remove_bot: A bot should be removed (i.e. deleted).
          • update_bot: A bot should be updated.
          • apply_state: The given bot state should be applied. (i.e. a set of bots should be created/updated)
          • shout: A shout should be executed.
          • show_toast: A toast message should be shown on the device.
          • show_barcode: A barcode should be shown.
          • tween_to: The camera should be tweened to show a bot.
      • that is an object with the following properties:
        • action: The action that is going to be executed.
      • Forking a channel clears the onAnyAction() on the config bot.
        • This is so that you can recover from broken states and also gives the person who forked the AUX full control over the fork.
    • Added two new script functions:
      • action.reject(action): Prevents the given action from being performed. Returns the rejection action.
      • action.perform(action): Adds the given action to the performance queue so it will be performed. This can be used to re-enable an action after it has been rejected (you can also reject the rejection action). Returns the action that will be performed.
    • Added a local bot which is stored in the browser's local storage.
      • The local bot is a bot that is unique to the device and channel.
      • You can access the bot by querying for it: getBot("#id", "local").
    • Renamed onShout() to onAnyListen().
    • Added onListen() which is an alternative to onAnyListen() that is only called on the targeted bots.
    • Added ability to set duration of toast, plater.toast("message", durationNum).
    • Made the background for the menu label gray.
published 0.10.3 •




Date: 10/04/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added tags to control panning, zooming, and rotating the main camera.
      • aux.context.pannable: Controls whether the main camera is able to be panned.
      • aux.context.zoomable: Controls whether the main camera is able to be zoomed.
      • aux.context.rotatable: Controls whether the main camera is able to be rotated.
    • Added player.moveTo() to instantly tween the camera to a bot.
      • In the future, custom tween durations will be supported.
    • Changed the low camera angle limit to 32 degrees from 10 degrees.
    • onCombineExit action will now fire alongside the onCombine action.
    • Newly created contexts will no longer be autoselected.
    • Toast messages will now only remain on screen for 2 seconds.
    • Added the ability to send webhooks from the server.
      • You can also tell the server to send a webhook via remote(webhook()).
      • This is useful for getting around CORS issues.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed player.tweenTo() to not change the zoom level when it is not specified.
    • Tweens will now work better with the onPlayerEnterContext action.
published 0.10.2 •




Date: 09/27/2019


  • Bug Fixes
    • Resolved issues with context changing affecting base simulation identifier.
    • Invoke a camera reset upon changing contexts via player.goToContext().
published 0.10.1 •




Date: 10/11/2019


  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue where sometimes DependencyManager would be given a bot that was undefined which would crash the simulation.
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