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@casual-simulation/aux-vm - npm Package Versions







Date: 08/06/2019


  • Improvements
    • Changed Clear Mod to Reset in the sheet.
    • Allow the clicking on a bot in the sheet in single selection mode to deselect the bot.
    • Changed onCombine() action tag to onCombine(#tag:"value") and set the autofill to not auto add this tag to the sheet.
    • Added the aux.context.devices.visible to allow the hiding of user bots in the player.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Dragging a bot with no bot selected will no longer select a mod of the dragged bot.
published 0.9.22 •




Date: 08/06/2019


  • Improvements
    • Changed {context}.index to {context}.sortOrder.
    • Added another variable to onClick() action tag to return a context.
    • Added another variable to onCombineEnter() and onCombineExit() action tags to return a context.
    • Added onAnyPlayerContextEnter to trigger on every bot when a player joins a context and changed onPlayerContextEnter to trigger on the player bot that joins a context.
published 0.9.21 •




Date: 08/05/2019


  • Improvements
    • Improved the command to output a bot to the aux.finishedTasks channel with the results of the command.
    • Added the ability to backup channels to Github using Gists.
      • You can trigger a backup by running server.backupToGithub(token) as an admin from the admin channel.
      • The token parameter should be replaced with a string containing a personal access token from the account you want the backup to upload to.
      • During upload a bot will be added to the aux.runningTasks context with a progress bar indicating the status of the operation.
      • When the task is completed the bot will be moved to the aux.finishedTasks context and will contain tags indicating the result of the operation.
      • After finishing the bot will contain a link to the uploaded data.
    • Added the ability to backup channels as a zip file.
      • Triggered by running server.backupAsDownload() as an admin from the admin channel.
      • Similar to the Github backup but the zip file is downloaded to your device.
    • setTag function will now accept an array of bots as it's first paramater.
    • Removed the white circle background from the player's menu button.
    • Changed Fork/Upload/Download AUX to Fork/Upload/Download Channel.
    • Updated connection message.
    • Allow the deselection of files by clicking on the bot in the sheet during multiselection.
    • Greatly improved the performance of dragging stacks of bots in AUXPlayer.
    • Added the onCombineEnter() and onCombineExit() action tags to fire on all bots being interacted with during a drag operation with combine action tags involved.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Removed mouse pointer change on player inventory side bars.
    • Made the multiselect button ui consistant colors.
    • Made the multiselect button hide itself in multiselect mode.
    • aux.label will now accept numbers as a tag value.
    • Further restrict the add tag setup to stop unwanted warning popups.
    • Fixed to let admin users be designers even if the designers list says otherwise.
published 0.9.20 •




Date: 07/31/2019


  • Improvements
    • Increased the ping interval and timeout values to better support sending large causal trees.
    • Updated aux.inventory.height to aux.context.inventory.height.
    • Removed the raise and lower option in the context dropdwon menu.
    • Changed player menu's Add Channel to Subscribe to Channel.
    • Set mobile and desktop's default player inventory height to be consistent.
    • Added a basic console that can be used to view logs from scripts and formulas.
      • The console can be opened via the player.openDevConsole() script function.
    • Changed the toggle size button's image.
    • Moved multiselection button to the top right, added new icon for the button.
    • Added bot image to top of sheet.
    • Removed deslection button, the minus icon, from the sheets.
    • Changed destroy bot button text to the trash can icon.
    • Allow the user to drag bots from the bot image at the top of the sheet section.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Improved centering of loading popup's powered by CasualOS text.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause player.currentContext() to not update until after the onPlayerContextEnter() event was fired.
    • Fixed some issues with the login flow for AUXPlayer.
published 0.9.19 •




Date: 07/29/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added the ability for shouts and whispers to return values.
      • shout() returns a list of results from every bot that ran a script for the shout ordered by bot ID.
      • whisper() returns a list of results from every bot that ran a script for the whisper ordered by the input bot array.
      • To return a value from a shout/whisper handler, use return statements. For example, to return 10 from a shout you would simply write return 10.
    • Changed the tag suggestion list to only show when there are tags that match the input.
    • Changed the create surface popup's header text to read: Create Context from Selection.
    • Added show surface checkbox to the create context popup.
    • Removed the text on the sheet's bottom left add tag button.
    • Added the phrase powered by CasualOS to bthe hamburger menu and loading popup.
    • Removed Unselect All from the sheets.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue that would let users load the admin channel because no file specified session limits for it.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause formulas which contained indexer expressions to fail.
    • Fixed the server to not overwrite broke Causal Trees.
    • Stopped incorrect empty tag warning when attempting to add in a new tag.
    • Fixed there not being a visible right bar on the player inventory.
    • Fixed dependency tracking for formulas which get bots by ID. (like getBots("id"))
published 0.9.18 •




Date: 07/25/2019


  • Bug Fixes
    • Reverted a change that had the potential to corrupt a tree upon load.
published 0.9.17 •




Date: 07/25/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added the ability to execute remote events on the server.
      • This lets us do all sorts of administrative tasks while keeping things secure.
      • These events are sent via scripts.
      • Depending on the action, it may only be possible to execute them in the correct channel. For example, executing admin tasks is only allowed in the admin channel to help prevent things like clickjacking.
      • The following functions are supported:
        • Admin channel only
          • server.grantRole(username, role): Grants the given role to the user account with the given username if the current player is an admin.
          • server.revokeRole(username, role): Revokes the given role from the user account with the given username if the current player is an admin.
          • Runs the given shell script on the server if the current player is an admin.
    • Improved the login system to dynamically update based on changes to the admin channel.
      • This lets us do things like lock user accounts or tokens and have the system automatically handle it.
      • It even supports formulas!
      • The login system uses the following tags on bots in the admin channel:
        • aux.account.username: This tag indicates that the bot is a "user account" bot for the given username.
        • aux.account.roles: This tag indicates which roles an account should be granted.
        • aux.account.locked: This tag indicates whether the account is locked and that logging in using it should not be allowed.
        • aux.token: This tag indicates that the bot is a "token" which can be used to login to a user account.
        • aux.token.username: This tag indicates the username of the user account that the token is for.
        • aux.token.locked: This tag indicates whether the token is locked and therefore cannot be used to login to the account.
    • Improved the login system to automatically give guests the guest role.
      • This allows blocking guests via the aux.blacklist.roles tag on the channel config file.
    • Improved the channel system to only allow loading a channel if it has been created via a bot in the admin channel.
      • This lets admins control which channels are accessible.
      • The admin channel is always accessible, but only to admins. This is a safety measure to prevent people from locking themselves out.
      • To make a channel accessible, load the admin channel and create a bot with set to the channel you want and aux.channels set to true.
      • Alternatively, load the channel you want and click the Create Channel toast that pops up. (only works if you're an admin)
    • Added the ability to view and control how many sessions are allowed.
      • Allows setting a max sessions allowed value for channels and the entire server.
      • Per-Channel settings go on the channel file in the admin channel.
        • The tag indicates how many sessions are active for the channel.
        • The tag specifies how many sessions are allowed for the channel. Admins are not affected by this setting. If this value is not set then there is no limit.
      • Global settings go on the config file in the admin channel.
        • The aux.connectedSessions tag indicates how many sessions are active for the server.
        • The aux.maxSessionsAllowed tag specifies how many sessions are allowed for the entire server. Admins are not affected by this setting. If this value is not set then there is no limit.
    • Added the ability to query the status information from the server.
      • Requests to /api/{channelId}/status will return a JSON object containing the current number of active connections for the channel.
      • Requests to /api/status will return a JSON object containing the current number of active connections for the server.
    • Changed aux.inventory.color tag to aux.context.inventory.color, and allowed the editing of the invenroty color to be done in the context bot's tags.
    • Added an aux.context.inventory.visible tag to toggle the player inventory on and off, it will default to visible.
    • Reduced width of player inventory and added a left alligned line to it's left side.
    • Gave the player inventory the ability to be set by a user set inventory context tag.
    • Added a width maximum to the player inventory.
    • Added in the onAnyBotClicked() function to fire an event when any bot in the scene has been clicked.
  • Bug Fixes
    • The player's background context color can now be set via fomula.
    • Fixed scripts to remove deleted files from queries like getBots() or getBot().
    • Fixed the login screen to hide the loading progress when the user needs to scan the token from their other device.
    • Improved the JavaScript sandbox to prevent common infinite loops.
      • Loops in JavaScript code now have an energy cost of 1 per iteration.
      • By default, each formula/action has an energy of 100,000.
      • Shouts get their own energy value set at 100,000. (for now - so it's still possible to get around the energy limit by shouting back and forth)
      • Exceeding the energy limit causes the formula/action to be terminated so that the application doesn't get locked up.
    • Corrected misspelled tag name in the tag dropdown list.
    • Fixed positioning issue with setting aux.label.anchor via an interaction.
published 0.9.16 •




Date: 07/22/2019


  • Improvements

    • Added ability to use the enter key on the new tag dropdown to autofill the tag.
    • The webpage's tab name will now display the channel's ID in designer and the Context name and ID in Player.
  • Bug Fixes

    • Added another Wall3D optimization with a geometry disposal.
    • Added a null check to stop an error when trying to drag specifically removed bots.
    • A mod object will no longer change it's mesh scale while being dragged.
    • Fixed an issue that would happen if a file was updated and deleted in the same script.
published 0.9.15 •




Date: 07/18/2019


  • Improvements
    • Selecting a tag from the tag suggestions list will now automatically add the tag on click.
    • Added a plus sign to the Make mod from selection butotn's icon.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Improved Wall3D performance, should no longer take up most memory allocation.
    • Clicking on a bot will no longer have the mereg ball appear for a second in the file count.
published 0.9.14 •




Date: 07/17/2019


  • Improvements
    • Added a login system
      • Users are first-come first-serve.
        • Upon login your device will generate a token that is used to authenticate the device for that user account.
          • Because this token is unique and secret you must use the new "Login with Another Device" feature in the side menu.
          • This will show a QR code that can be scanned after trying to login with the same username.
        • Users can be granted roles via their bot in the admin channel.
          • These roles can be used to allow or deny access to channels.
          • Users that have the admin role are allowed access to every channel. (and bypass the blacklist and whitelist)
      • The server now decides if a user is able to load an aux.
        • This means that the server checks aux.blacklist and aux.whitelist before sending the data.
        • The following tags have been added to check whether a user is allowed access based on their roles.
          • aux.whitelist.roles: Specifies the list of roles that users must have all of in order to access the channel.
          • aux.blacklist.roles: Specifies the list of roles that users must not have any of in order to access the channel.
        • By default, the admin channel is set to allow only users with the admin role.
    • The login screen now remembers which users you have logged in with previously.
      • Because tokens are saved on the device it is important to save users and only remove them if explicitly requested by the user.
    • The tag's wall settting will now dynamically scale with bot height and bot stacking.
    • The inventory viewport now no longer accepts panning input, it will now only zoom and rotate.
    • Added in an tag that changes the design of the line.
    • Added in a resize sheets button to set sheet's to full page width at all times.
    • Added in an aux.line.width tag that changes the width of the but only the wall style for now.
    • Resize the sheets button is now on the far left of the sheets buttons.
    • Added a new Make mod from selection button to the sheet's buttons.
    • Clicking off of the sheets will now always revert the selected item to an empty bot.
    • Clicking the enter key on a selected tag will automatically open up the new tag input section.
    • Clicking the escape key when the new tag input section is up will close the input section.
    • The new tag input section will now be left alligned in the sheets.
    • The tag section buttons will now appear below the bot content in the sheets.
    • Moved the sheet's Toggle Size button to the right side of the sheet.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Fixed create() to dissallow overriding aux.creator when a creator is specified.
    • The center button will no longer effect the rotation in channel designer's viewport.
    • 'Enable AR' button no longer shows up in iOS Chrome which is currently unsupported.
    • Fixed AR rendering for both AUX Designer and AUX Player.
    • Fixed the login page to redirect to Channel Designer if the user refreshes the page while on the login screen.
    • Fixed an issue that would cause player.currentContext() to be undefined if it was accessed inside onConnected().
    • Fixed the link to the aux-debug page in Channel Designer.
    • Fixed an issue where formulas which had circular dependencies would cause other tags referencing the circular tag to not update.
    • Fixed the parsing logic for filter tags to support curly quotes. (a.k.a. "Smart Quotes" that the iOS keyboard makes)
    • Adding a new tag to a bot will now automatically focus the new tag whereas before it would not focus it.
    • Fixed the file table to not interrupt the user's typing when tag value updates are processed.
  • Security Fixes
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