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Package description

What is @changesets/logger?

@changesets/logger is a logging utility designed to be used with the Changesets tool. It provides a simple and consistent way to log messages, warnings, and errors during the process of managing versioning and changelogs for a monorepo or multi-package repository.

What are @changesets/logger's main functionalities?

Logging Info Messages

This feature allows you to log informational messages. The `info` function is used to log messages that are meant to inform the user about the current state or progress of a process.

const { info } = require('@changesets/logger');
info('This is an info message');

Logging Warning Messages

This feature allows you to log warning messages. The `warn` function is used to log messages that indicate a potential issue or something that the user should be cautious about.

const { warn } = require('@changesets/logger');
warn('This is a warning message');

Logging Error Messages

This feature allows you to log error messages. The `error` function is used to log messages that indicate a failure or critical issue that needs immediate attention.

const { error } = require('@changesets/logger');
error('This is an error message');

Logging Success Messages

This feature allows you to log success messages. The `success` function is used to log messages that indicate a successful operation or completion of a task.

const { success } = require('@changesets/logger');
success('This is a success message');

Other packages similar to @changesets/logger




View changelog


import { error } from '@changesets/logger";

error('message part 1', 'message part 2');

Package Exports

error: Use error to print error messages upon which users which immediately action to complete the task.

info: Use info to print informational messages to user.

log: Use log to print messages don't fall in anyother specific category. For example, message to show title of the step being performed by the changesets tool.

success: Use success to assert to users that their instructions have completed succesfully.

warn: Use warn to print warning messages, something that user could action on now or later without much impact of their work.

Silencing Messages In Tests

Use the @changesets/test-utils package to silence the logs in test cases.

For example:

import { temporarilySilenceLogs } from "@changesets/test-utils";
import { log } from "@changesets/logger";


// Now the logs in this test file are not actually logged to std out
log("I am not logged");

// Use console.log to log messages in tests if required
console.log("Yiey, I am logged");


Last updated on 15 Apr 2020

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