A fast & universal chesslibrary with Basic AI support. This is the core part of the @chesslib bundle.
This library is required for
- @chesslib/ai
- @chesslib/game
- @chesslib/plugin
npm install @chesslib/core
Get all available moves
import { Chessboard, Positions, COLORS } from "@chesslib/core";
var board = Chessboard.fromPosition(Positions.default);
var moves = board.getFENMoves();
if(board.tryMoveFEN(moves[0].from, moves[0].to))
console.log("Move was valid");
Get all available moves for BLACK
var moves = board.getFENMoves(COLORS.BLACK);
Get all available moves for A2 Pawn?
var moves = board.getFENMovesatFEN("a2");
Validate if move is possible?
if(board.isValidMoveFEN("a2", "a4"))
console.log("Move is valid");
Check if king was captured
if(board.findPieces("K").length == 1)
console.log("GAME OVER!");
For more please see examples folder
Chess AI
The AI is a simple implementation of a basic board evaluation. The AI is trying every moves possible confirming the board value is better for a given move. The search depth can be configured, and due to it's high CPU intensivity it is recommended to use it with webworkers in browsers, and run it as a seperate process or thread in nodejs if required.
The example use of the AI is available in the repo under examples/ folder.
addHistory(piece: Piece, data: any);
boardSize: {x: number, y: number}
- Returns the character representation of a square by it's index
charIndex(index: number): string;
clone(): Chessboard
clearSquare(square: Square);
- Spawns a piece on a square
createPiece(type: string, color: number | COLORS, square: Square);
- Makes a move using a move object
doMove(move: MoveObject);
- Makes a move using strings
doMoveFEN(move: { from: string, to: string});
- Converts a FEN string to position
FENtoPosition(fen: string): {x: number, y: number};
- Returns the square for a FEN string
FENToSquare(fen: string): SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel
- Finds all pieces on the board
findPieces(pieceType: string, color: number | COLORS): Piece[]
- Returns a board object (Usefull for chessboard visualization)
getBoard(): { BoardObject }
- Set's the board from an object
setBoard(board: { BoardObject });
- Returns the 2D Array representation of the board
savePositions(): any[]
- Set's the board from a 2D Array
loadPositions(positions: any[]);
import { Chessboard, Positions } from "@chesslib/core";
var board = Chessboard.fromPosition(Positions.default);
var moves = board.getFENMoves();
if(board.tryMoveFEN(moves[0].from, moves[0].to))
console.log("Move was valid");
For more please see examples folder
Use the lib together with:
to create your game. Have happy coding :)
Apache 2.0
Got an issue or question?