What is @ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office?
@ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office is a plugin for CKEditor 5 that allows users to paste content from Microsoft Word and Google Docs while preserving the formatting and structure of the original document. This includes handling complex elements like tables, lists, and text styles.
What are @ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office's main functionalities?
Preserve Text Formatting
This feature allows users to paste text from Word or Google Docs into the CKEditor while preserving the original formatting such as bold, italic, and other text styles.
ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { plugins: [ PasteFromOffice, ... ], toolbar: [ 'bold', 'italic', 'undo', 'redo' ] })
Preserve Lists
This feature ensures that ordered and unordered lists are preserved when pasted from Word or Google Docs into the CKEditor.
ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { plugins: [ PasteFromOffice, List, ... ], toolbar: [ 'numberedList', 'bulletedList', 'undo', 'redo' ] })
Preserve Tables
This feature allows users to paste tables from Word or Google Docs into the CKEditor while maintaining the table structure and formatting.
ClassicEditor.create(document.querySelector('#editor'), { plugins: [ PasteFromOffice, Table, TableToolbar, ... ], toolbar: [ 'insertTable', 'tableColumn', 'tableRow', 'mergeTableCells', 'undo', 'redo' ] })
Other packages similar to @ckeditor/ckeditor5-paste-from-office
TinyMCE is a rich text editor that also supports pasting content from Word and Google Docs with preserved formatting. It offers a wide range of plugins and customization options, similar to CKEditor 5.
Quill is a modern WYSIWYG editor that supports pasting content from Word and Google Docs. While it is lightweight and easy to integrate, it may not offer as many advanced features as CKEditor 5.
Froala Editor is another rich text editor that supports pasting from Word and Google Docs. It is known for its clean design and ease of use, but it may require a license for full functionality.
43.1.1 (September 25, 2024)
We are happy to announce the release of CKEditor 5 v43.1.1.
During a recent internal audit, we identified a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the CKEditor 5 clipboard package (CVE-2024-45613
). This vulnerability could be triggered by a specific user action, leading to unauthorized JavaScript code execution, if the attacker managed to insert malicious content into the editor, which might happen with a very specific editor configuration.
This vulnerability affects only installations where the editor configuration meets the following criteria:
- The Block Toolbar plugin is enabled.
- One of the following plugins is also enabled:
You can read more details in the relevant security advisory and contact us if you have more questions.
Taking the occasion, we decided to introduce additional hardening to some parts of our codebase that introduce theoretical and unexploitable issues. Our security team confirmed that none of these issues were exploitable in a real scenario, however, we decided to fix them, in order to increase the overall security posture of our software.
Released packages
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