Advanced tools
0.2.0 (2023-01-21)
imports no more workingshoppingCartIcon
, cashbackIcon
fields no more working as Storefront Tailwind config (gen) optionsautoplay
prop (ms) to Carousel component (18b91dd)CarouselControl
child-component for headless Carousel (8c43757)PitchBar
component with carousel slides (c86d845)Carousel.vue
headless component (9f01ff6)ALink
on UnoCSS/Tailwind configs, add chevron icons aliases (2cc164d)galaxpay: Fix the name of the collection (db63905)
storefront: Fix client.d.ts
Window interface (9ec46c9)
storefront: Fix TS shims, update Vue globals typedef and add vue/ref-macros
types (97fa988)
storefront: Import SW before /head, use @vite-pwa/astro
storefront: Removing @[@components](https://github.com/components)
alias for now (441cfb7)
storefront: Update Prices
component removing values for secondary [data-sf-prices-*] attrs (fae36af)
0.1.7 (2023-01-04)
composable to support compound discount labels (7ae2114)Prices
component slots binds to pass values instead of Computed/Ref objects (951507a)window.storefront.modulesInfoPreset
typedef (8bf3cc5)usePrices
and Prices
property (0875cb0)Prices
to support attributes inheritance (9a0a8b0)Changelog
0.1.0 (2022-12-21)
, fix i19get
pt (d212189)v-tooltip
to default Vue instance (3b41702)Fade
component to default Vue instance (2124406)usePrices
composable (dd20816)speed
prop with slow and slower options for global Fade component (5945059)Prices
components, defining components API (924dda0)usePrices
composable (f03cca4)Fade
component to change el height/width on tarnsition with slide (9ff310e)