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@cloudflare/util-en-garde - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 6.0.0 to 6.1.0


@@ -6,2 +6,18 @@ # Change Log

# [6.1.0]( (2019-11-26)
### Bug Fixes
* **util-en-garde:** TSX-157 Do *NOT* use typescript property initializat ([29562eb](
### Features
* **util-en-garde:** TSX-158 Extend io-ts classes ([d0e6f97](
# [6.0.0]( (2019-11-20)

@@ -8,0 +24,0 @@



@@ -16,14 +16,61 @@ import * as t from 'io-ts';

* Additionally, this wrapper provides an `optional` property which unions
* the codec with the `undefined` codec. This provides an API that is both
* easier to use and more readable for a very common scenario.
* The other main thing this wrapper seeks to address is the clunkiness of
* defining objects.
* Next is the new `object` type which seeks to replace `t.type` in io-ts and
* which is less immediately obvious. When deriving type information from
* `t.type` with `t.TypeOf`, keys whose values are unioned with undefined
* are still required. The suggested strategy in `io-ts` is to define optional
* keys separately and intersect them with required keys. The `object` type
* addresses this by returning a type that automatically enables optional
* keys where values are unioned with undefined. This combined with the
* `optional` property makes for a much nicer API when defining object shapes.
* If you want to declare an object in io-ts, it looks like this:
* const person = t.type({ firstName: t.string, lastName: t.string })
* 'type' here is not obvious that it is representing an object, but that's
* not the only issue. If you want to make one of the keys optional, you must
* manually union the type with t.undefined.
* const person = t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* lastName: t.union([t.string, t.undefined])
* })
* This isn't so bad that it warrants a wrapper, but it could be improved
* upon. The real pain is that when deriving types from this, the 'optional'
* key isn't actually optional.
* // { firstName: string, lastName: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* Note that lastName does *NOT* have a question mark after it marking it as
* optional. If you wanted to now declare a variable with this type, you MUST
* provide the lastName key, even if the value is undefined.
* const p: Person = { firstName: "Kevin", lastName: undefined }
* This is where things get really clunky. The solution according to the docs
* is to separate your optional keys (with t.partial) from your required keys
* and then intersect the two types together.
* const person = t.intersection([
* t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* }),
* t.partial({
* lastName: t.string
* })
* ])
* // Now this is correct
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* This wrapper provides a much nicer API for this *very* common scenario
* addressing the aforementioned quirks of io-ts.
* const person = eg.object({
* firstName: eg.string
* lastName: eg.string.optional
* })
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = TypeFromCodec<typeof person>
* The `optional` property unions the codec with the `undefined` codec, and the
* type information that is derived handles this automatically.

@@ -49,46 +96,19 @@ declare type KeysWithValueType<O, T> = {

declare type IoTsCodec = t.Any;
export declare class Codec<Codec extends IoTsCodec> {
ioTsCodec: Codec;
constructor(ioTsCodec: Codec);
name: string;
is: Codec['is'];
encode: Codec['encode'];
decode: Codec['decode'];
validate: Codec['validate'];
pipe: Codec['pipe'];
_A: Codec['_A'];
_O: Codec['_O'];
_I: Codec['_I'];
asDecoder: Codec['asDecoder'];
asEncoder: Codec['asEncoder'];
assertDecode: (value: unknown) => Codec["_A"];
get optional(): import(".").Codec<t.UnionC<[Codec, t.UndefinedC]>>;
export declare class Codec<C extends IoTsCodec> extends t.Type<t.TypeOf<C>, t.OutputOf<C>, t.InputOf<C>> {
constructor(ioTsCodec: C);
assertDecode: (value: unknown) => C["_A"];
get optional(): Codec<t.UnionC<[this, t.UndefinedC]>>;
declare type InterfaceTypeWithOptionalKeys<P extends t.Props> = t.InterfaceType<P, EnableOptionalKeys<{
export declare class ObjectCodec<P extends t.Props> extends t.InterfaceType<P, EnableOptionalKeys<{
[K in keyof P]: t.TypeOf<P[K]>;
}>, EnableOptionalKeys<{
[K in keyof P]: t.OutputOf<P[K]>;
}>, unknown>;
export declare class ObjectCodec<P extends t.Props, CodecWithOptionalKeys extends t.InterfaceType<any, any, any, any> = InterfaceTypeWithOptionalKeys<P>> {
ioTsCodec: t.TypeC<P>;
}>, unknown> {
constructor(ioTsCodec: t.TypeC<P>);
name: string;
is: CodecWithOptionalKeys['is'];
encode: CodecWithOptionalKeys['encode'];
decode: CodecWithOptionalKeys['decode'];
validate: CodecWithOptionalKeys['validate'];
pipe: CodecWithOptionalKeys['pipe'];
_A: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_A'];
_O: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_O'];
_I: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_I'];
asDecoder: CodecWithOptionalKeys['asDecoder'];
asEncoder: CodecWithOptionalKeys['asEncoder'];
assertDecode: (value: unknown) => CodecWithOptionalKeys["_A"];
get optional(): Codec<t.UnionC<[t.TypeC<P>, t.UndefinedC]>>;
readonly _tag: 'InterfaceType';
props: CodecWithOptionalKeys['props'];
assertDecode: (value: unknown) => { [Key_2 in keyof ({ [MandatoryKey in { [Key in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: undefined extends { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[Key] ? never : Key; }[keyof P]]: { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[MandatoryKey]; } & { [OptionalKey in { [Key_1 in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: Key_1; }[Exclude<keyof P, { [Key in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: undefined extends { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[Key] ? never : Key; }[keyof P]>]]?: { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[OptionalKey] | undefined; })]: ({ [MandatoryKey in { [Key in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: undefined extends { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[Key] ? never : Key; }[keyof P]]: { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[MandatoryKey]; } & { [OptionalKey in { [Key_1 in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: Key_1; }[Exclude<keyof P, { [Key in keyof { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }]: undefined extends { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[Key] ? never : Key; }[keyof P]>]]?: { [K in keyof P]: P[K]["_A"]; }[OptionalKey] | undefined; })[Key_2]; };
get optional(): Codec<t.UnionC<[this, t.UndefinedC]>>;
export declare type TypeFromCodec<T extends IoTsCodec> = t.TypeOf<T>;
export declare const eg: {
object: <P extends t.Props>(p: P, name?: string | undefined) => ObjectCodec<P, InterfaceTypeWithOptionalKeys<P>>;
object: <P extends t.Props>(p: P, name?: string | undefined) => ObjectCodec<P>;
tuple: <Codecs extends never[] | [t.Any, ...t.Any[]]>(codecs: Codecs, name?: string | undefined) => Codec<t.TupleC<Exclude<Codecs, never[]>>>;

@@ -95,0 +115,0 @@ intersection: <Codecs_1 extends [t.Any, t.Any, ...t.Any[]]>(codecs: Codecs_1, name?: string | undefined) => Codec<t.IntersectionC<Codecs_1>>;

@@ -46,14 +46,61 @@ function _typeof(obj) { if (typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol") { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); }

* Additionally, this wrapper provides an `optional` property which unions
* the codec with the `undefined` codec. This provides an API that is both
* easier to use and more readable for a very common scenario.
* The other main thing this wrapper seeks to address is the clunkiness of
* defining objects.
* Next is the new `object` type which seeks to replace `t.type` in io-ts and
* which is less immediately obvious. When deriving type information from
* `t.type` with `t.TypeOf`, keys whose values are unioned with undefined
* are still required. The suggested strategy in `io-ts` is to define optional
* keys separately and intersect them with required keys. The `object` type
* addresses this by returning a type that automatically enables optional
* keys where values are unioned with undefined. This combined with the
* `optional` property makes for a much nicer API when defining object shapes.
* If you want to declare an object in io-ts, it looks like this:
* const person = t.type({ firstName: t.string, lastName: t.string })
* 'type' here is not obvious that it is representing an object, but that's
* not the only issue. If you want to make one of the keys optional, you must
* manually union the type with t.undefined.
* const person = t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* lastName: t.union([t.string, t.undefined])
* })
* This isn't so bad that it warrants a wrapper, but it could be improved
* upon. The real pain is that when deriving types from this, the 'optional'
* key isn't actually optional.
* // { firstName: string, lastName: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* Note that lastName does *NOT* have a question mark after it marking it as
* optional. If you wanted to now declare a variable with this type, you MUST
* provide the lastName key, even if the value is undefined.
* const p: Person = { firstName: "Kevin", lastName: undefined }
* This is where things get really clunky. The solution according to the docs
* is to separate your optional keys (with t.partial) from your required keys
* and then intersect the two types together.
* const person = t.intersection([
* t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* }),
* t.partial({
* lastName: t.string
* })
* ])
* // Now this is correct
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* This wrapper provides a much nicer API for this *very* common scenario
* addressing the aforementioned quirks of io-ts.
* const person = eg.object({
* firstName: eg.string
* lastName: eg.string.optional
* })
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = TypeFromCodec<typeof person>
* The `optional` property unions the codec with the `undefined` codec, and the
* type information that is derived handles this automatically.

@@ -72,2 +119,3 @@

_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(EnGardeAssertionError).call(this));
_this.errors = errors;
Object.setPrototypeOf(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), EnGardeAssertionError.prototype);

@@ -81,36 +129,20 @@ return _this;

function () {
function (_t$Type) {
_inherits(Codec, _t$Type);
function Codec(ioTsCodec) {
var _this2 = this;
var _this2;
_classCallCheck(this, Codec);
_defineProperty(this, "name",;
_this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Codec).call(this,,, ioTsCodec.validate, ioTsCodec.encode));
_defineProperty(this, "is",;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this2.decode(value);
_defineProperty(this, "encode", this.ioTsCodec.encode);
_defineProperty(this, "decode", this.ioTsCodec.decode);
_defineProperty(this, "validate", this.ioTsCodec.validate);
_defineProperty(this, "pipe", this.ioTsCodec.pipe);
_defineProperty(this, "_A", this.ioTsCodec._A);
_defineProperty(this, "_O", this.ioTsCodec._O);
_defineProperty(this, "_I", this.ioTsCodec._I);
_defineProperty(this, "asDecoder", this.ioTsCodec.asDecoder);
_defineProperty(this, "asEncoder", this.ioTsCodec.asEncoder);
_defineProperty(this, "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this2.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);
return result.right;
return _this2;

@@ -121,3 +153,3 @@

get: function get() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));

@@ -127,36 +159,19 @@ }]);

return Codec;
export var ObjectCodec =
function () {
function (_t$InterfaceType) {
_inherits(ObjectCodec, _t$InterfaceType);
function ObjectCodec(ioTsCodec) {
var _this3 = this;
var _this3;
_classCallCheck(this, ObjectCodec);
_defineProperty(this, "name",;
_this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(ObjectCodec).call(this,, // these MUST be cast as any because the types don't line up and that's, ioTsCodec.validate, ioTsCodec.encode, ioTsCodec.props));
_defineProperty(this, "is",;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this3)), "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this3.decode(value);
_defineProperty(this, "encode", this.ioTsCodec.encode);
_defineProperty(this, "decode", this.ioTsCodec.decode);
_defineProperty(this, "validate", this.ioTsCodec.validate);
_defineProperty(this, "pipe", this.ioTsCodec.pipe);
_defineProperty(this, "_A", this.ioTsCodec._A);
_defineProperty(this, "_O", this.ioTsCodec._O);
_defineProperty(this, "_I", this.ioTsCodec._I);
_defineProperty(this, "asDecoder", this.ioTsCodec.asDecoder);
_defineProperty(this, "asEncoder", this.ioTsCodec.asEncoder);
_defineProperty(this, "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this3.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);

@@ -166,5 +181,3 @@ return result.right;

_defineProperty(this, "_tag", 'InterfaceType');
_defineProperty(this, "props", this.ioTsCodec.props);
return _this3;

@@ -175,3 +188,3 @@

get: function get() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));

@@ -181,3 +194,3 @@ }]);

return ObjectCodec;
var primitiveCodecs = {

@@ -218,3 +231,4 @@ string: new Codec(t.string),

export var eg = _objectSpread({}, primitiveCodecs, higherOrderCodecs);
export var eg = _objectSpread({}, primitiveCodecs, higherOrderCodecs); // re-export io-ts lib
export { t };

@@ -55,2 +55,3 @@ "use strict";

_this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(EnGardeAssertionError).call(this));
_this.errors = errors;
Object.setPrototypeOf(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this)), EnGardeAssertionError.prototype);

@@ -67,36 +68,20 @@ return _this;

function () {
function (_t$Type) {
_inherits(Codec, _t$Type);
function Codec(ioTsCodec) {
var _this2 = this;
var _this2;
_classCallCheck(this, Codec);
_defineProperty(this, "name",;
_this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(Codec).call(this,,, ioTsCodec.validate, ioTsCodec.encode));
_defineProperty(this, "is",;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this2)), "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this2.decode(value);
_defineProperty(this, "encode", this.ioTsCodec.encode);
_defineProperty(this, "decode", this.ioTsCodec.decode);
_defineProperty(this, "validate", this.ioTsCodec.validate);
_defineProperty(this, "pipe", this.ioTsCodec.pipe);
_defineProperty(this, "_A", this.ioTsCodec._A);
_defineProperty(this, "_O", this.ioTsCodec._O);
_defineProperty(this, "_I", this.ioTsCodec._I);
_defineProperty(this, "asDecoder", this.ioTsCodec.asDecoder);
_defineProperty(this, "asEncoder", this.ioTsCodec.asEncoder);
_defineProperty(this, "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this2.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);
return result.right;
return _this2;

@@ -107,3 +92,3 @@

get: function get() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));

@@ -113,3 +98,3 @@ }]);

return Codec;

@@ -120,33 +105,16 @@ exports.Codec = Codec;

function () {
function (_t$InterfaceType) {
_inherits(ObjectCodec, _t$InterfaceType);
function ObjectCodec(ioTsCodec) {
var _this3 = this;
var _this3;
_classCallCheck(this, ObjectCodec);
_defineProperty(this, "name",;
_this3 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _getPrototypeOf(ObjectCodec).call(this,, // these MUST be cast as any because the types don't line up and that's, ioTsCodec.validate, ioTsCodec.encode, ioTsCodec.props));
_defineProperty(this, "is",;
_defineProperty(_assertThisInitialized(_assertThisInitialized(_this3)), "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this3.decode(value);
_defineProperty(this, "encode", this.ioTsCodec.encode);
_defineProperty(this, "decode", this.ioTsCodec.decode);
_defineProperty(this, "validate", this.ioTsCodec.validate);
_defineProperty(this, "pipe", this.ioTsCodec.pipe);
_defineProperty(this, "_A", this.ioTsCodec._A);
_defineProperty(this, "_O", this.ioTsCodec._O);
_defineProperty(this, "_I", this.ioTsCodec._I);
_defineProperty(this, "asDecoder", this.ioTsCodec.asDecoder);
_defineProperty(this, "asEncoder", this.ioTsCodec.asEncoder);
_defineProperty(this, "assertDecode", function (value) {
var result = _this3.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);

@@ -156,5 +124,3 @@ return result.right;

_defineProperty(this, "_tag", 'InterfaceType');
_defineProperty(this, "props", this.ioTsCodec.props);
return _this3;

@@ -165,3 +131,3 @@

get: function get() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));

@@ -171,3 +137,3 @@ }]);

return ObjectCodec;

@@ -211,4 +177,5 @@ exports.ObjectCodec = ObjectCodec;

var eg = _objectSpread({}, primitiveCodecs, higherOrderCodecs);
var eg = _objectSpread({}, primitiveCodecs, higherOrderCodecs); // re-export io-ts lib = eg;
"name": "@cloudflare/util-en-garde",
"description": "",
"version": "6.0.0",
"version": "6.1.0",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",

@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ "main": "lib/index.js",

"gitHead": "2c7116804e9d7e6f2e005ee4d7aa37829d2624a3"
"gitHead": "317eb680b783edefb6c5d673e758800288ab08f4"

@@ -17,14 +17,61 @@ import * as t from 'io-ts';

* Additionally, this wrapper provides an `optional` property which unions
* the codec with the `undefined` codec. This provides an API that is both
* easier to use and more readable for a very common scenario.
* The other main thing this wrapper seeks to address is the clunkiness of
* defining objects.
* Next is the new `object` type which seeks to replace `t.type` in io-ts and
* which is less immediately obvious. When deriving type information from
* `t.type` with `t.TypeOf`, keys whose values are unioned with undefined
* are still required. The suggested strategy in `io-ts` is to define optional
* keys separately and intersect them with required keys. The `object` type
* addresses this by returning a type that automatically enables optional
* keys where values are unioned with undefined. This combined with the
* `optional` property makes for a much nicer API when defining object shapes.
* If you want to declare an object in io-ts, it looks like this:
* const person = t.type({ firstName: t.string, lastName: t.string })
* 'type' here is not obvious that it is representing an object, but that's
* not the only issue. If you want to make one of the keys optional, you must
* manually union the type with t.undefined.
* const person = t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* lastName: t.union([t.string, t.undefined])
* })
* This isn't so bad that it warrants a wrapper, but it could be improved
* upon. The real pain is that when deriving types from this, the 'optional'
* key isn't actually optional.
* // { firstName: string, lastName: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* Note that lastName does *NOT* have a question mark after it marking it as
* optional. If you wanted to now declare a variable with this type, you MUST
* provide the lastName key, even if the value is undefined.
* const p: Person = { firstName: "Kevin", lastName: undefined }
* This is where things get really clunky. The solution according to the docs
* is to separate your optional keys (with t.partial) from your required keys
* and then intersect the two types together.
* const person = t.intersection([
* t.type({
* firstName: t.string,
* }),
* t.partial({
* lastName: t.string
* })
* ])
* // Now this is correct
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = t.TypeOf<typeof person>
* This wrapper provides a much nicer API for this *very* common scenario
* addressing the aforementioned quirks of io-ts.
* const person = eg.object({
* firstName: eg.string
* lastName: eg.string.optional
* })
* // { firstName: string, lastName?: string | undefined }
* type Person = TypeFromCodec<typeof person>
* The `optional` property unions the codec with the `undefined` codec, and the
* type information that is derived handles this automatically.

@@ -57,19 +104,13 @@

export class Codec<Codec extends IoTsCodec> {
constructor(public ioTsCodec: Codec) {}
export class Codec<C extends IoTsCodec> extends t.Type<
> {
constructor(ioTsCodec: C) {
super(,, ioTsCodec.validate, ioTsCodec.encode);
public name =;
public is: Codec['is'] =;
public encode: Codec['encode'] = this.ioTsCodec.encode;
public decode: Codec['decode'] = this.ioTsCodec.decode;
public validate: Codec['validate'] = this.ioTsCodec.validate;
public pipe: Codec['pipe'] = this.ioTsCodec.pipe;
public _A: Codec['_A'] = this.ioTsCodec._A;
public _O: Codec['_O'] = this.ioTsCodec._O;
public _I: Codec['_I'] = this.ioTsCodec._I;
public asDecoder: Codec['asDecoder'] = this.ioTsCodec.asDecoder;
public asEncoder: Codec['asEncoder'] = this.ioTsCodec.asEncoder;
public assertDecode = (value: unknown): Codec['_A'] => {
const result = this.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
public assertDecode = (value: unknown) => {
const result = this.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);

@@ -80,7 +121,7 @@ return result.right;

public get optional() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));
type InterfaceTypeWithOptionalKeys<P extends t.Props> = t.InterfaceType<
export class ObjectCodec<P extends t.Props> extends t.InterfaceType<

@@ -90,31 +131,17 @@ EnableOptionalKeys<{ [K in keyof P]: t.TypeOf<P[K]> }>,

export class ObjectCodec<
P extends t.Props,
CodecWithOptionalKeys extends t.InterfaceType<
> = InterfaceTypeWithOptionalKeys<P>
> {
constructor(public ioTsCodec: t.TypeC<P>) {}
constructor(ioTsCodec: t.TypeC<P>) {
// these MUST be cast as any because the types don't line up and that's
// what we want since we're enabling optional keys as any,
ioTsCodec.validate as any,
ioTsCodec.encode as any,
public name =;
public is: CodecWithOptionalKeys['is'] =;
public encode: CodecWithOptionalKeys['encode'] = this.ioTsCodec.encode;
public decode: CodecWithOptionalKeys['decode'] = this.ioTsCodec.decode;
public validate: CodecWithOptionalKeys['validate'] = this.ioTsCodec.validate;
public pipe: CodecWithOptionalKeys['pipe'] = this.ioTsCodec.pipe;
public _A: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_A'] = this.ioTsCodec._A;
public _O: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_O'] = this.ioTsCodec._O;
public _I: CodecWithOptionalKeys['_I'] = this.ioTsCodec._I;
public asDecoder: CodecWithOptionalKeys['asDecoder'] = this.ioTsCodec
public asEncoder: CodecWithOptionalKeys['asEncoder'] = this.ioTsCodec
public assertDecode = (value: unknown): CodecWithOptionalKeys['_A'] => {
const result = this.ioTsCodec.decode(value);
public assertDecode = (value: unknown) => {
const result = this.decode(value);
if (result._tag === 'Left') throw new EnGardeAssertionError(result.left);

@@ -125,6 +152,4 @@ return result.right;

public get optional() {
return new Codec(t.union([this.ioTsCodec, t.undefined]));
return new Codec(t.union([this, t.undefined]));
readonly _tag: 'InterfaceType' = 'InterfaceType';
public props: CodecWithOptionalKeys['props'] = this.ioTsCodec.props;

@@ -181,2 +206,3 @@

// re-export io-ts lib
export { t };
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