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@code-forge/react-input-mask - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4



@@ -7,2 +7,3 @@ import type { KeyboardEvent } from "react";

numRegex?: RegExp;
value?: string;
type?: "raw" | "mask";

@@ -12,3 +13,3 @@ }

export declare const DIGIT_REGEX: RegExp;
export declare function useInputMask({ mask, placeholderChar, type, charRegex, numRegex, }: UseInputMaskProps): {
export declare function useInputMask({ mask, placeholderChar, type, value, charRegex, numRegex, }: UseInputMaskProps): {
value?: undefined;

@@ -15,0 +16,0 @@ } | {

@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@

import { useRef as L, useLayoutEffect as O, useEffect as w, useState as M } from "react";
const U = typeof window < "u", x = U ? O : w, G = () => {
const t = L();
return x(() => {
import { useRef as _, useLayoutEffect as j, useEffect as O, useMemo as X, useState as R } from "react";
const $ = typeof window < "u", b = $ ? j : O, h = () => {
const t = _();
return b(() => {
t.current && (t.current(), t.current = void 0);

@@ -9,53 +9,94 @@ }), (n) => {

}, g = (t, e = R) => e.test(t), d = (t, e = D) => e.test(t), _ = (t) => t === "*", $ = (t, e) => {
let n = t, s = 0;
return t.split("").forEach((r) => {
e[s] && (r === "*" && (n = n.replace(r, e[s]), s += 1), r === "A" && g(e[s]) && (n = n.replace(r, e[s]), s += 1), r === "9" && d(e[s]) && (n = n.replace(r, e[s]), s += 1));
}), n;
}, y = (t, e, n = 0) => t.slice(0, n) + t.slice(n, t.length).replaceAll("*", e).replaceAll("A", e).replaceAll("9", e), j = (t, e) => t.substring(0, e).split("").filter((n) => n !== "*" && n !== "9" && n !== "A").length, k = (t, e, n) => {
const s = $(e, t), r = j(e, t.length);
}, A = (t, e = P) => e.test(t), k = (t, e = U) => e.test(t), z = (t) => t === "*", M = (t) => t === "A" || t === "9" || t === "*", B = (t, e) => {
let n = 0;
return t.split("").map((r) => {
if (!M(r))
return r;
const u = e[n];
return u && (r === "*" || r === "A" && A(e[n]) || r === "9" && k(e[n])) ? (n += 1, u) : r;
}, y = (t, e, n = 0) => t.slice(0, n) + t.slice(n, t.length).replaceAll("*", e).replaceAll("A", e).replaceAll("9", e), F = (t, e) => {
let n = 0;
return t.split("").filter((s) => n >= e ? !1 : M(s) ? (n += 1, !1) : !0).length;
}, S = (t, e, n) => {
const s = B(e, t), r = F(e, t.length);
return y(s, n, t.length + r);
}, K = ({ filteredMask: t, value: e, rawValue: n, currentMaskChar: s, charRegex: r, numRegex: l }) => e.length > 1 || t.length === n.length ? !1 : !!(g(e, r) && g(s, r) || d(e, l) && d(s, l) || _(s)), S = (t, e) => {
const n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, "value");
t.value = `${e}#`, n && n.configurable && delete t.value, t.value = e;
const s = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
s.initEvent("change", !0, !1), t.dispatchEvent(s), n && Object.defineProperty(t, "value", n);
}, R = /^[a-zA-Z]*$/, D = /^[0-9]*$/;
function F({ mask: t, placeholderChar: e = "_", type: n = "raw", charRegex: s = R, numRegex: r = D }) {
const l = /[^A9*]+/g, E = t == null ? void 0 : t.replace(l, ""), I = G(), [c, P] = M(""), [v, T] = M(y(t ?? "", e));
}, T = ({ filteredMask: t, value: e, rawValue: n, currentMaskChar: s, charRegex: r, numRegex: u }) => e.length > 1 || t.length === n.length ? !1 : L(e, s, r, u), L = (t, e, n, s) => !!(A(t, n) && A(e, n) || k(t, s) && k(e, s) || z(e)), H = (t, e) => t.selectionStart === 0 && t.selectionEnd === e.length, N = (t, e) => {
t.value = e;
const n = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
n.initEvent("change", !0, !1), t.dispatchEvent(n);
}, Z = (t = "", e = "", n, s, r) => {
const u = {
maskValue: y(t, r),
rawValue: ""
if (!t || !e)
return u;
const c = t.replace(/[^A9*]+/g, "");
return e.split("").every((i, f) => T({
value: i,
currentMaskChar: c[f],
charRegex: n,
numRegex: s,
filteredMask: c,
rawValue: e.slice(0, f)
})) ? {
maskValue: S(e, t, r),
rawValue: e
} : u;
}, q = (t, e, n, s, r) => {
const u = {
maskValue: y(t, r),
rawValue: ""
if (e.length != t.length)
return u;
const c = t.split("");
if (c.every((l, i) => M(l) ? L(e[i], l, n, s) : l === e[i])) {
const l =, f) => M(i) ? e[f] : "").join("");
return { maskValue: e, rawValue: l };
return u;
}, J = (t = "", e = "", n, s, r, u) => n === "mask" ? q(t, e, s, r, u) : Z(t, e, s, r, u), P = /^[a-zA-Z]*$/, U = /^[0-9]*$/;
function x({ mask: t, placeholderChar: e = "_", type: n = "raw", value: s, charRegex: r = P, numRegex: u = U }) {
const c = /[^A9*]+/g, g = t == null ? void 0 : t.replace(c, ""), l = h(), { maskValue: i, rawValue: f } = X(() => J(t, s, n, r, u, e), [t, s, n, r, u, e]), [V, W] = R(f), [I, v] = R(i);
if (!t)
return {};
if (typeof document > "u")
return { value: v };
const A = (o, u, f) => {
const i = k(o, t, e);
const a = n === "raw" ? o : i;
S(, a), I(() => {
const p = i.indexOf(e);
u.setSelectionRange(p, p);
return { value: I };
const D = (o, a, d) => {
const p = S(o, t, e);
const w = n === "raw" ? o : p;
N(, w), l(() => {
const E = p.indexOf(e);
a.setSelectionRange(E, E);
return { ...{
value: v,
value: I,
onKeyDown: (o) => {
const u = o.key, f =, i = c.length, a = E[i];
if (u === "Tab" || u === "Enter")
const a = o.key, d =, p = V.length, w = g[p];
if (o.ctrlKey && o.key.toLowerCase() === "a") {
o.preventDefault(), d.setSelectionRange(0, t.length);
if (o.preventDefault(), u === "Backspace" && c.length > 0) {
const b = c.slice(0, -1);
return A(b, f, o);
if (!K({
value: u,
currentMaskChar: a,
charRegex: s,
numRegex: r,
filteredMask: E,
rawValue: c
if (a === "Tab" || a === "Enter")
if (o.preventDefault(), a === "Backspace" && V.length > 0) {
const K = H(d, t) ? "" : V.slice(0, -1);
return D(K, d, o);
if (!T({
value: a,
currentMaskChar: w,
charRegex: r,
numRegex: u,
filteredMask: g,
rawValue: V
const V = c + u;
A(V, f, o);
const G = V + a;
D(G, d, o);

@@ -65,5 +106,5 @@ } };

export {
F as useInputMask
x as useInputMask
export declare const isLetter: (char: string, regex?: RegExp) => boolean;
export declare const isDigit: (char: string, regex?: RegExp) => boolean;
export declare const isWildcard: (char: string) => boolean;
export declare const isMaskChar: (char: string) => boolean;
export declare const getMaskedValueFromRaw: (mask: string, rawValue: string) => string;
export declare const convertMaskToPlaceholder: (mask: string, placeholderChar: string, reachedIndex?: number) => string;
* Goes through the mask until it reaches the raw value length and returns the count of non-masked characters
* @param mask Mask string
* @param rawLength Length of the raw value
* @returns Returns the count of non-masked characters
export declare const getNonMaskedCharCount: (mask: string, rawLength: number) => number;
export declare const convertRawValueToMaskedValue: (rawValue: string, mask: string, placeholderChar: string) => string;
export declare const isValidInput: ({ filteredMask, value, rawValue, currentMaskChar, charRegex, numRegex, }: {
interface IsValidInputProps {
value: string;

@@ -14,5 +22,20 @@ currentMaskChar: string;

numRegex: RegExp;
}) => boolean;
export declare const isValidInput: ({ filteredMask, value, rawValue, currentMaskChar, charRegex, numRegex, }: IsValidInputProps) => boolean;
export declare const maskAndValueMatch: (value: string, currentMaskChar: string, charRegex: RegExp, numRegex: RegExp) => boolean;
export declare const isWholeInputSelected: (input: HTMLInputElement, mask: string) => boolean;
export declare const triggerInputChange: (node: HTMLInputElement, inputValue: string) => void;
export * from "./useRunAfterUpdate";
export declare const generateRawValue: (mask: string | undefined, value: string | undefined, charRegex: RegExp, numRegex: RegExp, placeholderChar: string) => {
maskValue: string;
rawValue: string;
export declare const generateMaskValue: (mask: string, value: string, charRegex: RegExp, numRegex: RegExp, placeholderChar: string) => {
maskValue: string;
rawValue: string;
export declare const generateDefaultValues: (mask: string | undefined, value: string | undefined, type: "raw" | "mask", charRegex: RegExp, numRegex: RegExp, placeholderChar: string) => {
maskValue: string;
rawValue: string;

@@ -5,2 +5,3 @@ {

"author": "Alem Tuzlak",
"version": "1.0.4",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -18,3 +19,2 @@ "keywords": [

"private": false,
"version": "1.0.3",
"type": "module",

@@ -39,3 +39,3 @@ "main": "./dist/index.umd.cjs",

"preview": "vite preview",
"test": "vitest run"
"test": "vitest run --coverage"

@@ -47,2 +47,3 @@ "peerDependencies": {

"devDependencies": {
"@testing-library/react": "^14.0.0",
"@types/node": "^18.16.0",

@@ -54,2 +55,3 @@ "@types/react": "^18.0.28",

"@vitejs/plugin-react": "^4.0.0-beta.0",
"@vitest/coverage-c8": "^0.30.1",
"eslint": "^8.38.0",

@@ -67,2 +69,2 @@ "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "^4.6.0",


@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ # React Input Mask

It is also designed to be used with and other server-side rendering frameworks.
It is also designed to be used with Next.js and and other server-side rendering frameworks.

@@ -71,4 +71,4 @@ ## Installation

| type | "raw" or "mask" | The type of value to return from the hook. If set to "raw", the hook will return the raw value of the input field (eg. mask 999-999-99 with 111-111-11 will output 11111111). If set to "mask", the hook will return the masked value of the input field. (eg. mask 999-999-99 with 111-111-11 will output 111-111-11) | "raw" |
| value | string | The initial value of the input field. (The hook expects to be given a value created by itself, if you provide an invalid value it will try to fill as much of the mask as it can but relies on you to pass it a positive value, otherwise it will default to its default values) | undefined |
## Examples

@@ -75,0 +75,0 @@ ### Phone Number

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