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@codescouts/vue-store-beta - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.5 to 1.0.6



@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const d=require("pinia"),l=(t,r)=>(Object.entries(r).forEach(e=>{if(typeof e[1]=="object"&&t[e[0]]){const c=t[e[0]];t[e[0]]=l(c,e[1])}else t[e[0]]=e[1]}),t),u=(t,r)=>{const e=new t;return l(e,r),e},g=(t,r)=>typeof t=="string"?r:Array.isArray(r)?>u(t,e)):u(t,r),m=(t,r,e)=>{const c=Object.keys(t)[0],a=t[c];return(e?()=>e(a,Object.assign):()=>g(r,a))()},w=(t,r)=>{const e={withPersist:!1,factory:void 0},c=s=>typeof s=="string"?,a=()=>{const{withPersist:s,factory:h}=e;let i=r();const f=c(t);if(s){const o=localStorage.getItem(f);if(o){let n;try{n=JSON.parse(o)}catch{n={}}i=m(n,t,h)}}return d.defineStore(,{state:()=>({state:i}),actions:{save(o){this.$patch({state:o}),s&&localStorage.setItem(f,JSON.stringify(o))},get(){const o=this.$state.state;return g(t,o)}}})};return{build:a,withPersist:s=>(e.withPersist=!0,e.factory=s,{build:a})}};exports.create=w;
"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});const d=require("pinia"),S=(e,r)=>(Object.entries(r).forEach(t=>{if(typeof t[1]=="object"&&e[t[0]]){const s=e[t[0]];e[t[0]]=S(s,t[1])}else e[t[0]]=t[1]}),e),g=(e,r)=>{const t=new e;return S(t,r),t},y=(e,r)=>typeof e=="string"?r:Array.isArray(r)?>g(e,t)):g(e,r),m=(e,r,t)=>{const s=Object.keys(e)[0],c=e[s];return(t?()=>t(c,Object.assign):()=>y(r,c))()},p=(e,r)=>{const t={withPersist:!1,entityType:void 0,factory:void 0},s=o=>typeof o=="string"?,c=()=>{const{withPersist:o,entityType:i,factory:h}=t;let u=r();const l=s(i);if(o){const n=localStorage.getItem(l);if(n){let a;try{a=JSON.parse(n)}catch{a={}}u=m(a,i,h)}}return d.defineStore(e,{state:()=>({state:u}),actions:{save(n){this.$patch({state:n}),o&&localStorage.setItem(l,JSON.stringify(n))},get(){return this.$state.state}}})};function f(o,i){return t.entityType=o,t.withPersist=!0,t.factory=i,{build:c}}return{build:c,withPersist:f}};exports.create=p;
import { defineStore as m } from "pinia";
const u = (t, r) => (Object.entries(r).forEach((e) => {
if (typeof e[1] == "object" && t[e[0]]) {
const c = t[e[0]];
t[e[0]] = u(c, e[1]);
const S = (e, r) => (Object.entries(r).forEach((t) => {
if (typeof t[1] == "object" && e[t[0]]) {
const s = e[t[0]];
e[t[0]] = S(s, t[1]);
} else
t[e[0]] = e[1];
}), t), l = (t, r) => {
const e = new t();
return u(e, r), e;
}, g = (t, r) => typeof t == "string" ? r : Array.isArray(r) ? => l(t, e)) : l(t, r), w = (t, r, e) => {
const c = Object.keys(t)[0], a = t[c];
return (e ? () => e(a, Object.assign) : () => g(r, a))();
}, j = (t, r) => {
const e = {
e[t[0]] = t[1];
}), e), g = (e, r) => {
const t = new e();
return S(t, r), t;
}, d = (e, r) => typeof e == "string" ? r : Array.isArray(r) ? => g(e, t)) : g(e, r), p = (e, r, t) => {
const s = Object.keys(e)[0], c = e[s];
return (t ? () => t(c, Object.assign) : () => d(r, c))();
}, P = (e, r) => {
const t = {
withPersist: !1,
entityType: void 0,
factory: void 0
}, c = (s) => typeof s == "string" ? s :, a = () => {
const { withPersist: s, factory: S } = e;
let i = r();
const f = c(t);
if (s) {
const o = localStorage.getItem(f);
if (o) {
let n;
}, s = (o) => typeof o == "string" ? o :, c = () => {
const { withPersist: o, entityType: i, factory: h } = t;
let u = r();
const l = s(i);
if (o) {
const n = localStorage.getItem(l);
if (n) {
let a;
try {
n = JSON.parse(o);
a = JSON.parse(n);
} catch {
n = {};
a = {};
i = w(n, t, S);
u = p(a, i, h);
return m(, {
return m(e, {
state: () => ({
state: i
state: u
actions: {
save(o) {
this.$patch({ state: o }), s && localStorage.setItem(f, JSON.stringify(o));
save(n) {
this.$patch({ state: n }), o && localStorage.setItem(l, JSON.stringify(n));
get() {
const o = this.$state.state;
return g(t, o);
return this.$state.state;

@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ }

return { build: a, withPersist: (s) => (e.withPersist = !0, e.factory = s, { build: a }) };
function f(o, i) {
return t.entityType = o, t.withPersist = !0, t.factory = i, { build: c };
return { build: c, withPersist: f };
export {
j as create
P as create

@@ -1,5 +0,8 @@

import { Factory, Newly, Return, StateCreator, Store } from "./store.types";
export declare const create: <T, S>(rootType: Newly<T>, stateCreator: StateCreator<T>) => {
import { Factory, Newly, Return, Store } from "./store.types";
export declare const create: <T, S>(id: string, stateCreator: () => Partial<T>) => {
build: () => Store<T, S>;
withPersist: (factory?: Factory) => Return<T, S>;
withPersist: {
<E>(entityType: string | Newly<E>, factory: Factory): Return<T, S>;
<E_1>(entityType: Newly<E_1>): Return<T, S>;
"name": "@codescouts/vue-store-beta",
"version": "1.0.5",
"version": "1.0.6",
"type": "module",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "./dist/index.cjs.js",

import { defineStore } from "pinia";
import { Factory, Newly, Return, StateCreator, Store } from "./store.types";
import { merge, reflectiveConstructor } from "./store.extensions";
import { Factory, Newly, Return, Store } from "./store.types";
import { merge } from "./store.extensions";
export const create = <T, S>(
rootType: Newly<T>,
stateCreator: StateCreator<T>
) => {
export const create = <T, S>(id: string, stateCreator: () => Partial<T>) => {
const configuration = {
withPersist: false,
entityType: undefined as any,
factory: undefined as any,

@@ -18,7 +16,8 @@ };

const build = () => {
const { withPersist, factory } = configuration;
const { withPersist, entityType, factory } = configuration;
let initialState: Partial<T> = stateCreator();
const storageKey = getStoreKey(rootType);
const storageKey = getStoreKey(entityType);
if (withPersist) {

@@ -35,9 +34,9 @@ const restoredRawState = localStorage.getItem(storageKey);

const restoredState = merge(persistedState, rootType, factory);
const restoredState = merge(persistedState, entityType, factory);
initialState = restoredState;
initialState = restoredState as T;
const store = defineStore(, {
const store = defineStore(id, {
state: () => ({

@@ -55,5 +54,3 @@ state: initialState,

get(): T | T[] {
const state = this.$state.state as T;
return reflectiveConstructor(rootType, state);
return this.$state.state as T | T[];

@@ -66,3 +63,12 @@ },

const withPersist = (factory?: Factory): Return<T, S> => {
function withPersist<E>(
entityType: string | Newly<E>,
factory: Factory
): Return<T, S>;
function withPersist<E>(entityType: Newly<E>): Return<T, S>;
function withPersist<E>(
entityType: string | Newly<E>,
factory?: Factory
): Return<T, S> {
configuration.entityType = entityType;
configuration.withPersist = true;

@@ -72,5 +78,5 @@ configuration.factory = factory;

return { build };
return { build, withPersist };
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