anonymize | boolean | false | Obscure all literals in queries, useful to hide confidential data before formatting. | anonymize |
functionCase | string ("unchanged", "lowercase", "uppercase", "capitalize") | unchanged | Change the case of the function names. | function-case |
keywordCase | string ("unchanged", "lowercase", "uppercase", "capitalize") | unchanged | Change the case of the reserved keyword. | keyword-case |
noRcFile | boolean | false | Do not read ~/.pg_format automatically. | no-rcfile |
placeholder | string (regex) | N/A | Regex to find code that must not be changed. | placeholder |
spaces | number | 4 | Number of spaces to indent the code. | spaces |
stripComments | boolean | false | Remove any comment from SQL code. | nocomment |
tabs | boolean | false | Use tabs instead of spaces. When true , the spaces option is ignored. | tabs |