product: The selectCompositeProductPricesForConfiguration selector is now selectCompositeProductRequiredItemPricesForConfiguration, and selectCompositeProductPrices is now selectCompositeProductOptionalItemPricesForConfiguration
geography: DaffGeographyModule is removed. Use DaffGeographyStateModule instead.
order: The order testing package has been split into @daffodil/order/state/testing, @daffodil/order/driver/testing, and @daffodil/order/driver/in-memory
product: The composite product selectors are now replaced with
all: swap error names to compile-safe static codes (#1127) (58185af)
core: add error models and transform (#1125) (ede2170)
product: change the api for composite product facade and selectors (#1120) (516b541)
Bug Fixes
core: null or undefined values cause an infinite loop in arithmetic functions (#1128) (65724c2)
cart: The DaffCartFacade.totalDiscount is now DaffCartFacade.discountTotals and is an array of DaffCartTotal instead of a single number. Similarly the getDaffCartSelectors.selectCartTotalDiscount is now selectCartDiscountTotals.
cart: add option_id to the DaffCompositeCartItemOption (#1123) (f3d37b5)
cart: make cart discounts separate (#1121) (2b7ecbf)
order: add extra order fragment extensions (#1117) (e3dcbb7)
order: add magento 2.4.1 driver models and transforms (#1112) (26dca6f)