Angular Date Time Picker (MomentJs Adapter)

Angular date time picker - MomentJs Adapter
** This package supports Angular 19 **
Breaking Changes
- Version 6.x.x >= no longer supports ng 18. If you need ng 18 support, stick with version 5.x.x.
- Version 5.x.x >= no longer supports ng 17. If you need ng 17 support, stick with version 4.x.x.
- Version 4.x.x >= no longer supports ng 16 - 13. If you need ng 16-13 support, stick with version 3.x.x.
- Version 2.x.x no longer supports <= ng 13. If you need View Engine support, stick with version 1.x.x.
This is a MomentJs adapter to be used with the following date time picker control:
How to Use
- Install with npm:
npm install @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker-moment-adapter --save
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { OwlDateTimeModule, OWL_DATE_TIME_FORMATS } from '@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker';
import { OwlMomentDateTimeModule } from '@danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker-moment-adapter';
export const MY_MOMENT_FORMATS = {
parseInput: 'l LT',
fullPickerInput: 'l LT',
datePickerInput: 'l',
timePickerInput: 'LT',
monthYearLabel: 'MMM YYYY',
dateA11yLabel: 'LL',
monthYearA11yLabel: 'MMMM YYYY',
imports: [OwlDateTimeModule, OwlMomentDateTimeModule],
providers: [{ provide: OWL_DATE_TIME_FORMATS, useValue: MY_MOMENT_FORMATS }],
export class AppExampleModule {
- moment
- @danielmoncada/angular-datetime-picker
- tslib
Maintained and updated by Daniel Moncada, original implementatiom by Daniel Pan