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@datacamp/waffles-animations - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.0 to 1.1.0



@@ -6,2 +6,18 @@ # Change Log

# [1.1.0]( (2020-12-03)
### Bug Fixes
* remove blank space from around checkmarks ([af33a6e](
### Features
* add white checkmark animation ([3f4dc00](
# 0.2.0 (2020-12-03)

@@ -8,0 +24,0 @@



@@ -1,1 +0,442 @@

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"p": {
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"ix": 2,
"x": "var $bm_rt;\nvar pathLayer = thisComp.layer('Check mark');\nvar progress = $bm_div(thisLayer.effect('Pseudo/ADBE Trace Path')('Pseudo/ADBE Trace Path-0001'), 100);\nvar pathToTrace = pathLayer('ADBE Root Vectors Group')(1)('ADBE Vectors Group')(1)('ADBE Vector Shape');\n$bm_rt = pathLayer.toComp(pathToTrace.pointOnPath(progress));"
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"k": [
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"ix": 1,
"x": "var $bm_rt;\nif (thisProperty.propertyGroup(1)('Pseudo/ADBE Trace Path-0002') == true && thisProperty.numKeys > 1) {\n $bm_rt = thisProperty.loopOut('cycle');\n} else {\n $bm_rt = value;\n}"
"ty": 7,
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"a": { "a": 0, "k": [0, 0], "ix": 1 },
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"r": { "a": 0, "k": 0, "ix": 6 },
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"e": {
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"k": 100,
"ix": 2,
"x": "var $bm_rt;\n$bm_rt = thisComp.layer('Trace Calque de forme 3: Trac\\xe9 1 [1.1]').effect('Tracer le chemin')('Progression');"
"o": { "a": 0, "k": 0, "ix": 3 },
"m": 1,
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"r": {
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"k": [
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"o": { "x": [0.333], "y": [0] },
"t": 2,
"s": [0]
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"o": { "x": [0.333], "y": [0] },
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"s": [-15]
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"o": { "x": [0.333], "y": [0] },
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"ix": 10,
"x": "var $bm_rt;\nvar n, n, t, t, v, amp, freq, decay;\n$bm_rt = n = 0;\nif (numKeys > 0) {\n $bm_rt = n = nearestKey(time).index;\n if (key(n).time > time) {\n n--;\n }\n}\nif (n == 0) {\n $bm_rt = t = 0;\n} else {\n $bm_rt = t = $bm_sub(time, key(n).time);\n}\nif (n > 0 && t < 1) {\n v = velocityAtTime($bm_sub(key(n).time, $bm_div(thisComp.frameDuration, 10)));\n amp = 0.3;\n freq = 4;\n decay = 8;\n $bm_rt = $bm_sum(value, $bm_div($bm_mul($bm_mul(v, amp), Math.sin($bm_mul($bm_mul($bm_mul(freq, t), 2), Math.PI))), Math.exp($bm_mul(decay, t))));\n} else {\n $bm_rt = value;\n}"
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"a": { "a": 0, "k": [540, 540, 0], "ix": 1 },
"s": { "a": 0, "k": [100, 100, 100], "ix": 6 }
"ao": 0,
"w": 1080,
"h": 1080,
"ip": 2,
"op": 602,
"st": 2,
"bm": 0
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