select-a11y transforms selects (multiple or not) into suggestions list with search input. It is compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and General Accessibility Framework for Administrations (Référentiel général d'accessibilité pour les administrations - RGAA).
This fork is based on the original select-a11y from Pidila.
To see the demo:
- download or clone this repository, then open the file /index.html ;
All you need is the files in the dist/
The source files are in the src/
Call the dist/main.js
script in the bottom of your page in a <script type="module">
or use a build system.
Add the css or scss in your style files.
You can retrieve dist/select-a11y.css
, an already compiled version.
To be transformed by select-a11y, you must call new Select(select, options);
with your HTMLSelectElement
as first parameter.
Code sample
<div class="form-group">
<label for="select-option">Is your website…</label>
<select class="form-control" id="select-option" data-select-a11y>
<div class="form-group">
<label for="select-element">What do you want to do today?</label>
<select class="form-control" id="select-element" multiple data-select-a11y data-placeholder="Search in list">
<option>Climbing trees</option>
<option selected>Dancing with unicorns</option>
Then, add the following JavaScript code in one of your file (that must be after select-a11y script):
var selects = document.querySelectorAll('select[data-select-a11y]');
var selectA11ys =, function(select){
return new Select(select);
The default texts used for accessibility can be changed. When creating a new select a11y, you can pass an object containing the text
property as a second parameter:
var selects = document.querySelectorAll('select[data-select-a11y]');
var selectA11ys =, function(select){
new Select(select, {
help: 'Utilisez la tabulation (ou la touche flèche du bas) pour naviguer dans la liste des suggestions',
placeholder: 'Rechercher dans la liste',
noResult: 'Aucun résultat',
results: '{x} suggestion(s) disponibles',
deleteItem: 'Supprimer {t}',
delete: 'Supprimer'
The texts in the example are the default texts used in the script.
This project is under Test Driven Development with vitest.
Requisite: Node.js >=16.3.0 and npm globally installed.
Installation and development
After cloning this repository, install dependencies:
$ npm install
Display locally
$ vite
This task launches the server to display the page locally and recompiling sources on the fly if modified.
Run tests
npm run test:watch
npm run test:build
Publish a new version of the package
Change the version and make a new tag :
npm version [semver change required like major, minor or patch]
Push new tag :
git push origin [your new tag]
Publish on NPM :
npm run publish-version
Publish a preversion of the package
You can follow the same steps as above with prepatch, preminor, premajor or prerelease as an argument to the npm version
Content of the repository
- example/ : demo its assets
- assets/css : the compiled css
- assets/img : the images (only used for demo)
- assets/scripts : the select-a11y.js script and instantiation for the demo in main.js
- assets/scss : sass sources for the demo page (style.scss imports styles dedicated to select-a11y + demo specific styles)
- index.html : html source of the demo page
- src/ : source files (js and sass)
- tests/ : index.js to run the tests
Previous developpers and reviewers: Alain Batifol, Thomas Beduneau, Nicolas Bovorasmy, Anne Cavalier, Laurent Dutheil, Lucile Houdinet, Aurélien Lévy, Hugues Moreno - For the DILA, Direction de l'information légale et administrative.
MIT and CeCILL-B. Feel free to use it with one or the other.