Moxy Task Scheduler
MoxyTaskScheduler is a task/job scheduler class. Define a set of tasks (Functions or Web Workers) with scheduled times, pass them into MoxyTaskScheduler, and let it do its job.
Class Methods
- constructor(tasks: IMoxyTasks[]) - Specify the tasks you want to run on initialization
- start() - Starts the task scheduler
- stop() - Stops the task scheduler
- getTasks() - Retrieves the current list of tasks
- getWorkers() - Retrieves the list of workers spawned
- add(task: IMoxyTask, interrupt: boolean = false) - Adds a task to the task queue. Setting interrupt to true will cause the queue pointer to reset back to the highest priority item after sorting
- remove(labelOrId: string, date?: Date) - Removes a task from the task queue
- next() - Increase the queue pointer
- previous() - Decrease the queue pointer
- peek() - Retrieve the next task in the queue
- rewind() - Resets the queue pointer back to the first item in the queue
- sort() - Sort the tasks by priority. Done automatically on intialization. Sort causes a rewind() event to occur
- sortSchedule(task: IMoxyTask) - Sorts the scheduled times in a task, this is done automatically
- errorLogs() - Retrieve error logs associated with running tasks or web workers
interface IMoxyTask {
_id?: string
label: string,
created?: Date,
priority?: number,
retryLimit?: number,
retryInterval?: number,
schedule?: Date[],
task: (() => boolean) | string, // Function or Worker path
workerInit?: (worker: Worker) => any, // On worker creation, this function will execute if available
workerTask?: any, // Used to store spawned worker internally.
workerOpts?: any // Second parameter in new Worker(workerPath, [opts])
interface IMoxyTaskSchedulerOptions {
defaultTime?: number = 1, // Default time in minutes task will run if no scheduled dates
idleCooldown?: number = 2000, // Task scheduler will pause for X milliseconds between executing Y tasks
stopAfterEmptyQueue?: boolean = false, // Task scheduler will complete after queue is empty if true, otherwise will keep listening until terminated manually
taskLimit?: number = 100, // Not really a limit, sets the starting priority level to this number. Higher priority tasks run first
tasksPerIdle?: number = 2, // Number of tasks inspected between idle time.
interface IMoxyCronOptions {
unit?: string, //"seconds" | "minutes" | "hours" | "days" | "weeks"
interval: number
const MoxyTaskScheduler = require('../moxy-tasks').MoxyTaskScheduler
const d = new Date()
d.setMinutes(d.getMinutes() + 1)
const ds = new Date()
ds.setSeconds(d.getSeconds() + 10)
const jobs = [
label: 'Hi',
task: () => {
console.log('Hello World!')
return true
label: 'Blah',
task: () => {
return true
label: 'Hmmm',
schedule: [new Date(), d, ds],
task: () => {
return true
label: 'Worker',
schedule: [new Date(), d, ds],
task: './workerTest.js',
workerInit(worker: Worker): void {
label: 'Cron',
cron: {
unit: 'seconds',
interval: 1,
task: './workerTest.js',
workerInit(worker: Worker): void {
const scheduler = new MoxyTaskScheduler(jobs)