stencil-js is a templating engine that is fast with low overhead. It is compatible with Mustache templates and includes a few core features that differ from it.
Create or use filters on your template variables for simple string manipulation such as:
- {{paragraph|excerpt}} - (excerpt) Trims down the paragraph to a max of 255 characters and adds ...
- {{urls|linkify}} - (linkify) Converts URLs in plain text into clickable HTML links
- {{name|ucwords}} - (ucwords) Uppercases the first letter of any word (delimited by a space).
- {{key|lower}} - (lower) Converts key to lowercase.
- {{highlight|upper}} - (upper) Converts the highlight variable to uppercase.
- {{html|stripTags}} - (stripTags) Removes all HTML from the variable
Automatic conversion of special characters to HTML entities to help prevent security vulnerabilities
Fast and under 200 lines of code for the core module
Supports partial templates using {{> partialTemplate}} syntax
Should be fully compatible with Mustache templates. If you know Mustache, you already know 90% of stencil-js.
Support for helpers with parameters. Great for conditional logic.
Built from scratch with no dependencies
We encourage contribution and suggestions to help improve the templating engine!
Sample Usage
const Stencil = require('@dcmox/stencil-js')
const options = {
newLineToBr: true,
const template = `Hello world, my name is {{name}}!`
const view = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
name: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
console.time('Render time')
const rendered = Stencil.render(template, view)
console.timeEnd('Render time')
const options = {
newLineToBr: true,
const template = `<a href="/home" {{{isActive home}}}>Home</a>`
const view = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
path: 'home',
isActive: function(path: string) {
return path === this.path ? 'class="active"' : ''
console.time('Render time')
const rendered = Stencil.render(template, view)
console.timeEnd('Render time')
var exports = {}
<script src="stencil-browser.js"></script>
const template = `Hello world, my name is {{name}}!`
const view = {
firstName: 'John',
lastName: 'Doe',
name: function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`
document.getElementById('template').innerHTML = Stencil.render(
<div id="template"></div>
See tests/usage.ts or tests/stencil.test.ts for an example on how to use stencil-js with NodeJS and Typescript.
Available Scripts
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run build
Builds stencil.ts and tests/usage.ts into JS files for usage. usage.ts is a demo of the script being used in Typescript.
npm run test-usage
Runs the sample usage.js file which should output a log in your console.
Learn More
You can learn more about the developer here.