[6.0.0-alpha.2] - June 27 2018
- Remove viewports (#1965)
- Add needs64bitPositions() to Layer (#1963)
- Update deck.js _pickAndCallback to discard invalid events (#1962)
- Add Contour Layer (#1958)
- Adding Marching-Squares utility methods (#1957)
- GridLayer: re-project points on prop change (#1953)
- Implement RFC: Improved 32-bit LNGLAT projection mode (#1951)
- GPUScreenGridLayer: Provide aggregated data as picking information (#1950)
- Initial layer prop type generator (#1943)
- Fix path-marker-layer property passing (#1939)
- GPUScreenGridLayer: Add colorRange and colorDomain support (#1932)
- Deprecate ViewportController and onViewportChange (#1930)
- Per-view controller (#1929)
- Upgrade to luma v6 (#1928)
- Move ViewManager out of LayerManager (#1926)
- Add experimental GPUGridLayer (#1925)
- GeoJsonLayer picking returns real feature (#1924)
- Add world-space aggregation support to GPUAggregator (#1923)
- Expose more internals (as experimental exports) (#1921)