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@devexpress/dx-scheduler-core - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.11.0-alpha.1 to 1.11.0-beta.1


* Bundle of @devexpress/dx-scheduler-core
* Generated: 2019-03-13
* Version: 1.11.0-alpha.1
* Generated: 2019-04-24
* Version: 1.11.0-beta.1
* License:

@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ */

import moment from 'moment';
import { RRule, RRuleSet, rrulestr } from 'rrule';

@@ -75,2 +76,8 @@ /*! *****************************************************************************

var SECONDS = 'seconds';
var MINUTES = 'minutes';
var HOURS = 'hours';
var RESIZE_TOP = 'resize-start';
var RESIZE_BOTTOM = 'resize-end';
var POSITION_START = 'start';
var POSITION_END = 'end';

@@ -218,2 +225,4 @@ var computed = function (getters, viewName, baseComputed, defaultValue) {

reduceValue: reduceValue,
fromPrev: moment(appointment.start).diff(appointment.dataItem.startDate, 'minutes') > 1,
toNext: moment(appointment.dataItem.endDate).diff(appointment.end, 'minutes') > 1,
}); })));

@@ -246,2 +255,4 @@ return acc;

dataItem: appointment.dataItem,
fromPrev: appointment.fromPrev,
toNext: appointment.toNext,

@@ -266,2 +277,4 @@ };

dataItem: appointment.dataItem,
fromPrev: appointment.fromPrev,
toNext: appointment.toNext,

@@ -280,2 +293,21 @@ };

var filterByViewBoundaries = function (appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, keepAllDay) {
if (!appointment.rRule) {
return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, keepAllDay)
? [appointment]
: [];
var options = __assign({}, RRule.parseString(appointment.rRule), { dtstart: moment(appointment.start).toDate() });
var rruleSet = new RRuleSet();
if (appointment.exDate) {
rruleSet = rrulestr("EXDATE:" + appointment.exDate, { forceset: true });
rruleSet.rrule(new RRule(options));
var datesInBoundaries = rruleSet.between(leftBound, rightBound);
if (datesInBoundaries.length === 0)
return [];
var appointmentDuration = moment(appointment.end)
.diff(appointment.start, 'minutes');
return (startDate, index) { return (__assign({}, appointment, { dataItem: __assign({}, appointment.dataItem, { startDate: moment(startDate).toDate(), endDate: moment(startDate).add(appointmentDuration, 'minutes').toDate() }), start: moment(startDate), end: moment(startDate).add(appointmentDuration, 'minutes') })); });

@@ -360,2 +392,6 @@ var subtractSecond = function (date) { return moment(date).subtract(1, 'second').toDate(); };

allDay: appointment.allDay,
}, appointment.rRule !== undefined && {
rRule: appointment.rRule,
}, appointment.exDate !== undefined && {
exDate: appointment.exDate,
}, { dataItem: appointment })); }); };

@@ -446,3 +482,5 @@

.filter(function (appointment) { return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, [], false));
}, [])
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentByWeek({ left: moment(leftBound), right: moment(rightBound) }, appointment, DAY_COUNT))); }, []); };

@@ -496,3 +534,5 @@

.filter(function (appointment) { return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, true); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, true));
}, [])
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentByDay(appointment))); }, [])

@@ -608,4 +648,6 @@ .filter(function (appointment) { return dayBoundaryPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays); })

.filter(function (appointment) { return (viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, false)
&& allDayPredicate(appointment)); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, false));
}, [])
.filter(function (appointment) { return allDayPredicate(appointment); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentsByBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays))); }, []); };

@@ -717,22 +759,2 @@

var clamp = function (value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); };
var cellType = function (data) { return moment(data.startDate)
.isSame(data.endDate, 'day') ? VERTICAL_TYPE : HORIZONTAL_TYPE; };
var intervalDuration = function (data, type) { return moment(data.endDate).diff(data.startDate, type); };
var cellIndex = function (timeTableCells, clientOffset) { return timeTableCells.findIndex(function (timeTableCell) {
var _a = timeTableCell.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, top =, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom;
var isOver = clientOffset
&& clamp(clientOffset.x, left, right) === clientOffset.x
&& clamp(clientOffset.y, top, bottom) === clientOffset.y;
return isOver;
}); };
var cellData = function (timeTableIndex, allDayIndex, viewCellsData) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1) {
var allDayCellsData = allDayCells(viewCellsData);
return allDayCellsData[allDayIndex];
var firstIndex = Math.floor(timeTableIndex / viewCellsData[0].length);
var secondIndex = timeTableIndex % viewCellsData[0].length;
return viewCellsData[firstIndex][secondIndex];
var allDayRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellElements) {

@@ -764,3 +786,3 @@ var intervals = calculateAllDayDateIntervals(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays);

var horizontalTimeTableRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellElements) {
var horizontalTimeTableRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, viewCellsData, cellElements) {
var intervals = calculateMonthDateIntervals(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate);

@@ -778,3 +800,122 @@ return calculateRectByDateIntervals({

export { dayScale, timeScale, availableViewNames, viewCellsData, allDayCells, startViewDate, endViewDate, getViewType, appointments, monthCellsData, calculateMonthDateIntervals, sliceAppointmentByWeek, getMonthCellIndexByDate, calculateWeekDateIntervals, sliceAppointmentByDay, dayBoundaryPredicate, reduceAppointmentByDayBounds, changeCurrentDate, setCurrentViewName, viewBoundText, setAppointmentMeta, OPEN_COMMAND_BUTTON, CLOSE_COMMAND_BUTTON, DELETE_COMMAND_BUTTON, CANCEL_COMMAND_BUTTON, COMMIT_COMMAND_BUTTON, setAppointmentData, callActionIfExists, isAllDayCell, calculateAllDayDateIntervals, allDayPredicate, getAllDayCellIndexByDate, sliceAppointmentsByBoundaries, addAppointment, cancelAddedAppointment, startEditAppointment, stopEditAppointment, changeAppointment, cancelChanges, changedAppointmentById, getHorizontalRectByDates, getCellByDate, getVerticalRectByDates, cellType, intervalDuration, cellIndex, cellData, allDayRects, verticalTimeTableRects, horizontalTimeTableRects, VERTICAL_TYPE, HORIZONTAL_TYPE, SCROLL_OFFSET, SCROLL_SPEED_PX, SECONDS, computed, toPercentage, viewPredicate, sortAppointments, findOverlappedAppointments, adjustAppointments, calculateFirstDateOfWeek, unwrapGroups, getAppointmentStyle, calculateRectByDateIntervals };
var clamp = function (value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); };
var calculateInsideOffset = function (targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes) { return targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE
? insidePart * cellDurationMinutes * 60 / 2 : 0; };
var cellType = function (data) { return moment(data.startDate)
.isSame(data.endDate, 'day') ? VERTICAL_TYPE : HORIZONTAL_TYPE; };
var intervalDuration = function (data, type) { return moment(data.endDate).diff(data.startDate, type); };
var cellIndex = function (timeTableCells, clientOffset) { return timeTableCells.findIndex(function (timeTableCell) {
var _a = timeTableCell.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, top =, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom;
var isOver = clientOffset
&& clamp(clientOffset.x, left, right) === clientOffset.x
&& clamp(clientOffset.y, top, bottom) === clientOffset.y;
return isOver;
}); };
var cellData = function (timeTableIndex, allDayIndex, viewCellsData) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1) {
var allDayCellsData = allDayCells(viewCellsData);
return allDayCellsData[allDayIndex];
var firstIndex = Math.floor(timeTableIndex / viewCellsData[0].length);
var secondIndex = timeTableIndex % viewCellsData[0].length;
return viewCellsData[firstIndex][secondIndex];
var autoScroll = function (clientOffset, layoutElement, layoutHeaderElement) {
var layout = layoutElement.current;
var layoutHeaderRect = layoutHeaderElement.current.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((clientOffset.y < layoutHeaderRect.height + + SCROLL_OFFSET)
&& (clientOffset.y > layoutHeaderRect.height + {
layout.scrollTop -= SCROLL_SPEED_PX;
if (layout.clientHeight - SCROLL_OFFSET < clientOffset.y - layout.offsetTop) {
layout.scrollTop += SCROLL_SPEED_PX;
var timeBoundariesByResize = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart) {
if (targetType !== payload.appointmentType) {
return { appointmentStartTime: undefined, appointmentEndTime: undefined };
var appointmentStartTime;
var appointmentEndTime;
var sourceType = payload.type;
if (sourceType === RESIZE_TOP) {
var insideTopOffset = calculateInsideOffset(targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes);
appointmentStartTime = moment(targetData.startDate)
.add(insideTopOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = new Date(payload.endDate);
if (sourceType === RESIZE_BOTTOM) {
var insideBottomOffset = insidePart === 0 && targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE
? cellDurationMinutes * 60 / 2 : 0;
appointmentEndTime = moment(targetData.endDate)
.add(-insideBottomOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentStartTime = new Date(payload.startDate);
// keep origin appointment duration if coordinates are wrong
if (moment(appointmentEndTime).diff(appointmentStartTime, MINUTES) < 1) {
appointmentStartTime = new Date(payload.startDate);
appointmentEndTime = new Date(payload.endDate);
return { appointmentStartTime: appointmentStartTime, appointmentEndTime: appointmentEndTime };
var timeBoundariesByDrag = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase) {
var offsetTimeTop;
var appointmentStartTime;
var appointmentEndTime;
var insideOffset = calculateInsideOffset(targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes);
var start = moment(targetData.startDate).add(insideOffset, SECONDS);
if (offsetTimeTopBase === null) {
offsetTimeTop = moment(targetData.startDate)
.diff(payload.startDate, SECONDS) + insideOffset;
else {
offsetTimeTop = offsetTimeTopBase;
if (payload.type === targetType) {
var appointmentDurationSeconds = intervalDuration(payload, SECONDS);
appointmentStartTime = moment(start).add((offsetTimeTop) * (-1), SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = moment(start)
.add((appointmentDurationSeconds - offsetTimeTop), SECONDS).toDate();
else {
appointmentStartTime = moment(targetData.startDate)
.add(insideOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = moment(targetData.endDate).add(insideOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
return { appointmentStartTime: appointmentStartTime, appointmentEndTime: appointmentEndTime, offsetTimeTop: offsetTimeTop };
var calculateAppointmentTimeBoundaries = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase) {
var isDragging = (payload.type === VERTICAL_TYPE || payload.type === HORIZONTAL_TYPE);
return (isDragging
? timeBoundariesByDrag(payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase)
: timeBoundariesByResize(payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart));
var calculateInsidePart = function (top, timeTableCells, timeTableIndex) {
if (timeTableIndex !== undefined && timeTableIndex !== -1) {
var cellRect = timeTableCells[timeTableIndex].getBoundingClientRect();
return top > + cellRect.height / 2 ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
var calculateDraftAppointments = function (allDayIndex, draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, allDayCells, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, timeTableCells) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1
|| (allDayCells.length && intervalDuration(draftAppointments[0].dataItem, HOURS) > 23)) {
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: allDayRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, allDayCells),
timeTableDraftAppointments: [],
if (targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE || allDayIndex !== -1) {
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: [],
timeTableDraftAppointments: verticalTimeTableRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellDurationMinutes, timeTableCells),
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: [],
timeTableDraftAppointments: horizontalTimeTableRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, viewCellsData, timeTableCells),
export { dayScale, timeScale, availableViewNames, viewCellsData, allDayCells, startViewDate, endViewDate, getViewType, appointments, monthCellsData, calculateMonthDateIntervals, sliceAppointmentByWeek, getMonthCellIndexByDate, calculateWeekDateIntervals, sliceAppointmentByDay, dayBoundaryPredicate, reduceAppointmentByDayBounds, changeCurrentDate, setCurrentViewName, viewBoundText, setAppointmentMeta, OPEN_COMMAND_BUTTON, CLOSE_COMMAND_BUTTON, DELETE_COMMAND_BUTTON, CANCEL_COMMAND_BUTTON, COMMIT_COMMAND_BUTTON, setAppointmentData, callActionIfExists, isAllDayCell, calculateAllDayDateIntervals, allDayPredicate, getAllDayCellIndexByDate, sliceAppointmentsByBoundaries, addAppointment, cancelAddedAppointment, startEditAppointment, stopEditAppointment, changeAppointment, cancelChanges, changedAppointmentById, getHorizontalRectByDates, getCellByDate, getVerticalRectByDates, cellType, intervalDuration, cellIndex, cellData, autoScroll, timeBoundariesByResize, timeBoundariesByDrag, calculateAppointmentTimeBoundaries, calculateInsidePart, calculateDraftAppointments, VERTICAL_TYPE, HORIZONTAL_TYPE, SCROLL_OFFSET, SCROLL_SPEED_PX, SECONDS, MINUTES, HOURS, RESIZE_TOP, RESIZE_BOTTOM, POSITION_START, POSITION_END, computed, toPercentage, viewPredicate, sortAppointments, findOverlappedAppointments, adjustAppointments, calculateFirstDateOfWeek, unwrapGroups, getAppointmentStyle, calculateRectByDateIntervals, filterByViewBoundaries };
* Bundle of @devexpress/dx-scheduler-core
* Generated: 2019-03-13
* Version: 1.11.0-alpha.1
* Generated: 2019-04-24
* Version: 1.11.0-beta.1
* License:

@@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ */

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('moment')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'moment'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory((global.DevExpress = global.DevExpress || {}, global.DevExpress.DXSchedulerCore = {}), global.moment));
}(this, function (exports, moment) { 'use strict';
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('moment'), require('rrule')) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'moment', 'rrule'], factory) :
(global = global || self, factory((global.DevExpress = global.DevExpress || {}, global.DevExpress.DXSchedulerCore = {}), global.moment, global.rrule));
}(this, function (exports, moment, rrule) { 'use strict';

@@ -83,2 +83,8 @@ if (typeof process === "undefined") { var process = { env: {} }; }

var SECONDS = 'seconds';
var MINUTES = 'minutes';
var HOURS = 'hours';
var RESIZE_TOP = 'resize-start';
var RESIZE_BOTTOM = 'resize-end';
var POSITION_START = 'start';
var POSITION_END = 'end';

@@ -226,2 +232,4 @@ var computed = function (getters, viewName, baseComputed, defaultValue) {

reduceValue: reduceValue,
fromPrev: moment(appointment.start).diff(appointment.dataItem.startDate, 'minutes') > 1,
toNext: moment(appointment.dataItem.endDate).diff(appointment.end, 'minutes') > 1,
}); })));

@@ -254,2 +262,4 @@ return acc;

dataItem: appointment.dataItem,
fromPrev: appointment.fromPrev,
toNext: appointment.toNext,

@@ -274,2 +284,4 @@ };

dataItem: appointment.dataItem,
fromPrev: appointment.fromPrev,
toNext: appointment.toNext,

@@ -288,2 +300,21 @@ };

var filterByViewBoundaries = function (appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, keepAllDay) {
if (!appointment.rRule) {
return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, keepAllDay)
? [appointment]
: [];
var options = __assign({}, rrule.RRule.parseString(appointment.rRule), { dtstart: moment(appointment.start).toDate() });
var rruleSet = new rrule.RRuleSet();
if (appointment.exDate) {
rruleSet = rrule.rrulestr("EXDATE:" + appointment.exDate, { forceset: true });
rruleSet.rrule(new rrule.RRule(options));
var datesInBoundaries = rruleSet.between(leftBound, rightBound);
if (datesInBoundaries.length === 0)
return [];
var appointmentDuration = moment(appointment.end)
.diff(appointment.start, 'minutes');
return (startDate, index) { return (__assign({}, appointment, { dataItem: __assign({}, appointment.dataItem, { startDate: moment(startDate).toDate(), endDate: moment(startDate).add(appointmentDuration, 'minutes').toDate() }), start: moment(startDate), end: moment(startDate).add(appointmentDuration, 'minutes') })); });

@@ -368,2 +399,6 @@ var subtractSecond = function (date) { return moment(date).subtract(1, 'second').toDate(); };

allDay: appointment.allDay,
}, appointment.rRule !== undefined && {
rRule: appointment.rRule,
}, appointment.exDate !== undefined && {
exDate: appointment.exDate,
}, { dataItem: appointment })); }); };

@@ -454,3 +489,5 @@

.filter(function (appointment) { return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, [], false));
}, [])
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentByWeek({ left: moment(leftBound), right: moment(rightBound) }, appointment, DAY_COUNT))); }, []); };

@@ -504,3 +541,5 @@

.filter(function (appointment) { return viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, true); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, true));
}, [])
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentByDay(appointment))); }, [])

@@ -616,4 +655,6 @@ .filter(function (appointment) { return dayBoundaryPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays); })

.filter(function (appointment) { return (viewPredicate(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, false)
&& allDayPredicate(appointment)); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) {
return __spread(acc, filterByViewBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays, false));
}, [])
.filter(function (appointment) { return allDayPredicate(appointment); })
.reduce(function (acc, appointment) { return (__spread(acc, sliceAppointmentsByBoundaries(appointment, leftBound, rightBound, excludedDays))); }, []); };

@@ -725,22 +766,2 @@

var clamp = function (value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); };
var cellType = function (data) { return moment(data.startDate)
.isSame(data.endDate, 'day') ? VERTICAL_TYPE : HORIZONTAL_TYPE; };
var intervalDuration = function (data, type) { return moment(data.endDate).diff(data.startDate, type); };
var cellIndex = function (timeTableCells, clientOffset) { return timeTableCells.findIndex(function (timeTableCell) {
var _a = timeTableCell.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, top =, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom;
var isOver = clientOffset
&& clamp(clientOffset.x, left, right) === clientOffset.x
&& clamp(clientOffset.y, top, bottom) === clientOffset.y;
return isOver;
}); };
var cellData = function (timeTableIndex, allDayIndex, viewCellsData) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1) {
var allDayCellsData = allDayCells(viewCellsData);
return allDayCellsData[allDayIndex];
var firstIndex = Math.floor(timeTableIndex / viewCellsData[0].length);
var secondIndex = timeTableIndex % viewCellsData[0].length;
return viewCellsData[firstIndex][secondIndex];
var allDayRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellElements) {

@@ -772,3 +793,3 @@ var intervals = calculateAllDayDateIntervals(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays);

var horizontalTimeTableRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellElements) {
var horizontalTimeTableRects = function (draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, viewCellsData, cellElements) {
var intervals = calculateMonthDateIntervals(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate);

@@ -786,2 +807,121 @@ return calculateRectByDateIntervals({

var clamp = function (value, min, max) { return Math.max(Math.min(value, max), min); };
var calculateInsideOffset = function (targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes) { return targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE
? insidePart * cellDurationMinutes * 60 / 2 : 0; };
var cellType = function (data) { return moment(data.startDate)
.isSame(data.endDate, 'day') ? VERTICAL_TYPE : HORIZONTAL_TYPE; };
var intervalDuration = function (data, type) { return moment(data.endDate).diff(data.startDate, type); };
var cellIndex = function (timeTableCells, clientOffset) { return timeTableCells.findIndex(function (timeTableCell) {
var _a = timeTableCell.getBoundingClientRect(), left = _a.left, top =, right = _a.right, bottom = _a.bottom;
var isOver = clientOffset
&& clamp(clientOffset.x, left, right) === clientOffset.x
&& clamp(clientOffset.y, top, bottom) === clientOffset.y;
return isOver;
}); };
var cellData = function (timeTableIndex, allDayIndex, viewCellsData) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1) {
var allDayCellsData = allDayCells(viewCellsData);
return allDayCellsData[allDayIndex];
var firstIndex = Math.floor(timeTableIndex / viewCellsData[0].length);
var secondIndex = timeTableIndex % viewCellsData[0].length;
return viewCellsData[firstIndex][secondIndex];
var autoScroll = function (clientOffset, layoutElement, layoutHeaderElement) {
var layout = layoutElement.current;
var layoutHeaderRect = layoutHeaderElement.current.getBoundingClientRect();
if ((clientOffset.y < layoutHeaderRect.height + + SCROLL_OFFSET)
&& (clientOffset.y > layoutHeaderRect.height + {
layout.scrollTop -= SCROLL_SPEED_PX;
if (layout.clientHeight - SCROLL_OFFSET < clientOffset.y - layout.offsetTop) {
layout.scrollTop += SCROLL_SPEED_PX;
var timeBoundariesByResize = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart) {
if (targetType !== payload.appointmentType) {
return { appointmentStartTime: undefined, appointmentEndTime: undefined };
var appointmentStartTime;
var appointmentEndTime;
var sourceType = payload.type;
if (sourceType === RESIZE_TOP) {
var insideTopOffset = calculateInsideOffset(targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes);
appointmentStartTime = moment(targetData.startDate)
.add(insideTopOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = new Date(payload.endDate);
if (sourceType === RESIZE_BOTTOM) {
var insideBottomOffset = insidePart === 0 && targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE
? cellDurationMinutes * 60 / 2 : 0;
appointmentEndTime = moment(targetData.endDate)
.add(-insideBottomOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentStartTime = new Date(payload.startDate);
// keep origin appointment duration if coordinates are wrong
if (moment(appointmentEndTime).diff(appointmentStartTime, MINUTES) < 1) {
appointmentStartTime = new Date(payload.startDate);
appointmentEndTime = new Date(payload.endDate);
return { appointmentStartTime: appointmentStartTime, appointmentEndTime: appointmentEndTime };
var timeBoundariesByDrag = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase) {
var offsetTimeTop;
var appointmentStartTime;
var appointmentEndTime;
var insideOffset = calculateInsideOffset(targetType, insidePart, cellDurationMinutes);
var start = moment(targetData.startDate).add(insideOffset, SECONDS);
if (offsetTimeTopBase === null) {
offsetTimeTop = moment(targetData.startDate)
.diff(payload.startDate, SECONDS) + insideOffset;
else {
offsetTimeTop = offsetTimeTopBase;
if (payload.type === targetType) {
var appointmentDurationSeconds = intervalDuration(payload, SECONDS);
appointmentStartTime = moment(start).add((offsetTimeTop) * (-1), SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = moment(start)
.add((appointmentDurationSeconds - offsetTimeTop), SECONDS).toDate();
else {
appointmentStartTime = moment(targetData.startDate)
.add(insideOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
appointmentEndTime = moment(targetData.endDate).add(insideOffset, SECONDS).toDate();
return { appointmentStartTime: appointmentStartTime, appointmentEndTime: appointmentEndTime, offsetTimeTop: offsetTimeTop };
var calculateAppointmentTimeBoundaries = function (payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase) {
var isDragging = (payload.type === VERTICAL_TYPE || payload.type === HORIZONTAL_TYPE);
return (isDragging
? timeBoundariesByDrag(payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart, offsetTimeTopBase)
: timeBoundariesByResize(payload, targetData, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, insidePart));
var calculateInsidePart = function (top, timeTableCells, timeTableIndex) {
if (timeTableIndex !== undefined && timeTableIndex !== -1) {
var cellRect = timeTableCells[timeTableIndex].getBoundingClientRect();
return top > + cellRect.height / 2 ? 1 : 0;
return 0;
var calculateDraftAppointments = function (allDayIndex, draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, allDayCells, targetType, cellDurationMinutes, timeTableCells) {
if (allDayIndex !== -1
|| (allDayCells.length && intervalDuration(draftAppointments[0].dataItem, HOURS) > 23)) {
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: allDayRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, allDayCells),
timeTableDraftAppointments: [],
if (targetType === VERTICAL_TYPE || allDayIndex !== -1) {
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: [],
timeTableDraftAppointments: verticalTimeTableRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, excludedDays, viewCellsData, cellDurationMinutes, timeTableCells),
return {
allDayDraftAppointments: [],
timeTableDraftAppointments: horizontalTimeTableRects(draftAppointments, startViewDate, endViewDate, viewCellsData, timeTableCells),
exports.dayScale = dayScale;

@@ -834,5 +974,8 @@ exports.timeScale = timeScale;

exports.cellData = cellData;
exports.allDayRects = allDayRects;
exports.verticalTimeTableRects = verticalTimeTableRects;
exports.horizontalTimeTableRects = horizontalTimeTableRects;
exports.autoScroll = autoScroll;
exports.timeBoundariesByResize = timeBoundariesByResize;
exports.timeBoundariesByDrag = timeBoundariesByDrag;
exports.calculateAppointmentTimeBoundaries = calculateAppointmentTimeBoundaries;
exports.calculateInsidePart = calculateInsidePart;
exports.calculateDraftAppointments = calculateDraftAppointments;

@@ -843,2 +986,8 @@ exports.HORIZONTAL_TYPE = HORIZONTAL_TYPE;

exports.HOURS = HOURS;
exports.computed = computed;

@@ -854,2 +1003,3 @@ exports.toPercentage = toPercentage;

exports.calculateRectByDateIntervals = calculateRectByDateIntervals;
exports.filterByViewBoundaries = filterByViewBoundaries;

@@ -856,0 +1006,0 @@ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });


"name": "@devexpress/dx-scheduler-core",
"version": "1.11.0-alpha.1",
"version": "1.11.0-beta.1",
"description": "Core library for the DevExtreme Reactive Scheduler component",

@@ -38,3 +38,3 @@ "author": {

"lint": "tslint -p tsconfig.lint.json",
"lint:fix": "yarn run lint -- --fix"
"lint:fix": "yarn lint -- --fix"

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ "devDependencies": {

"@babel/preset-env": "^7.3.1",
"@devexpress/dx-core": "1.11.0-alpha.1",
"@devexpress/dx-core": "1.11.0-beta.1",
"babel-core": "^7.0.0-bridge.0",

@@ -61,8 +61,9 @@ "babel-jest": "^24.1.0",

"peerDependencies": {
"@devexpress/dx-core": "1.11.0-alpha.1"
"@devexpress/dx-core": "1.11.0-beta.1"
"dependencies": {
"moment": "^2.24.0"
"moment": "^2.24.0",
"rrule": "^2.6.0"
"gitHead": "04937befc4fe9c5e329039533983c956deb78390"
"gitHead": "972b9b88a1e51db0c0c8c30a009407b2d35a7a4f"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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