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_Package and deploy CloudFormation templates with a simple CLI_

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Package and deploy CloudFormation templates with a simple CLI

Pacploy is a command-line utility to deploy AWS CloudFormation templates which supports packaging nested templates and local artifacts. It provides one-liner commands to manage infrastructure as code without enforcing an opinionated framework. Written in Node.js, it integrates smoothly with your existing npm/yarn projects.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Install @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui using npm:

npm install --save-dev @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui

You can then deploy a local template using the following command (e.g. in a npm script):

@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui deploy --template-path 'template.yaml' --stack-name 'my-stack'

See below for all available commands and configuration.


Available commands

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui --help
@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui <command>

  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui deploy     Deploy a stack
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui sync       Download stack outputs in JSON or .env format
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui delete     Delete a stack
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui package    Package dependencies to S3 or ECR
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui status     Retrieve the status of a stack
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui errors     Display the latest errors on a stack
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui cleanup    Delete retained resources and artifacts created by a stack
                     but not associated with it anymore
  @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui zip [dir]  Create a zip archive of a package

  --help     Show help [boolean]
  --version  Show version number [boolean]
  --config   The path to a config file [string]

See deployment configuration for more information on the --config option, and below for details on each command.

Deploy a stack

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui deploy --help

  --template-path               The local path to the template to deploy
                                [string] [required]
  --stack-name                  The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region                      The region in which the stack is deployed
                                [string] [required]
  --force-delete                If set, will not ask for confirmation to delete
                                the stack and associated resources if needed
                                [boolean] [default:false]
  --force-upload                If set, will upload local artifacts even if
                                they are up-to-date [boolean] [default:false]
  --deploy-bucket, --s3-bucket  The name of a S3 bucket to upload the template
                                resources [string]
  --deploy-ecr, --ecr           The URI of an Elastic Container Registry to
                                deploy docker images [string]
  --sync-path                   Path to where stack outputs should be saved
  --no-prune                    If set, will not prune unused packaged files
                                associated with supplied stack from deployment
                                bucket [boolean] [default: false]
  --cleanup                     If set, will delete retained resources
                                associated with the supplied stack [boolean]
                                [default: false]

This command bundles several operations to go from a local template to a live infrastructure in a single command:

  • package local artifacts to S3 or ECR and update the templates with the uploaded location
  • create a change set for the stack and execute it, then monitor the deployment
  • if --sync-path is specified, sync the stack's outputs locally
  • if the stack is in a non-deployable status, propose to delete it
  • cleanup deployment bucket (by default unless --no-prune is passed) and retained resources (if --cleanup is set)

Check the Configuration section for additional options available only through config files.

Download stack outputs

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui sync --help

  --stack-name       The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region           The region in which the stack is deployed
                     [string] [required]
  --sync-path, --to  Path to where stack outputs should be saved. Format is
                     determined by file extension (supported: .json, .env)
  --no-override      If provided, the command will not override existing file
                     [boolean] [default: false]

Download a stack's outputs (as defined in the template's Outputs section) into a local JSON file. This enables to access stack information such as deployed resource ids.
You usually won't need to run this command separately as it is included in the deploy command when passing the --sync-path option.

Delete a stack

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui delete --help

  --stack-name    The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region        The region in which the stack is deployed [string] [required]
  --force-delete  If set, will not ask for confirmation before deleting the
                  stack and associated resources [boolean] [default: false]
  --no-prune      If set, will not prune unused packaged files associated with
                  supplied stack from deployment bucket [boolean]
                  [default: false]
  --cleanup       If set, will not delete retained resources associated with
                  the supplied stack [boolean] [default: false]

Delete a stack, and optionally retained resources (see the cleanup command for more info).
By default, the command assumes that it is running in an interactive environment and will ask for confirmation before deleting anything. If this is not the case, use --force-delete to skip the confirmation prompts.

Retrieve stack status

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui status --help

  --stack-name  The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region      The region in which the stack is deployed [string] [required]
  -q, --quiet   Don't format the status, only display the command output
                [boolean] [default: true]

Retrieve the current status of a stack. This is mostly used internally by other commands but also made available as is.

Display errors

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui errors --help

  --stack-name  The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region      The region in which the stack is deployed [string] [required]

Display the last error messages that occurred during deployment of the stack. This will recursively parse nested templates and display only resources with a meaningful error message. This enables to stay in the CLI to debug a failed deployment instead of switching back and forth with the AWS console and navigating across stacks to get that information.
Usually you won't need to run this command as it is automatically invoked as part of the deploy command.

Cleanup retained resources

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui cleanup --help

  --stack-name                  The stack name or stack id [string] [required]
  --region                      The region in which the stack is deployed
                                [string] [required]
  --deploy-bucket, --s3-bucket  The name of a S3 bucket to upload the template
                                resources [string]
  --force-delete                If set, will not ask for confirmation to delete
                                [boolean] [default: false]
  --no-prune                    If set, will not prune unused packaged files
                                associated with supplied stack from deployment
                                bucket [boolean] [default: false]
  --no-retained                 If set, will not delete retained resources
                                associated with the supplied stack [boolean]
                                [default: false]

Certain resources are not deleted with the stack, such as S3 buckets which are often marked to be retained as they need to be emptied first. This command automates the deletion of such resources.
It also purges unused artifacts from the S3 bucket used to package the specified stack (artifacts not associated with the specified stack won't be removed). This can reduce unnecessary storage costs as the bucket grows larger with each artifact update (the package command is able to check if an artifact already exists, but won't remove previous ones after updates).
For a list of supported resources, check supported.js.

Package local dependencies

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui package --help

  --template-path               The local path to the template to deploy
                                [string] [required]
  --deploy-bucket, --s3-bucket  The name of a S3 bucket to upload the artifacts
  --deploy-ecr, --ecr           The URI of an Elastic Container Registry to
                                deploy docker images [string]
  --region                      The region of the S3 bucket or the ECR
                                [string] [required]
  --force-upload                If set, will upload local artifacts even if
                                they are up-to-date [boolean] [default:false]
  --zip-to                      If provided, will also zip the packaged
                                template to the specified path [string]

Parse the supplied template for resources that point to local artifacts, and package those to S3 or ECR. See ResourceProperty.js for the list of supported resources and packaging destinations: it extends on the list supported by the aws-cli. This command is invoked by deploy so you usually won't need to package your dependencies separately.
S3 artifacts will be zipped into an archive format supported by CloudFormation. If the archive hasn't been updated since the last packaging (based on its md5 hash), it won't be uploaded again unless --force-upload is specified.
For Docker artifacts (i.e. either a dockerfile, a directory containing a dockerfile or a tar archive), docker images will be built and uploaded to the supplied ECR. Only updated layers will be re-uploaded unless --force-upload is specified. Note that your system must have docker installed to build images (check out sys-dependencies to automate the installation).
If the supplied template includes nested templates, those will be parsed as well and transformed to point to the new location of their dependencies. Nested templates will in turn be uploaded to S3 and their parent updated to point to their S3 location, recursively.
Optionally, with the --zip-to option the supplied template can also be zipped together with its parameters and tags in a format recognized by AWS CodePipeline so you can deploy it as part of your CI/CD pipeline.

Check the Configuration section for additional options available only through config files.

Zip an artifact

$ @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui zip --help
@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui zip [dir]

  dir  Path to the package to zip [string] [default:pwd]

  --zip-to, --to  The destination path of the zip file. If omitted, will
                  generate a name based on the package dir [string]
  --bundle-dir    The parent folder under which to add bundled dependencies
                  [string] [default: "node_modules"]
  --format        The archive format to use ("zip" or "tar")
                  [string] [default: "zip"]

Create an archive file from the current or supplied directory following the packaging configuration (see Packaging local artifacts to understand how to bundle npm dependencies or ignore certain files).
You typically won't need this command as such, and rather use the package or the deploy commands directly, but this could be useful for debug purposes to verify which files get packaged.


Deploying a single stack

Besides the CLI options described above for all available commands, you can configure @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui's deployment with a config file specified as follows, in order of precedence:

  • using the --config option
  • using a @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui.config.js or @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui.config.json file at the root of your project
  • using a @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui entry in the package.json file of your npm/yarn project

The configuration object is a map of options in camelCase.
For deploy, you can specify stackParameters and stackTags in JSON format besides the options listed in usage. For example:

  "region": "us-east-1",
  "stackName": "my-stack",
  "templatePath": "./template.yaml",
  "stackParameters": {
    "foo": "bar"
  "stackTags": {
    "App": "MyApp"

Deploying a set of stacks

Pacploy supports managing a set of inter-dependent stacks via a config file. To enable deploying, deleting or syncing multiple stacks in a single command, specify a list of individual configuration objects.
It is possible to define the relationship between stacks by specifying on which stacks they depend with the dependsOn parameter. The deployment and deletion commands will take this into account to optimize the overall deployment while respecting the dependencies. Dependencies can be cross-region as well.
This also enables to use a dependent stack's outputs as parameters by passing the stackParameters as a function which takes as input an object where the outputs are mapped to the dependent stack's name.
For instance the below config file enables deploys a stack and its dependent:

// @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui.config.js

// Sample config which deploys a set of inter-dependent stacks
const region = "us-east-1"
export default [
  // This stack creates a S3 bucket used to deploy resources of other stacks
    stackName: "stack-deploy",
    templatePath: "deployment_infra.yaml",
  // This stack uses the deployment bucket to package its local artifacts
    stackName: "stack-A",
    templatePath: "stackA.yaml",
    dependsOn: [{ region, name: "stack-deploy" }],
    deployBucket: ({ "stack-deploy": { bucketName } = {} }) => bucketName,
    syncPath: [".env", "stackA.json"],
  // This stack uses the deployment bucket and the outputs of stack A
    stackName: "stack-B",
    templatePath: "stackB.yaml",
    dependsOn: [{ region, name: "stack-A" }],
    stackParameters: ({ "stack-A": { output1, output2 } = {} }) => ({
    syncPath: ".env", // Will merge with stack-A outputs

Packaging local artifacts

As described in the package command, you can point to local artifacts in supported resource properties of your template. To customize how these artifacts are packaged, you can, in order of precedence:

  • place a .@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-quirc file in the target directory or higher in the tree
  • specify the packaging options directly in your npm/yarn's package.json (some options overlap with npm's specifications)

The options are specified as follows:

  "main": "src/index.js",
  "files": ["*.js"],
  "bundledDependencies": ["cfn-response", "node-fetch"],
  "ignore": ["node_modules/aws-sdk"],
  "dockerBuild": {
    "buildargs": {
      "NODE_VERSION": "v14.17.6",
      "ENV_VAR": "${ENV_VAR}"
  "root": "."

Here is what these options do:

  • main (optional) is usually specified in npm's package.json and will always be included in the package
  • files (optional) is the list of glob patterns that should be included in the archive
  • bundledDependencies (optional) are the list of npm dependencies which should be bundled. By default, they will be nested under a node_modules folder in your package, unless your resource is a Lambda layer in which case the dependencies will be nested under a nodejs/node_modules folder
  • ignore (optional) specifies the globs to exclude from the archive. If omitted, @diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-qui will look for the following files up in the directory, in order of precedence: .@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-quiignore, .dockerignore, .npmignore, .gitignore
  • dockerBuild (optional) provides options to build a docker image (see Docker's documentation for available options). It is possible to reference environment variables in buildargs values, using the format ${ENV_VAR}. Such references will be replaced by their value in the environment (process.env["ENV_VAR"])
  • root (optional) can be specified to change the default root folder used to resolve the relative paths specified in files. This can be useful to include files from parent folders in the package. If ignore is specified in .@diotoborg/consequatur-facilis-quirc, the ignored globs will be evaluated against the specified root but if ignore is not specified and a .<prefix>ignore file is used instead, the globs will be evaluated relative to that file

AWS credentials

You will need sufficient permissions to deploy your CloudFormation template, including packaging local artifacts, performing actions to manage your stack as well as granting permissions to your stack resources.
Pacploy uses the official AWS JS SDK to execute AWS commands, so it is compatible with all the supported ways to setup credentials in Node.js: please refer to the official doc for more info.


Pacploy is MIT licensed



Package last updated on 27 Sep 2024

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