Advanced tools
Comparing version 11.0.0-beta.6 to 11.0.0
@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@ | ||
import{a,b,c}from"../chunk-27N2Y4DP.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{b as authentication,a as memoryStorage,c as staticToken}; | ||
import{a,b,c}from"../chunk-A3WQAFBV.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{b as authentication,a as memoryStorage,c as staticToken}; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map |
@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@ | ||
import{e as a}from"../chunk-27N2Y4DP.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{a as graphql}; | ||
import{e as a}from"../chunk-A3WQAFBV.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{a as graphql}; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map |
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ export { authentication, memoryStorage, staticToken } from './auth/index.js'; | ||
export { EmailAuth, RefreshAuth, TokenAuth, auth, generateUid, messageCallback, pong, realtime, sleep } from './realtime/index.js'; | ||
export { ae as AllCollections, T as ApplyManyToAnyFields, U as ApplyNestedQueryFields, O as ApplyQueryFields, C as CollectionMetaTranslationType, a6 as CollectionType, ad as CompleteSchema, j as CoreSchema, D as DirectusActivity, i as DirectusCollection, k as DirectusDashboard, l as DirectusField, o as DirectusFile, p as DirectusFlow, q as DirectusFolder, r as DirectusNotification, s as DirectusOperation, t as DirectusPanel, u as DirectusPermission, v as DirectusPreset, w as DirectusRelation, x as DirectusRevision, y as DirectusRole, z as DirectusSettings, A as DirectusShare, B as DirectusUser, E as DirectusWebhook, X as ExtractItem, Y as ExtractRelation, m as FieldMetaConditionOptionType, F as FieldMetaConditionType, n as FieldMetaTranslationType, K as FieldsWildcard, a0 as FilterOperatorsByType, af as GetCollection, ag as GetCollectionName, I as HasManyToAnyRelation, J as HasNestedFields, al as IfAny, am as IsAny, a5 as ItemType, M as ManyToAnyFields, aj as Merge, ac as MergeCoreCollection, _ as MergeFields, a3 as MergeObjects, Z as MergeRelationalFields, ah as Mutable, ak as NeverToUnknown, N as PickFlatFields, P as PickRelationalFields, a9 as PrimitiveFields, V as Query, a4 as QueryAlias, a2 as QueryDeep, Q as QueryFields, H as QueryFieldsRelational, $ as QueryFilter, a1 as QuerySort, a8 as RegularCollections, aa as RelationalFields, L as RelationalQueryFields, R as RemoveEventHandler, ab as RemoveRelationships, a7 as SingletonCollections, S as SubscribeOptions, f as SubscriptionEvents, e as SubscriptionOptionsEvents, g as SubscriptionOutput, h as SubscriptionPayload, ai as UnpackList, W as WebSocketAuthModes, d as WebSocketClient, a as WebSocketConfig, c as WebSocketEventHandler, b as WebSocketEvents, G as WrapQueryFields } from './output-2b9252e7.js'; | ||
export { da as AggregateRecord, dc as AggregationOptions, dd as AggregationOutput, d9 as AggregationTypes, C as CreateActivityOutput, f as CreateCollectionOutput, h as CreateDashboardOutput, k as CreateFieldOutput, n as CreateFileOutput, q as CreateFlowOutput, v as CreateFolderOutput, y as CreateItemOutput, B as CreateNotificationOutput, F as CreateOperationOutput, I as CreatePanelOutput, L as CreatePermissionOutput, O as CreatePresetOutput, S as CreateRelationOutput, U as CreateRoleOutput, X as CreateShareOutput, _ as CreateTranslationOutput, a1 as CreateUserOutput, a4 as CreateWebhookOutput, d7 as DirectusTranslation, aQ as ExtensionTypes, cU as FileFormat, db as GroupByFields, d8 as GroupingFunctions, de as HttpMethod, bW as OpenApiSpecOutput, aF as ReadActivityOutput, aJ as ReadCollectionOutput, aM as ReadDashboardOutput, aP as ReadExtensionOutput, aS as ReadFieldOutput, aW as ReadFileOutput, aZ as ReadFlowOutput, b0 as ReadFolderOutput, b3 as ReadItemOutput, b6 as ReadNotificationOutput, b9 as ReadOperationOutput, bc as ReadPanelOutput, bf as ReadPermissionOutput, bi as ReadPresetOutput, R as ReadProviderOutput, bl as ReadRelationOutput, bp as ReadRevisionOutput, bs as ReadRoleOutput, bv as ReadSettingOutput, bx as ReadShareOutput, bA as ReadSingletonOutput, bC as ReadTranslationOutput, bF as ReadUserOutput, bJ as ReadWebhookOutput, df as RequestOptions, dg as RequestTransformer, dh as ResponseTransformer, d2 as RestClient, d1 as RestCommand, d3 as RestConfig, bN as SchemaDiffOutput, bP as SchemaSnapshotOutput, bS as ServerHealthOutput, bU as ServerInfoOutput, bZ as UpdateActivityOutput, b$ as UpdateCollectionOutput, c1 as UpdateDashboardOutput, c4 as UpdateFieldOutput, c6 as UpdateFileOutput, c9 as UpdateFlowOutput, cc as UpdateFolderOutput, cf as UpdateItemOutput, ci as UpdateNotificationOutput, cl as UpdateOperationOutput, co as UpdatePanelOutput, cr as UpdatePermissionOutput, cu as UpdatePresetOutput, cx as UpdateRelationOutput, cz as UpdateRoleOutput, cC as UpdateSettingOutput, cE as UpdateShareOutput, cH as UpdateSingletonOutput, cJ as UpdateTranslationOutput, cM as UpdateUserOutput, cQ as UpdateWebhookOutput, aI as aggregate, d6 as asSearch, cT as clearCache, g as createCollection, e as createComment, j as createDashboard, i as createDashboards, m as createField, t as createFlow, s as createFlows, x as createFolder, w as createFolders, A as createItem, z as createItems, E as createNotification, D as createNotifications, H as createOperation, G as createOperations, K as createPanel, J as createPanels, N as createPermission, M as createPermissions, Q as createPreset, P as createPresets, T as createRelation, W as createRole, V as createRoles, Z as createShare, Y as createShares, a0 as createTranslation, $ as createTranslations, a3 as createUser, a2 as createUsers, a6 as createWebhook, a5 as createWebhooks, a8 as deleteCollection, a7 as deleteComment, aa as deleteDashboard, a9 as deleteDashboards, ab as deleteField, ad as deleteFile, ac as deleteFiles, af as deleteFlow, ae as deleteFlows, ah as deleteFolder, ag as deleteFolders, aj as deleteItem, ai as deleteItems, al as deleteNotification, ak as deleteNotifications, an as deleteOperation, am as deleteOperations, ap as deletePanel, ao as deletePanels, ar as deletePermission, aq as deletePermissions, at as deletePreset, as as deletePresets, au as deleteRelation, aw as deleteRole, av as deleteRoles, ay as deleteShare, ax as deleteShares, aA as deleteTranslation, az as deleteTranslations, aC as deleteUser, aB as deleteUsers, aE as deleteWebhook, aD as deleteWebhooks, cX as generateHash, o as importFile, a as login, l as loginOptions, b as logout, p as passwordRequest, c as passwordReset, d4 as queryToParams, aG as readActivities, aH as readActivity, aL as readCollection, aK as readCollections, aO as readDashboard, aN as readDashboards, aR as readExtensions, aV as readField, aT as readFields, aU as readFieldsByCollection, aY as readFile, aX as readFiles, a$ as readFlow, a_ as readFlows, b2 as readFolder, b1 as readFolders, bR as readGraphqlSdl, b5 as readItem, b4 as readItems, bI as readMe, b8 as readNotification, b7 as readNotifications, bX as readOpenApiSpec, bb as readOperation, ba as readOperations, be as readPanel, bd as readPanels, bh as readPermission, bg as readPermissions, bk as readPreset, bj as readPresets, r as readProviders, bo as readRelation, bn as readRelationByCollection, bm as readRelations, br as readRevision, bq as readRevisions, bu as readRole, bt as readRoles, bw as readSettings, bz as readShare, by as readShares, bB as readSingleton, bE as readTranslation, bD as readTranslations, bH as readUser, bG as readUsers, bL as readWebhook, bK as readWebhooks, d as refresh, d0 as rest, bM as schemaApply, bO as schemaDiff, bQ as schemaSnapshot, bT as serverHealth, bV as serverInfo, bY as serverPing, cW as triggerFlow, c_ as triggerOperation, c0 as updateCollection, b_ as updateComment, c3 as updateDashboard, c2 as updateDashboards, c5 as updateField, c8 as updateFile, c7 as updateFiles, cb as updateFlow, ca as updateFlows, ce as updateFolder, cd as updateFolders, ch as updateItem, cg as updateItems, cP as updateMe, ck as updateNotification, cj as updateNotifications, cn as updateOperation, cm as updateOperations, cq as updatePanel, cp as updatePanels, ct as updatePermission, cs as updatePermissions, cw as updatePreset, cv as updatePresets, cy as updateRelation, cB as updateRole, cA as updateRoles, cD as updateSettings, cG as updateShare, cF as updateShares, cI as updateSingleton, cL as updateTranslation, cK as updateTranslations, cO as updateUser, cN as updateUsers, cS as updateWebhook, cR as updateWebhooks, u as uploadFiles, c$ as utilitySort, cV as utilsExport, cZ as utilsImport, cY as verifyHash, d5 as withToken } from './index-bd294ec2.js'; | ||
export { af as AllCollections, T as ApplyManyToAnyFields, U as ApplyNestedQueryFields, O as ApplyQueryFields, C as CollectionMetaTranslationType, a7 as CollectionType, ae as CompleteSchema, j as CoreSchema, D as DirectusActivity, i as DirectusCollection, k as DirectusDashboard, l as DirectusField, o as DirectusFile, p as DirectusFlow, q as DirectusFolder, r as DirectusNotification, s as DirectusOperation, t as DirectusPanel, u as DirectusPermission, v as DirectusPreset, w as DirectusRelation, x as DirectusRevision, y as DirectusRole, z as DirectusSettings, A as DirectusShare, B as DirectusUser, E as DirectusWebhook, Y as ExtractItem, Z as ExtractRelation, m as FieldMetaConditionOptionType, F as FieldMetaConditionType, n as FieldMetaTranslationType, K as FieldsWildcard, a1 as FilterOperatorsByType, ag as GetCollection, ah as GetCollectionName, I as HasManyToAnyRelation, J as HasNestedFields, am as IfAny, an as IsAny, ao as IsNullable, a6 as ItemType, M as ManyToAnyFields, ak as Merge, ad as MergeCoreCollection, $ as MergeFields, a4 as MergeObjects, _ as MergeRelationalFields, ai as Mutable, ap as NestedPartial, al as NeverToUnknown, N as PickFlatFields, P as PickRelationalFields, aa as PrimitiveFields, X as Query, a5 as QueryAlias, a3 as QueryDeep, Q as QueryFields, H as QueryFieldsRelational, a0 as QueryFilter, a2 as QuerySort, a9 as RegularCollections, V as RelationNullable, ab as RelationalFields, L as RelationalQueryFields, R as RemoveEventHandler, ac as RemoveRelationships, a8 as SingletonCollections, S as SubscribeOptions, f as SubscriptionEvents, e as SubscriptionOptionsEvents, g as SubscriptionOutput, h as SubscriptionPayload, aj as UnpackList, W as WebSocketAuthModes, d as WebSocketClient, a as WebSocketConfig, c as WebSocketEventHandler, b as WebSocketEvents, G as WrapQueryFields } from './output-476d05a4.js'; | ||
export { di as AggregateRecord, dk as AggregationOptions, dl as AggregationOutput, dh as AggregationTypes, C as CreateActivityOutput, f as CreateCollectionOutput, h as CreateDashboardOutput, k as CreateFieldOutput, n as CreateFileOutput, q as CreateFlowOutput, v as CreateFolderOutput, y as CreateItemOutput, B as CreateNotificationOutput, F as CreateOperationOutput, I as CreatePanelOutput, L as CreatePermissionOutput, O as CreatePresetOutput, S as CreateRelationOutput, U as CreateRoleOutput, X as CreateShareOutput, _ as CreateTranslationOutput, a1 as CreateUserOutput, a4 as CreateWebhookOutput, df as DirectusTranslation, aQ as ExtensionTypes, cU as FileFormat, dj as GroupByFields, dg as GroupingFunctions, dm as HttpMethod, bW as OpenApiSpecOutput, aF as ReadActivityOutput, aJ as ReadCollectionOutput, aM as ReadDashboardOutput, aP as ReadExtensionOutput, aS as ReadFieldOutput, aW as ReadFileOutput, aZ as ReadFlowOutput, b0 as ReadFolderOutput, b3 as ReadItemOutput, b6 as ReadNotificationOutput, b9 as ReadOperationOutput, bc as ReadPanelOutput, bf as ReadPermissionOutput, bi as ReadPresetOutput, R as ReadProviderOutput, bl as ReadRelationOutput, bp as ReadRevisionOutput, bs as ReadRoleOutput, bv as ReadSettingOutput, bx as ReadShareOutput, bA as ReadSingletonOutput, bC as ReadTranslationOutput, bF as ReadUserOutput, bJ as ReadWebhookOutput, dn as RequestOptions, dp as RequestTransformer, dq as ResponseTransformer, da as RestClient, d9 as RestCommand, db as RestConfig, bN as SchemaDiffOutput, bP as SchemaSnapshotOutput, bS as ServerHealthOutput, bU as ServerInfoOutput, bZ as UpdateActivityOutput, b$ as UpdateCollectionOutput, c1 as UpdateDashboardOutput, c4 as UpdateFieldOutput, c6 as UpdateFileOutput, c9 as UpdateFlowOutput, cc as UpdateFolderOutput, cf as UpdateItemOutput, ci as UpdateNotificationOutput, cl as UpdateOperationOutput, co as UpdatePanelOutput, cr as UpdatePermissionOutput, cu as UpdatePresetOutput, cx as UpdateRelationOutput, cz as UpdateRoleOutput, cC as UpdateSettingOutput, cE as UpdateShareOutput, cH as UpdateSingletonOutput, cJ as UpdateTranslationOutput, cM as UpdateUserOutput, cQ as UpdateWebhookOutput, d4 as acceptUserInvite, aI as aggregate, de as asSearch, c$ as authenticateShare, cT as clearCache, g as createCollection, e as createComment, j as createDashboard, i as createDashboards, m as createField, t as createFlow, s as createFlows, x as createFolder, w as createFolders, A as createItem, z as createItems, E as createNotification, D as createNotifications, H as createOperation, G as createOperations, K as createPanel, J as createPanels, N as createPermission, M as createPermissions, Q as createPreset, P as createPresets, T as createRelation, W as createRole, V as createRoles, Z as createShare, Y as createShares, a0 as createTranslation, $ as createTranslations, a3 as createUser, a2 as createUsers, a6 as createWebhook, a5 as createWebhooks, a8 as deleteCollection, a7 as deleteComment, aa as deleteDashboard, a9 as deleteDashboards, ab as deleteField, ad as deleteFile, ac as deleteFiles, af as deleteFlow, ae as deleteFlows, ah as deleteFolder, ag as deleteFolders, aj as deleteItem, ai as deleteItems, al as deleteNotification, ak as deleteNotifications, an as deleteOperation, am as deleteOperations, ap as deletePanel, ao as deletePanels, ar as deletePermission, aq as deletePermissions, at as deletePreset, as as deletePresets, au as deleteRelation, aw as deleteRole, av as deleteRoles, ay as deleteShare, ax as deleteShares, aA as deleteTranslation, az as deleteTranslations, aC as deleteUser, aB as deleteUsers, aE as deleteWebhook, aD as deleteWebhooks, d7 as disableTwoFactor, d6 as enableTwoFactor, cX as generateHash, d5 as generateTwoFactorSecret, o as importFile, d0 as inviteShare, d3 as inviteUser, a as login, l as loginOptions, b as logout, p as passwordRequest, c as passwordReset, dc as queryToParams, aG as readActivities, aH as readActivity, aL as readCollection, aK as readCollections, aO as readDashboard, aN as readDashboards, aR as readExtensions, aV as readField, aT as readFields, aU as readFieldsByCollection, aY as readFile, aX as readFiles, a$ as readFlow, a_ as readFlows, b2 as readFolder, b1 as readFolders, bR as readGraphqlSdl, b5 as readItem, b4 as readItems, bI as readMe, b8 as readNotification, b7 as readNotifications, bX as readOpenApiSpec, bb as readOperation, ba as readOperations, be as readPanel, bd as readPanels, bh as readPermission, bg as readPermissions, bk as readPreset, bj as readPresets, r as readProviders, bo as readRelation, bn as readRelationByCollection, bm as readRelations, br as readRevision, bq as readRevisions, bu as readRole, bt as readRoles, bw as readSettings, bz as readShare, d1 as readShareInfo, by as readShares, bB as readSingleton, bE as readTranslation, bD as readTranslations, bH as readUser, bG as readUsers, bL as readWebhook, bK as readWebhooks, d as refresh, d8 as rest, bM as schemaApply, bO as schemaDiff, bQ as schemaSnapshot, bT as serverHealth, bV as serverInfo, bY as serverPing, cW as triggerFlow, c_ as triggerOperation, c0 as updateCollection, b_ as updateComment, c3 as updateDashboard, c2 as updateDashboards, c5 as updateField, c8 as updateFile, c7 as updateFiles, cb as updateFlow, ca as updateFlows, ce as updateFolder, cd as updateFolders, ch as updateItem, cg as updateItems, cP as updateMe, ck as updateNotification, cj as updateNotifications, cn as updateOperation, cm as updateOperations, cq as updatePanel, cp as updatePanels, ct as updatePermission, cs as updatePermissions, cw as updatePreset, cv as updatePresets, cy as updateRelation, cB as updateRole, cA as updateRoles, cD as updateSettings, cG as updateShare, cF as updateShares, cI as updateSingleton, cL as updateTranslation, cK as updateTranslations, cO as updateUser, cN as updateUsers, cS as updateWebhook, cR as updateWebhooks, u as uploadFiles, d2 as utilitySort, cV as utilsExport, cZ as utilsImport, cY as verifyHash, dd as withToken } from './index-c4b8121c.js'; | ||
import '@directus/types'; | ||
@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ |
@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@ | ||
import{$ as fa,$a as fb,$b as fc,A as G,Aa as Ga,Ab as Gb,B as H,Ba as Ha,Bb as Hb,C as I,Ca as Ia,Cb as Ib,D as J,Da as Ja,Db as Jb,E as K,Ea as Ka,Eb as Kb,F as L,Fa as La,Fb as Lb,G as M,Ga as Ma,Gb as Mb,H as N,Ha as Na,Hb as Nb,I as O,Ia as Oa,Ib as Ob,J as P,Ja as Pa,Jb as Pb,K as Q,Ka as Qa,Kb as Qb,L as R,La as Ra,Lb as Rb,M as S,Ma as Sa,Mb as Sb,N as T,Na as Ta,Nb as Tb,O as U,Oa as Ua,Ob as Ub,P as V,Pa as Va,Pb as Vb,Q as W,Qa as Wa,Qb as Wb,R as X,Ra as Xa,Rb as Xb,S as Y,Sa as Ya,Sb as Yb,T as Z,Ta as Za,Tb as Zb,U as _,Ua as _a,Ub as _b,V as $,Va as $a,Vb as $b,W as aa,Wa as ab,Wb as ac,X as ba,Xa as bb,Xb as bc,Y as ca,Ya as cb,Yb as cc,Z as da,Za as db,Zb as dc,_ as ea,_a as eb,_b as ec,a,aa as ga,ab as gb,ac as gc,b,ba as ha,bb as hb,bc as hc,c,ca as ia,cb as ib,cc as ic,d,da as ja,db as jb,dc as jc,e,ea as ka,eb as kb,ec as kc,f as l,fa as la,fb as lb,fc as lc,g as m,ga as ma,gb as mb,gc as mc,h as n,ha as na,hb as nb,hc as nc,i as o,ia as oa,ib as ob,ic as oc,j as p,ja as pa,jb as pb,jc as pc,k as q,ka as qa,kb as qb,kc as qc,l as r,la as ra,lb as rb,lc as rc,m as s,ma as sa,mb as sb,mc as sc,n as t,na as ta,nb as tb,nc as tc,o as u,oa as ua,ob as ub,oc as uc,p as v,pa as va,pb as vb,pc as vc,q as w,qa as wa,qb as wb,qc as wc,r as x,ra as xa,rb as xb,rc as xc,s as y,sa as ya,sb as yb,sc as yc,t as z,ta as za,tb as zb,tc as zc,u as A,ua as Aa,ub as Ab,uc as Ac,v as B,va as Ba,vb as Bb,w as C,wa as Ca,wb as Cb,x as D,xa as Da,xb as Db,y as E,ya as Ea,yb as Eb,z as F,za as Fa,zb as Fb}from"./chunk-27N2Y4DP.js";import{a as f,b as g,c as h,d as i,e as j,f as k}from"./chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{Ha as aggregate,Ac as asSearch,f as auth,b as authentication,pc as clearCache,s as createCollection,r as createComment,u as createDashboard,t as createDashboards,d as createDirectus,v as createField,z as createFlow,y as createFlows,B as createFolder,A as createFolders,D as createItem,C as createItems,F as createNotification,E as createNotifications,H as createOperation,G as createOperations,J as createPanel,I as createPanels,L as createPermission,K as createPermissions,N as createPreset,M as createPresets,O as createRelation,Q as createRole,P as createRoles,S as createShare,R as createShares,U as createTranslation,T as createTranslations,W as createUser,V as createUsers,Y as createWebhook,X as createWebhooks,_ as deleteCollection,Z as deleteComment,aa as deleteDashboard,$ as deleteDashboards,ba as deleteField,da as deleteFile,ca as deleteFiles,fa as deleteFlow,ea as deleteFlows,ha as deleteFolder,ga as deleteFolders,ja as deleteItem,ia as deleteItems,la as deleteNotification,ka as deleteNotifications,na as deleteOperation,ma as deleteOperations,pa as deletePanel,oa as deletePanels,ra as deletePermission,qa as deletePermissions,ta as deletePreset,sa as deletePresets,ua as deleteRelation,wa as deleteRole,va as deleteRoles,ya as deleteShare,xa as deleteShares,Aa as deleteTranslation,za as deleteTranslations,Ca as deleteUser,Ba as deleteUsers,Ea as deleteWebhook,Da as deleteWebhooks,sc as generateHash,i as generateUid,e as graphql,x as importFile,l as login,m as logout,a as memoryStorage,h as messageCallback,n as passwordRequest,o as passwordReset,g as pong,yc as queryToParams,Fa as readActivities,Ga as readActivity,Ja as readCollection,Ia as readCollections,La as readDashboard,Ka as readDashboards,Ma as readExtensions,Pa as readField,Na as readFields,Oa as readFieldsByCollection,Ra as readFile,Qa as readFiles,Ta as readFlow,Sa as readFlows,Va as readFolder,Ua as readFolders,Bb as readGraphqlSdl,Xa as readItem,Wa as readItems,vb as readMe,Za as readNotification,Ya as readNotifications,Eb as readOpenApiSpec,$a as readOperation,_a as readOperations,bb as readPanel,ab as readPanels,db as readPermission,cb as readPermissions,fb as readPreset,eb as readPresets,p as readProviders,ib as readRelation,hb as readRelationByCollection,gb as readRelations,kb as readRevision,jb as readRevisions,mb as readRole,lb as readRoles,nb as readSettings,pb as readShare,ob as readShares,qb as readSingleton,sb as readTranslation,rb as readTranslations,ub as readUser,tb as readUsers,xb as readWebhook,wb as readWebhooks,j as realtime,q as refresh,xc as rest,yb as schemaApply,zb as schemaDiff,Ab as schemaSnapshot,Cb as serverHealth,Db as serverInfo,Fb as serverPing,k as sleep,c as staticToken,rc as triggerFlow,vc as triggerOperation,Hb as updateCollection,Gb as updateComment,Jb as updateDashboard,Ib as updateDashboards,Kb as updateField,Mb as updateFile,Lb as updateFiles,Ob as updateFlow,Nb as updateFlows,Qb as updateFolder,Pb as updateFolders,Sb as updateItem,Rb as updateItems,mc as updateMe,Ub as updateNotification,Tb as updateNotifications,Wb as updateOperation,Vb as updateOperations,Yb as updatePanel,Xb as updatePanels,_b as updatePermission,Zb as updatePermissions,ac as updatePreset,$b as updatePresets,bc as updateRelation,dc as updateRole,cc as updateRoles,ec as updateSettings,gc as updateShare,fc as updateShares,hc as updateSingleton,jc as updateTranslation,ic as updateTranslations,lc as updateUser,kc as updateUsers,oc as updateWebhook,nc as updateWebhooks,w as uploadFiles,wc as utilitySort,qc as utilsExport,uc as utilsImport,tc as verifyHash,zc as withToken}; | ||
import{$ as fa,$a as fb,$b as fc,A as G,Aa as Ga,Ab as Gb,Ac as Gc,B as H,Ba as Ha,Bb as Hb,Bc as Hc,C as I,Ca as Ia,Cb as Ib,Cc as Ic,D as J,Da as Ja,Db as Jb,E as K,Ea as Ka,Eb as Kb,F as L,Fa as La,Fb as Lb,G as M,Ga as Ma,Gb as Mb,H as N,Ha as Na,Hb as Nb,I as O,Ia as Oa,Ib as Ob,J as P,Ja as Pa,Jb as Pb,K as Q,Ka as Qa,Kb as Qb,L as R,La as Ra,Lb as Rb,M as S,Ma as Sa,Mb as Sb,N as T,Na as Ta,Nb as Tb,O as U,Oa as Ua,Ob as Ub,P as V,Pa as Va,Pb as Vb,Q as W,Qa as Wa,Qb as Wb,R as X,Ra as Xa,Rb as Xb,S as Y,Sa as Ya,Sb as Yb,T as Z,Ta as Za,Tb as Zb,U as _,Ua as _a,Ub as _b,V as $,Va as $a,Vb as $b,W as aa,Wa as ab,Wb as ac,X as ba,Xa as bb,Xb as bc,Y as ca,Ya as cb,Yb as cc,Z as da,Za as db,Zb as dc,_ as ea,_a as eb,_b as ec,a,aa as ga,ab as gb,ac as gc,b,ba as ha,bb as hb,bc as hc,c,ca as ia,cb as ib,cc as ic,d,da as ja,db as jb,dc as jc,e,ea as ka,eb as kb,ec as kc,f as l,fa as la,fb as lb,fc as lc,g as m,ga as ma,gb as mb,gc as mc,h as n,ha as na,hb as nb,hc as nc,i as o,ia as oa,ib as ob,ic as oc,j as p,ja as pa,jb as pb,jc as pc,k as q,ka as qa,kb as qb,kc as qc,l as r,la as ra,lb as rb,lc as rc,m as s,ma as sa,mb as sb,mc as sc,n as t,na as ta,nb as tb,nc as tc,o as u,oa as ua,ob as ub,oc as uc,p as v,pa as va,pb as vb,pc as vc,q as w,qa as wa,qb as wb,qc as wc,r as x,ra as xa,rb as xb,rc as xc,s as y,sa as ya,sb as yb,sc as yc,t as z,ta as za,tb as zb,tc as zc,u as A,ua as Aa,ub as Ab,uc as Ac,v as B,va as Ba,vb as Bb,vc as Bc,w as C,wa as Ca,wb as Cb,wc as Cc,x as D,xa as Da,xb as Db,xc as Dc,y as E,ya as Ea,yb as Eb,yc as Ec,z as F,za as Fa,zb as Fb,zc as Fc}from"./chunk-A3WQAFBV.js";import{a as f,b as g,c as h,d as i,e as j,f as k}from"./chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{Bc as acceptUserInvite,Ha as aggregate,Ic as asSearch,f as auth,wc as authenticateShare,b as authentication,pc as clearCache,s as createCollection,r as createComment,u as createDashboard,t as createDashboards,d as createDirectus,v as createField,z as createFlow,y as createFlows,B as createFolder,A as createFolders,D as createItem,C as createItems,F as createNotification,E as createNotifications,H as createOperation,G as createOperations,J as createPanel,I as createPanels,L as createPermission,K as createPermissions,N as createPreset,M as createPresets,O as createRelation,Q as createRole,P as createRoles,S as createShare,R as createShares,U as createTranslation,T as createTranslations,W as createUser,V as createUsers,Y as createWebhook,X as createWebhooks,_ as deleteCollection,Z as deleteComment,aa as deleteDashboard,$ as deleteDashboards,ba as deleteField,da as deleteFile,ca as deleteFiles,fa as deleteFlow,ea as deleteFlows,ha as deleteFolder,ga as deleteFolders,ja as deleteItem,ia as deleteItems,la as deleteNotification,ka as deleteNotifications,na as deleteOperation,ma as deleteOperations,pa as deletePanel,oa as deletePanels,ra as deletePermission,qa as deletePermissions,ta as deletePreset,sa as deletePresets,ua as deleteRelation,wa as deleteRole,va as deleteRoles,ya as deleteShare,xa as deleteShares,Aa as deleteTranslation,za as deleteTranslations,Ca as deleteUser,Ba as deleteUsers,Ea as deleteWebhook,Da as deleteWebhooks,Ec as disableTwoFactor,Dc as enableTwoFactor,sc as generateHash,Cc as generateTwoFactorSecret,i as generateUid,e as graphql,x as importFile,xc as inviteShare,Ac as inviteUser,l as login,m as logout,a as memoryStorage,h as messageCallback,n as passwordRequest,o as passwordReset,g as pong,Gc as queryToParams,Fa as readActivities,Ga as readActivity,Ja as readCollection,Ia as readCollections,La as readDashboard,Ka as readDashboards,Ma as readExtensions,Pa as readField,Na as readFields,Oa as readFieldsByCollection,Ra as readFile,Qa as readFiles,Ta as readFlow,Sa as readFlows,Va as readFolder,Ua as readFolders,Bb as readGraphqlSdl,Xa as readItem,Wa as readItems,vb as readMe,Za as readNotification,Ya as readNotifications,Eb as readOpenApiSpec,$a as readOperation,_a as readOperations,bb as readPanel,ab as readPanels,db as readPermission,cb as readPermissions,fb as readPreset,eb as readPresets,p as readProviders,ib as readRelation,hb as readRelationByCollection,gb as readRelations,kb as readRevision,jb as readRevisions,mb as readRole,lb as readRoles,nb as readSettings,pb as readShare,yc as readShareInfo,ob as readShares,qb as readSingleton,sb as readTranslation,rb as readTranslations,ub as readUser,tb as readUsers,xb as readWebhook,wb as readWebhooks,j as realtime,q as refresh,Fc as rest,yb as schemaApply,zb as schemaDiff,Ab as schemaSnapshot,Cb as serverHealth,Db as serverInfo,Fb as serverPing,k as sleep,c as staticToken,rc as triggerFlow,vc as triggerOperation,Hb as updateCollection,Gb as updateComment,Jb as updateDashboard,Ib as updateDashboards,Kb as updateField,Mb as updateFile,Lb as updateFiles,Ob as updateFlow,Nb as updateFlows,Qb as updateFolder,Pb as updateFolders,Sb as updateItem,Rb as updateItems,mc as updateMe,Ub as updateNotification,Tb as updateNotifications,Wb as updateOperation,Vb as updateOperations,Yb as updatePanel,Xb as updatePanels,_b as updatePermission,Zb as updatePermissions,ac as updatePreset,$b as updatePresets,bc as updateRelation,dc as updateRole,cc as updateRoles,ec as updateSettings,gc as updateShare,fc as updateShares,hc as updateSingleton,jc as updateTranslation,ic as updateTranslations,lc as updateUser,kc as updateUsers,oc as updateWebhook,nc as updateWebhooks,w as uploadFiles,zc as utilitySort,qc as utilsExport,uc as utilsImport,tc as verifyHash,Hc as withToken}; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map |
import { D as DirectusClient } from '../client-e8d6bf91.js'; | ||
import { a as WebSocketConfig, d as WebSocketClient } from '../output-2b9252e7.js'; | ||
export { R as RemoveEventHandler, S as SubscribeOptions, f as SubscriptionEvents, e as SubscriptionOptionsEvents, g as SubscriptionOutput, h as SubscriptionPayload, W as WebSocketAuthModes, c as WebSocketEventHandler, b as WebSocketEvents } from '../output-2b9252e7.js'; | ||
import { a as WebSocketConfig, d as WebSocketClient } from '../output-476d05a4.js'; | ||
export { R as RemoveEventHandler, S as SubscribeOptions, f as SubscriptionEvents, e as SubscriptionOptionsEvents, g as SubscriptionOutput, h as SubscriptionPayload, W as WebSocketAuthModes, c as WebSocketEventHandler, b as WebSocketEvents } from '../output-476d05a4.js'; | ||
import '@directus/types'; | ||
@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ |
@@ -1,5 +0,5 @@ | ||
export { C as CreateActivityOutput, f as CreateCollectionOutput, h as CreateDashboardOutput, k as CreateFieldOutput, n as CreateFileOutput, q as CreateFlowOutput, v as CreateFolderOutput, y as CreateItemOutput, B as CreateNotificationOutput, F as CreateOperationOutput, I as CreatePanelOutput, L as CreatePermissionOutput, O as CreatePresetOutput, S as CreateRelationOutput, U as CreateRoleOutput, X as CreateShareOutput, _ as CreateTranslationOutput, a1 as CreateUserOutput, a4 as CreateWebhookOutput, aQ as ExtensionTypes, cU as FileFormat, bW as OpenApiSpecOutput, aF as ReadActivityOutput, aJ as ReadCollectionOutput, aM as ReadDashboardOutput, aP as ReadExtensionOutput, aS as ReadFieldOutput, aW as ReadFileOutput, aZ as ReadFlowOutput, b0 as ReadFolderOutput, b3 as ReadItemOutput, b6 as ReadNotificationOutput, b9 as ReadOperationOutput, bc as ReadPanelOutput, bf as ReadPermissionOutput, bi as ReadPresetOutput, R as ReadProviderOutput, bl as ReadRelationOutput, bp as ReadRevisionOutput, bs as ReadRoleOutput, bv as ReadSettingOutput, bx as ReadShareOutput, bA as ReadSingletonOutput, bC as ReadTranslationOutput, bF as ReadUserOutput, bJ as ReadWebhookOutput, d2 as RestClient, d1 as RestCommand, d3 as RestConfig, bN as SchemaDiffOutput, bP as SchemaSnapshotOutput, bS as ServerHealthOutput, bU as ServerInfoOutput, bZ as UpdateActivityOutput, b$ as UpdateCollectionOutput, c1 as UpdateDashboardOutput, c4 as UpdateFieldOutput, c6 as UpdateFileOutput, c9 as UpdateFlowOutput, cc as UpdateFolderOutput, cf as UpdateItemOutput, ci as UpdateNotificationOutput, cl as UpdateOperationOutput, co as UpdatePanelOutput, cr as UpdatePermissionOutput, cu as UpdatePresetOutput, cx as UpdateRelationOutput, cz as UpdateRoleOutput, cC as UpdateSettingOutput, cE as UpdateShareOutput, cH as UpdateSingletonOutput, cJ as UpdateTranslationOutput, cM as UpdateUserOutput, cQ as UpdateWebhookOutput, aI as aggregate, d6 as asSearch, cT as clearCache, g as createCollection, e as createComment, j as createDashboard, i as createDashboards, m as createField, t as createFlow, s as createFlows, x as createFolder, w as createFolders, A as createItem, z as createItems, E as createNotification, D as createNotifications, H as createOperation, G as createOperations, K as createPanel, J as createPanels, N as createPermission, M as createPermissions, Q as createPreset, P as createPresets, T as createRelation, W as createRole, V as createRoles, Z as createShare, Y as createShares, a0 as createTranslation, $ as createTranslations, a3 as createUser, a2 as createUsers, a6 as createWebhook, a5 as createWebhooks, a8 as deleteCollection, a7 as deleteComment, aa as deleteDashboard, a9 as deleteDashboards, ab as deleteField, ad as deleteFile, ac as deleteFiles, af as deleteFlow, ae as deleteFlows, ah as deleteFolder, ag as deleteFolders, aj as deleteItem, ai as deleteItems, al as deleteNotification, ak as deleteNotifications, an as deleteOperation, am as deleteOperations, ap as deletePanel, ao as deletePanels, ar as deletePermission, aq as deletePermissions, at as deletePreset, as as deletePresets, au as deleteRelation, aw as deleteRole, av as deleteRoles, ay as deleteShare, ax as deleteShares, aA as deleteTranslation, az as deleteTranslations, aC as deleteUser, aB as deleteUsers, aE as deleteWebhook, aD as deleteWebhooks, cX as generateHash, o as importFile, a as login, l as loginOptions, b as logout, p as passwordRequest, c as passwordReset, d4 as queryToParams, aG as readActivities, aH as readActivity, aL as readCollection, aK as readCollections, aO as readDashboard, aN as readDashboards, aR as readExtensions, aV as readField, aT as readFields, aU as readFieldsByCollection, aY as readFile, aX as readFiles, a$ as readFlow, a_ as readFlows, b2 as readFolder, b1 as readFolders, bR as readGraphqlSdl, b5 as readItem, b4 as readItems, bI as readMe, b8 as readNotification, b7 as readNotifications, bX as readOpenApiSpec, bb as readOperation, ba as readOperations, be as readPanel, bd as readPanels, bh as readPermission, bg as readPermissions, bk as readPreset, bj as readPresets, r as readProviders, bo as readRelation, bn as readRelationByCollection, bm as readRelations, br as readRevision, bq as readRevisions, bu as readRole, bt as readRoles, bw as readSettings, bz as readShare, by as readShares, bB as readSingleton, bE as readTranslation, bD as readTranslations, bH as readUser, bG as readUsers, bL as readWebhook, bK as readWebhooks, d as refresh, d0 as rest, bM as schemaApply, bO as schemaDiff, bQ as schemaSnapshot, bT as serverHealth, bV as serverInfo, bY as serverPing, cW as triggerFlow, c_ as triggerOperation, c0 as updateCollection, b_ as updateComment, c3 as updateDashboard, c2 as updateDashboards, c5 as updateField, c8 as updateFile, c7 as updateFiles, cb as updateFlow, ca as updateFlows, ce as updateFolder, cd as updateFolders, ch as updateItem, cg as updateItems, cP as updateMe, ck as updateNotification, cj as updateNotifications, cn as updateOperation, cm as updateOperations, cq as updatePanel, cp as updatePanels, ct as updatePermission, cs as updatePermissions, cw as updatePreset, cv as updatePresets, cy as updateRelation, cB as updateRole, cA as updateRoles, cD as updateSettings, cG as updateShare, cF as updateShares, cI as updateSingleton, cL as updateTranslation, cK as updateTranslations, cO as updateUser, cN as updateUsers, cS as updateWebhook, cR as updateWebhooks, u as uploadFiles, c$ as utilitySort, cV as utilsExport, cZ as utilsImport, cY as verifyHash, d5 as withToken } from '../index-bd294ec2.js'; | ||
export { C as CreateActivityOutput, f as CreateCollectionOutput, h as CreateDashboardOutput, k as CreateFieldOutput, n as CreateFileOutput, q as CreateFlowOutput, v as CreateFolderOutput, y as CreateItemOutput, B as CreateNotificationOutput, F as CreateOperationOutput, I as CreatePanelOutput, L as CreatePermissionOutput, O as CreatePresetOutput, S as CreateRelationOutput, U as CreateRoleOutput, X as CreateShareOutput, _ as CreateTranslationOutput, a1 as CreateUserOutput, a4 as CreateWebhookOutput, aQ as ExtensionTypes, cU as FileFormat, bW as OpenApiSpecOutput, aF as ReadActivityOutput, aJ as ReadCollectionOutput, aM as ReadDashboardOutput, aP as ReadExtensionOutput, aS as ReadFieldOutput, aW as ReadFileOutput, aZ as ReadFlowOutput, b0 as ReadFolderOutput, b3 as ReadItemOutput, b6 as ReadNotificationOutput, b9 as ReadOperationOutput, bc as ReadPanelOutput, bf as ReadPermissionOutput, bi as ReadPresetOutput, R as ReadProviderOutput, bl as ReadRelationOutput, bp as ReadRevisionOutput, bs as ReadRoleOutput, bv as ReadSettingOutput, bx as ReadShareOutput, bA as ReadSingletonOutput, bC as ReadTranslationOutput, bF as ReadUserOutput, bJ as ReadWebhookOutput, da as RestClient, d9 as RestCommand, db as RestConfig, bN as SchemaDiffOutput, bP as SchemaSnapshotOutput, bS as ServerHealthOutput, bU as ServerInfoOutput, bZ as UpdateActivityOutput, b$ as UpdateCollectionOutput, c1 as UpdateDashboardOutput, c4 as UpdateFieldOutput, c6 as UpdateFileOutput, c9 as UpdateFlowOutput, cc as UpdateFolderOutput, cf as UpdateItemOutput, ci as UpdateNotificationOutput, cl as UpdateOperationOutput, co as UpdatePanelOutput, cr as UpdatePermissionOutput, cu as UpdatePresetOutput, cx as UpdateRelationOutput, cz as UpdateRoleOutput, cC as UpdateSettingOutput, cE as UpdateShareOutput, cH as UpdateSingletonOutput, cJ as UpdateTranslationOutput, cM as UpdateUserOutput, cQ as UpdateWebhookOutput, d4 as acceptUserInvite, aI as aggregate, de as asSearch, c$ as authenticateShare, cT as clearCache, g as createCollection, e as createComment, j as createDashboard, i as createDashboards, m as createField, t as createFlow, s as createFlows, x as createFolder, w as createFolders, A as createItem, z as createItems, E as createNotification, D as createNotifications, H as createOperation, G as createOperations, K as createPanel, J as createPanels, N as createPermission, M as createPermissions, Q as createPreset, P as createPresets, T as createRelation, W as createRole, V as createRoles, Z as createShare, Y as createShares, a0 as createTranslation, $ as createTranslations, a3 as createUser, a2 as createUsers, a6 as createWebhook, a5 as createWebhooks, a8 as deleteCollection, a7 as deleteComment, aa as deleteDashboard, a9 as deleteDashboards, ab as deleteField, ad as deleteFile, ac as deleteFiles, af as deleteFlow, ae as deleteFlows, ah as deleteFolder, ag as deleteFolders, aj as deleteItem, ai as deleteItems, al as deleteNotification, ak as deleteNotifications, an as deleteOperation, am as deleteOperations, ap as deletePanel, ao as deletePanels, ar as deletePermission, aq as deletePermissions, at as deletePreset, as as deletePresets, au as deleteRelation, aw as deleteRole, av as deleteRoles, ay as deleteShare, ax as deleteShares, aA as deleteTranslation, az as deleteTranslations, aC as deleteUser, aB as deleteUsers, aE as deleteWebhook, aD as deleteWebhooks, d7 as disableTwoFactor, d6 as enableTwoFactor, cX as generateHash, d5 as generateTwoFactorSecret, o as importFile, d0 as inviteShare, d3 as inviteUser, a as login, l as loginOptions, b as logout, p as passwordRequest, c as passwordReset, dc as queryToParams, aG as readActivities, aH as readActivity, aL as readCollection, aK as readCollections, aO as readDashboard, aN as readDashboards, aR as readExtensions, aV as readField, aT as readFields, aU as readFieldsByCollection, aY as readFile, aX as readFiles, a$ as readFlow, a_ as readFlows, b2 as readFolder, b1 as readFolders, bR as readGraphqlSdl, b5 as readItem, b4 as readItems, bI as readMe, b8 as readNotification, b7 as readNotifications, bX as readOpenApiSpec, bb as readOperation, ba as readOperations, be as readPanel, bd as readPanels, bh as readPermission, bg as readPermissions, bk as readPreset, bj as readPresets, r as readProviders, bo as readRelation, bn as readRelationByCollection, bm as readRelations, br as readRevision, bq as readRevisions, bu as readRole, bt as readRoles, bw as readSettings, bz as readShare, d1 as readShareInfo, by as readShares, bB as readSingleton, bE as readTranslation, bD as readTranslations, bH as readUser, bG as readUsers, bL as readWebhook, bK as readWebhooks, d as refresh, d8 as rest, bM as schemaApply, bO as schemaDiff, bQ as schemaSnapshot, bT as serverHealth, bV as serverInfo, bY as serverPing, cW as triggerFlow, c_ as triggerOperation, c0 as updateCollection, b_ as updateComment, c3 as updateDashboard, c2 as updateDashboards, c5 as updateField, c8 as updateFile, c7 as updateFiles, cb as updateFlow, ca as updateFlows, ce as updateFolder, cd as updateFolders, ch as updateItem, cg as updateItems, cP as updateMe, ck as updateNotification, cj as updateNotifications, cn as updateOperation, cm as updateOperations, cq as updatePanel, cp as updatePanels, ct as updatePermission, cs as updatePermissions, cw as updatePreset, cv as updatePresets, cy as updateRelation, cB as updateRole, cA as updateRoles, cD as updateSettings, cG as updateShare, cF as updateShares, cI as updateSingleton, cL as updateTranslation, cK as updateTranslations, cO as updateUser, cN as updateUsers, cS as updateWebhook, cR as updateWebhooks, u as uploadFiles, d2 as utilitySort, cV as utilsExport, cZ as utilsImport, cY as verifyHash, dd as withToken } from '../index-c4b8121c.js'; | ||
import '../types-306e88df.js'; | ||
import '../output-2b9252e7.js'; | ||
import '../output-476d05a4.js'; | ||
import '@directus/types'; | ||
import '../client-e8d6bf91.js'; |
@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@ | ||
import{$ as W,$a as Wa,$b as Wb,A as v,Aa as va,Ab as vb,B as w,Ba as wa,Bb as wb,C as x,Ca as xa,Cb as xb,D as y,Da as ya,Db as yb,E as z,Ea as za,Eb as zb,F as A,Fa as Aa,Fb as Ab,G as B,Ga as Ba,Gb as Bb,H as C,Ha as Ca,Hb as Cb,I as D,Ia as Da,Ib as Db,J as E,Ja as Ea,Jb as Eb,K as F,Ka as Fa,Kb as Fb,L as G,La as Ga,Lb as Gb,M as H,Ma as Ha,Mb as Hb,N as I,Na as Ia,Nb as Ib,O as J,Oa as Ja,Ob as Jb,P as K,Pa as Ka,Pb as Kb,Q as L,Qa as La,Qb as Lb,R as M,Ra as Ma,Rb as Mb,S as N,Sa as Na,Sb as Nb,T as O,Ta as Oa,Tb as Ob,U as P,Ua as Pa,Ub as Pb,V as Q,Va as Qa,Vb as Qb,W as R,Wa as Ra,Wb as Rb,X as S,Xa as Sa,Xb as Sb,Y as T,Ya as Ta,Yb as Tb,Z as U,Za as Ua,Zb as Ub,_ as V,_a as Va,_b as Vb,aa as X,ab as Xa,ac as Xb,ba as Y,bb as Ya,bc as Yb,ca as Z,cb as Za,cc as Zb,da as _,db as _a,dc as _b,ea as $,eb as $a,ec as $b,f as a,fa as aa,fb as ab,fc as ac,g as b,ga as ba,gb as bb,gc as bc,h as c,ha as ca,hb as cb,hc as cc,i as d,ia as da,ib as db,ic as dc,j as e,ja as ea,jb as eb,jc as ec,k as f,ka as fa,kb as fb,kc as fc,l as g,la as ga,lb as gb,lc as gc,m as h,ma as ha,mb as hb,mc as hc,n as i,na as ia,nb as ib,nc as ic,o as j,oa as ja,ob as jb,oc as jc,p as k,pa as ka,pb as kb,pc as kc,q as l,qa as la,qb as lb,qc as lc,r as m,ra as ma,rb as mb,rc as mc,s as n,sa as na,sb as nb,sc as nc,t as o,ta as oa,tb as ob,tc as oc,u as p,ua as pa,ub as pb,uc as pc,v as q,va as qa,vb as qb,w as r,wa as ra,wb as rb,x as s,xa as sa,xb as sb,y as t,ya as ta,yb as tb,z as u,za as ua,zb as ub}from"../chunk-27N2Y4DP.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{wa as aggregate,pc as asSearch,ec as clearCache,h as createCollection,g as createComment,j as createDashboard,i as createDashboards,k as createField,o as createFlow,n as createFlows,q as createFolder,p as createFolders,s as createItem,r as createItems,u as createNotification,t as createNotifications,w as createOperation,v as createOperations,y as createPanel,x as createPanels,A as createPermission,z as createPermissions,C as createPreset,B as createPresets,D as createRelation,F as createRole,E as createRoles,H as createShare,G as createShares,J as createTranslation,I as createTranslations,L as createUser,K as createUsers,N as createWebhook,M as createWebhooks,P as deleteCollection,O as deleteComment,R as deleteDashboard,Q as deleteDashboards,S as deleteField,U as deleteFile,T as deleteFiles,W as deleteFlow,V as deleteFlows,Y as deleteFolder,X as deleteFolders,_ as deleteItem,Z as deleteItems,aa as deleteNotification,$ as deleteNotifications,ca as deleteOperation,ba as deleteOperations,ea as deletePanel,da as deletePanels,ga as deletePermission,fa as deletePermissions,ia as deletePreset,ha as deletePresets,ja as deleteRelation,la as deleteRole,ka as deleteRoles,na as deleteShare,ma as deleteShares,pa as deleteTranslation,oa as deleteTranslations,ra as deleteUser,qa as deleteUsers,ta as deleteWebhook,sa as deleteWebhooks,hc as generateHash,m as importFile,a as login,b as logout,c as passwordRequest,d as passwordReset,nc as queryToParams,ua as readActivities,va as readActivity,ya as readCollection,xa as readCollections,Aa as readDashboard,za as readDashboards,Ba as readExtensions,Ea as readField,Ca as readFields,Da as readFieldsByCollection,Ga as readFile,Fa as readFiles,Ia as readFlow,Ha as readFlows,Ka as readFolder,Ja as readFolders,qb as readGraphqlSdl,Ma as readItem,La as readItems,kb as readMe,Oa as readNotification,Na as readNotifications,tb as readOpenApiSpec,Qa as readOperation,Pa as readOperations,Sa as readPanel,Ra as readPanels,Ua as readPermission,Ta as readPermissions,Wa as readPreset,Va as readPresets,e as readProviders,Za as readRelation,Ya as readRelationByCollection,Xa as readRelations,$a as readRevision,_a as readRevisions,bb as readRole,ab as readRoles,cb as readSettings,eb as readShare,db as readShares,fb as readSingleton,hb as readTranslation,gb as readTranslations,jb as readUser,ib as readUsers,mb as readWebhook,lb as readWebhooks,f as refresh,mc as rest,nb as schemaApply,ob as schemaDiff,pb as schemaSnapshot,rb as serverHealth,sb as serverInfo,ub as serverPing,gc as triggerFlow,kc as triggerOperation,wb as updateCollection,vb as updateComment,yb as updateDashboard,xb as updateDashboards,zb as updateField,Bb as updateFile,Ab as updateFiles,Db as updateFlow,Cb as updateFlows,Fb as updateFolder,Eb as updateFolders,Hb as updateItem,Gb as updateItems,bc as updateMe,Jb as updateNotification,Ib as updateNotifications,Lb as updateOperation,Kb as updateOperations,Nb as updatePanel,Mb as updatePanels,Pb as updatePermission,Ob as updatePermissions,Rb as updatePreset,Qb as updatePresets,Sb as updateRelation,Ub as updateRole,Tb as updateRoles,Vb as updateSettings,Xb as updateShare,Wb as updateShares,Yb as updateSingleton,_b as updateTranslation,Zb as updateTranslations,ac as updateUser,$b as updateUsers,dc as updateWebhook,cc as updateWebhooks,l as uploadFiles,lc as utilitySort,fc as utilsExport,jc as utilsImport,ic as verifyHash,oc as withToken}; | ||
import{$ as W,$a as Wa,$b as Wb,A as v,Aa as va,Ab as vb,Ac as vc,B as w,Ba as wa,Bb as wb,Bc as wc,C as x,Ca as xa,Cb as xb,Cc as xc,D as y,Da as ya,Db as yb,E as z,Ea as za,Eb as zb,F as A,Fa as Aa,Fb as Ab,G as B,Ga as Ba,Gb as Bb,H as C,Ha as Ca,Hb as Cb,I as D,Ia as Da,Ib as Db,J as E,Ja as Ea,Jb as Eb,K as F,Ka as Fa,Kb as Fb,L as G,La as Ga,Lb as Gb,M as H,Ma as Ha,Mb as Hb,N as I,Na as Ia,Nb as Ib,O as J,Oa as Ja,Ob as Jb,P as K,Pa as Ka,Pb as Kb,Q as L,Qa as La,Qb as Lb,R as M,Ra as Ma,Rb as Mb,S as N,Sa as Na,Sb as Nb,T as O,Ta as Oa,Tb as Ob,U as P,Ua as Pa,Ub as Pb,V as Q,Va as Qa,Vb as Qb,W as R,Wa as Ra,Wb as Rb,X as S,Xa as Sa,Xb as Sb,Y as T,Ya as Ta,Yb as Tb,Z as U,Za as Ua,Zb as Ub,_ as V,_a as Va,_b as Vb,aa as X,ab as Xa,ac as Xb,ba as Y,bb as Ya,bc as Yb,ca as Z,cb as Za,cc as Zb,da as _,db as _a,dc as _b,ea as $,eb as $a,ec as $b,f as a,fa as aa,fb as ab,fc as ac,g as b,ga as ba,gb as bb,gc as bc,h as c,ha as ca,hb as cb,hc as cc,i as d,ia as da,ib as db,ic as dc,j as e,ja as ea,jb as eb,jc as ec,k as f,ka as fa,kb as fb,kc as fc,l as g,la as ga,lb as gb,lc as gc,m as h,ma as ha,mb as hb,mc as hc,n as i,na as ia,nb as ib,nc as ic,o as j,oa as ja,ob as jb,oc as jc,p as k,pa as ka,pb as kb,pc as kc,q as l,qa as la,qb as lb,qc as lc,r as m,ra as ma,rb as mb,rc as mc,s as n,sa as na,sb as nb,sc as nc,t as o,ta as oa,tb as ob,tc as oc,u as p,ua as pa,ub as pb,uc as pc,v as q,va as qa,vb as qb,vc as qc,w as r,wa as ra,wb as rb,wc as rc,x as s,xa as sa,xb as sb,xc as sc,y as t,ya as ta,yb as tb,yc as tc,z as u,za as ua,zb as ub,zc as uc}from"../chunk-A3WQAFBV.js";import"../chunk-CM3ZPHPK.js";export{qc as acceptUserInvite,wa as aggregate,xc as asSearch,lc as authenticateShare,ec as clearCache,h as createCollection,g as createComment,j as createDashboard,i as createDashboards,k as createField,o as createFlow,n as createFlows,q as createFolder,p as createFolders,s as createItem,r as createItems,u as createNotification,t as createNotifications,w as createOperation,v as createOperations,y as createPanel,x as createPanels,A as createPermission,z as createPermissions,C as createPreset,B as createPresets,D as createRelation,F as createRole,E as createRoles,H as createShare,G as createShares,J as createTranslation,I as createTranslations,L as createUser,K as createUsers,N as createWebhook,M as createWebhooks,P as deleteCollection,O as deleteComment,R as deleteDashboard,Q as deleteDashboards,S as deleteField,U as deleteFile,T as deleteFiles,W as deleteFlow,V as deleteFlows,Y as deleteFolder,X as deleteFolders,_ as deleteItem,Z as deleteItems,aa as deleteNotification,$ as deleteNotifications,ca as deleteOperation,ba as deleteOperations,ea as deletePanel,da as deletePanels,ga as deletePermission,fa as deletePermissions,ia as deletePreset,ha as deletePresets,ja as deleteRelation,la as deleteRole,ka as deleteRoles,na as deleteShare,ma as deleteShares,pa as deleteTranslation,oa as deleteTranslations,ra as deleteUser,qa as deleteUsers,ta as deleteWebhook,sa as deleteWebhooks,tc as disableTwoFactor,sc as enableTwoFactor,hc as generateHash,rc as generateTwoFactorSecret,m as importFile,mc as inviteShare,pc as inviteUser,a as login,b as logout,c as passwordRequest,d as passwordReset,vc as queryToParams,ua as readActivities,va as readActivity,ya as readCollection,xa as readCollections,Aa as readDashboard,za as readDashboards,Ba as readExtensions,Ea as readField,Ca as readFields,Da as readFieldsByCollection,Ga as readFile,Fa as readFiles,Ia as readFlow,Ha as readFlows,Ka as readFolder,Ja as readFolders,qb as readGraphqlSdl,Ma as readItem,La as readItems,kb as readMe,Oa as readNotification,Na as readNotifications,tb as readOpenApiSpec,Qa as readOperation,Pa as readOperations,Sa as readPanel,Ra as readPanels,Ua as readPermission,Ta as readPermissions,Wa as readPreset,Va as readPresets,e as readProviders,Za as readRelation,Ya as readRelationByCollection,Xa as readRelations,$a as readRevision,_a as readRevisions,bb as readRole,ab as readRoles,cb as readSettings,eb as readShare,nc as readShareInfo,db as readShares,fb as readSingleton,hb as readTranslation,gb as readTranslations,jb as readUser,ib as readUsers,mb as readWebhook,lb as readWebhooks,f as refresh,uc as rest,nb as schemaApply,ob as schemaDiff,pb as schemaSnapshot,rb as serverHealth,sb as serverInfo,ub as serverPing,gc as triggerFlow,kc as triggerOperation,wb as updateCollection,vb as updateComment,yb as updateDashboard,xb as updateDashboards,zb as updateField,Bb as updateFile,Ab as updateFiles,Db as updateFlow,Cb as updateFlows,Fb as updateFolder,Eb as updateFolders,Hb as updateItem,Gb as updateItems,bc as updateMe,Jb as updateNotification,Ib as updateNotifications,Lb as updateOperation,Kb as updateOperations,Nb as updatePanel,Mb as updatePanels,Pb as updatePermission,Ob as updatePermissions,Rb as updatePreset,Qb as updatePresets,Sb as updateRelation,Ub as updateRole,Tb as updateRoles,Vb as updateSettings,Xb as updateShare,Wb as updateShares,Yb as updateSingleton,_b as updateTranslation,Zb as updateTranslations,ac as updateUser,$b as updateUsers,dc as updateWebhook,cc as updateWebhooks,l as uploadFiles,oc as utilitySort,fc as utilsExport,jc as utilsImport,ic as verifyHash,wc as withToken}; | ||
//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map |
{ | ||
"name": "@directus/sdk", | ||
"version": "11.0.0-beta.6", | ||
"version": "11.0.0", | ||
"description": "Directus JavaScript SDK", | ||
@@ -50,4 +50,4 @@ "homepage": "https://directus.io", | ||
"vitest": "0.31.1", | ||
"@directus/tsconfig": "0.0.7", | ||
"@directus/types": "10.1.2" | ||
"@directus/tsconfig": "1.0.0", | ||
"@directus/types": "10.1.3" | ||
}, | ||
@@ -54,0 +54,0 @@ "engines": { |
@@ -1,5 +0,3 @@ | ||
# Directus JS SDK | ||
# Directus JavaScript SDK | ||
> This is a BETA release, expect that things do not work! | ||
The design goals for this rebuild: | ||
@@ -116,3 +114,3 @@ | ||
## Build your schema | ||
## Build Your Schema | ||
@@ -119,0 +117,0 @@ ```ts |
import type { DirectusField } from '../../../schema/field.js'; | ||
import type { ApplyQueryFields, Query } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
import type { ApplyQueryFields, NestedPartial, Query } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
import type { RestCommand } from '../../types.js'; | ||
@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ | ||
collection: keyof Schema, | ||
item: Partial<DirectusField<Schema>>, | ||
item: NestedPartial<DirectusField<Schema>>, | ||
query?: TQuery | ||
@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@ ): RestCommand<CreateFieldOutput<Schema, TQuery>, Schema> => |
@@ -29,3 +29,3 @@ import type { ApplyQueryFields, CollectionType, Query, UnpackList } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use createItems for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -60,3 +60,3 @@ | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use createItem for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -63,0 +63,0 @@ |
@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ import type { PrimaryKey } from '@directus/types'; | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use deleteItems for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -50,3 +50,3 @@ | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use deleteItem for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -53,0 +53,0 @@ |
@@ -31,3 +31,3 @@ import type { ApplyQueryFields, CollectionType, Query, SingletonCollections } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readSingleton for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -34,0 +34,0 @@ |
import type { DirectusField } from '../../../schema/field.js'; | ||
import type { ApplyQueryFields, Query } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
import type { ApplyQueryFields, NestedPartial, Query } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
import type { RestCommand } from '../../types.js'; | ||
@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ | ||
field: DirectusField<Schema>['field'], | ||
item: Partial<DirectusField<Schema>>, | ||
item: NestedPartial<DirectusField<Schema>>, | ||
query?: TQuery | ||
@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@ ): RestCommand<UpdateFieldOutput<Schema, TQuery>, Schema> => |
@@ -65,3 +65,3 @@ import type { PrimaryKey } from '@directus/types'; | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use updateItem for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -68,0 +68,0 @@ |
@@ -33,3 +33,3 @@ import type { ApplyQueryFields, CollectionType, Query, SingletonCollections } from '../../../types/index.js'; | ||
if (_collection.startsWith('directus_')) { | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use readItems for core collections'); | ||
throw new Error('Cannot use updateSingleton for core collections'); | ||
} | ||
@@ -36,0 +36,0 @@ |
@@ -7,2 +7,4 @@ export * from './cache.js'; | ||
export * from './operations.js'; | ||
export * from './shares.js'; | ||
export * from './sort.js'; | ||
export * from './users.js'; |
@@ -13,6 +13,6 @@ import type { MergeCoreCollection } from '../index.js'; | ||
data: boolean; | ||
actions: string; | ||
collections: string; | ||
actions: string | string[]; | ||
collections: string | string[]; | ||
headers: Record<string, any> | null; | ||
} | ||
>; |
import type { FieldsWildcard, HasManyToAnyRelation, PickFlatFields, PickRelationalFields } from './fields.js'; | ||
import type { ItemType } from './schema.js'; | ||
import type { IfAny, Merge, Mutable, UnpackList } from './utils.js'; | ||
import type { IfAny, IsNullable, Merge, Mutable, UnpackList } from './utils.js'; | ||
@@ -29,7 +29,10 @@ /** | ||
? Extract<CollectionItem[Field], ItemType<Schema>> extends infer RelatedCollection | ||
? RelatedCollection extends any[] | ||
? HasManyToAnyRelation<RelatedCollection> extends never | ||
? ApplyNestedQueryFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]>[] // many-to-many or one-to-many | ||
: ApplyManyToAnyFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]>[] // many-to-any' | ||
: ApplyNestedQueryFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]> // many-to-one | ||
? RelationNullable< | ||
CollectionItem[Field], | ||
RelatedCollection extends any[] | ||
? HasManyToAnyRelation<RelatedCollection> extends never | ||
? ApplyNestedQueryFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]>[] | null // many-to-many or one-to-many | ||
: ApplyManyToAnyFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]>[] // many-to-any' | ||
: ApplyNestedQueryFields<Schema, RelatedCollection, RelationalFields[Field]> // many-to-one | ||
> | ||
: never | ||
@@ -73,1 +76,6 @@ : never; | ||
: never; | ||
/** | ||
* Carry nullability of | ||
*/ | ||
export type RelationNullable<Relation, Output> = IsNullable<Relation, Output | null, Output>; |
@@ -34,1 +34,7 @@ /** | ||
export type IsAny<T> = IfAny<T, true, never>; | ||
export type IsNullable<T, Y = true, N = never> = T | null extends T ? Y : N; | ||
export type NestedPartial<Item extends object> = { | ||
[Key in keyof Item]?: Item[Key] extends object ? NestedPartial<Item[Key]> : Item[Key]; | ||
}; |
@@ -19,5 +19,12 @@ /** | ||
const outputFormatter = | ||
formatter !== undefined && formatter !== null ? formatter : ({ data }: { data: Output }) => data; | ||
const defaultFormatter = (data: Output | { data: Output }) => { | ||
if (typeof data === 'object' && data && 'data' in data) { | ||
return data.data; | ||
} | ||
return data; | ||
}; | ||
const outputFormatter = formatter !== undefined && formatter !== null ? formatter : defaultFormatter; | ||
// use json content by default but allow overrides | ||
@@ -24,0 +31,0 @@ if ('Content-Type' in headers === false) { |
{ | ||
"extends": "@directus/tsconfig/node18-esm", | ||
"compilerOptions": { | ||
"outDir": "dist", | ||
"lib": ["DOM"] | ||
@@ -9,5 +8,4 @@ }, | ||
"typedocOptions": { | ||
"entryPoints": ["./src/client.ts", "./src/*/index.ts"], | ||
"name": "@directus/SDK (beta)" | ||
"entryPoints": ["./src/client.ts", "./src/*/index.ts"] | ||
} | ||
} |
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Major refactor
Supply chain riskPackage has recently undergone a major refactor. It may be unstable or indicate significant internal changes. Use caution when updating to versions that include significant changes.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Environment variable access
Supply chain riskPackage accesses environment variables, which may be a sign of credential stuffing or data theft.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
License Policy Violation
LicenseThis package is not allowed per your license policy. Review the package's license to ensure compliance.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Major refactor
Supply chain riskPackage has recently undergone a major refactor. It may be unstable or indicate significant internal changes. Use caution when updating to versions that include significant changes.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
Minified code
QualityThis package contains minified code. This may be harmless in some cases where minified code is included in packaged libraries, however packages on npm should not minify code.
Found 1 instance in 1 package
No v1
QualityPackage is not semver >=1. This means it is not stable and does not support ^ ranges.
Found 1 instance in 1 package