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@@ -1,1013 +0,3 @@

import { ResponseType, AxiosRequestConfig } from 'axios';
declare abstract class IStorage {
abstract auth_token: string | null;
abstract auth_expires: number | null;
abstract auth_expires_at: number | null;
abstract auth_refresh_token: string | null;
abstract get(key: string): string | null;
abstract set(key: string, value: string): string;
abstract delete(key: string): string | null;
declare type ID = number | string;
declare type DefaultType = {
[field: string]: any;
declare type SystemType<T> = DefaultType & T;
declare type TypeMap = {
[k: string]: unknown;
declare type TypeOf<T extends TypeMap, K extends keyof T> = T[K] extends undefined ? DefaultType : T[K];
declare type Omit$1<T, K extends keyof T> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
declare type PartialBy<T, K extends keyof T> = Omit$1<T, K> & Partial<Pick<T, K>>;
declare type ActivityType = SystemType<{
action: string;
collection: string;
comment: string | null;
id: number;
ip: string;
item: string;
origin: string | null;
timestamp: string;
revisions: number[];
user: string;
user_agent: string;
declare type Comment = SystemType<{
collection: string;
comment: string;
item: string;
declare type CollectionType = SystemType<{
collection: string;
meta: CollectionMetaType;
schema: CollectionSchemaType | null;
declare type CollectionMetaType = SystemType<{
accountability: string | null;
archive_app_filter: boolean;
archive_field: string | null;
archive_value: string | null;
collapse: string;
collection: string;
display_template: string | null;
group: string | null;
hidden: boolean;
icon: string | null;
item_duplication_fields: string[] | null;
note: string | null;
singleton: boolean;
sort_field: string | null;
translations: CollectionMetaTranslationType[] | null;
unarchive_value: string | null;
declare type CollectionMetaTranslationType = SystemType<{
language: string;
plural: string;
singular: string;
translation: string;
declare type CollectionSchemaType = SystemType<{
comment: string | null;
name: string;
schema: string;
declare type FieldType = SystemType<{
collection: string;
field: string;
meta: FieldMetaType;
schema: FieldSchemaType;
type: string;
declare type FieldMetaType = SystemType<{
collection: string;
conditions: FieldMetaConditionType[] | null;
display: string | null;
display_options: string | null;
field: string;
group: string | null;
hidden: boolean;
id: number;
interface: string;
note: string | null;
options: DefaultType | null;
readonly: boolean;
required: boolean;
sort: number | null;
special: string[] | null;
translations: FieldMetaTranslationType[] | null;
validation: DefaultType | null;
validation_message: string | null;
width: string;
declare type FieldMetaConditionType = SystemType<{
hidden: boolean;
name: string;
options: FieldMetaConditionOptionType;
readonly: boolean;
required: boolean;
rule: DefaultType;
declare type FieldMetaTranslationType = SystemType<{
language: string;
translation: string;
declare type FieldMetaConditionOptionType = SystemType<{
clear: boolean;
font: string;
iconLeft?: string;
iconRight?: string;
masked: boolean;
placeholder: string;
slug: boolean;
softLength?: number;
trim: boolean;
declare type FieldSchemaType = SystemType<{
comment: string | null;
data_type: string;
default_value: any | null;
foreign_key_column: string | null;
foreign_key_schema: string | null;
foreign_key_table: string | null;
generation_expression: unknown | null;
has_auto_increment: boolean;
is_generated: boolean;
is_nullable: boolean;
is_primary_key: boolean;
is_unique: boolean;
max_length: number | null;
name: string;
numeric_precision: number | null;
numeric_scale: number | null;
schema: string;
table: string;
declare type FileType = SystemType<{
charset: string | null;
description: string | null;
duration: number | null;
embed: unknown | null;
filename_disk: string;
filename_download: string;
filesize: string;
folder: string;
height: number | null;
id: string;
location: string | null;
metadata: DefaultType;
modified_by: string;
modified_on: string;
storage: string;
tags: string[];
title: string;
type: string;
uploaded_by: string;
uploaded_on: string;
width: number | null;
declare type FolderType = SystemType<{
id: string;
name: string;
parent: string;
declare type PermissionType = SystemType<{
action: string;
collection: string | null;
fields: string[];
id: string;
permissions: DefaultType;
presets: DefaultType | null;
role: string | null;
system?: boolean;
validation: DefaultType | null;
declare type PresetType = SystemType<{
collection: string;
color: string | null;
bookmark: string | null;
filter: DefaultType;
icon: string | null;
id: number;
layout: string | null;
layout_options: DefaultType;
layout_query: DefaultType;
refresh_interval: number | null;
role: string | null;
search: string | null;
user: string | null;
declare type RelationType = SystemType<{
collection: string;
field: string;
related_collection: string;
schema: RelationSchemaType;
meta: RelationMetaType;
declare type RelationMetaType = SystemType<{
id: number | null;
junction_field: string | null;
many_collection: string | null;
many_field: string | null;
one_allowed_collections: string | null;
one_collection: string | null;
one_collection_field: string | null;
one_deselect_action: string;
one_field: string | null;
sort_field: string | null;
system: boolean | null;
declare type RelationSchemaType = SystemType<{
column: string;
constraint_name: string;
foreign_key_column: string;
foreign_key_schema: string;
foreign_key_table: string;
on_delete: string;
on_update: string;
table: string;
declare type RevisionType = SystemType<{
activity: number;
collection: string;
data: DefaultType;
delta: DefaultType;
id: number;
item: string;
parent: number | null;
declare type RoleType = SystemType<{
admin_access: boolean;
app_access: boolean;
description: string | null;
enforce_tfa: boolean;
icon: string;
id: string;
ip_access: string[] | null;
name: string;
users: string[];
declare type SettingType = SystemType<{
id: 1;
auth_login_attempts: number;
auth_password_policy: string | null;
custom_css: string | null;
project_color: string | null;
project_logo: string | null;
project_name: string;
project_url: string;
public_background: string | null;
public_foreground: string | null;
public_note: string | null;
storage_asset_presets: {
fit: string;
height: number;
width: number;
quality: number;
key: string;
withoutEnlargement: boolean;
}[] | null;
storage_asset_transform: 'all' | 'none' | 'presets';
declare type UserType = SystemType<{
auth_data: DefaultType;
avatar: string;
description: string | null;
email: string | null;
email_notifications: boolean;
external_identifier: string;
first_name: string | null;
id: string;
language: string | null;
last_access: string | null;
last_name: string | null;
last_page: string | null;
location: string | null;
password: string | null;
provider: string;
role: string;
status: string;
tags: string[];
theme: string;
tfa_secret: string | null;
title: string | null;
token: string | null;
declare type TfaType = SystemType<{
secret: string;
otpauth_url: string;
declare type RequiredKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: Record<string, never> extends {
[P in K]: T[K];
} ? never : K;
}[keyof T];
declare type OptionalKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: Record<string, never> extends {
[P in K]: T[K];
} ? K : never;
}[keyof T];
declare type Field = string;
declare type Item = Record<string, any>;
declare type ItemInput<T> = {
[P in keyof T]?: T[P] extends Record<string, any> ? ItemInput<T[P]> : T[P];
declare type InferQueryType<T extends ManyItems<any> | QueryOne<any>> = 'data' extends keyof T ? T['data'] : T;
declare type DefaultItem<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: NonNullable<T[K]> extends (infer U)[] ? Extract<NonNullable<U>, Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? U[] : (string | number)[] : Extract<T[K], Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? T[K] : Exclude<T[K], Record<string, unknown>> | string | number;
declare type OneItem<T extends Item, Q extends QueryOne<T> = Record<'fields', undefined>, F extends string[] | false = QueryFields<Q>> = (F extends false ? DefaultItem<T> : PickedDefaultItem<T, F>) | null | undefined;
declare type ManyItems<T extends Item, Q extends QueryMany<T> = Record<string, any>> = {
data?: NonNullable<OneItem<T, Q>>[] | null;
meta?: ItemMetadata;
declare type ItemMetadata = {
total_count?: number;
filter_count?: number;
declare type Payload = Record<string, any>;
declare enum Meta {
TOTAL_COUNT = "total_count",
FILTER_COUNT = "filter_count"
declare type QueryFields<Q extends Record<string, any>> = Q extends Record<'fields', unknown> ? Q['fields'] extends string ? [Q['fields']] : Q['fields'] extends string[] ? Q['fields'] : false : false;
declare type DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K extends keyof T, V, R extends string> = K extends keyof V ? TreeBranch<T[K], R, V[K]> : K extends keyof (V & {
[_ in K]: unknown;
}) ? TreeBranch<T[K], R, (V & {
[_ in K]: unknown;
})[K]> : never;
declare type WildCardHelper<T, K extends keyof T, V, R extends string> = string extends K ? {
[K: string]: T[K];
} : NonNullable<T[K]> extends (infer U)[] ? Extract<NonNullable<U>, Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? TreeLeaf<U> : DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, V, R> : Extract<NonNullable<T[K]>, Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? TreeLeaf<T[K]> : DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, V, R>;
declare type DeepPathToObject<Path extends string, T extends Record<string, any>, Val = Record<string, never>> = string extends Path ? never : Path extends `${infer Key}.${infer Rest}` ? Key extends '*' ? Rest extends `${infer NextVal}.${string}` ? NextVal extends '*' ? Val & {
[K in keyof T]: WildCardHelper<T, K, Val, Rest>;
} : Val & {
[K in keyof T]: NextVal extends keyof T[K] ? DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, Val, Rest> : never;
} : Rest extends '*' ? Val & {
[K in keyof T]: WildCardHelper<T, K, Val, Rest>;
} : Val & {
[K in keyof T]: Rest extends keyof T[K] ? DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, Val, Rest> : never;
} : Key extends keyof T ? Val & {
[K in OptionalKeys<Pick<T, Key>>]?: DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, Val, Rest>;
} & {
[K in RequiredKeys<Pick<T, Key>>]: DeepPathBranchHelper<T, K, Val, Rest>;
} : never : string extends keyof T ? Val & Record<string, unknown> : Path extends keyof T ? Val & {
[K in OptionalKeys<Pick<T, Path>>]?: TreeLeaf<T[K]>;
} & {
[K in RequiredKeys<Pick<T, Path>>]: TreeLeaf<T[K]>;
} : Path extends '*' ? Val & {
[K in OptionalKeys<T>]?: TreeLeaf<T[K]>;
} & {
[K in RequiredKeys<T>]: TreeLeaf<T[K]>;
} : never;
declare type TreeBranch<T, Path extends string, Val = Record<string, never>, NT = NonNullable<T>> = NT extends (infer U)[] ? (ArrayTreeBranch<Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>>, Path, Val> | Exclude<U, Record<string, unknown>>)[] : IsUnion<T> extends true ? DeepPathToObject<Path, Extract<T, Record<string, unknown>>, Val> | Exclude<T, Record<string, unknown>> : DeepPathToObject<Path, NT, Val>;
declare type ArrayTreeBranch<U, Path extends string, Val = Record<string, never>, NU = NonNullable<U>> = Extract<NU, Record<string, unknown>> extends infer OB ? Val extends (infer _)[] ? DeepPathToObject<Path, OB, Val[number]> : DeepPathToObject<Path, OB, Val> : Val extends (infer _)[] ? DeepPathToObject<Path, NU, Val[number]> : DeepPathToObject<Path, NU, Val>;
declare type TreeLeaf<T, NT = NonNullable<T>> = NT extends (infer U)[] ? Exclude<U, Record<string, unknown>>[] : Exclude<T, Record<string, unknown>>;
declare type UnionToIntersectionFn<TUnion> = (TUnion extends TUnion ? (union: () => TUnion) => void : never) extends (intersection: infer Intersection) => void ? Intersection : never;
declare type LastUnion<TUnion> = UnionToIntersectionFn<TUnion> extends () => infer Last ? Last : never;
declare type UnionToTuple<TUnion, TResult extends Array<unknown> = []> = TUnion[] extends never[] ? TResult : UnionToTuple<Exclude<TUnion, LastUnion<TUnion>>, [...TResult, LastUnion<TUnion>]>;
declare type PickedDefaultItem<T extends Item, Fields, Val = Record<string, unknown>> = unknown extends T ? any : Fields extends string[] ? Fields['length'] extends 0 ? T : UnionToTuple<Fields[number]> extends [infer First, ...infer Rest] ? First extends string ? IntersectionToObject<Rest['length'] extends 0 ? DeepPathToObject<First, T, Val> : PickedDefaultItem<T, Rest, DeepPathToObject<First, T, Val>>> : never : never : never;
declare type IntersectionToObject<U> = U extends (infer U2)[] ? Array<IntersectionToObject<U2>> : U extends infer O ? O extends string ? string : O extends number ? number : O extends symbol ? symbol : O extends boolean ? boolean : {
[K in keyof O as unknown extends O[K] ? never : K]: O[K] extends (infer U)[] ? Array<IntersectionToObject<U>> : IsUnion<O[K]> extends true ? IntersectionToObject<O[K]> : O[K] extends Record<string, any> ? IntersectionToObject<O[K]> : O[K];
} : never;
declare type QueryOne<T = unknown> = {
fields?: unknown extends T ? string | string[] : DotSeparated<T, 5> | DotSeparated<T, 5>[];
search?: string;
deep?: Deep<T>;
export?: 'json' | 'csv' | 'xml';
filter?: Filter<T>;
declare type QueryMany<T> = QueryOne<T> & {
sort?: Sort<T>;
limit?: number;
offset?: number;
page?: number;
meta?: keyof ItemMetadata | '*';
groupBy?: string | string[];
aggregate?: Aggregate;
alias?: Record<string, string>;
declare type Deep<T> = {
[K in keyof SingleItem<T>]?: DeepQueryMany<SingleItem<T>[K]>;
declare type DeepQueryMany<T> = {
[K in keyof QueryMany<SingleItem<T>> as `_${string & K}`]: QueryMany<SingleItem<T>>[K];
} & {
[K in keyof NestedObjectKeys<SingleItem<T>>]?: DeepQueryMany<NestedObjectKeys<SingleItem<T>>[K]>;
declare type NestedObjectKeys<T> = {
[P in keyof T]: NonNullable<T[P]> extends (infer U)[] ? Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>> extends Record<string, unknown> ? Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>> : never : Extract<NonNullable<T[P]>, Record<string, unknown>> extends Record<string, unknown> ? Extract<NonNullable<T[P]>, Record<string, unknown>> : never;
declare type SharedAggregate = {
avg?: string[];
avgDistinct?: string[];
count?: string[];
countDistinct?: string[];
sum?: string[];
sumDistinct?: string[];
min?: string[];
max?: string[];
declare type Aggregate = {
[K in keyof SharedAggregate]: string;
declare type Sort<T> = (`${Extract<keyof SingleItem<T>, string>}` | `-${Extract<keyof SingleItem<T>, string>}`)[];
declare type FilterOperators<T> = {
_eq?: T;
_neq?: T;
_gt?: T;
_gte?: T;
_lt?: T;
_lte?: T;
_in?: T[];
_nin?: T[];
_between?: [T, T];
_nbetween?: [T, T];
_contains?: T;
_ncontains?: T;
_starts_with?: T;
_nstarts_with?: T;
_ends_with?: T;
_nends_with?: T;
_empty?: boolean;
_nempty?: boolean;
_nnull?: boolean;
_null?: boolean;
_intersects?: T;
_nintersects?: T;
_intersects_bbox?: T;
_nintersects_bbox?: T;
declare type LogicalFilterAnd<T> = {
_and: Filter<T>[];
declare type LogicalFilterOr<T> = {
_or: Filter<T>[];
declare type LogicalFilter<T> = LogicalFilterAnd<T> | LogicalFilterOr<T>;
declare type FieldFilter<T> = {
[K in keyof SingleItem<T>]?: FilterOperators<SingleItem<T>[K]> | FieldFilter<SingleItem<T>[K]>;
declare type Filter<T> = LogicalFilter<T> | FieldFilter<T>;
declare type ItemsOptions = {
requestOptions: TransportRequestOptions;
declare type SingleItem<T> = Exclude<Single<T>, ID>;
declare type Single<T, NT = NonNullable<T>> = NT extends Array<unknown> ? NT[number] : NT;
* CRUD at its finest
interface IItems<T extends Item> {
createOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
createMany<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(items: ItemInput<T>[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
readOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(id: ID, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
readMany<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(ids: ID[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
readByQuery<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
updateOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(id: ID, item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
updateMany<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(ids: ID[], item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
updateBatch<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(items: ItemInput<T>[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
deleteOne(id: ID, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<void>;
deleteMany(ids: ID[], options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<void>;
declare class EmptyParamError extends Error {
constructor(paramName?: string);
declare type IsUnion<T, U extends T = T> = T extends unknown ? ([U] extends [T] ? false : true) : false;
declare type AppendToPath<Path extends string, Appendix extends string> = Path extends '' ? Appendix : `${Path}.${Appendix}`;
declare type OneLevelUp<Path extends string> = Path extends `${infer Start}.${infer Middle}.${infer Rest}` ? Rest extends `${string}.${string}.${string}` ? `${Start}.${Middle}.${OneLevelUp<Rest>}` : Rest extends `${infer NewMiddle}.${string}` ? `${Start}.${Middle}.${NewMiddle}` : Rest extends string ? `${Start}.${Middle}` : '' : Path extends `${infer Start}.${string}` ? Start : '';
declare type LevelsToAsterisks<Path extends string> = Path extends `${string}.${string}.${infer Rest}` ? Rest extends `${string}.${string}.${string}` ? `*.*.${LevelsToAsterisks<Rest>}` : Rest extends `${string}.${string}` ? `*.*.*.*` : Rest extends string ? `*.*.*` : '' : Path extends `${string}.${string}` ? '*.*' : Path extends '' ? '' : '*';
declare type DefaultAppends<Path extends string, Appendix extends string, Nested extends boolean = true, Prepend extends boolean = true> = AppendToPath<Path, Appendix> | AppendToPath<LevelsToAsterisks<Path>, Appendix> | (Prepend extends true ? AppendToPath<Path, '*'> | AppendToPath<LevelsToAsterisks<Path>, Appendix> | (OneLevelUp<Path> extends '' ? never : AppendToPath<AppendToPath<OneLevelUp<Path>, '*'>, Appendix>) : never) | (Nested extends true ? AppendToPath<AppendToPath<LevelsToAsterisks<Path>, Appendix>, '*'> | AppendToPath<AppendToPath<LevelsToAsterisks<Path>, '*'>, '*'> | AppendToPath<AppendToPath<Path, Appendix>, '*'> | AppendToPath<AppendToPath<Path, '*'>, '*'> | (OneLevelUp<Path> extends '' ? never : AppendToPath<AppendToPath<AppendToPath<OneLevelUp<Path>, '*'>, Appendix>, '*'>) : never);
declare type DotSeparated<T, N extends number, Level extends number[] = [], Path extends string = ''> = Level['length'] extends N ? Path : T extends (infer U)[] ? Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>> extends Record<string, unknown> ? DotSeparated<Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>>, N, Level, Path> : Path : Extract<NonNullable<T>, Record<string, unknown>> extends Record<string, unknown> ? {
[K in keyof T]: K extends string ? NonNullable<T[K]> extends (infer U)[] ? Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? DefaultAppends<Path, K, false> : DotSeparated<Extract<U, Record<string, unknown>>, N, [...Level, 0], AppendToPath<Path, K>> | DefaultAppends<Path, K> : Extract<T[K], Record<string, unknown>> extends never ? DefaultAppends<Path, K, false> : DotSeparated<Extract<T[K], Record<string, unknown>>, N, [...Level, 0], AppendToPath<Path, K>> | DefaultAppends<Path, K> : never;
}[keyof T] : never;
declare type TransportErrorDescription = {
message?: string;
extensions?: Record<string, any> & {
code?: string;
declare type TransportResponse<T, R = any> = {
raw: R;
data?: T;
meta?: ItemMetadata;
errors?: TransportErrorDescription[];
status: number;
statusText?: string;
headers: any;
declare type TransportMethods = 'get' | 'delete' | 'head' | 'options' | 'post' | 'put' | 'patch';
declare type TransportRequestOptions = {
params?: any;
headers?: any;
responseType?: ResponseType;
onUploadProgress?: ((progressEvent: any) => void) | undefined;
maxBodyLength?: number;
maxContentLength?: number;
declare type TransportOptions = TransportRequestOptions & {
url: string;
beforeRequest?: (config: AxiosRequestConfig) => Promise<AxiosRequestConfig>;
declare abstract class ITransport {
abstract get<T = any, R = any>(path: string, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract head<T = any, R = any>(path: string, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract options<T = any, R = any>(path: string, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract delete<T = any, P = any, R = any>(path: string, data?: P, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract post<T = any, P = any, R = any>(path: string, data?: P, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract put<T = any, P = any, R = any>(path: string, data?: P, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
abstract patch<T = any, P = any, R = any>(path: string, data?: P, options?: TransportRequestOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
declare class TransportError<T = any, R = any> extends Error {
readonly errors: TransportErrorDescription[];
readonly response?: Partial<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
readonly parent: Error | null;
constructor(parent: Error | null, response?: Partial<TransportResponse<T, R>>);
declare class PasswordsHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
request(email: string, reset_url?: string | null): Promise<void>;
reset(token: string, password: string): Promise<void>;
declare type AuthCredentials = {
email: string;
password: string;
otp?: string;
declare type AuthToken = string;
declare type AuthTokenType = 'DynamicToken' | 'StaticToken' | null;
declare type AuthResult = {
access_token: string;
expires: number;
refresh_token?: string;
declare type AuthMode = 'json' | 'cookie';
declare type AuthOptions = {
mode?: AuthMode;
autoRefresh?: boolean;
msRefreshBeforeExpires?: number;
staticToken?: string;
transport: ITransport;
storage: IStorage;
declare abstract class IAuth {
mode: AuthMode;
abstract readonly token: Promise<string | null>;
abstract readonly password: PasswordsHandler;
abstract login(credentials: AuthCredentials): Promise<AuthResult>;
abstract refresh(): Promise<AuthResult | false>;
abstract refreshIfExpired(): Promise<void>;
abstract static(token: AuthToken): Promise<boolean>;
abstract logout(): Promise<void>;
declare class ItemsHandler<T extends Item> implements IItems<T> {
protected transport: ITransport;
protected endpoint: string;
protected collection: string;
constructor(collection: string, transport: ITransport);
readOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(id: ID, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
readMany<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(ids: ID[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
readByQuery<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
createOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
createMany<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(items: ItemInput<T>[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
updateOne<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(id: ID, item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
updateMany<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(ids: ID[], data: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
updateBatch<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(items: ItemInput<T>[], query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
updateByQuery<Q extends QueryMany<T>>(updateQuery: QueryMany<T>, data: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<ManyItems<T, Q>>;
deleteOne(id: ID, options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<void>;
deleteMany(ids: ID[], options?: ItemsOptions): Promise<void>;
declare class CommentsHandler<T> {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
create(comment: Comment): Promise<ActivityItem<T>>;
update(comment_activity_id: ID, comment: string): Promise<ActivityItem<T>>;
delete(comment_activity_id: ID): Promise<void>;
* Activity handler
declare type ActivityItem<T = DefaultType> = ActivityType & T;
declare class ActivityHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<ActivityItem<T>> {
private _comments;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
get comments(): CommentsHandler<T>;
declare class AssetsHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
readOne(id: ID): Promise<any>;
* Collections handler
declare type CollectionItem<T = DefaultType> = CollectionType & T;
declare class CollectionsHandler<T = CollectionItem> {
transport: ITransport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
readOne(collection: string): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
readAll(): Promise<ManyItems<NonNullable<T>>>;
createOne(collection: ItemInput<T>): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
createMany(collections: ItemInput<T>[]): Promise<ManyItems<NonNullable<T>>>;
updateOne(collection: string, item: ItemInput<T>, query?: QueryOne<T>): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
deleteOne(collection: string): Promise<void>;
* Fields handler
declare type FieldItem<T = DefaultType> = FieldType & T;
declare class FieldsHandler<T = FieldItem> {
transport: ITransport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
readOne(collection: string, id: ID): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
readMany(collection: string): Promise<ManyItems<NonNullable<T>>>;
readAll(): Promise<ManyItems<NonNullable<T>>>;
createOne(collection: string, item: ItemInput<T>): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
updateOne(collection: string, field: string, item: ItemInput<T>): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
deleteOne(collection: string, field: string): Promise<void>;
* Files handler
declare type FileItem<T = DefaultType> = FileType & T;
declare class FilesHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<FileItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
import(body: {
url: string;
data?: ItemInput<T>;
}): Promise<OneItem<NonNullable<T>>>;
* Folders handler
declare type FolderItem<T = DefaultType> = FolderType & T;
declare class FoldersHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<FolderItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
* Permissions handler
declare type PermissionItem<T = DefaultType> = PermissionType & T;
declare class PermissionsHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<PermissionItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
* Presets handler
declare type PresetItem<T = DefaultType> = PresetType & T;
declare class PresetsHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<PresetItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
* Relations handler
declare type RelationItem<T = DefaultType> = RelationType & T;
declare class RelationsHandler<T = RelationItem> {
transport: ITransport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
readOne(collection: string, id: ID): Promise<OneItem<T>>;
readMany(collection: string): Promise<ManyItems<T>>;
readAll(): Promise<ManyItems<T>>;
createOne(item: ItemInput<T>): Promise<OneItem<T>>;
updateOne(collection: string, field: string, item: ItemInput<T>): Promise<OneItem<T>>;
deleteOne(collection: string, field: string): Promise<void>;
* Revisions handler
declare type RevisionItem<T = DefaultType> = RevisionType & T;
declare class RevisionsHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<RevisionItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
* Roles handler
declare type RoleItem<T = DefaultType> = RoleType & T;
declare class RolesHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<RoleItem<T>> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
* Server handler
declare type ServerInfo = {
project: {
project_name: string;
project_logo: string | null;
project_color: string;
public_foreground: string | null;
public_background: string | null;
public_note: string;
custom_css: string;
directus?: {
version: string;
declare class ServerHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
ping(): Promise<'pong'>;
info(): Promise<ServerInfo>;
oas(): Promise<any>;
* CRUD at its finest
interface ISingleton<T extends Item> {
read<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(query?: Q): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
update<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(item: ItemInput<T>, query?: Q): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
declare class SingletonHandler<T> implements ISingleton<T> {
protected collection: string;
protected transport: ITransport;
protected endpoint: string;
constructor(collection: string, transport: ITransport);
read<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(query?: Q): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
update<Q extends QueryOne<T>>(data: ItemInput<T>, _query?: Q): Promise<OneItem<T, Q>>;
* Settings handler
declare type SettingItem<T = DefaultType> = SettingType & T;
declare class SettingsHandler<T = SettingItem> extends SingletonHandler<T> {
constructor(transport: ITransport);
declare class InvitesHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
send(email: string, role: ID, invite_url?: string): Promise<void>;
accept(token: ID, password: string): Promise<void>;
declare type TfaItem<T = DefaultType> = TfaType & T;
declare class TFAHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
generate(password: string): Promise<TfaItem>;
enable(secret: string, otp: string): Promise<void>;
disable(otp: string): Promise<void>;
declare class MeHandler<T> {
private _transport;
private _tfa?;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
get tfa(): TFAHandler;
read(query?: QueryOne<T>): Promise<ItemInput<T>>;
update(data: ItemInput<T>, query?: QueryOne<T>): Promise<ItemInput<T>>;
* Users handler
declare type UserItem<T = DefaultType> = UserType & T;
declare class UsersHandler<T = DefaultType> extends ItemsHandler<UserItem<T>> {
private _invites?;
private _me?;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
get invites(): InvitesHandler;
get me(): MeHandler<UserItem<T>>;
* Utils handler
declare class UtilsHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
random: {
string: (length?: number) => Promise<string>;
hash: {
generate: (string: string) => Promise<string>;
verify: (string: string, hash: string) => Promise<boolean>;
sort(collection: string, item: ID, to: ID): Promise<void>;
revert(revision: ID): Promise<void>;
declare class GraphQLHandler {
private transport;
constructor(transport: ITransport);
private request;
items<T>(query: string, variables?: any): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
system<T>(query: string, variables?: any): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
declare type DirectusTypes = {
activity: undefined;
assets: undefined;
collections: undefined;
fields: undefined;
files: undefined;
folders: undefined;
permissions: undefined;
presets: undefined;
relations: undefined;
revisions: undefined;
roles: undefined;
settings: undefined;
users: undefined;
interface IDirectusBase {
readonly url: string;
readonly auth: IAuth;
readonly storage: IStorage;
readonly transport: ITransport;
readonly server: ServerHandler;
readonly utils: UtilsHandler;
readonly graphql: GraphQLHandler;
interface IDirectus<T extends TypeMap> extends IDirectusBase {
readonly activity: ActivityHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_activity'>>;
readonly assets: AssetsHandler;
readonly collections: CollectionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_collections'>>;
readonly files: FilesHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_files'>>;
readonly fields: FieldsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_fields'>>;
readonly folders: FoldersHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_folders'>>;
readonly permissions: PermissionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_permissions'>>;
readonly presets: PresetsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_presets'>>;
readonly revisions: RevisionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_revisions'>>;
readonly relations: RelationsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_relations'>>;
readonly roles: RolesHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_roles'>>;
readonly users: UsersHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_users'>>;
readonly settings: SettingsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_settings'>>;
items<C extends string, I = TypeOf<T, C>>(collection: C): IItems<I>;
singleton<C extends string, I = TypeOf<T, C>>(collection: C): ISingleton<I>;
declare type StorageOptions = {
prefix?: string;
declare abstract class BaseStorage extends IStorage {
protected prefix: string;
get auth_token(): string | null;
set auth_token(value: string | null);
get auth_expires(): number | null;
set auth_expires(value: number | null);
get auth_expires_at(): number | null;
set auth_expires_at(value: number | null);
get auth_refresh_token(): string | null;
set auth_refresh_token(value: string | null);
abstract get(key: string): string | null;
abstract set(key: string, value: string): string;
abstract delete(key: string): string | null;
constructor(options?: StorageOptions);
declare class MemoryStorage extends BaseStorage {
private values;
get(key: string): string | null;
set(key: string, value: string): string;
delete(key: string): string | null;
private key;
declare class LocalStorage extends BaseStorage {
get(key: string): string | null;
set(key: string, value: string): string;
delete(key: string): string | null;
private key;
* Transport implementation
declare class Transport extends ITransport {
private axios;
private config;
constructor(config: TransportOptions);
beforeRequest(config: AxiosRequestConfig): Promise<AxiosRequestConfig>;
get url(): string;
protected request<T = any, R = any>(method: TransportMethods, path: string, data?: Record<string, any>, options?: Omit<TransportOptions, 'url'>): Promise<TransportResponse<T, R>>;
get<T = any>(path: string, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
head<T = any>(path: string, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
options<T = any>(path: string, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
delete<T = any, D = any>(path: string, data?: D, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
put<T = any, D = any>(path: string, data?: D, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
post<T = any, D = any>(path: string, data?: D, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
patch<T = any, D = any>(path: string, data?: D, options?: TransportOptions): Promise<TransportResponse<T>>;
declare type AuthStorage<T extends AuthTokenType = 'DynamicToken'> = {
access_token: T extends 'DynamicToken' | 'StaticToken' ? string : null;
expires: T extends 'DynamicToken' ? number : null;
refresh_token?: T extends 'DynamicToken' ? string : null;
declare class Auth extends IAuth {
autoRefresh: boolean;
msRefreshBeforeExpires: number;
staticToken: string;
private _storage;
private _transport;
private passwords?;
private _refreshPromise?;
constructor(options: AuthOptions);
get storage(): IStorage;
get transport(): ITransport;
get token(): Promise<string | null>;
get password(): PasswordsHandler;
private resetStorage;
private updateStorage;
refreshIfExpired(): Promise<void>;
refresh(): Promise<AuthResult | false>;
login(credentials: AuthCredentials): Promise<AuthResult>;
static(token: AuthToken): Promise<boolean>;
logout(): Promise<void>;
declare type DirectusStorageOptions = StorageOptions & {
mode?: 'LocalStorage' | 'MemoryStorage';
declare type DirectusOptions<IAuthHandler extends IAuth = Auth> = {
auth?: IAuthHandler | PartialBy<AuthOptions, 'transport' | 'storage'>;
transport?: ITransport | Partial<TransportOptions>;
storage?: IStorage | DirectusStorageOptions;
declare class Directus<T extends TypeMap, IAuthHandler extends IAuth = Auth> implements IDirectus<T> {
private _url;
private _options?;
private _auth;
private _transport;
private _storage;
private _assets?;
private _activity?;
private _collections?;
private _fields?;
private _files?;
private _folders?;
private _permissions?;
private _presets?;
private _relations?;
private _revisions?;
private _roles?;
private _users?;
private _server?;
private _utils?;
private _graphql?;
private _settings?;
private _items;
private _singletons;
constructor(url: string, options?: DirectusOptions<IAuthHandler>);
get url(): string;
get auth(): IAuthHandler;
get storage(): IStorage;
get transport(): ITransport;
get assets(): AssetsHandler;
get activity(): ActivityHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_activity'>>;
get collections(): CollectionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_collections'>>;
get fields(): FieldsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_fields'>>;
get files(): FilesHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_files'>>;
get folders(): FoldersHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_folders'>>;
get permissions(): PermissionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_permissions'>>;
get presets(): PresetsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_presets'>>;
get relations(): RelationsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_relations'>>;
get revisions(): RevisionsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_revisions'>>;
get roles(): RolesHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_roles'>>;
get users(): UsersHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_users'>>;
get settings(): SettingsHandler<TypeOf<T, 'directus_settings'>>;
get server(): ServerHandler;
get utils(): UtilsHandler;
get graphql(): GraphQLHandler;
singleton<C extends string, I = TypeOf<T, C>>(collection: C): ISingleton<I>;
items<C extends string, I = TypeOf<T, C>>(collection: C): IItems<I>;
export { ActivityHandler, ActivityItem, ActivityType, Aggregate, AssetsHandler, Auth, AuthCredentials, AuthMode, AuthOptions, AuthResult, AuthStorage, AuthToken, AuthTokenType, BaseStorage, CollectionItem, CollectionMetaTranslationType, CollectionMetaType, CollectionSchemaType, CollectionType, CollectionsHandler, Comment, CommentsHandler, Deep, DeepQueryMany, DefaultItem, DefaultType, Directus, DirectusOptions, DirectusStorageOptions, DirectusTypes, EmptyParamError, Field, FieldFilter, FieldItem, FieldMetaConditionOptionType, FieldMetaConditionType, FieldMetaTranslationType, FieldMetaType, FieldSchemaType, FieldType, FieldsHandler, FileItem, FileType, FilesHandler, Filter, FilterOperators, FolderItem, FolderType, FoldersHandler, IAuth, ID, IDirectus, IDirectusBase, IItems, ISingleton, IStorage, ITransport, InferQueryType, Item, ItemInput, ItemMetadata, ItemsHandler, ItemsOptions, LocalStorage, LogicalFilter, LogicalFilterAnd, LogicalFilterOr, ManyItems, MemoryStorage, Meta, NestedObjectKeys, Omit$1 as Omit, OneItem, OptionalKeys, PartialBy, Payload, PermissionItem, PermissionType, PermissionsHandler, PickedDefaultItem, PresetItem, PresetType, PresetsHandler, QueryFields, QueryMany, QueryOne, RelationItem, RelationMetaType, RelationSchemaType, RelationType, RelationsHandler, RequiredKeys, RevisionItem, RevisionType, RevisionsHandler, RoleItem, RoleType, RolesHandler, ServerHandler, ServerInfo, SettingItem, SettingType, SettingsHandler, SharedAggregate, Sort, StorageOptions, SystemType, TfaType, Transport, TransportError, TransportErrorDescription, TransportMethods, TransportOptions, TransportRequestOptions, TransportResponse, TypeMap, TypeOf, UserItem, UserType, UsersHandler, UtilsHandler };
export { C as ClientConfig, D as DirectusClient, u as useDirectus } from './client-b26ae953.js';
export { A as ApplyQueryFields, E as ExtractItem, I as ItemType, P as PrimitiveFields, Q as Query, a as QueryFields, R as RelationalFields, b as RemoveRelationships, U as UnpackList } from './query-c059d133.js';
export { H as HttpMethod, R as RequestOptions } from './request-5270b8de.js';
"name": "@directus/sdk",
"version": "10.3.3",
"description": "The official Directus SDK for use in JavaScript!",
"repository": "directus/sdk",
"main": "dist/sdk.cjs.js",
"version": "11.0.0-beta.1",
"description": "Directus JavaScript SDK",
"homepage": "",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"directory": "sdk"
"funding": "",
"license": "MIT",
"type": "module",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"import": {
"node": "./index.mjs",
"default": "./dist/sdk.bundler.js"
"require": "./dist/sdk.cjs.js"
"import": "./dist/index.js",
"require": "./dist/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts"
"./auth": {
"import": "./dist/auth/index.js",
"require": "./dist/auth/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/auth/index.d.ts"
"./graphql": {
"import": "./dist/graphql/index.js",
"require": "./dist/graphql/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/graphql/index.d.ts"
"./realtime": {
"import": "./dist/realtime/index.js",
"require": "./dist/realtime/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/realtime/index.d.ts"
"./rest": {
"import": "./dist/rest/index.js",
"require": "./dist/rest/index.cjs",
"types": "./dist/rest/index.d.ts"
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"module": "dist/sdk.bundler.js",
"unpkg": "dist/sdk.esm.min.js",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"files": [
"keywords": [
"author": "Rijk van Zanten <>",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"axios": "^0.27.2"
"types": "./dist/index.d.ts",
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "22.0.2",
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"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "13.3.0",
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"@types/node": "^18.0.3",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.30.5",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^5.30.5",
"argon2": "0.28.7",
"dotenv": "16.0.1",
"eslint": "^8.19.0",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^8.5.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^4.2.1",
"jest": "28.1.3",
"jest-environment-jsdom": "28.1.3",
"lint-staged": "^13.0.3",
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"rollup-plugin-sourcemaps": "0.6.3",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "7.0.2",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "0.32.1",
"simple-git-hooks": "^2.8.0",
"ts-jest": "28.0.7",
"ts-node": "10.9.1",
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"typescript": "4.7.4"
"@types/node-fetch": "2.6.4",
"@vitest/coverage-c8": "0.31.1",
"tsup": "7.1.0",
"typescript": "5.0.4",
"vitest": "0.31.1",
"@directus/types": "10.1.1",
"@directus/tsconfig": "0.0.7"
"gitHead": "24621f3934dc77eb23441331040ed13c676ceffd",
"simple-git-hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npx lint-staged"
"engines": {
"node": ">=18.0.0"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,ts}": "eslint --fix"
"packageManager": "pnpm@7.5.0",
"scripts": {
"prebuild": "npm run cleanup",
"build": "rollup -c",
"dev": "rollup -c -w",
"cleanup": "run-p cleanup:*",
"cleanup:dist": "rimraf ./dist",
"cleanup:coverage": "rimraf ./coverage",
"test": "jest --coverage",
"test:watch": "jest --coverage --watchAll",
"lint": "eslint src"
"build": "NODE_ENV=production tsup",
"dev": "NODE_ENV=development tsup"
# Directus JS SDK
## Installation
> This is a BETA release, expect that things do not work!
npm install @directus/sdk
The design goals for this rebuild:
## Basic Usage
- TypeScript first
- Modular/Composable architecture
- Lightweight and Dependency Free
import { Directus } from '@directus/sdk';
## Composable Client
const directus = new Directus('');
The client is split up in separate features you can mix and match to compose a client with only the features you need or
const items = await directus.items('articles').readOne(15);
const client = useDirectus<Schema>('');
import { Directus } from '@directus/sdk';
This client is currently an empty wrapper without any functionality.Before you can do anything with it you'll need to
add some features. The following composables are available/in progress:
const directus = new Directus('');
- `rest()` REST request functions
- adds `.request(...)` on the client
- `graphql()` GraphQL request functions
- adds `.query(...)` on the client
- `authenticate()` authentication functions
- adds `.login({ email, password })`, `.logout()`, `.refresh()` on the client
- `realtime()` websocket connectivity
- adds `.subscribe(...)`, `.message(...)`, `.receive((message) => {})` on the client
- `subscription()` GraphQL Subscriptions [not available]
- will add `.subscription()`
.then((item) => {
For this example we'll build a client including `rest` and `graphql`:
const client = useDirectus<Schema>('').use(rest()).use(graphql());
// do a REST request
const restResult = await client.request(readItems('articles'));
// do a GraphQL request
const gqlResult = await client.query<OutputType>(`
query {
articles {
author {
## Reference
## Authentication
See [the docs]( for a full usage reference and all supported methods.
const client = useDirectus<Schema>('').use(rest()).use(authentication('json'));
## Contributing
await client.login('', 'd1r3ctu5');
### Requirements
// do authenticated requests
- NodeJS LTS
- pnpm 7.5.0 or newer
## Real-Time
### Commands
The `realtime()` extension allows you to work with a Directus REST WebSocket.
The following `pnpm` scripts are available:
Subscribing to updates:
- `pnpm lint` – Lint the code using Eslint / Prettier
- `pnpm test` – Run the unit tests
const client = useDirectus<Schema>('').use(
authMode: 'public',
Make sure that both commands pass locally before creating a Pull Request.
const { subscription, unsubscribe } = await client.subscribe('test', {
query: { fields: ['*'] },
### Pushing a Release
for await (const item of subscription) {
console.log('subscription', { item });
_This applies to maintainers only_
// unsubscribe()
1. Create a new version / tag by running `pnpm version <version>`. Tip: use `pnpm version patch|minor|major` to
auto-bump the version number
1. Push the version commit / tag to GitHub (`git push && git push --tags`)
Receive/Send messages:
The CI will automatically build and release to npm, and generate the release notes.
const client = useDirectus<Schema>('').use(
authMode: 'public',
const stop = client.receive((message) => {
if ('type' in message && message['type'] === 'pong') {
console.log('PONG received');
client.message({ type: 'ping' });

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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